Orchestrators.vue 3.3 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="my-16 xl:max-w-none">
  3. <!-- <Heading level={2} id="official-orchestrators">
  4. Official orchestrators
  5. </Heading> -->
  6. <div class="not-prose mt-4 grid grid-cols-1 gap-x-6 gap-y-10 border-t pt-10 border-white/5 sm:grid-cols-2 xl:max-w-none xl:grid-cols-3">
  7. <div class="flex flex-row-reverse gap-6">
  8. <div class="flex-auto">
  9. <h3 class="text-sm font-semibold text-white">
  10. Docker
  11. </h3>
  12. <p class="mt-1 text-sm text-zinc-400">
  13. Docker is a tool that enables users to deploy applications inside isolated containers for easy development and deployment.
  14. </p>
  15. <p class="mt-4">
  16. <AppLink :href="'https://docs.docker.com/get-started/'"
  17. :target="'_blank'"
  18. :variant="'text'"
  19. :arrow="'right'">
  20. Read more
  21. </AppLink>
  22. </p>
  23. </div>
  24. <img
  25. src="/images/logos/docker.svg"
  26. alt=""
  27. class="h-12 w-12"/>
  28. </div>
  29. <div class="flex flex-row-reverse gap-6">
  30. <div class="flex-auto">
  31. <h3 class="text-sm font-semibold text-white">
  32. Kubernetes
  33. </h3>
  34. <p class="mt-1 text-sm text-zinc-400">
  35. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  36. </p>
  37. <p class="mt-4">
  38. <AppLink :href="'https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/containers/images/'"
  39. :target="'_blank'"
  40. :variant="'text'"
  41. :arrow="'right'">
  42. Read more
  43. </AppLink>
  44. </p>
  45. </div>
  46. <img
  47. src="/images/logos/kubernetes.svg"
  48. alt=""
  49. class="h-12 w-12"/>
  50. </div>
  51. <div class="flex flex-row-reverse gap-6">
  52. <div class="flex-auto">
  53. <h3 class="text-sm font-semibold text-white">
  54. HashiCorp Nomad
  55. </h3>
  56. <p class="mt-1 text-sm text-zinc-400">
  57. HashiCorp Nomad is an open-source cluster scheduler that automates deployment, management & scaling of apps across public, private or hybrid clouds.
  58. </p>
  59. <p class="mt-4">
  60. <AppLink :href="'https://developer.hashicorp.com/nomad/docs/drivers/docker'"
  61. :target="'_blank'"
  62. :variant="'text'"
  63. :arrow="'right'">
  64. Read more
  65. </AppLink>
  66. </p>
  67. </div>
  68. <img
  69. src="/images/logos/nomad.svg"
  70. alt=""
  71. class="h-12 w-12"/>
  72. </div>
  73. </div>
  74. </div>
  75. </template>