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Move internal scale context fields initialization from
sws_setColorspaceDetails() to ff_yuv2rgb_c_init_tables().

Allow to factorize duplicated code.

Originally committed as revision 31300 to svn://

Stefano Sabatini 14 years ago
2 changed files with 24 additions and 50 deletions
  1. 0 50
  2. 24 0

+ 0 - 50

@@ -671,23 +671,8 @@ static void getSubSampleFactors(int *h, int *v, enum PixelFormat format)
     *v = av_pix_fmt_descriptors[format].log2_chroma_h;
-static uint16_t roundToInt16(int64_t f)
-    int r= (f + (1<<15))>>16;
-         if (r<-0x7FFF) return 0x8000;
-    else if (r> 0x7FFF) return 0x7FFF;
-    else                return r;
 int sws_setColorspaceDetails(SwsContext *c, const int inv_table[4], int srcRange, const int table[4], int dstRange, int brightness, int contrast, int saturation)
-    int64_t crv =  inv_table[0];
-    int64_t cbu =  inv_table[1];
-    int64_t cgu = -inv_table[2];
-    int64_t cgv = -inv_table[3];
-    int64_t cy  = 1<<16;
-    int64_t oy  = 0;
     memcpy(c->srcColorspaceTable, inv_table, sizeof(int)*4);
     memcpy(c->dstColorspaceTable,     table, sizeof(int)*4);
@@ -698,41 +683,6 @@ int sws_setColorspaceDetails(SwsContext *c, const int inv_table[4], int srcRange
     c->dstRange  = dstRange;
     if (isYUV(c->dstFormat) || isGray(c->dstFormat)) return -1;
-    c->uOffset=   0x0400040004000400LL;
-    c->vOffset=   0x0400040004000400LL;
-    if (!srcRange) {
-        cy= (cy*255) / 219;
-        oy= 16<<16;
-    } else {
-        crv= (crv*224) / 255;
-        cbu= (cbu*224) / 255;
-        cgu= (cgu*224) / 255;
-        cgv= (cgv*224) / 255;
-    }
-    cy = (cy *contrast             )>>16;
-    crv= (crv*contrast * saturation)>>32;
-    cbu= (cbu*contrast * saturation)>>32;
-    cgu= (cgu*contrast * saturation)>>32;
-    cgv= (cgv*contrast * saturation)>>32;
-    oy -= 256*brightness;
-    c->yCoeff=    roundToInt16(cy *8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
-    c->vrCoeff=   roundToInt16(crv*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
-    c->ubCoeff=   roundToInt16(cbu*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
-    c->vgCoeff=   roundToInt16(cgv*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
-    c->ugCoeff=   roundToInt16(cgu*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
-    c->yOffset=   roundToInt16(oy *   8) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
-    c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff  = (int16_t)roundToInt16(cy <<13);
-    c->yuv2rgb_y_offset = (int16_t)roundToInt16(oy << 9);
-    c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(crv<<13);
-    c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(cgv<<13);
-    c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(cgu<<13);
-    c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(cbu<<13);
     ff_yuv2rgb_c_init_tables(c, inv_table, srcRange, brightness, contrast, saturation);
     //FIXME factorize

+ 24 - 0

@@ -620,6 +620,14 @@ static void fill_gv_table(int table[256], const int elemsize, const int inc)
+static uint16_t roundToInt16(int64_t f)
+    int r= (f + (1<<15))>>16;
+         if (r<-0x7FFF) return 0x8000;
+    else if (r> 0x7FFF) return 0x7FFF;
+    else                return r;
 av_cold int ff_yuv2rgb_c_init_tables(SwsContext *c, const int inv_table[4], int fullRange,
                                      int brightness, int contrast, int saturation)
@@ -675,6 +683,22 @@ av_cold int ff_yuv2rgb_c_init_tables(SwsContext *c, const int inv_table[4], int
     cgv = (cgv*contrast * saturation) >> 32;
     oy -= 256*brightness;
+    c->uOffset=   0x0400040004000400LL;
+    c->vOffset=   0x0400040004000400LL;
+    c->yCoeff=    roundToInt16(cy *8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
+    c->vrCoeff=   roundToInt16(crv*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
+    c->ubCoeff=   roundToInt16(cbu*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
+    c->vgCoeff=   roundToInt16(cgv*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
+    c->ugCoeff=   roundToInt16(cgu*8192) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
+    c->yOffset=   roundToInt16(oy *   8) * 0x0001000100010001ULL;
+    c->yuv2rgb_y_coeff  = (int16_t)roundToInt16(cy <<13);
+    c->yuv2rgb_y_offset = (int16_t)roundToInt16(oy << 9);
+    c->yuv2rgb_v2r_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(crv<<13);
+    c->yuv2rgb_v2g_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(cgv<<13);
+    c->yuv2rgb_u2g_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(cgu<<13);
+    c->yuv2rgb_u2b_coeff= (int16_t)roundToInt16(cbu<<13);
     //scale coefficients by cy
     crv = ((crv << 16) + 0x8000) / cy;
     cbu = ((cbu << 16) + 0x8000) / cy;