@@ -71,37 +71,11 @@ a different merge conflict style:
$ git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
-Here is a script to help merging the next commit in the queue:
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ "$1" != "merge" -a "$1" != "noop" ]; then
- printf "Usage: $0 <merge|noop [REF_HASH]>\n"
- exit 0
- fi
- [ "$1" = "noop" ] && merge_opts="-s ours"
- nextrev=$(git rev-list libav/master --not master --no-merges | tail -n1)
- if [ -z "$nextrev" ]; then
- printf "Nothing to merge..\n"
- exit 0
- fi
- printf "Merging $(git log -n 1 --oneline $nextrev)\n"
- git merge --no-commit $merge_opts --no-ff --log $nextrev
- if [ "$1" = "noop" -a -n "$2" ]; then
- printf "\nThis commit is a noop, see $2\n" >> .git/MERGE_MSG
- fi
- printf "\nMerged-by: $(git config --get user.name) <$(git config --get user.email)>\n" >> .git/MERGE_MSG
-The script assumes a remote named libav.
-It has two modes: merge, and noop. The noop mode creates a merge with no change
-to the HEAD. You can pass a hash as extra argument to reference a justification
-(it is common that we already have the change done in FFmpeg).
+tools/libav-merge-next-commit is a script to help merging the next commit in
+the queue. It assumes a remote named libav. It has two modes: merge, and noop.
+The noop mode creates a merge with no change to the HEAD. You can pass a hash
+as extra argument to reference a justification (it is common that we already
+have the change done in FFmpeg).
Also see tools/murge, you can copy and paste a 3 way conflict into its stdin
and it will display colored diffs. Any arguments to murge (like ones to suppress