net8.0 false 6.0 false Technitium Technitium DNS Server Shreyas Zare BlockPageApp BlockPage Serves a block page from a built-in web server that can be displayed to the end user when a website is blocked by the DNS server.\n\nNote! You need to manually set the Blocking Type as Custom Address in the blocking settings and configure the current server's IP address as Custom Blocking Addresses for the block page to be served to the users. Use a PKCS #12 certificate (.pfx or .p12) for enabling HTTPS support. Enabling HTTPS support will show certificate error to the user which is expected and the user will have to proceed ignoring the certificate error to be able to see the block page. false Library false ..\..\..\TechnitiumLibrary\bin\TechnitiumLibrary.dll false ..\..\..\TechnitiumLibrary\bin\TechnitiumLibrary.Net.dll false PreserveNewest PreserveNewest