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    ogTitle: 'Server Side Up - Docker PHP',
    ogDescription: 'Supercharge your PHP experience, in seconds. Built upon the official PHP images, our production-ready serversideup/php images take your Docker PHP experience to the next level. Enjoy variable-first configurations, nginx-unit variation, native CloudFlare support, and more.',
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    twitterCard: 'summary_large_image',
    twitterDescription: 'Supercharge your PHP experience, in seconds. Built upon the official PHP images, our production-ready serversideup/php images take your Docker PHP experience to the next level. Enjoy variable-first configurations, nginx-unit variation, native CloudFlare support, and more.',
    twitterImage: domain+basePath+'/images/social-image.jpg',
    twitterSite: '@serversideup',
    twitterTitle: 'Server Side Up - Docker PHP'
