/* Technitium DNS Server Copyright (C) 2024 Shreyas Zare (shreyas@technitium.com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using DnsServerCore.ApplicationCommon; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TechnitiumLibrary; using TechnitiumLibrary.Net; using TechnitiumLibrary.Net.Dns; using TechnitiumLibrary.Net.Dns.ResourceRecords; namespace DnsBlockList { //DNS Blacklists and Whitelists //https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5782 public sealed class App : IDnsApplication, IDnsAppRecordRequestHandler { #region variables IDnsServer _dnsServer; Dictionary _dnsBlockLists; #endregion #region IDisposable public void Dispose() { if (_dnsBlockLists is not null) { foreach (KeyValuePair dnsBlockList in _dnsBlockLists) dnsBlockList.Value.Dispose(); _dnsBlockLists = null; } } #endregion #region private private static bool TryParseDnsblDomain(string qName, string appRecordName, out IPAddress address, out string domain) { qName = qName.Substring(0, qName.Length - appRecordName.Length - 1); string[] parts = qName.Split('.'); string lastPart = parts[parts.Length - 1]; if (byte.TryParse(lastPart, out _) || byte.TryParse(lastPart, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out _)) { switch (parts.Length) { case 4: { Span buffer = stackalloc byte[4]; for (int i = 0, j = parts.Length - 1; (i < 4) && (j > -1); i++, j--) buffer[i] = byte.Parse(parts[j]); address = new IPAddress(buffer); domain = null; return true; } case 32: { Span buffer = stackalloc byte[16]; for (int i = 0, j = parts.Length - 1; (i < 16) && (j > 0); i++, j -= 2) buffer[i] = (byte)(byte.Parse(parts[j], NumberStyles.HexNumber) << 4 | byte.Parse(parts[j - 1], NumberStyles.HexNumber)); address = new IPAddress(buffer); domain = null; return true; } default: address = null; domain = null; return false; } } else { address = null; domain = lastPart; for (int i = parts.Length - 2; i > -1; i--) domain = parts[i] + "." + domain; return true; } } private Tuple ReadBlockList(JsonElement jsonBlockList) { BlockList blockList; string name = jsonBlockList.GetProperty("name").GetString(); BlockListType type = jsonBlockList.GetPropertyEnumValue("type", BlockListType.Ip); if ((_dnsBlockLists is not null) && _dnsBlockLists.TryGetValue(name, out BlockList existingBlockList) && (existingBlockList.Type == type)) { existingBlockList.ReloadConfig(jsonBlockList); blockList = existingBlockList; } else { switch (type) { case BlockListType.Ip: blockList = new IpBlockList(_dnsServer, jsonBlockList); break; case BlockListType.Domain: blockList = new DomainBlockList(_dnsServer, jsonBlockList); break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("DNSBL block list type is not supported: " + type.ToString()); } } return new Tuple(blockList.Name, blockList); } #endregion #region public public Task InitializeAsync(IDnsServer dnsServer, string config) { _dnsServer = dnsServer; using JsonDocument jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(config); JsonElement jsonConfig = jsonDocument.RootElement; if (jsonConfig.TryReadArrayAsMap("dnsBlockLists", ReadBlockList, out Dictionary dnsBlockLists)) { if (_dnsBlockLists is not null) { foreach (KeyValuePair dnsBlockList in _dnsBlockLists) { if (!dnsBlockLists.ContainsKey(dnsBlockList.Key)) dnsBlockList.Value.Dispose(); } } _dnsBlockLists = dnsBlockLists; } else { if (_dnsBlockLists is not null) { foreach (KeyValuePair dnsBlockList in _dnsBlockLists) dnsBlockList.Value.Dispose(); } _dnsBlockLists = null; } return Task.CompletedTask; } public async Task ProcessRequestAsync(DnsDatagram request, IPEndPoint remoteEP, DnsTransportProtocol protocol, bool isRecursionAllowed, string zoneName, string appRecordName, uint appRecordTtl, string appRecordData) { DnsQuestionRecord question = request.Question[0]; string qname = question.Name; if (qname.Length == appRecordName.Length) return null; if ((_dnsBlockLists is null) || !TryParseDnsblDomain(qname, appRecordName, out IPAddress address, out string domain)) return null; using JsonDocument jsonDocument = JsonDocument.Parse(appRecordData); JsonElement jsonAppRecordData = jsonDocument.RootElement; if (jsonAppRecordData.TryReadArray("dnsBlockLists", out string[] dnsBlockLists)) { bool isBlocked = false; IPAddress responseA = null; string responseTXT = null; if (address is not null) { foreach (string dnsBlockList in dnsBlockLists) { if (_dnsBlockLists.TryGetValue(dnsBlockList, out BlockList blockList) && blockList.Enabled && (blockList.Type == BlockListType.Ip) && blockList.IsBlocked(address, out responseA, out responseTXT)) { isBlocked = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseTXT)) responseTXT = responseTXT.Replace("{ip}", address.ToString()); break; } } } else if (domain is not null) { foreach (string dnsBlockList in dnsBlockLists) { if (_dnsBlockLists.TryGetValue(dnsBlockList, out BlockList blockList) && blockList.Enabled && (blockList.Type == BlockListType.Domain) && blockList.IsBlocked(domain, out string foundDomain, out responseA, out responseTXT)) { isBlocked = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseTXT)) responseTXT = responseTXT.Replace("{domain}", foundDomain); break; } } } if (isBlocked) { switch (question.Type) { case DnsResourceRecordType.A: return new DnsDatagram(request.Identifier, true, DnsOpcode.StandardQuery, true, false, request.RecursionDesired, isRecursionAllowed, false, false, DnsResponseCode.NoError, request.Question, new DnsResourceRecord[] { new DnsResourceRecord(qname, DnsResourceRecordType.A, question.Class, appRecordTtl, new DnsARecordData(responseA)) }); case DnsResourceRecordType.TXT: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseTXT)) return new DnsDatagram(request.Identifier, true, DnsOpcode.StandardQuery, true, false, request.RecursionDesired, isRecursionAllowed, false, false, DnsResponseCode.NoError, request.Question, new DnsResourceRecord[] { new DnsResourceRecord(qname, DnsResourceRecordType.TXT, question.Class, appRecordTtl, new DnsTXTRecordData(responseTXT)) }); break; } //NODATA response DnsDatagram soaResponse = await _dnsServer.DirectQueryAsync(new DnsQuestionRecord(zoneName, DnsResourceRecordType.SOA, DnsClass.IN)); return new DnsDatagram(request.Identifier, true, DnsOpcode.StandardQuery, true, false, request.RecursionDesired, isRecursionAllowed, false, false, DnsResponseCode.NoError, request.Question, null, soaResponse.Answer); } } return null; } #endregion #region properties public string Description { get { return "Returns A or TXT records based on the DNS Block Lists (DNSBL) configured in the APP record data. Returns NXDOMAIN response when an IP address or domain name is not blocked in any of the configured blocklists."; } } public string ApplicationRecordDataTemplate { get { return @"{ ""dnsBlockLists"": [ ""ipblocklist1"", ""domainblocklist1"" ] }"; } } #endregion enum BlockListType { Ip = 1, Domain = 2 } abstract class BlockList : IDisposable { #region variables protected static readonly char[] _popWordSeperator = new char[] { ' ', '\t', '|' }; protected readonly IDnsServer _dnsServer; readonly BlockListType _type; readonly string _name; bool _enabled; protected IPAddress _responseA; protected string _responseTXT; protected string _blockListFile; protected DateTime _blockListFileLastModified; Timer _autoReloadTimer; const int AUTO_RELOAD_TIMER_INTERVAL = 60000; #endregion #region constructor protected BlockList(IDnsServer dnsServer, BlockListType type, JsonElement jsonBlockList) { _dnsServer = dnsServer; _type = type; _name = jsonBlockList.GetProperty("name").GetString(); _autoReloadTimer = new Timer(delegate (object state) { try { DateTime blockListFileLastModified = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(_blockListFile); if (blockListFileLastModified > _blockListFileLastModified) ReloadBlockListFile(); } catch (Exception ex) { _dnsServer.WriteLog(ex); } finally { _autoReloadTimer?.Change(AUTO_RELOAD_TIMER_INTERVAL, Timeout.Infinite); } }); ReloadConfig(jsonBlockList); } #endregion #region IDisposable public void Dispose() { if (_autoReloadTimer is not null) { _autoReloadTimer.Dispose(); _autoReloadTimer = null; } } #endregion #region protected protected abstract void ReloadBlockListFile(); protected static string PopWord(ref string line) { if (line.Length == 0) return line; line = line.TrimStart(_popWordSeperator); int i = line.IndexOfAny(_popWordSeperator); string word; if (i < 0) { word = line; line = ""; } else { word = line.Substring(0, i); line = line.Substring(i + 1); } return word; } #endregion #region public public void ReloadConfig(JsonElement jsonBlockList) { _enabled = jsonBlockList.GetPropertyValue("enabled", true); _responseA = IPAddress.Parse(jsonBlockList.GetPropertyValue("responseA", "")); if (jsonBlockList.TryGetProperty("responseTXT", out JsonElement jsonResponseTXT)) _responseTXT = jsonResponseTXT.GetString(); else _responseTXT = null; string blockListFile = jsonBlockList.GetProperty("blockListFile").GetString(); if (!Path.IsPathRooted(blockListFile)) blockListFile = Path.Combine(_dnsServer.ApplicationFolder, blockListFile); if (!blockListFile.Equals(_blockListFile)) { _blockListFile = blockListFile; _blockListFileLastModified = default; } _autoReloadTimer.Change(0, Timeout.Infinite); } public virtual bool IsBlocked(IPAddress address, out IPAddress responseA, out string responseTXT) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } public virtual bool IsBlocked(string domain, out string foundDomain, out IPAddress responseA, out string responseTXT) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } #endregion #region properties public BlockListType Type { get { return _type; } } public string Name { get { return _name; } } public bool Enabled { get { return _enabled; } } public IPAddress ResponseA { get { return _responseA; } } public string ResponseTXT { get { return _responseTXT; } } public string BlockListFile { get { return _blockListFile; } } #endregion } class BlockEntry { #region variables readonly T _key; readonly IPAddress _responseA; readonly string _responseTXT; #endregion #region constructor public BlockEntry(T key, string responseA, string responseTXT) { _key = key; if (IPAddress.TryParse(responseA, out IPAddress addr)) _responseA = addr; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseTXT)) _responseTXT = responseTXT; } #endregion #region properties public T Key { get { return _key; } } public IPAddress ResponseA { get { return _responseA; } } public string ResponseTXT { get { return _responseTXT; } } #endregion } class IpBlockList : BlockList { #region variables Dictionary> _ipv4Map; Dictionary> _ipv6Map; NetworkMap> _ipv4NetworkMap; NetworkMap> _ipv6NetworkMap; #endregion #region constructor public IpBlockList(IDnsServer dnsServer, JsonElement jsonBlockList) : base(dnsServer, BlockListType.Ip, jsonBlockList) { } #endregion #region protected protected override void ReloadBlockListFile() { try { _dnsServer.WriteLog("The app is reading IP block list file: " + _blockListFile); //parse ip block list file Queue> ipv4Addresses = new Queue>(); Queue> ipv6Addresses = new Queue>(); Queue> ipv4Networks = new Queue>(); Queue> ipv6Networks = new Queue>(); ipv4Addresses.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(IPAddress.Parse(""), "", "rfc5782 test entry")); ipv6Addresses.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(IPAddress.Parse("::FFFF:7F00:2"), "", "rfc5782 test entry")); using (FileStream fS = new FileStream(_blockListFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { StreamReader sR = new StreamReader(fS, true); string line; string network; string responseA; string responseTXT; while (true) { line = sR.ReadLine(); if (line is null) break; //eof line = line.TrimStart(_popWordSeperator); if (line.Length == 0) continue; //skip empty line if (line.StartsWith('#')) continue; //skip comment line network = PopWord(ref line); responseA = PopWord(ref line); responseTXT = line; if (NetworkAddress.TryParse(network, out NetworkAddress networkAddress)) { switch (networkAddress.AddressFamily) { case AddressFamily.InterNetwork: if (networkAddress.PrefixLength == 32) ipv4Addresses.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(networkAddress.Address, responseA, responseTXT)); else ipv4Networks.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(networkAddress, responseA, responseTXT)); break; case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6: if (networkAddress.PrefixLength == 128) ipv6Addresses.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(networkAddress.Address, responseA, responseTXT)); else ipv6Networks.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(networkAddress, responseA, responseTXT)); break; } } } _blockListFileLastModified = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fS.SafeFileHandle); } //load ip lookup list Dictionary> ipv4AddressMap = new Dictionary>(ipv4Addresses.Count); while (ipv4Addresses.Count > 0) { BlockEntry entry = ipv4Addresses.Dequeue(); ipv4AddressMap.TryAdd(entry.Key, entry); } Dictionary> ipv6AddressMap = new Dictionary>(ipv6Addresses.Count); while (ipv6Addresses.Count > 0) { BlockEntry entry = ipv6Addresses.Dequeue(); ipv6AddressMap.TryAdd(entry.Key, entry); } NetworkMap> ipv4NetworkMap = new NetworkMap>(ipv4Networks.Count); while (ipv4Networks.Count > 0) { BlockEntry entry = ipv4Networks.Dequeue(); ipv4NetworkMap.Add(entry.Key, entry); } NetworkMap> ipv6NetworkMap = new NetworkMap>(ipv6Networks.Count); while (ipv6Networks.Count > 0) { BlockEntry entry = ipv6Networks.Dequeue(); ipv6NetworkMap.Add(entry.Key, entry); } //update _ipv4Map = ipv4AddressMap; _ipv6Map = ipv6AddressMap; _ipv4NetworkMap = ipv4NetworkMap; _ipv6NetworkMap = ipv6NetworkMap; _dnsServer.WriteLog("The app has successfully loaded IP block list file: " + _blockListFile); } catch (Exception ex) { _dnsServer.WriteLog("The app failed to read IP block list file: " + _blockListFile + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion #region public public override bool IsBlocked(IPAddress address, out IPAddress responseA, out string responseTXT) { switch (address.AddressFamily) { case AddressFamily.InterNetwork: { if (_ipv4Map.TryGetValue(address, out BlockEntry ipEntry)) { responseA = ipEntry.ResponseA is null ? _responseA : ipEntry.ResponseA; responseTXT = ipEntry.ResponseTXT is null ? _responseTXT : ipEntry.ResponseTXT; return true; } if (_ipv4NetworkMap.TryGetValue(address, out BlockEntry networkEntry)) { responseA = networkEntry.ResponseA is null ? _responseA : networkEntry.ResponseA; responseTXT = networkEntry.ResponseTXT is null ? _responseTXT : networkEntry.ResponseTXT; return true; } } break; case AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6: { if (_ipv6Map.TryGetValue(address, out BlockEntry ipEntry)) { responseA = ipEntry.ResponseA is null ? _responseA : ipEntry.ResponseA; responseTXT = ipEntry.ResponseTXT is null ? _responseTXT : ipEntry.ResponseTXT; return true; } if (_ipv6NetworkMap.TryGetValue(address, out BlockEntry networkEntry)) { responseA = networkEntry.ResponseA is null ? _responseA : networkEntry.ResponseA; responseTXT = networkEntry.ResponseTXT is null ? _responseTXT : networkEntry.ResponseTXT; return true; } } break; } responseA = null; responseTXT = null; return false; } #endregion } class DomainBlockList : BlockList { #region variables Dictionary> _domainMap; #endregion #region constructor public DomainBlockList(IDnsServer dnsServer, JsonElement jsonIpBlockList) : base(dnsServer, BlockListType.Domain, jsonIpBlockList) { } #endregion #region protected protected override void ReloadBlockListFile() { try { _dnsServer.WriteLog("The app is reading domain block list file: " + _blockListFile); //parse ip block list file Queue> domains = new Queue>(); domains.Enqueue(new BlockEntry("test", "", "rfc5782 test entry")); using (FileStream fS = new FileStream(_blockListFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { StreamReader sR = new StreamReader(fS, true); char[] trimSeperator = new char[] { ' ', '\t', ':', '|', ',' }; string line; string domain; string responseA; string responseTXT; while (true) { line = sR.ReadLine(); if (line is null) break; //eof line = line.TrimStart(trimSeperator); if (line.Length == 0) continue; //skip empty line if (line.StartsWith('#')) continue; //skip comment line domain = PopWord(ref line); responseA = PopWord(ref line); responseTXT = line; if (DnsClient.IsDomainNameValid(domain)) domains.Enqueue(new BlockEntry(domain.ToLowerInvariant(), responseA, responseTXT)); } _blockListFileLastModified = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(fS.SafeFileHandle); } //load ip lookup list Dictionary> domainMap = new Dictionary>(domains.Count); while (domains.Count > 0) { BlockEntry entry = domains.Dequeue(); domainMap.TryAdd(entry.Key, entry); } //update _domainMap = domainMap; _dnsServer.WriteLog("The app has successfully loaded domain block list file: " + _blockListFile); } catch (Exception ex) { _dnsServer.WriteLog("The app failed to read domain block list file: " + _blockListFile + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion #region private private static string GetParentZone(string domain) { int i = domain.IndexOf('.'); if (i > -1) return domain.Substring(i + 1); //dont return root zone return null; } private bool IsDomainBlocked(string domain, out BlockEntry domainEntry) { do { if (_domainMap.TryGetValue(domain, out domainEntry)) { return true; } domain = GetParentZone(domain); } while (domain is not null); return false; } #endregion #region public public override bool IsBlocked(string domain, out string foundDomain, out IPAddress responseA, out string responseTXT) { if (IsDomainBlocked(domain.ToLowerInvariant(), out BlockEntry domainEntry)) { foundDomain = domainEntry.Key; responseA = domainEntry.ResponseA is null ? _responseA : domainEntry.ResponseA; responseTXT = domainEntry.ResponseTXT is null ? _responseTXT : domainEntry.ResponseTXT; return true; } foundDomain = null; responseA = null; responseTXT = null; return false; } #endregion } } }