/* Technitium DNS Server Copyright (C) 2020 Shreyas Zare (shreyas@technitium.com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using DnsServerCore.Dhcp.Options; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using TechnitiumLibrary.IO; namespace DnsServerCore.Dhcp { enum DhcpMessageOpCode : byte { BootRequest = 1, BootReply = 2 } enum DhcpMessageHardwareAddressType : byte { Ethernet = 1 } enum DhcpMessageFlags : ushort { None = 0, Broadcast = 0x8000 } class DhcpMessage { #region variables const uint MAGIC_COOKIE = 0x63538263; //in reverse format readonly DhcpMessageOpCode _op; readonly DhcpMessageHardwareAddressType _htype; readonly byte _hlen; readonly byte _hops; readonly byte[] _xid; readonly byte[] _secs; readonly DhcpMessageFlags _flags; readonly IPAddress _ciaddr; readonly IPAddress _yiaddr; readonly IPAddress _siaddr; readonly IPAddress _giaddr; readonly byte[] _chaddr; readonly byte[] _sname; readonly byte[] _file; readonly IReadOnlyCollection _options; readonly byte[] _clientHardwareAddress; readonly string _serverHostName; readonly string _bootFileName; OptionOverloadOption _optionOverload; DhcpMessageTypeOption _dhcpMessageType; VendorClassIdentifierOption _vendorClassIdentifier; ClientIdentifierOption _clientIdentifier; HostNameOption _hostName; ClientFullyQualifiedDomainNameOption _clientFullyQualifiedDomainName; ParameterRequestListOption _parameterRequestList; MaximumDhcpMessageSizeOption _maximumDhcpMessageSize; ServerIdentifierOption _serverIdentifier; RequestedIpAddressOption _requestedIpAddress; #endregion #region constructor public DhcpMessage(DhcpMessageOpCode op, DhcpMessageHardwareAddressType hardwareAddressType, byte[] xid, byte[] secs, DhcpMessageFlags flags, IPAddress ciaddr, IPAddress yiaddr, IPAddress siaddr, IPAddress giaddr, byte[] clientHardwareAddress, string sname, string file, IReadOnlyCollection options) { if (ciaddr.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork) throw new ArgumentException("Address family not supported.", nameof(ciaddr)); if (yiaddr.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork) throw new ArgumentException("Address family not supported.", nameof(yiaddr)); if (siaddr.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork) throw new ArgumentException("Address family not supported.", nameof(siaddr)); if (giaddr.AddressFamily != AddressFamily.InterNetwork) throw new ArgumentException("Address family not supported.", nameof(giaddr)); if (clientHardwareAddress == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientHardwareAddress)); if (clientHardwareAddress.Length > 16) throw new ArgumentException("Client hardware address cannot exceed 16 bytes.", nameof(clientHardwareAddress)); if (xid.Length != 4) throw new ArgumentException("Transaction ID must be 4 bytes.", nameof(xid)); if (secs.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentException("Seconds elapsed must be 2 bytes.", nameof(secs)); _op = op; _htype = hardwareAddressType; _hlen = Convert.ToByte(clientHardwareAddress.Length); _hops = 0; _xid = xid; _secs = secs; _flags = flags; _ciaddr = ciaddr; _yiaddr = yiaddr; _siaddr = siaddr; _giaddr = giaddr; _clientHardwareAddress = clientHardwareAddress; _chaddr = new byte[16]; Buffer.BlockCopy(_clientHardwareAddress, 0, _chaddr, 0, _clientHardwareAddress.Length); _sname = new byte[64]; if (sname != null) { _serverHostName = sname; byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(sname); if (buffer.Length >= 64) throw new ArgumentException("Server host name cannot exceed 63 bytes.", nameof(sname)); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, _sname, 0, buffer.Length); } _file = new byte[128]; if (file != null) { _bootFileName = file; byte[] buffer = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(file); if (buffer.Length >= 128) throw new ArgumentException("Boot file name cannot exceed 127 bytes.", nameof(file)); Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, _file, 0, buffer.Length); } _options = options; foreach (DhcpOption option in _options) { if (option.Code == DhcpOptionCode.ServerIdentifier) { _serverIdentifier = option as ServerIdentifierOption; break; } } } public DhcpMessage(Stream s) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4]; s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); _op = (DhcpMessageOpCode)buffer[0]; _htype = (DhcpMessageHardwareAddressType)buffer[1]; _hlen = buffer[2]; _hops = buffer[3]; _xid = s.ReadBytes(4); s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); _secs = new byte[2]; Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 0, _secs, 0, 2); Array.Reverse(buffer); _flags = (DhcpMessageFlags)BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, 0); s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); _ciaddr = new IPAddress(buffer); s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); _yiaddr = new IPAddress(buffer); s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); _siaddr = new IPAddress(buffer); s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); _giaddr = new IPAddress(buffer); _chaddr = s.ReadBytes(16); _clientHardwareAddress = new byte[_hlen]; Buffer.BlockCopy(_chaddr, 0, _clientHardwareAddress, 0, _hlen); _sname = s.ReadBytes(64); _file = s.ReadBytes(128); //read options List options = new List(); _options = options; s.ReadBytes(buffer, 0, 4); uint magicCookie = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0); if (magicCookie == MAGIC_COOKIE) { ParseOptions(s, options); if ((_optionOverload != null) && _optionOverload.Value.HasFlag(OptionOverloadValue.FileFieldUsed)) { using (MemoryStream mS = new MemoryStream(_file)) { ParseOptions(mS, options); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _file.Length; i++) { if (_file[i] == 0) { if (i == 0) break; _bootFileName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_file, 0, i); break; } } } if ((_optionOverload != null) && _optionOverload.Value.HasFlag(OptionOverloadValue.SnameFieldUsed)) { using (MemoryStream mS = new MemoryStream(_sname)) { ParseOptions(mS, options); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _sname.Length; i++) { if (_sname[i] == 0) { if (i == 0) break; _serverHostName = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(_sname, 0, i); break; } } } //parse all option values foreach (DhcpOption option in options) option.ParseOptionValue(); } if (_clientIdentifier == null) _clientIdentifier = new ClientIdentifierOption((byte)_htype, _clientHardwareAddress); if (_maximumDhcpMessageSize != null) _maximumDhcpMessageSize = new MaximumDhcpMessageSizeOption(576); } #endregion #region static public static DhcpMessage CreateReply(DhcpMessage request, IPAddress yiaddr, IPAddress siaddr, string sname, string file, IReadOnlyCollection options) { return new DhcpMessage(DhcpMessageOpCode.BootReply, request.HardwareAddressType, request.TransactionId, request.SecondsElapsed, request.Flags, request.ClientIpAddress, yiaddr, siaddr, request.RelayAgentIpAddress, request.ClientHardwareAddress, sname, file, options); } #endregion #region private private void ParseOptions(Stream s, List options) { while (true) { DhcpOption option = DhcpOption.Parse(s); if (option.Code == DhcpOptionCode.End) break; if (option.Code == DhcpOptionCode.Pad) continue; bool optionExists = false; foreach (DhcpOption existingOption in options) { if (existingOption.Code == option.Code) { //option already exists so append current option value into existing option existingOption.AppendOptionValue(option); optionExists = true; break; } } if (optionExists) continue; //add option to list options.Add(option); switch (option.Code) { case DhcpOptionCode.DhcpMessageType: _dhcpMessageType = option as DhcpMessageTypeOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.VendorClassIdentifier: _vendorClassIdentifier = option as VendorClassIdentifierOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.ClientIdentifier: _clientIdentifier = option as ClientIdentifierOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.HostName: _hostName = option as HostNameOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.ClientFullyQualifiedDomainName: _clientFullyQualifiedDomainName = option as ClientFullyQualifiedDomainNameOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.ParameterRequestList: _parameterRequestList = option as ParameterRequestListOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.MaximumDhcpMessageSize: _maximumDhcpMessageSize = option as MaximumDhcpMessageSizeOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.ServerIdentifier: _serverIdentifier = option as ServerIdentifierOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.RequestedIpAddress: _requestedIpAddress = option as RequestedIpAddressOption; break; case DhcpOptionCode.OptionOverload: _optionOverload = option as OptionOverloadOption; break; } } } #endregion #region public public void WriteTo(Stream s) { s.WriteByte((byte)_op); s.WriteByte((byte)_htype); s.WriteByte(_hlen); s.WriteByte(_hops); s.Write(_xid); s.Write(_secs); byte[] buffer = BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)_flags); Array.Reverse(buffer); s.Write(buffer); s.Write(_ciaddr.GetAddressBytes()); s.Write(_yiaddr.GetAddressBytes()); s.Write(_siaddr.GetAddressBytes()); s.Write(_giaddr.GetAddressBytes()); s.Write(_chaddr); s.Write(_sname); s.Write(_file); //write options s.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(MAGIC_COOKIE)); foreach (DhcpOption option in _options) option.WriteTo(s); } public string GetClientFullIdentifier() { string hardwareAddress = BitConverter.ToString(_clientHardwareAddress); if (_clientFullyQualifiedDomainName != null) return _clientFullyQualifiedDomainName.DomainName + " [" + hardwareAddress + "]"; if (_hostName != null) return _hostName.HostName + " [" + hardwareAddress + "]"; return "[" + hardwareAddress + "]"; } #endregion #region properties public DhcpMessageOpCode OpCode { get { return _op; } } public DhcpMessageHardwareAddressType HardwareAddressType { get { return _htype; } } public byte HardwareAddressLength { get { return _hlen; } } public byte Hops { get { return _hops; } } public byte[] TransactionId { get { return _xid; } } public byte[] SecondsElapsed { get { return _secs; } } public DhcpMessageFlags Flags { get { return _flags; } } public IPAddress ClientIpAddress { get { return _ciaddr; } } public IPAddress YourClientIpAddress { get { return _yiaddr; } } public IPAddress NextServerIpAddress { get { return _siaddr; } } public IPAddress RelayAgentIpAddress { get { return _giaddr; } } public byte[] ClientHardwareAddress { get { return _clientHardwareAddress; } } public string ServerHostName { get { return _serverHostName; } } public string BootFileName { get { return _bootFileName; } } public IReadOnlyCollection Options { get { return _options; } } public DhcpMessageTypeOption DhcpMessageType { get { return _dhcpMessageType; } } public VendorClassIdentifierOption VendorClassIdentifier { get { return _vendorClassIdentifier; } } public ClientIdentifierOption ClientIdentifier { get { return _clientIdentifier; } } public HostNameOption HostName { get { return _hostName; } } public ClientFullyQualifiedDomainNameOption ClientFullyQualifiedDomainName { get { return _clientFullyQualifiedDomainName; } } public ParameterRequestListOption ParameterRequestList { get { return _parameterRequestList; } } public MaximumDhcpMessageSizeOption MaximumDhcpMessageSize { get { return _maximumDhcpMessageSize; } } public ServerIdentifierOption ServerIdentifier { get { return _serverIdentifier; } } public RequestedIpAddressOption RequestedIpAddress { get { return _requestedIpAddress; } } #endregion } }