--- layout: default title: Customizing permalink: /styling/customizing/ --- Customizing ============== If you know the terminal codes, you can customize CLImate with your own colors and commands. ## Custom Colors You can add your own custom colors: ~~~php $climate->style->addColor('lilac', 38); ~~~ Once you've added the color, you can use it like any of the other colors: ~~~php $climate->lilac('What a pretty color.'); $climate->backgroundLilac()->out('This background is a pretty color.'); $climate->out('Just this word is a pretty color.'); $climate->out('Just this word is a pretty color.'); ~~~ ## Custom Commands You can also add your own command using either a string or an array of styles, just make sure that the style is defined already. ~~~php $climate->style->addCommand('rage', 'cyan'); $climate->rage('SOMETHING IS MESSED UP.'); $climate->style->addCommand('holler', ['underline', 'green', 'bold']); $climate->holler('Yo, what up.'); ~~~ Feel free to override any existing commands: ~~~php $climate->style->addCommand('error', 'light_blue'); $climate->error('Whelp. That did not turn out so well.'); ~~~