123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322 |
- #!/bin/bash
- ###################################################
- # Usage: assemble-docker-tags.sh --variation <variation> --os <os> --patch-version <patch-version> [--stable-release --github-release-tag <tag>]
- ###################################################
- # This scripts dives deep into the advanced logic of assembling Docker tags for GitHub Actions.
- # If $CI is "true", it outputs the tags to GITHUB_ENV for use in subsequent steps.
- # You can run this locally for debugging. The script has beautiful output and can help debug
- # any advanced logic issues.
- #
- # - PHP_VERSIONS_FILE must be valid and set to a valid file path
- # (defaults to scripts/conf/php-versions.yml)
- set -oe pipefail
- ##########################
- # Environment Settings
- # Required variables to set
- PHP_VERSIONS_FILE="${PHP_VERSIONS_FILE:-"scripts/conf/php-versions.yml"}"
- # Convert comma-separated DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORIES string to an array
- IFS=',' read -ra DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORIES <<< "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORIES:-"docker.io/serversideup/php,ghcr.io/serversideup/php"}"
- ##########################
- # Functions
- # UI Colors
- function ui_set_yellow {
- printf $'\033[1;33m'
- }
- function ui_set_green {
- printf $'\033[1;32m'
- }
- function ui_set_red {
- printf $'\033[0;31m'
- }
- function ui_set_blue {
- printf $'\033[1;34m'
- }
- function ui_reset_colors {
- printf "\e[0m"
- }
- function echo_color_message (){
- color=$1
- message=$2
- ui_set_$color
- echo "$message"
- ui_reset_colors
- }
- check_vars() {
- message=$1
- shift
- for variable in "$@"; do
- if [ -z "${!variable}" ]; then
- echo_color_message red "$message: $variable"
- echo
- help_menu
- return 1
- fi
- done
- return 0
- }
- add_docker_tag() {
- # Function: add_docker_tag
- # Description: Appends Docker tags to the DOCKER_TAGS variable and prints each tag.
- #
- # Parameters:
- # docker_tag_suffix - The suffix to be appended to the Docker image name as part of the tag.
- docker_tag_suffix=$1
- for image_name in "${DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORIES[@]}"; do
- # Append a dash to tags that have a suffix
- if [[ -n "$DOCKER_TAG_PREFIX" && "$docker_tag_suffix" != "$DOCKER_TAG_PREFIX" ]]; then
- prefix_tag="$DOCKER_TAG_PREFIX-"
- else
- prefix_tag=""
- fi
- tag_name="$image_name:$prefix_tag$docker_tag_suffix"
- if [[ -z "$DOCKER_TAGS" ]]; then
- # Do not prefix with comma
- DOCKER_TAGS+="$tag_name"
- else
- # Add a comma to separate the tags
- DOCKER_TAGS+=",$tag_name"
- fi
- # Trim commas for a better output
- echo_color_message blue "🐳 Set tag: ${tag_name//,} "
- if [[ -n "$GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG" && "$GITHUB_REF_TYPE" == "tag" && "$docker_tag_suffix" != "latest" ]]; then
- release_tag_name="$image_name:$docker_tag_suffix-$GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG"
- DOCKER_TAGS+=",$release_tag_name"
- echo_color_message blue "🐳 Set tag: $release_tag_name"
- fi
- done
- }
- function is_latest_stable_patch_within_build_minor() {
- [[ "$build_patch_version" == "$latest_patch_within_build_minor" && "$build_patch_version" != *"rc"* ]]
- }
- function is_latest_global_patch() {
- [[ "$build_patch_version" == $latest_patch_global && "$build_patch_version" != *"rc"* ]]
- }
- function is_latest_minor_within_build_major() {
- [[ "$build_minor_version" == "$latest_minor_within_build_major" && "$build_minor_version" != *"rc"* ]]
- }
- function is_latest_major() {
- [[ "$build_major_version" == "$latest_global_stable_major" ]]
- }
- function is_default_base_os() {
- [[ "$build_base_os" == "$default_base_os_within_build_minor" ]]
- }
- function ci_release_is_production_launch() {
- [[ -z "$DOCKER_TAG_PREFIX" && "$RELEASE_TYPE" == "latest" ]]
- }
- function is_default_variation() {
- }
- help_menu() {
- echo "Usage: $0 --variation <variation> --os <os> --patch-version <patch-version> [--stable-release --github-release-tag <tag>]"
- echo
- echo "This script dives deep into the advanced logic of assembling Docker tags for GitHub Actions."
- echo "If \$CI is 'true', it outputs the tags to GITHUB_ENV for use in subsequent steps."
- echo "You can run this locally for debugging. The script has beautiful output and can help debug"
- echo "any advanced logic issues."
- echo
- echo "Options:"
- echo " --variation <variation> Set the PHP variation (e.g., apache, fpm)"
- echo " --os <os> Set the base OS (e.g., bullseye, bookworm, alpine)"
- echo " --patch-version <patch-version> Set the PHP patch version (e.g., 7.4.10)"
- echo " --github-release-tag <tag> Set the GitHub release tag"
- echo " --stable-release Flag the tags for a stable release"
- echo
- echo "Environment Variables (Defaults):"
- echo " DEFAULT_IMAGE_VARIATION The default PHP image variation (default: cli)"
- echo " DOCKER_REGISTRY_REPOSITORIES Names of images to tag (default: 'docker.io/serversideup/php' 'ghcr.io/serversideup/php')"
- echo " PHP_VERSIONS_FILE Path to PHP versions file (default: scripts/conf/php-versions.yml)"
- }
- ##########################
- # Main Script
- # Check arguments (if passed, these arguments are optional and intended for development debugging only)
- while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case $1 in
- --variation)
- shift 2
- ;;
- --os)
- shift 2
- ;;
- --patch-version)
- shift 2
- ;;
- --github-release-tag)
- shift 2
- ;;
- --stable-release)
- RELEASE_TYPE="latest"
- shift
- ;;
- *)
- echo "🛑 ERROR: Unknown argument passed: $1"
- exit 1
- shift
- ;;
- esac
- done
- # Check that all required variables are set
- check_vars \
- "🚨 Required variables not set" \
- if [[ ! -f $PHP_VERSIONS_FILE ]]; then
- echo_color_message red "🚨 PHP Versions file not found at $PHP_VERSIONS_FILE"
- echo "Current directory: $(pwd)"
- echo "Contents of $(dirname "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE"): $(ls -al "$(dirname "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE")")"
- echo "Contents of the file:"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Store arguments
- build_patch_version=$PHP_BUILD_VERSION
- build_base_os=$PHP_BUILD_BASE_OS
- build_variation=$PHP_BUILD_VARIATION
- # Extract major and minor versions from build_patch_version
- build_major_version="${build_patch_version%%.*}"
- build_minor_version="${build_patch_version%.*}"
- # Fetch version data from the PHP Versions file
- latest_global_stable_major=$(yq -o=json "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE" | jq -r '[.php_versions[] | select(.major | test("-rc") | not) | .major | tonumber] | max | tostring')
- latest_global_stable_minor=$(yq -o=json "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE" | jq -r --arg latest_global_stable_major "$latest_global_stable_major" '.php_versions[] | select(.major == $latest_global_stable_major) | .minor_versions | map(select(.minor | test("-rc") | not) | .minor | split(".") | .[1] | tonumber) | max | $latest_global_stable_major + "." + tostring')
- latest_minor_within_build_major=$(yq -o=json "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE" | jq -r --arg build_major "$build_major_version" '.php_versions[] | select(.major == $build_major) | .minor_versions | map(select(.minor | test("-rc") | not) | .minor | split(".") | .[1] | tonumber) | max | $build_major + "." + tostring')
- latest_patch_within_build_minor=$(yq -o=json "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE" | jq -r --arg build_minor "$build_minor_version" '.php_versions[] | .minor_versions[] | select(.minor == $build_minor) | .patch_versions | map( split(".") | map(tonumber) ) | max | join(".")')
- latest_patch_global=$(yq -o=json "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE" | jq -r '[.php_versions[] | .minor_versions[] | select(.minor | test("-rc") | not) | .patch_versions[] | select(test("-rc") | not) | split(".") | map(tonumber) ] | max | join(".")')
- default_base_os_within_build_minor=$(yq -o=json "$PHP_VERSIONS_FILE" | jq -r --arg build_minor "$build_minor_version" '.php_versions[] | .minor_versions[] | select(.minor == $build_minor) | .base_os[] | select(.default == true) | .name')
- check_vars \
- "🚨 Missing critical build variable. Check the script logic and logs" \
- build_patch_version \
- build_major_version \
- build_minor_version \
- latest_global_stable_major \
- latest_global_stable_minor \
- latest_minor_within_build_major
- echo_color_message green "⚡️ PHP Build Version: $build_patch_version"
- echo_color_message yellow "👇 Calculated Build Versions:"
- echo "Build Major Version: $build_major_version"
- echo "Build Minor Version: $build_minor_version"
- echo_color_message yellow "🧐 Queried results from $PHP_VERSIONS_FILE"
- echo "Latest Global Major Version: $latest_global_stable_major"
- echo "Latest Global Minor Version: $latest_global_stable_minor"
- echo "Latest Minor Version within Build Major: $latest_minor_within_build_major"
- echo "Latest Patch Version within Build Minor: $latest_patch_within_build_minor"
- echo "Default Base OS within Build Minor: $default_base_os_within_build_minor"
- echo "Latest Global Patch Version: $latest_patch_global"
- # Set default tag
- add_docker_tag "$build_patch_version-$build_variation-$build_base_os"
- if is_default_base_os; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_patch_version-$build_variation"
- fi
- if is_latest_stable_patch_within_build_minor; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_minor_version-$build_variation-$build_base_os"
- if is_default_base_os; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_minor_version-$build_variation"
- fi
- if is_default_variation; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_minor_version-$build_base_os"
- fi
- if is_default_base_os && is_default_variation; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_minor_version"
- fi
- if is_latest_minor_within_build_major; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_major_version-$build_variation-$build_base_os"
- if is_default_base_os; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_major_version-$build_variation"
- fi
- if is_default_variation; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_major_version-$build_base_os"
- fi
- if is_default_base_os && is_default_variation; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_major_version"
- fi
- fi
- if is_latest_global_patch; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_variation-$build_base_os"
- if is_default_variation; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_base_os"
- fi
- if is_default_base_os; then
- add_docker_tag "$build_variation"
- fi
- if is_default_base_os && is_default_variation; then
- if ci_release_is_production_launch; then
- add_docker_tag "latest"
- elif [[ -n "$DOCKER_TAG_PREFIX" ]]; then
- add_docker_tag "$DOCKER_TAG_PREFIX"
- fi
- fi
- fi
- fi
- echo_color_message green "🚀 Summary of Docker Tags Being Shipped: $DOCKER_TAGS"
- # Save to GitHub's environment
- if [[ $CI == "true" ]]; then
- echo_color_message green "✅ Saved Docker Tags to "GITHUB_ENV""
- fi