[Setup] MinVersion=6.1sp1 // remove next line if you only deploy 32-bit binaries and dependencies ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 // dependency installation requires ready page and ready memo to be enabled (default behaviour) DisableReadyPage=no DisableReadyMemo=no // shared code for installing the dependencies [Code] // types and variables type TDependency = record Filename: String; Parameters: String; Title: String; URL: String; Checksum: String; ForceSuccess: Boolean; InstallClean: Boolean; RebootAfter: Boolean; end; InstallResult = (InstallSuccessful, InstallRebootRequired, InstallError); var MemoInstallInfo: String; Dependencies: array of TDependency; DelayedReboot, ForceX86: Boolean; DownloadPage: TDownloadWizardPage; procedure AddDependency(const Filename, Parameters, Title, URL, Checksum: String; const ForceSuccess, InstallClean, RebootAfter: Boolean); var Dependency: TDependency; I: Integer; begin MemoInstallInfo := MemoInstallInfo + #13#10 + '%1' + Title; Dependency.Filename := Filename; Dependency.Parameters := Parameters; Dependency.Title := Title; if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}{\}') + Filename) then begin Dependency.URL := ''; end else begin Dependency.URL := URL; end; Dependency.Checksum := Checksum; Dependency.ForceSuccess := ForceSuccess; Dependency.InstallClean := InstallClean; Dependency.RebootAfter := RebootAfter; I := GetArrayLength(Dependencies); SetArrayLength(Dependencies, I + 1); Dependencies[I] := Dependency; end; function IsPendingReboot: Boolean; var Value: String; begin Result := RegQueryMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager', 'PendingFileRenameOperations', Value) or (RegQueryMultiStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager', 'SetupExecute', Value) and (Value <> '')); end; function InstallProducts: InstallResult; var ResultCode, I, ProductCount: Integer; begin Result := InstallSuccessful; ProductCount := GetArrayLength(Dependencies); MemoInstallInfo := SetupMessage(msgReadyMemoTasks); if ProductCount > 0 then begin DownloadPage.Show; for I := 0 to ProductCount - 1 do begin if Dependencies[I].InstallClean and (DelayedReboot or IsPendingReboot) then begin Result := InstallRebootRequired; break; end; DownloadPage.SetText(Dependencies[I].Title, ''); DownloadPage.SetProgress(I + 1, ProductCount); while True do begin ResultCode := 0; if ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}{\}') + Dependencies[I].Filename, Dependencies[I].Parameters, '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then begin if Dependencies[I].RebootAfter then begin // delay reboot after install if we installed the last dependency anyways if I = ProductCount - 1 then begin DelayedReboot := True; end else begin Result := InstallRebootRequired; MemoInstallInfo := Dependencies[I].Title; end; break; end else if (ResultCode = 0) or Dependencies[I].ForceSuccess then begin break; end else if ResultCode = 3010 then begin // Windows Installer ResultCode 3010: ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED DelayedReboot := True; break; end; end; case SuppressibleMsgBox(FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgErrorFunctionFailed), [Dependencies[I].Title, IntToStr(ResultCode)]), mbError, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, IDIGNORE) of IDABORT: begin Result := InstallError; MemoInstallInfo := MemoInstallInfo + #13#10 + ' ' + Dependencies[I].Title; break; end; IDIGNORE: begin MemoInstallInfo := MemoInstallInfo + #13#10 + ' ' + Dependencies[I].Title; break; end; end; end; if Result <> InstallSuccessful then begin break; end; end; DownloadPage.Hide; end; end; // Inno Setup event functions procedure InitializeWizard; begin DownloadPage := CreateDownloadPage(SetupMessage(msgWizardPreparing), SetupMessage(msgPreparingDesc), nil); end; function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String; begin DelayedReboot := False; case InstallProducts of InstallError: begin Result := MemoInstallInfo; end; InstallRebootRequired: begin Result := MemoInstallInfo; NeedsRestart := True; // write into the registry that the installer needs to be executed again after restart RegWriteStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce', 'InstallBootstrap', ExpandConstant('{srcexe}')); end; end; end; function NeedRestart: Boolean; begin Result := DelayedReboot; end; function UpdateReadyMemo(const Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo, MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String; begin Result := ''; if MemoUserInfoInfo <> '' then begin Result := Result + MemoUserInfoInfo + Newline + NewLine; end; if MemoDirInfo <> '' then begin Result := Result + MemoDirInfo + Newline + NewLine; end; if MemoTypeInfo <> '' then begin Result := Result + MemoTypeInfo + Newline + NewLine; end; if MemoComponentsInfo <> '' then begin Result := Result + MemoComponentsInfo + Newline + NewLine; end; if MemoGroupInfo <> '' then begin Result := Result + MemoGroupInfo + Newline + NewLine; end; if MemoTasksInfo <> '' then begin Result := Result + MemoTasksInfo; end; if MemoInstallInfo <> '' then begin if MemoTasksInfo = '' then begin Result := Result + SetupMessage(msgReadyMemoTasks); end; Result := Result + FmtMessage(MemoInstallInfo, [Space]); end; end; function NextButtonClick(const CurPageID: Integer): Boolean; var I, ProductCount: Integer; Retry: Boolean; begin Result := True; if (CurPageID = wpReady) and (MemoInstallInfo <> '') then begin DownloadPage.Show; ProductCount := GetArrayLength(Dependencies); for I := 0 to ProductCount - 1 do begin if Dependencies[I].URL <> '' then begin DownloadPage.Clear; DownloadPage.Add(Dependencies[I].URL, Dependencies[I].Filename, Dependencies[I].Checksum); Retry := True; while Retry do begin Retry := False; try DownloadPage.Download; except if GetExceptionMessage = SetupMessage(msgErrorDownloadAborted) then begin Result := False; I := ProductCount; end else begin case SuppressibleMsgBox(AddPeriod(GetExceptionMessage), mbError, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, IDIGNORE) of IDABORT: begin Result := False; I := ProductCount; end; IDRETRY: begin Retry := True; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; DownloadPage.Hide; end; end; // architecture helper functions function IsX64: Boolean; begin Result := not ForceX86 and Is64BitInstallMode; end; function GetString(const x86, x64: String): String; begin if IsX64 then begin Result := x64; end else begin Result := x86; end; end; function GetArchitectureSuffix: String; begin Result := GetString('', '_x64'); end; function GetArchitectureTitle: String; begin Result := GetString(' (x86)', ' (x64)'); end; function CompareVersion(const Version1, Version2: String): Integer; var Position, Number1, Number2: Integer; begin Result := 0; while (Version1 <> '') or (Version2 <> '') do begin Position := Pos('.', Version1); if Position > 0 then begin Number1 := StrToIntDef(Copy(Version1, 1, Position - 1), 0); Delete(Version1, 1, Position); end else if Version1 <> '' then begin Number1 := StrToIntDef(Version1, 0); Version1 := ''; end else begin Number1 := 0; end; Position := Pos('.', Version2); if Position > 0 then begin Number2 := StrToIntDef(Copy(Version2, 1, Position - 1), 0); Delete(Version2, 1, Position); end else if Version2 <> '' then begin Number2 := StrToIntDef(Version2, 0); Version2 := ''; end else begin Number2 := 0; end; if Number1 < Number2 then begin Result := -1; break; end else if Number1 > Number2 then begin Result := 1; break; end; end; end; { Check if dotnet is installed } function IsAspDotNetInstalled: Boolean; var ResultCode: Integer; begin Result := false; Exec('cmd.exe', '/c dotnet --list-runtimes | find /n "Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 8.0.6"', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode); if ResultCode = 0 then begin Result := true; end; end; function IsDotNetDesktopInstalled: Boolean; var ResultCode: Integer; begin Result := false; Exec('cmd.exe', '/c dotnet --list-runtimes | find /n "Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 8.0.6"', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode); if ResultCode = 0 then begin Result := true; end; end; { if dotnet is not installed then add it for download } procedure CheckDotnetDependency; begin if not IsAspDotNetInstalled then begin AddDependency('aspdotnet80' + GetArchitectureSuffix + '.exe', '/lcid ' + IntToStr(GetUILanguage) + ' /passive /norestart', 'ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0.6' + GetArchitectureTitle, GetString('https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/88a7d3f3-615e-4771-8709-1e16873645b3/a36f311385df553e54201137f53d041e/aspnetcore-runtime-8.0.6-win-x86.exe', 'https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/38b32fc8-8070-4f14-bd52-65505fddc5ff/50e6cf3b7505eee02c3b3db8ea46ffe3/aspnetcore-runtime-8.0.6-win-x64.exe'), '', False, False, False); end; if not IsDotNetDesktopInstalled then begin AddDependency('dotnet80desktop' + GetArchitectureSuffix + '.exe', '/lcid ' + IntToStr(GetUILanguage) + ' /passive /norestart', '.NET Desktop Runtime 8.0.6' + GetArchitectureTitle, GetString('https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/fb4a2e70-0c24-42f8-a549-4ea2b6e16831/e7bf08360f9c96ad3a90b0eb2edf96c0/windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.6-win-x86.exe', 'https://download.visualstudio.microsoft.com/download/pr/76e5dbb2-6ae3-4629-9a84-527f8feb709c/09002599b32d5d01dc3aa5dcdffcc984/windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.6-win-x64.exe'), '', False, False, False); end; end;