window.SIDEBAR_ITEMS = {"constant":[["APP_USER_AGENT","The User-Agent is generated from the package name “dim” and the version so “dim/0.x.y.z”"],["TMDB_BASE_URL","The base url used to access TMDB;"]],"struct":[["MetadataProviderOf","An instance of [TMDBMetadataProvider] with a generic parameter to infer the [MediaType] for searches."],["Movies","Used to key [TMDBMetadataProviderRef] to search for movies, compliments [TvShows]."],["TMDBMetadataProvider","TMDB Metadata Provider produces `ExternalQuery` implementors, and handles request coalescing and caching locally."],["TvShows","Used to key [TMDBMetadataProviderRef] to search for TV shows, compliments [Movies]."]]};