@@ -94,6 +94,12 @@ typedef struct DemuxStream {
uint64_t nb_packets;
// combined size of all the packets read
uint64_t data_size;
+ // latest wallclock time at which packet reading resumed after a stall - used for readrate
+ int64_t resume_wc;
+ // timestamp of first packet sent after the latest stall - used for readrate
+ int64_t resume_pts;
+ // measure of how far behind packet reading is against spceified readrate
+ int64_t lag;
} DemuxStream;
typedef struct Demuxer {
@@ -127,6 +133,7 @@ typedef struct Demuxer {
float readrate;
double readrate_initial_burst;
+ float readrate_catchup;
Scheduler *sch;
@@ -495,16 +502,42 @@ static void readrate_sleep(Demuxer *d)
(f->start_time_effective != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? f->start_time_effective * !start_at_zero : 0) +
(f->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? f->start_time : 0)
- int64_t burst_until = AV_TIME_BASE * d->readrate_initial_burst;
+ int64_t initial_burst = AV_TIME_BASE * d->readrate_initial_burst;
+ int resume_warn;
for (int i = 0; i < f->nb_streams; i++) {
InputStream *ist = f->streams[i];
DemuxStream *ds = ds_from_ist(ist);
- int64_t stream_ts_offset, pts, now;
+ int64_t stream_ts_offset, pts, now, wc_elapsed, elapsed, lag, max_pts, limit_pts;
+ if (ds->discard) continue;
stream_ts_offset = FFMAX(ds->first_dts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? ds->first_dts : 0, file_start);
pts = av_rescale(ds->dts, 1000000, AV_TIME_BASE);
- now = (av_gettime_relative() - d->wallclock_start) * d->readrate + stream_ts_offset;
- if (pts - burst_until > now)
- av_usleep(pts - burst_until - now);
+ now = av_gettime_relative();
+ wc_elapsed = now - d->wallclock_start;
+ max_pts = stream_ts_offset + initial_burst + wc_elapsed * d->readrate;
+ lag = FFMAX(max_pts - pts, 0);
+ if ( (!ds->lag && lag > 0.3 * AV_TIME_BASE) || ( lag > ds->lag + 0.3 * AV_TIME_BASE) ) {
+ ds->lag = lag;
+ ds->resume_wc = now;
+ ds->resume_pts = pts;
+ av_log_once(ds, AV_LOG_WARNING, AV_LOG_DEBUG, &resume_warn,
+ "Resumed reading at pts %0.3f with rate %0.3f after a lag of %0.3fs\n",
+ (float)pts/AV_TIME_BASE, d->readrate_catchup, (float)lag/AV_TIME_BASE);
+ }
+ if (ds->lag && !lag)
+ ds->lag = ds->resume_wc = ds->resume_pts = 0;
+ if (ds->resume_wc) {
+ elapsed = now - ds->resume_wc;
+ limit_pts = ds->resume_pts + elapsed * d->readrate_catchup;
+ } else {
+ elapsed = wc_elapsed;
+ limit_pts = max_pts;
+ }
+ if (pts > limit_pts)
+ av_usleep(pts - limit_pts);
@@ -1859,9 +1892,22 @@ int ifile_open(const OptionsContext *o, const char *filename, Scheduler *sch)
- } else if (o->readrate_initial_burst) {
- av_log(d, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Option -readrate_initial_burst ignored "
- "since neither -readrate nor -re were given\n");
+ d->readrate_catchup = o->readrate_catchup ? o->readrate_catchup : d->readrate;
+ if (d->readrate_catchup < d->readrate) {
+ av_log(d, AV_LOG_ERROR,
+ "Option -readrate_catchup is %0.3f; it must be at least equal to %0.3f.\n",
+ d->readrate_catchup, d->readrate);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (o->readrate_initial_burst) {
+ av_log(d, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Option -readrate_initial_burst ignored "
+ "since neither -readrate nor -re were given\n");
+ }
+ if (o->readrate_catchup) {
+ av_log(d, AV_LOG_WARNING, "Option -readrate_catchup ignored "
+ "since neither -readrate nor -re were given\n");
+ }
/* Add all the streams from the given input file to the demuxer */