@@ -14,10 +14,26 @@ INSTHEADERS := $(INSTHEADERS) $(HEADERS:%=$(SUBDIR)%)
+# In case both shared libs and static libs are enabled, it can happen
+# that a user might want to link e.g. libavformat statically, but
+# libavcodec and the other libs dynamically. In this case
+# libavformat won't be able to access libavcodec's internal symbols,
+# so that they have to be duplicated into the archive just like
+# for purely shared builds.
+# Test programs are always statically linked against their library
+# to be able to access their library's internals, even with shared builds.
+# Yet linking against dependend libraries still uses dynamic linking.
+# This means that we are in the scenario described above.
+# In case only static libs are used, the linker will only use
+# one of these copies; this depends on the duplicated object files
+# containing exactly the same symbols.
$(RM) $@
$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(AR_O) $^
$(RANLIB) $@
@@ -48,7 +64,7 @@ $(SUBDIR)lib$(NAME).ver: $(SUBDIR)lib$(NAME).v $(OBJS)
$$(LD) $(SHFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LDSOFLAGS) $$(LD_O) $$(filter %.o,$$^) $(FFEXTRALIBS)