1.2 KB



  • CMake 3.20.0 (or later)
  • C++11 (or later) compiler
  • Qt 5.14 (or later)

On Linux, you will also need the libsecret-1 development package installed.

Setting Up

During the run-time, APK Editor Studio uses these third-party tools which are not included in this repository:

  • apktool to (un)pack APK
  • apksigner to sign APK
  • zipalign to optimize APK
  • adb to install APK and manage Android devices

Running the scripts/ script will automatically download the needed tools.


  • Run cmake -B your/build/path -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="path/to/qt"
  • Run cmake --build your/build/path --config Release

You can also simply use the Qt Creator IDE to build APK Editor Studio.

Windows notes

To automatically deploy the OpenSSL DLL files on Windows, pass the -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="path/to/openssl" argument along with the first command. It should point to the OpenSSL installation directory.


If you want to create the APK Editor Studio installation/executable packages, the corresponding scripts are located at scripts/**/packages (where ** is a platform name). Refer to the underlying file for more information on the specific platform.