/* Technitium DNS Server Copyright (C) 2024 Shreyas Zare (shreyas@technitium.com) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ using DnsServerCore.Auth; using DnsServerCore.Dhcp.Options; using DnsServerCore.Dns; using DnsServerCore.Dns.Zones; using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using TechnitiumLibrary.Net.Dns; using TechnitiumLibrary.Net.Dns.ResourceRecords; namespace DnsServerCore.Dhcp { //Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol //https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2131 //DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions //https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc2132 //Encoding Long Options in the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCPv4) //https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3396 //Client Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN) Option //https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4702 public sealed class DhcpServer : IDisposable { #region enum enum ServiceState { Stopped = 0, Starting = 1, Running = 2, Stopping = 3 } #endregion #region variables readonly string _scopesFolder; LogManager _log; readonly ConcurrentDictionary _udpListeners = new ConcurrentDictionary(); readonly ConcurrentDictionary _scopes = new ConcurrentDictionary(); DnsServer _dnsServer; AuthManager _authManager; volatile ServiceState _state = ServiceState.Stopped; readonly IPEndPoint _dhcpDefaultEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 67); Timer _maintenanceTimer; const int MAINTENANCE_TIMER_INTERVAL = 10000; DateTime _lastModifiedScopesSavedOn; #endregion #region constructor public DhcpServer(string scopesFolder, LogManager log = null) { _scopesFolder = scopesFolder; _log = log; if (!Directory.Exists(_scopesFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(_scopesFolder); //create default scope Scope scope = new Scope("Default", false, IPAddress.Parse(""), IPAddress.Parse(""), IPAddress.Parse(""), _log, this); scope.Exclusions = new Exclusion[] { new Exclusion(IPAddress.Parse(""), IPAddress.Parse("")) }; scope.RouterAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); scope.UseThisDnsServer = true; scope.DomainName = "home"; scope.LeaseTimeDays = 1; scope.IgnoreClientIdentifierOption = true; SaveScopeFile(scope); } } #endregion #region IDisposable private bool _disposed = false; private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (_disposed) return; if (disposing) { _maintenanceTimer?.Dispose(); Stop(); if (_scopes is not null) { foreach (KeyValuePair scope in _scopes) scope.Value.Dispose(); _scopes.Clear(); } } _disposed = true; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } #endregion #region private private async Task ReadUdpRequestAsync(Socket udpListener) { byte[] recvBuffer = new byte[1500]; try { bool processOnlyUnicastMessages = !(udpListener.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Address.Equals(IPAddress.Any); //only ip should process broadcast to avoid duplicate offers on Windows EndPoint epAny = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); SocketReceiveMessageFromResult result; while (true) { try { result = await udpListener.ReceiveMessageFromAsync(recvBuffer, SocketFlags.None, epAny); } catch (SocketException ex) { switch (ex.SocketErrorCode) { case SocketError.ConnectionReset: case SocketError.HostUnreachable: case SocketError.NetworkReset: result = default; break; case SocketError.MessageSize: _log?.Write(ex); result = default; break; default: throw; } } if (result.ReceivedBytes > 0) { if (processOnlyUnicastMessages && result.PacketInformation.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Broadcast)) continue; try { DhcpMessage request = new DhcpMessage(new MemoryStream(recvBuffer, 0, result.ReceivedBytes, false)); _ = ProcessDhcpRequestAsync(request, result.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint, result.PacketInformation, udpListener); } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write(result.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint, ex); } } } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { //server stopped } catch (SocketException ex) { switch (ex.SocketErrorCode) { case SocketError.OperationAborted: case SocketError.Interrupted: break; //server stopping default: _log?.Write(ex); throw; } } catch (Exception ex) { if ((_state == ServiceState.Stopping) || (_state == ServiceState.Stopped)) return; //server stopping _log?.Write(ex); throw; } } private async Task ProcessDhcpRequestAsync(DhcpMessage request, IPEndPoint remoteEP, IPPacketInformation ipPacketInformation, Socket udpListener) { try { DhcpMessage response = await ProcessDhcpMessageAsync(request, remoteEP, ipPacketInformation); //send response if (response != null) { byte[] sendBuffer = new byte[1024]; MemoryStream sendBufferStream = new MemoryStream(sendBuffer); response.WriteTo(sendBufferStream); //send dns datagram if (!request.RelayAgentIpAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) { //received request via relay agent so send unicast response to relay agent on port 67 await udpListener.SendToAsync(new ArraySegment(sendBuffer, 0, (int)sendBufferStream.Position), SocketFlags.None, new IPEndPoint(request.RelayAgentIpAddress, 67)); } else if (!request.ClientIpAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) { //client is already configured and renewing lease so send unicast response on port 68 await udpListener.SendToAsync(new ArraySegment(sendBuffer, 0, (int)sendBufferStream.Position), SocketFlags.None, new IPEndPoint(request.ClientIpAddress, 68)); } else { Socket udpSocket; //send response as broadcast on port 68 on appropriate interface bound socket if (_udpListeners.TryGetValue(response.ServerIdentifier.Address, out UdpListener listener)) udpSocket = listener.Socket; //found scope specific socket else udpSocket = udpListener; //no appropriate socket found so use default socket await udpSocket.SendToAsync(new ArraySegment(sendBuffer, 0, (int)sendBufferStream.Position), SocketFlags.DontRoute, new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Broadcast, 68)); //no routing for broadcast } } } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { //socket disposed } catch (Exception ex) { if ((_state == ServiceState.Stopping) || (_state == ServiceState.Stopped)) return; //server stopping _log?.Write(remoteEP, ex); } } private async Task ProcessDhcpMessageAsync(DhcpMessage request, IPEndPoint remoteEP, IPPacketInformation ipPacketInformation) { if (request.OpCode != DhcpMessageOpCode.BootRequest) return null; switch (request.DhcpMessageType?.Type) { case DhcpMessageType.Discover: { Scope scope = FindScope(request, remoteEP.Address, ipPacketInformation); if (scope == null) return null; //no scope available; do nothing if ((request.ServerHostName != null) && (request.ServerHostName != scope.ServerHostName)) return null; //discard request; since this request is for another server with the specified server host name if ((request.BootFileName != null) && (request.BootFileName != scope.BootFileName)) return null; //discard request; since this request wants boot file not available on this server if (scope.OfferDelayTime > 0) await Task.Delay(scope.OfferDelayTime); //delay sending offer Lease offer = await scope.GetOfferAsync(request); if (offer == null) return null; //no offer available, do nothing IPAddress serverIdentifierAddress = scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) ? ipPacketInformation.Address : scope.InterfaceAddress; string reservedLeaseHostName = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scope.DomainName)) { //get override host name from reserved lease Lease reservedLease = scope.GetReservedLease(request); if (reservedLease is not null) reservedLeaseHostName = reservedLease.HostName; } List options = await scope.GetOptionsAsync(request, serverIdentifierAddress, reservedLeaseHostName, _dnsServer); if (options is null) return null; //log ip offer _log?.Write(remoteEP, "DHCP Server offered IP address [" + offer.Address.ToString() + "] to " + request.GetClientFullIdentifier() + " for scope: " + scope.Name); return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, offer.Address, scope.ServerAddress ?? serverIdentifierAddress, scope.ServerHostName, scope.BootFileName, options); } case DhcpMessageType.Request: { //request ip address lease or extend existing lease Scope scope = FindScope(request, remoteEP.Address, ipPacketInformation); if (scope == null) return null; //no scope available; do nothing IPAddress serverIdentifierAddress = scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) ? ipPacketInformation.Address : scope.InterfaceAddress; Lease leaseOffer; if (request.ServerIdentifier == null) { if (request.RequestedIpAddress == null) { //renewing or rebinding if (request.ClientIpAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) return null; //client must set IP address in ciaddr; do nothing leaseOffer = scope.GetExistingLeaseOrOffer(request); if (leaseOffer == null) { //no existing lease or offer available for client //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } if (!request.ClientIpAddress.Equals(leaseOffer.Address)) { //client ip is incorrect //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } } else { //init-reboot leaseOffer = scope.GetExistingLeaseOrOffer(request); if (leaseOffer == null) { //no existing lease or offer available for client //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } if (!request.RequestedIpAddress.Address.Equals(leaseOffer.Address)) { //the client's notion of its IP address is not correct - RFC 2131 //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } } if ((leaseOffer.Type == LeaseType.Dynamic) && (scope.IsAddressExcluded(leaseOffer.Address) || scope.IsAddressReserved(leaseOffer.Address))) { //client ip is excluded/reserved for dynamic allocations scope.ReleaseLease(leaseOffer); //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } Lease reservedLease = scope.GetReservedLease(request); if (reservedLease == null) { if (leaseOffer.Type == LeaseType.Reserved) { //client's reserved lease has been removed so release the current lease and send NAK to allow it to get new allocation scope.ReleaseLease(leaseOffer); //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } } else { if (!reservedLease.Address.Equals(leaseOffer.Address)) { //client has a new reserved lease so release the current lease and send NAK to allow it to get new allocation scope.ReleaseLease(leaseOffer); //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } } } else { //selecting offer if (request.RequestedIpAddress == null) return null; //client MUST include this option; do nothing if (!request.ServerIdentifier.Address.Equals(serverIdentifierAddress)) return null; //offer declined by client; do nothing leaseOffer = scope.GetExistingLeaseOrOffer(request); if (leaseOffer == null) { //no existing lease or offer available for client //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } if (!request.RequestedIpAddress.Address.Equals(leaseOffer.Address)) { //requested ip is incorrect //send nak return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, IPAddress.Any, null, null, new DhcpOption[] { new DhcpMessageTypeOption(DhcpMessageType.Nak), new ServerIdentifierOption(scope.InterfaceAddress), DhcpOption.CreateEndOption() }); } } string reservedLeaseHostName = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scope.DomainName)) { //get override host name from reserved lease Lease reservedLease = scope.GetReservedLease(request); if (reservedLease is not null) reservedLeaseHostName = reservedLease.HostName; } List options = await scope.GetOptionsAsync(request, serverIdentifierAddress, reservedLeaseHostName, _dnsServer); if (options is null) return null; scope.CommitLease(leaseOffer); //log ip lease _log?.Write(remoteEP, "DHCP Server leased IP address [" + leaseOffer.Address.ToString() + "] to " + request.GetClientFullIdentifier() + " for scope: " + scope.Name); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scope.DomainName)) { //update lease hostname leaseOffer.SetHostName(request.HostName?.HostName); } else { //update dns string clientDomainName = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reservedLeaseHostName)) clientDomainName = reservedLeaseHostName + "." + scope.DomainName; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientDomainName)) { foreach (DhcpOption option in options) { if (option.Code == DhcpOptionCode.ClientFullyQualifiedDomainName) { clientDomainName = (option as ClientFullyQualifiedDomainNameOption).DomainName; break; } } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientDomainName)) { if ((request.HostName != null) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.HostName.HostName)) clientDomainName = request.HostName.HostName.Replace(' ', '-') + "." + scope.DomainName; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientDomainName)) { if (!clientDomainName.Equals(leaseOffer.HostName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) UpdateDnsAuthZone(false, scope, leaseOffer); //hostname changed! delete old hostname entry from DNS leaseOffer.SetHostName(clientDomainName.ToLower()); UpdateDnsAuthZone(true, scope, leaseOffer); } } return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, leaseOffer.Address, scope.ServerAddress ?? serverIdentifierAddress, scope.ServerHostName, scope.BootFileName, options); } case DhcpMessageType.Decline: { //ip address is already in use as detected by client via ARP if ((request.ServerIdentifier == null) || (request.RequestedIpAddress == null)) return null; //client MUST include these option; do nothing Scope scope = FindScope(request, remoteEP.Address, ipPacketInformation); if (scope == null) return null; //no scope available; do nothing IPAddress serverIdentifierAddress = scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) ? ipPacketInformation.Address : scope.InterfaceAddress; if (!request.ServerIdentifier.Address.Equals(serverIdentifierAddress)) return null; //request not for this server; do nothing Lease lease = scope.GetExistingLeaseOrOffer(request); if (lease == null) return null; //no existing lease or offer available for client; do nothing if (!lease.Address.Equals(request.RequestedIpAddress.Address)) return null; //the client's notion of its IP address is not correct; do nothing //remove lease since the IP address is used by someone else scope.ReleaseLease(lease); //log issue _log?.Write(remoteEP, "DHCP Server received DECLINE message for scope '" + scope.Name + "': " + lease.GetClientInfo() + " detected that IP address [" + lease.Address + "] is already in use."); //update dns UpdateDnsAuthZone(false, scope, lease); //do nothing return null; } case DhcpMessageType.Release: { //cancel ip address lease if (request.ServerIdentifier == null) return null; //client MUST include this option; do nothing Scope scope = FindScope(request, remoteEP.Address, ipPacketInformation); if (scope == null) return null; //no scope available; do nothing IPAddress serverIdentifierAddress = scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) ? ipPacketInformation.Address : scope.InterfaceAddress; if (!request.ServerIdentifier.Address.Equals(serverIdentifierAddress)) return null; //request not for this server; do nothing Lease lease = scope.GetExistingLeaseOrOffer(request); if (lease == null) return null; //no existing lease or offer available for client; do nothing if (!lease.Address.Equals(request.ClientIpAddress)) return null; //the client's notion of its IP address is not correct; do nothing //release lease scope.ReleaseLease(lease); //log ip lease release _log?.Write(remoteEP, "DHCP Server released IP address [" + lease.Address.ToString() + "] that was leased to " + lease.GetClientInfo() + " for scope: " + scope.Name); //update dns UpdateDnsAuthZone(false, scope, lease); //do nothing return null; } case DhcpMessageType.Inform: { //need only local config; already has ip address assigned externally/manually Scope scope = FindScope(request, remoteEP.Address, ipPacketInformation); if (scope == null) return null; //no scope available; do nothing IPAddress serverIdentifierAddress = scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) ? ipPacketInformation.Address : scope.InterfaceAddress; //log inform _log?.Write(remoteEP, "DHCP Server received INFORM message from " + request.GetClientFullIdentifier() + " for scope: " + scope.Name); List options = await scope.GetOptionsAsync(request, serverIdentifierAddress, null, _dnsServer); if (options is null) return null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scope.DomainName)) { //update dns string clientDomainName = null; foreach (DhcpOption option in options) { if (option.Code == DhcpOptionCode.ClientFullyQualifiedDomainName) { clientDomainName = (option as ClientFullyQualifiedDomainNameOption).DomainName; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientDomainName)) { if (request.HostName != null) clientDomainName = request.HostName.HostName.Replace(' ', '-') + "." + scope.DomainName; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientDomainName)) UpdateDnsAuthZone(true, scope, clientDomainName, request.ClientIpAddress, false); } return DhcpMessage.CreateReply(request, IPAddress.Any, scope.ServerAddress ?? serverIdentifierAddress, null, null, options); } default: return null; } } private Scope FindScope(DhcpMessage request, IPAddress remoteAddress, IPPacketInformation ipPacketInformation) { if (request.RelayAgentIpAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) { //no relay agent if (request.ClientIpAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) { if (!ipPacketInformation.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Broadcast)) return null; //message destination address must be broadcast address //broadcast request Scope foundScope = null; foreach (KeyValuePair entry in _scopes) { Scope scope = entry.Value; if (scope.Enabled && (scope.InterfaceIndex == ipPacketInformation.Interface)) { if (scope.GetReservedLease(request) != null) return scope; //found reserved lease on this scope if ((foundScope == null) && !scope.AllowOnlyReservedLeases) foundScope = scope; } } return foundScope; } else { if ((request.DhcpMessageType?.Type != DhcpMessageType.Decline) && !remoteAddress.Equals(request.ClientIpAddress)) return null; //client ip must match udp src addr //unicast request foreach (KeyValuePair entry in _scopes) { Scope scope = entry.Value; if (scope.Enabled && scope.IsAddressInRange(request.ClientIpAddress)) return scope; } return null; } } else { //relay agent unicast Scope foundScope = null; foreach (KeyValuePair entry in _scopes) { Scope scope = entry.Value; if (scope.Enabled && scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) && scope.IsAddressInNetwork(request.RelayAgentIpAddress)) { if (scope.GetReservedLease(request) != null) return scope; //found reserved lease on this scope if (!request.ClientIpAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any) && scope.IsAddressInRange(request.ClientIpAddress)) return scope; //client IP address is in scope range if ((foundScope == null) && !scope.AllowOnlyReservedLeases) foundScope = scope; } } return foundScope; } } private void UpdateDnsAuthZone(bool add, Scope scope, Lease lease) { UpdateDnsAuthZone(add, scope, lease.HostName, lease.Address, lease.Type == LeaseType.Reserved); } private void UpdateDnsAuthZone(bool add, Scope scope, string domain, IPAddress address, bool isReservedLease) { if ((_dnsServer is null) || (_authManager is null)) return; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scope.DomainName) || !scope.DnsUpdates) return; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(domain)) return; if (!DnsClient.IsDomainNameValid(domain)) return; if (!domain.EndsWith("." + scope.DomainName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return; //domain does not end with scope domain name try { string zoneName = null; string reverseDomain = Zone.GetReverseZone(address, 32); string reverseZoneName = null; if (add) { //update forward zone AuthZoneInfo zoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.FindAuthZoneInfo(scope.DomainName); if (zoneInfo is null) { //zone does not exists; create new primary zone zoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.CreatePrimaryZone(scope.DomainName, _dnsServer.ServerDomain, false); if (zoneInfo is null) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to create DNS primary zone '" + scope.DomainName + "'."); return; } //set permissions _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, zoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, zoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DNS_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, zoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DHCP_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SaveConfigFile(); _log?.Write("DHCP Server create DNS primary zone '" + zoneInfo.Name + "'."); _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.SaveZoneFile(zoneInfo.Name); } else if ((zoneInfo.Type != AuthZoneType.Primary) && (zoneInfo.Type != AuthZoneType.Forwarder)) { if (zoneInfo.Name.Equals(scope.DomainName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) throw new DhcpServerException("Cannot update DNS zone '" + zoneInfo.Name + "': not a primary or a forwarder zone."); //create new primary zone zoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.CreatePrimaryZone(scope.DomainName, _dnsServer.ServerDomain, false); if (zoneInfo is null) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to create DNS primary zone '" + scope.DomainName + "'."); return; } //set permissions _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, zoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, zoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DNS_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, zoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DHCP_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SaveConfigFile(); _log?.Write("DHCP Server create DNS primary zone '" + zoneInfo.Name + "'."); _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.SaveZoneFile(zoneInfo.Name); } zoneName = zoneInfo.Name; if (!isReservedLease) { //check for existing record for the dynamic leases IReadOnlyList existingRecords = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.GetRecords(zoneName, domain, DnsResourceRecordType.A); if (existingRecords.Count > 0) { foreach (DnsResourceRecord existingRecord in existingRecords) { IPAddress existingAddress = (existingRecord.RDATA as DnsARecordData).Address; if (!existingAddress.Equals(address)) { //a DNS record already exists for the specified domain name with a different address //do not change DNS record for this dynamic lease _log?.Write("DHCP Server cannot update DNS: an A record already exists for '" + domain + "' with a different IP address [" + existingAddress.ToString() + "]."); return; } } } } _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.SetRecords(zoneName, domain, DnsResourceRecordType.A, scope.DnsTtl, new DnsResourceRecordData[] { new DnsARecordData(address) }); _log?.Write("DHCP Server updated DNS A record '" + domain + "' with IP address [" + address.ToString() + "]."); //update reverse zone AuthZoneInfo reverseZoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.FindAuthZoneInfo(reverseDomain); if (reverseZoneInfo is null) { string reverseZone = Zone.GetReverseZone(address, scope.SubnetMask); //reverse zone does not exists; create new reverse primary zone reverseZoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.CreatePrimaryZone(reverseZone, _dnsServer.ServerDomain, false); if (reverseZoneInfo is null) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to create DNS primary zone '" + reverseZone + "'."); return; } //set permissions _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, reverseZoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, reverseZoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DNS_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, reverseZoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DHCP_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SaveConfigFile(); _log?.Write("DHCP Server create DNS primary zone '" + reverseZoneInfo.Name + "'."); _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.SaveZoneFile(reverseZoneInfo.Name); } else if ((reverseZoneInfo.Type != AuthZoneType.Primary) && (reverseZoneInfo.Type != AuthZoneType.Forwarder)) { string reverseZone = Zone.GetReverseZone(address, scope.SubnetMask); if (reverseZoneInfo.Name.Equals(reverseZone, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) throw new DhcpServerException("Cannot update reverse DNS zone '" + reverseZoneInfo.Name + "': not a primary or a forwarder zone."); //create new reverse primary zone reverseZoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.CreatePrimaryZone(reverseZone, _dnsServer.ServerDomain, false); if (reverseZoneInfo is null) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to create DNS primary zone '" + reverseZone + "'."); return; } //set permissions _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, reverseZoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, reverseZoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DNS_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SetPermission(PermissionSection.Zones, reverseZoneInfo.Name, _authManager.GetGroup(Group.DHCP_ADMINISTRATORS), PermissionFlag.ViewModifyDelete); _authManager.SaveConfigFile(); _log?.Write("DHCP Server create DNS primary zone '" + reverseZoneInfo.Name + "'."); _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.SaveZoneFile(reverseZoneInfo.Name); } reverseZoneName = reverseZoneInfo.Name; _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.SetRecords(reverseZoneName, reverseDomain, DnsResourceRecordType.PTR, scope.DnsTtl, new DnsResourceRecordData[] { new DnsPTRRecordData(domain) }); _log?.Write("DHCP Server updated DNS PTR record '" + reverseDomain + "' with domain name '" + domain + "'."); } else { //remove from forward zone AuthZoneInfo zoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.FindAuthZoneInfo(domain); if ((zoneInfo is not null) && ((zoneInfo.Type == AuthZoneType.Primary) || (zoneInfo.Type == AuthZoneType.Forwarder))) { //primary zone exists zoneName = zoneInfo.Name; _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.DeleteRecord(zoneName, domain, DnsResourceRecordType.A, new DnsARecordData(address)); _log?.Write("DHCP Server deleted DNS A record '" + domain + "' with address [" + address.ToString() + "]."); } //remove from reverse zone AuthZoneInfo reverseZoneInfo = _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.FindAuthZoneInfo(reverseDomain); if ((reverseZoneInfo != null) && ((reverseZoneInfo.Type == AuthZoneType.Primary) || (reverseZoneInfo.Type == AuthZoneType.Forwarder))) { //primary reverse zone exists reverseZoneName = reverseZoneInfo.Name; _dnsServer.AuthZoneManager.DeleteRecord(reverseZoneName, reverseDomain, DnsResourceRecordType.PTR, new DnsPTRRecordData(domain)); _log?.Write("DHCP Server deleted DNS PTR record '" + reverseDomain + "' with domain '" + domain + "'."); } } //save auth zone file if (zoneName is not null) _dnsServer?.AuthZoneManager.SaveZoneFile(zoneName); //save reverse auth zone file if (reverseZoneName is not null) _dnsServer?.AuthZoneManager.SaveZoneFile(reverseZoneName); } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write(ex); } } private void BindUdpListener(IPEndPoint dhcpEP) { UdpListener listener = _udpListeners.GetOrAdd(dhcpEP.Address, delegate (IPAddress key) { Socket udpSocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); try { #region this code ignores ICMP port unreachable responses which creates SocketException in ReceiveFrom() if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { const uint IOC_IN = 0x80000000; const uint IOC_VENDOR = 0x18000000; const uint SIO_UDP_CONNRESET = IOC_IN | IOC_VENDOR | 12; udpSocket.IOControl((IOControlCode)SIO_UDP_CONNRESET, new byte[] { Convert.ToByte(false) }, null); } #endregion //bind to interface address if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) udpSocket.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, 1); //to allow binding to same port with different addresses udpSocket.EnableBroadcast = true; udpSocket.ExclusiveAddressUse = false; udpSocket.Bind(dhcpEP); //start reading dhcp packets _ = Task.Factory.StartNew(delegate () { return ReadUdpRequestAsync(udpSocket); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.DenyChildAttach, TaskScheduler.Current); return new UdpListener(udpSocket); } catch { udpSocket.Dispose(); throw; } }); listener.IncrementScopeCount(); } private bool UnbindUdpListener(IPEndPoint dhcpEP) { if (_udpListeners.TryGetValue(dhcpEP.Address, out UdpListener listener)) { listener.DecrementScopeCount(); if (listener.ScopeCount < 1) { if (_udpListeners.TryRemove(dhcpEP.Address, out _)) { listener.Socket.Dispose(); return true; } } } return false; } private async Task ActivateScopeAsync(Scope scope, bool waitForInterface, bool throwException = false) { IPEndPoint dhcpEP = null; try { //find scope interface for binding socket if (waitForInterface) { //retry for 30 seconds for interface to come up int tries = 0; while (true) { if (scope.FindInterface()) { if (!scope.InterfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) break; //break only when specific interface address is found } if (++tries >= 30) { if (scope.InterfaceAddress == null) throw new DhcpServerException("DHCP Server requires static IP address to work correctly but no network interface was found to have any static IP address configured."); break; //use the available ANY interface address } await Task.Delay(1000); } } else { if (!scope.FindInterface()) throw new DhcpServerException("DHCP Server requires static IP address to work correctly but no network interface was found to have any static IP address configured."); } //find this dns server address in case the network config has changed if (scope.UseThisDnsServer) scope.FindThisDnsServerAddress(); dhcpEP = new IPEndPoint(scope.InterfaceAddress, 67); if (!dhcpEP.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) BindUdpListener(dhcpEP); try { BindUdpListener(_dhcpDefaultEP); } catch { if (!dhcpEP.Address.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) UnbindUdpListener(dhcpEP); throw; } if (_dnsServer is not null) { //update valid leases into dns DateTime utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (KeyValuePair lease in scope.Leases) UpdateDnsAuthZone(utcNow < lease.Value.LeaseExpires, scope, lease.Value); //lease valid } _log?.Write(dhcpEP, "DHCP Server successfully activated scope: " + scope.Name); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write(dhcpEP, "DHCP Server failed to activate scope: " + scope.Name + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); if (throwException) throw; } return false; } private bool DeactivateScope(Scope scope, bool throwException = false) { IPEndPoint dhcpEP = null; try { IPAddress interfaceAddress = scope.InterfaceAddress; dhcpEP = new IPEndPoint(interfaceAddress, 67); if (!interfaceAddress.Equals(IPAddress.Any)) UnbindUdpListener(dhcpEP); UnbindUdpListener(_dhcpDefaultEP); if (_dnsServer is not null) { //remove all leases from dns foreach (KeyValuePair lease in scope.Leases) UpdateDnsAuthZone(false, scope, lease.Value); } _log?.Write(dhcpEP, "DHCP Server successfully deactivated scope: " + scope.Name); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write(dhcpEP, "DHCP Server failed to deactivate scope: " + scope.Name + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); if (throwException) throw; } return false; } private async Task LoadScopeAsync(Scope scope, bool waitForInterface) { foreach (KeyValuePair entry in _scopes) { Scope existingScope = entry.Value; if (existingScope.IsAddressInRange(scope.StartingAddress) || existingScope.IsAddressInRange(scope.EndingAddress)) throw new DhcpServerException("Scope with overlapping range already exists: " + existingScope.StartingAddress.ToString() + "-" + existingScope.EndingAddress.ToString()); } if (!_scopes.TryAdd(scope.Name, scope)) throw new DhcpServerException("Scope with same name already exists."); if (scope.Enabled) { if (!await ActivateScopeAsync(scope, waitForInterface)) scope.SetEnabled(false); } _log?.Write("DHCP Server successfully loaded scope: " + scope.Name); } private void UnloadScope(Scope scope) { if (scope.Enabled) DeactivateScope(scope); if (_scopes.TryRemove(scope.Name, out Scope removedScope)) { removedScope.Dispose(); _log?.Write("DHCP Server successfully unloaded scope: " + scope.Name); } } private void LoadAllScopeFiles() { string[] scopeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(_scopesFolder, "*.scope"); foreach (string scopeFile in scopeFiles) _ = LoadScopeFileAsync(scopeFile); _lastModifiedScopesSavedOn = DateTime.UtcNow; } private async Task LoadScopeFileAsync(string scopeFile) { //load scope file async to allow waiting for interface to come up try { using (FileStream fS = new FileStream(scopeFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { await LoadScopeAsync(new Scope(new BinaryReader(fS), _log, this), true); } _log?.Write("DHCP Server successfully loaded scope file: " + scopeFile); } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to load scope file: " + scopeFile + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } } private void SaveScopeFile(Scope scope) { string scopeFile = Path.Combine(_scopesFolder, scope.Name + ".scope"); try { using (FileStream fS = new FileStream(scopeFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) { scope.WriteTo(new BinaryWriter(fS)); } _log?.Write("DHCP Server successfully saved scope file: " + scopeFile); } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to save scope file: " + scopeFile + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } } private void DeleteScopeFile(string scopeName) { string scopeFile = Path.Combine(_scopesFolder, scopeName + ".scope"); try { File.Delete(scopeFile); _log?.Write("DHCP Server successfully deleted scope file: " + scopeFile); } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server failed to delete scope file: " + scopeFile + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); } } private void SaveModifiedScopes() { DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow; foreach (KeyValuePair scope in _scopes) { if (scope.Value.LastModified > _lastModifiedScopesSavedOn) SaveScopeFile(scope.Value); } _lastModifiedScopesSavedOn = currentDateTime; } private void StartMaintenanceTimer() { if (_maintenanceTimer == null) { _maintenanceTimer = new Timer(delegate (object state) { try { foreach (KeyValuePair scope in _scopes) { scope.Value.RemoveExpiredOffers(); List expiredLeases = scope.Value.RemoveExpiredLeases(); if (expiredLeases.Count > 0) { _log?.Write("DHCP Server removed " + expiredLeases.Count + " lease(s) from scope: " + scope.Value.Name); foreach (Lease expiredLease in expiredLeases) UpdateDnsAuthZone(false, scope.Value, expiredLease); } } SaveModifiedScopes(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log?.Write(ex); } finally { if (!_disposed) _maintenanceTimer.Change(MAINTENANCE_TIMER_INTERVAL, Timeout.Infinite); } }, null, Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); } _maintenanceTimer.Change(MAINTENANCE_TIMER_INTERVAL, Timeout.Infinite); } private void StopMaintenanceTimer() { _maintenanceTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); } #endregion #region public public void Start() { if (_disposed) ObjectDisposedException.ThrowIf(_disposed, this); if (_state != ServiceState.Stopped) throw new InvalidOperationException("DHCP Server is already running."); _state = ServiceState.Starting; LoadAllScopeFiles(); StartMaintenanceTimer(); _state = ServiceState.Running; } public void Stop() { if (_state != ServiceState.Running) return; _state = ServiceState.Stopping; StopMaintenanceTimer(); SaveModifiedScopes(); foreach (KeyValuePair scope in _scopes) UnloadScope(scope.Value); _udpListeners.Clear(); _state = ServiceState.Stopped; } public async Task AddScopeAsync(Scope scope) { await LoadScopeAsync(scope, false); SaveScopeFile(scope); } public Scope GetScope(string name) { if (_scopes.TryGetValue(name, out Scope scope)) return scope; return null; } public void RenameScope(string oldName, string newName) { Scope.ValidateScopeName(newName); if (!_scopes.TryGetValue(oldName, out Scope scope)) throw new DhcpServerException("Scope with name '" + oldName + "' does not exists."); if (!_scopes.TryAdd(newName, scope)) throw new DhcpServerException("Scope with name '" + newName + "' already exists."); scope.Name = newName; _scopes.TryRemove(oldName, out _); SaveScopeFile(scope); DeleteScopeFile(oldName); } public void DeleteScope(string name) { if (_scopes.TryGetValue(name, out Scope scope)) { UnloadScope(scope); DeleteScopeFile(scope.Name); } } public async Task EnableScopeAsync(string name, bool throwException = false) { if (_scopes.TryGetValue(name, out Scope scope)) { if (!scope.Enabled && await ActivateScopeAsync(scope, false, throwException)) { scope.SetEnabled(true); SaveScopeFile(scope); return true; } } return false; } public bool DisableScope(string name, bool throwException = false) { if (_scopes.TryGetValue(name, out Scope scope)) { if (scope.Enabled && DeactivateScope(scope, throwException)) { scope.SetEnabled(false); SaveScopeFile(scope); return true; } } return false; } public void SaveScope(string name) { if (_scopes.TryGetValue(name, out Scope scope)) SaveScopeFile(scope); } public IDictionary GetAddressHostNameMap() { Dictionary map = new Dictionary(); foreach (KeyValuePair scope in _scopes) { foreach (KeyValuePair lease in scope.Value.Leases) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lease.Value.HostName)) map.Add(lease.Value.Address.ToString(), lease.Value.HostName); } } return map; } #endregion #region properties public IReadOnlyDictionary Scopes { get { return _scopes; } } public DnsServer DnsServer { get { return _dnsServer; } set { _dnsServer = value; } } internal AuthManager AuthManager { get { return _authManager; } set { _authManager = value; } } public LogManager LogManager { get { return _log; } set { _log = value; } } #endregion class UdpListener { #region private readonly Socket _socket; volatile int _scopeCount; #endregion #region constructor public UdpListener(Socket socket) { _socket = socket; } #endregion #region public public void IncrementScopeCount() { Interlocked.Increment(ref _scopeCount); } public void DecrementScopeCount() { Interlocked.Decrement(ref _scopeCount); } #endregion #region properties public Socket Socket { get { return _socket; } } public int ScopeCount { get { return _scopeCount; } } #endregion } } }