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Technitium DNS Server Docker Environment Variables

Technitium DNS Server supports environment variables to allow initializing the config when the DNS server starts for the first time. These environment variables are useful for creating docker container and can be used as shown in the docker-compose.yml file.

NOTE! These environment variables are read by the DNS server only when the DNS config file does not exists i.e. when the DNS server starts for the first time.

The environment variables are described below:

Environment Variable Type Description
DNS_SERVER_DOMAIN String The primary domain name used by this DNS Server to identify itself.
DNS_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD String The DNS web console admin user password.
DNS_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE String The path to a file that contains a plain text password for the DNS web console admin user.
DNS_SERVER_PREFER_IPV6 Boolean DNS Server will use IPv6 for querying whenever possible with this option enabled.
DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_LOCAL_ADDRESSES String A comma separated list of IP addresses for the DNS web console to listen on.
DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_HTTP_PORT Integer The TCP port number for the DNS web console over HTTP protocol.
DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_HTTPS_PORT Integer The TCP port number for the DNS web console over HTTPS protocol.
DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_ENABLE_HTTPS Boolean Enables HTTPS for the DNS web console.
DNS_SERVER_WEB_SERVICE_USE_SELF_SIGNED_CERT Boolean Enables self signed TLS certificate for the DNS web console.
DNS_SERVER_OPTIONAL_PROTOCOL_DNS_OVER_HTTP Boolean Enables DNS server optional protocol DNS-over-HTTP on TCP port 80 to be used with a TLS terminating reverse proxy like nginx.
DNS_SERVER_RECURSION String Recursion options: Allow, Deny, AllowOnlyForPrivateNetworks, UseSpecifiedNetworks.
DNS_SERVER_RECURSION_DENIED_NETWORKS String A comma separated list of IP addresses or network addresses to deny recursion. Valid only for UseSpecifiedNetworks recursion option.
DNS_SERVER_RECURSION_ALLOWED_NETWORKS String A comma separated list of IP addresses or network addresses to allow recursion. Valid only for UseSpecifiedNetworks recursion option.
DNS_SERVER_ENABLE_BLOCKING Boolean Sets the DNS server to block domain names using Blocked Zone and Block List Zone.
DNS_SERVER_ALLOW_TXT_BLOCKING_REPORT Boolean Specifies if the DNS Server should respond with TXT records containing a blocked domain report for TXT type requests.
DNS_SERVER_BLOCK_LIST_URLS String A comma separated list of block list URLs.
DNS_SERVER_FORWARDERS String A comma separated list of forwarder addresses.
DNS_SERVER_FORWARDER_PROTOCOL String Forwarder protocol options: Udp, Tcp, Tls, Https, HttpsJson.
DNS_SERVER_LOG_USING_LOCAL_TIME Boolean Enable this option to use local time instead of UTC for logging.