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layout: default title: Colors

permalink: /styling/colors/


There are many pre-defined colors at your disposal:

  • Black
  • Red
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Magenta
  • Cyan
  • Light Gray
  • Dark Gray
  • Light Red
  • Light Green
  • Light Yellow
  • Light Blue
  • Light Magenta
  • Light Cyan
  • White

    $climate->red('Whoa now this text is red.');
    $climate->blue('Blue? Wow!');
    $climate->lightGreen('It is not easy being (light) green.');

If you prefer, you can also simply chain the color method and continue using out:

$climate->red()->out('Whoa now this text is red.');
$climate->blue()->out('Blue? Wow!');
$climate->lightGreen()->out('It is not easy being (light) green.');


To to apply a color as a background, simply prepend the color method with background:

$climate->backgroundRed('Whoa now this text has a red background.');
$climate->backgroundBlue()->out('Blue background? Wow!');
$climate->backgroundLightGreen()->out('It is not easy being (light) green (background).');