# Technitium DNS Server API Documentation Technitium DNS Server provides a HTTP API which is used by the web console to perform all actions. Thus any action that the web console does can be performed using this API from your own applications. The URL in the documentation uses `localhost` and port `5380`. You should use the hostname/IP address and port that is specific to your DNS server instance. ## API Request Unless it is explicitly specified, all HTTP API requests can use both `GET` or `POST` methods. When using `POST` method to pass the API parameters as form data, the `Content-Type` header must be set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. When the HTTP API call is used to upload files, the call must use `POST` method and the `Content-Type` header must be set to `multipart/form-data`. ## API Response Format The HTTP API returns a JSON formatted response for all requests. The JSON object returned contains `status` property which indicate if the request was successful. The `status` property can have following values: - `ok`: This indicates that the call was successful. - `error`: This response tells the call failed and provides additional properties that provide details about the error. - `invalid-token`: When a session has expired or an invalid token was provided this response is received. A successful response will look as shown below. Note that there will be other properties in the response which are specific to the request that was made. ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` In case of errors, the response will look as shown below. The `errorMessage` property can be shown in the UI to the user while the other two properties are useful for debugging. ``` { "status": "error", "errorMessage": "error message", "stackTrace": "application stack trace", "innerErrorMessage": "inner exception message" } ``` ## Name Server Address Format The DNS server uses a specific text format to define the name server address to allow specifying multiple parameters like the domain name, IP address, port or URL. This format is used in the web console as well as in this API. It is used to specify forwarder address in DNS settings, conditional forwarder zone's FWD record, or the server address in DNS Client resolve query API calls. - A name server address with just an IP address is specified just as its string literal with optional port number is as shown: `` or ``. When port is not specified, the default port number for the selected DNS transport protocol is used. - A name server address with just a domain name is specified similarly as its string literal with optional port number is as shown: `dns.quad9.net:853` or `cloudflare-dns.com`. When port is not specified, the default port number for the selected DNS transport protocol is used. - A combination of domain name and IP address together with optional port number is as shown: `cloudflare-dns.com (`, `dns.quad9.net (` or `dns.quad9.net:853 (`. Here, the domain name (with optional port number) is specified and the IP address (with optional port number) is specified in a round bracket. When port is not specified, the default port number for the selected DNS transport protocol is used. This allows the DNS server to use the specified IP address instead of trying to resolve it separately. - A name server address that specifies a DNS-over-HTTPS URL is specified just as its string literal is as shown: `https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query` - A combination of DNS-over-HTTPS URL and IP address together is as shown: `https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query (`. Here, the IP address of the domain name in the URL is specified in the round brackets. This allows the DNS server to use the specified IP address instead of trying to resolve it separately. - IPv6 addresses must always be enclosed in square brackets when port is specified as shown: `cloudflare-dns.com ([2606:4700:4700::1111]:853)` or `[2606:4700:4700::1111]:853` ## User API Calls These API calls allow to a user to login, logout, perform account management, etc. Once logged in, a session token is returned which MUST be used with all other API calls. ### Login This call authenticates with the server and generates a session token to be used for subsequent API calls. The session token expires as per the user's session expiry timeout value (default 30 minutes) from the last API call. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/login?user=admin&pass=admin&includeInfo=true` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/login` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `user`: The username for the user account. The built-in administrator username on the DNS server is `admin`. - `pass`: The password for the user account. The default password for `admin` user is `admin`. - `includeInfo` (optional): Includes basic info relevant for the user in response. WARNING: It is highly recommended to change the password on first use to avoid security related issues. RESPONSE: ``` { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "token": "932b2a3495852c15af01598f62563ae534460388b6a370bfbbb8bb6094b698e9", "info": { "version": "9.0", "dnsServerDomain": "server1", "defaultRecordTtl": 3600, "permissions": { "Dashboard": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Zones": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Cache": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Allowed": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Blocked": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Apps": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "DnsClient": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Settings": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "DhcpServer": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Administration": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Logs": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } } }, "status": "ok" } ``` WHERE: - `token`: Is the session token generated that MUST be used with all subsequent API calls. ### Create API Token Allows creating a non-expiring API token that can be used with automation scripts to make API calls. The token allows access to API calls with the same privileges as that of the user account. Thus its recommended to create a separate user account with limited permissions as required by the specific task that the token will be used for. The token cannot be used to change the user's password, or update the user profile details. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/createToken?user=admin&pass=admin&tokenName=MyToken1` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `user`: The username for the user account for which to generate the API token. - `pass`: The password for the user account. - `tokenName`: The name of the created token to identify its session. RESPONSE: ``` { "username": "admin", "tokenName": "MyToken1", "token": "932b2a3495852c15af01598f62563ae534460388b6a370bfbbb8bb6094b698e9", "status": "ok" } ``` WHERE: - `token`: Is the session token generated that MUST be used with all subsequent API calls. ### Logout This call ends the session generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. The `token` would no longer be valid after calling the `logout` API. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/logout?token=932b2a3495852c15af01598f62563ae534460388b6a370bfbbb8bb6094b698e9` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/logout` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Session Info Returns the same info as that of the `login` or the `createToken` calls for the session specified by the token. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/session/get?token=932b2a3495852c15af01598f62563ae534460388b6a370bfbbb8bb6094b698e9` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "token": "932b2a3495852c15af01598f62563ae534460388b6a370bfbbb8bb6094b698e9", "info": { "version": "9.0", "dnsServerDomain": "server1", "defaultRecordTtl": 3600, "permissions": { "Dashboard": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Zones": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Cache": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Allowed": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Blocked": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Apps": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "DnsClient": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Settings": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "DhcpServer": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Administration": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, "Logs": { "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete User Session Allows deleting a session for the current user. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/session/delete?token=x&partialToken=620c3bfcd09d0a07` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `partialToken`: The partial token as returned by the user profile details API call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Change Password Allows changing the password for the current logged in user account. NOTE: It is highly recommended to change the `admin` user password on first use to avoid security related issues. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/changePassword?token=x&pass=password` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/changePassword` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated only by the `login` call. - `pass`: The new password for the currently logged in user. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get User Profile Details Gets the user account profile details. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/profile/get?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-15T12:59:05.944Z", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-15T13:57:50.1843973Z", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "", "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 1800, "memberOfGroups": [ "Administrators" ], "sessions": [ { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": true, "partialToken": "620c3bfcd09d0a07", "type": "Standard", "tokenName": null, "lastSeen": "2022-09-15T13:58:02.4728Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set User Profile Details Allows changing user account profile values. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/profile/set?token=x&displayName=Administrator&sessionTimeoutSeconds=1800` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated only by the `login` call. - `displayName` (optional): The display name to set for the user account. - `sessionTimeoutSeconds` (optional): The session timeout value to set in seconds for the user account. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-15T12:59:05.944Z", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-15T13:57:50.1843973Z", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "", "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 1800, "memberOfGroups": [ "Administrators" ], "sessions": [ { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": true, "partialToken": "620c3bfcd09d0a07", "type": "Standard", "tokenName": null, "lastSeen": "2022-09-15T14:00:50.288738Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Check For Update This call requests the server to check for software update. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/user/checkForUpdate?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/checkForUpdate` PERMISSIONS:\ None WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "updateAvailable": true, "updateVersion": "9.0", "currentVersion": "8.1.4", "updateTitle": "New Update Available!", "updateMessage": "Follow the instructions from the link below to update the DNS server to the latest version. Read the change logs before installing the update to know if there are any breaking changes.", "downloadLink": "https://download.technitium.com/dns/DnsServerSetup.zip", "instructionsLink": "https://blog.technitium.com/2017/11/running-dns-server-on-ubuntu-linux.html", "changeLogLink": "https://github.com/TechnitiumSoftware/DnsServer/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" }, "status": "ok" } ``` ## Dashboard API Calls These API calls provide access to dashboard stats and allow deleting stat files. ### Get Stats Returns the DNS stats that are displayed on the web console dashboard. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dashboard/stats/get?token=x&type=LastHour&utc=true` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `api/getStats` PERMISSIONS:\ Dashboard: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `type` (optional): The duration type for which valid values are: [`LastHour`, `LastDay`, `LastWeek`, `LastMonth`, `LastYear`, `Custom`]. Default value is `LastHour`. - `utc` (optional): Set to `true` to return the main chart data with labels in UTC date time format using which the labels can be converted into local time for display using the received `labelFormat`. - `start` (optional): The start date in ISO 8601 format. Applies only to `custom` type. - `end` (optional): The end date in ISO 8601 format. Applies only to `custom` type. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "stats": { "totalQueries": 1857, "totalNoError": 1820, "totalServerFailure": 0, "totalNxDomain": 37, "totalRefused": 0, "totalAuthoritative": 1358, "totalRecursive": 160, "totalCached": 228, "totalBlocked": 111, "totalClients": 831, "zones": 5, "cachedEntries": 28, "allowedZones": 6, "blockedZones": 10, "allowListZones": 0, "blockListZones": 1136182 }, "mainChartData": { "labelFormat": "HH:mm", "labels": [ "2022-10-08T11:57:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T11:58:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T11:59:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:00:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:01:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:02:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:03:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:04:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:05:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:06:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:07:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:08:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:09:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:10:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:11:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:12:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:13:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:14:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:15:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:16:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:17:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:18:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:19:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:20:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:21:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:22:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:23:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:24:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:25:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:26:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:27:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:28:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:29:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:30:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:31:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:32:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:33:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:34:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:35:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:36:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:37:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:38:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:39:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:40:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:41:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:42:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:43:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:44:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:45:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:46:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:47:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:48:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:49:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:50:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:51:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:52:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:53:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:54:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:55:00.0000000Z", "2022-10-08T12:56:00.0000000Z" ], "datasets": [ { "label": "Total", "backgroundColor": "rgba(102, 153, 255, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(102, 153, 255)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 38, 55, 26, 54, 38, 19, 31, 19, 36, 40, 18, 37, 23, 30, 31, 23, 17, 9, 34, 55, 18, 6, 13, 38, 30, 47, 31, 33, 52, 44, 22, 30, 23, 19, 37, 23, 27, 24, 33, 34, 21, 29, 39, 36, 15, 63, 49, 22, 27, 25, 38, 34, 32, 29, 30, 39, 22, 38, 24, 28 ] }, { "label": "No Error", "backgroundColor": "rgba(92, 184, 92, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(92, 184, 92)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 37, 53, 24, 52, 37, 19, 31, 19, 36, 38, 15, 35, 23, 29, 31, 23, 17, 9, 34, 53, 17, 6, 13, 37, 30, 47, 31, 33, 52, 42, 21, 30, 23, 19, 37, 23, 27, 24, 33, 32, 20, 29, 39, 35, 15, 58, 49, 22, 27, 23, 37, 34, 32, 29, 30, 39, 22, 38, 24, 26 ] }, { "label": "Server Failure", "backgroundColor": "rgba(217, 83, 79, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(217, 83, 79)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "label": "NX Domain", "backgroundColor": "rgba(7, 7, 7, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(7, 7, 7)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 ] }, { "label": "Refused", "backgroundColor": "rgba(91, 192, 222, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(91, 192, 222)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] }, { "label": "Authoritative", "backgroundColor": "rgba(150, 150, 0, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(150, 150, 0)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 23, 27, 20, 29, 28, 17, 19, 16, 32, 35, 15, 32, 17, 14, 23, 20, 7, 6, 17, 34, 11, 3, 11, 28, 12, 38, 23, 29, 35, 41, 18, 20, 16, 10, 21, 21, 22, 20, 20, 24, 17, 26, 28, 22, 10, 46, 44, 22, 15, 21, 33, 28, 26, 19, 24, 32, 18, 34, 18, 21 ] }, { "label": "Recursive", "backgroundColor": "rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(23, 162, 184)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 6, 8, 2, 7, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 0, 3, 2, 6, 2, 0, 3, 2, 9, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 6, 2, 4, 1, 7, 0, 0, 7, 1, 5, 6, 0, 2, 1, 3, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 7, 2, 0, 6, 2, 2, 3, 0, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3, 0, 4 ] }, { "label": "Cached", "backgroundColor": "rgba(111, 84, 153, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(111, 84, 153)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 6, 14, 3, 12, 6, 0, 6, 1, 3, 0, 2, 1, 3, 6, 3, 2, 6, 1, 6, 6, 2, 1, 0, 5, 10, 5, 3, 2, 6, 1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 8, 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 2, 1, 7, 8, 3, 10, 2, 0, 6, 1, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 5, 2, 1, 5, 2 ] }, { "label": "Blocked", "backgroundColor": "rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(255, 165, 0)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 3, 6, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4, 1, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1, 0, 2, 12, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 4, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 6, 2, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 ] }, { "label": "Clients", "backgroundColor": "rgba(51, 122, 183, 0.1)", "borderColor": "rgb(51, 122, 183)", "borderWidth": 2, "fill": true, "data": [ 15, 21, 13, 21, 17, 15, 14, 15, 22, 29, 13, 21, 17, 12, 18, 12, 9, 6, 16, 29, 11, 5, 10, 26, 13, 28, 20, 24, 24, 31, 14, 15, 12, 13, 18, 15, 14, 18, 15, 22, 13, 18, 21, 14, 11, 28, 32, 18, 14, 13, 22, 18, 16, 15, 18, 20, 13, 26, 15, 17 ] } ] }, "queryResponseChartData": { "labels": [ "Authoritative", "Recursive", "Cached", "Blocked" ], "datasets": [ { "data": [ 1358, 160, 228, 111 ], "backgroundColor": [ "rgba(150, 150, 0, 0.5)", "rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5)", "rgba(111, 84, 153, 0.5)", "rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.5)" ] } ] }, "queryTypeChartData": { "labels": [ "A", "AAAA", "NS", "MX", "Others" ], "datasets": [ { "data": [ 1430, 410, 12, 2, 2 ], "backgroundColor": [ "rgba(102, 153, 255, 0.5)", "rgba(92, 184, 92, 0.5)", "rgba(91, 192, 222, 0.5)", "rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.5)", "rgba(51, 122, 183, 0.5)" ] } ] }, "topClients": [ { "name": "", "domain": "server1.local", "hits": 236 }, { "name": "", "domain": "nas1.local", "hits": 16 }, { "name": "", "domain": "server2.local", "hits": 14 }, { "name": "", "domain": "nas2.local", "hits": 12 }, { "name": "", "domain": "condor175.knot-resolver.cz", "hits": 10 }, { "name": "", "hits": 9 }, { "name": "", "domain": "gondor-resolver.labs.nic.cz", "hits": 9 }, { "name": "", "hits": 8 }, { "name": "", "hits": 8 } ], "topDomains": [ { "name": "ns1.technitium.net", "hits": 823 }, { "name": "download.technitium.com", "hits": 179 }, { "name": "go.technitium.com", "hits": 171 }, { "name": "technitium.com", "hits": 95 }, { "name": "www.google.com", "hits": 58 }, { "name": "www.wd2go.com", "hits": 28 }, { "name": "graph.facebook.com", "hits": 20 }, { "name": "dnsclient.net", "hits": 17 }, { "name": "blog.technitium.com", "hits": 16 }, { "name": "profile.accounts.firefox.com", "hits": 13 } ], "topBlockedDomains": [ { "name": "ssl.google-analytics.com", "hits": 27 }, { "name": "www.googleadservices.com", "hits": 20 }, { "name": "incoming.telemetry.mozilla.org", "hits": 9 }, { "name": "s.youtube.com", "hits": 7 }, { "name": "mobile.pipe.aria.microsoft.com", "hits": 6 }, { "name": "in.api.glance.inmobi.com", "hits": 6 }, { "name": "app-measurement.com", "hits": 5 }, { "name": "dc.services.visualstudio.com", "hits": 3 }, { "name": "settings.crashlytics.com", "hits": 3 }, { "name": "register.appsflyer.com", "hits": 2 } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Top Stats Returns the top stats data for specified stats type. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dashboard/stats/getTop?token=x&type=LastHour&statsType=TopClients&limit=1000` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/getTopStats` PERMISSIONS:\ Dashboard: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `type` (optional): The duration type for which valid values are: [`LastHour`, `LastDay`, `LastWeek`, `LastMonth`, `LastYear`]. Default value is `LastHour`. - `statsType`: The stats type for which valid values are : [`TopClients`, `TopDomains`, `TopBlockedDomains`] - `limit` (optional): The limit of records to return. Default value is `1000`. RESPONSE: The response json will include the object with definition same in the `getStats` response depending on the `statsType`. For example below is the response for `TopClients`: ``` { "response": { "topClients": [ { "name": "", "domain": "server1.local", "hits": 236 }, { "name": "", "domain": "nas1.local", "hits": 16 }, { "name": "", "domain": "server2.local", "hits": 14 }, { "name": "", "domain": "nas2.local", "hits": 12 }, { "name": "", "domain": "condor175.knot-resolver.cz", "hits": 10 }, { "name": "", "hits": 9 }, { "name": "", "domain": "gondor-resolver.labs.nic.cz", "hits": 9 }, { "name": "", "hits": 8 }, { "name": "", "hits": 8 } ], }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete All Stats Permanently delete all hourly and daily stats files from the disk and clears all stats stored in memory. This call will clear all stats from the Dashboard. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dashboard/stats/deleteAll?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteAllStats` PERMISSIONS:\ Dashboard: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ## Authoritative Zone API Calls These API calls allow managing all hosted zones on the DNS server. ### List Zones List all authoritative zones hosted on this DNS server. The list contains only the zones that the user has View permissions for. These API calls requires permission for both the Zones section as well as the individual permission for each zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/list?token=x&pageNumber=1&zonesPerPage=10` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/list`\ `/api/listZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: View\ Zone: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `pageNumber` (optional): When this parameter is specified, the API will return paginated results based on the page number and zones per pages options. When not specified, the API will return a list of all zones. - `zonesPerPage` (optional): The number of zones per page to be returned. This option is only used when `pageNumber` options is specified. The default value is `10` when not specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "pageNumber": 1, "totalPages": 2, "totalZones": 12, "zones": [ { "name": "", "type": "Secondary", "dnssecStatus": "SignedWithNSEC", "expiry": "2022-02-26T07:57:08.1842183Z", "isExpired": false, "syncFailed": false, "disabled": false }, { "name": "0.in-addr.arpa", "type": "Primary", "internal": true, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "disabled": false }, { "name": "", "type": "Primary", "internal": true, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "disabled": false }, { "name": "127.in-addr.arpa", "type": "Primary", "internal": true, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "disabled": false }, { "name": "255.in-addr.arpa", "type": "Primary", "internal": true, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "disabled": false }, { "name": "example.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "SignedWithNSEC", "notifyFailed": false, "notifyFailedFor": [], "disabled": false }, { "name": "localhost", "type": "Primary", "internal": true, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "disabled": false }, { "name": "test0.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "notifyFailed": false, "notifyFailedFor": [], "disabled": false }, { "name": "test1.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "notifyFailed": false, "notifyFailedFor": [], "disabled": false }, { "name": "test2.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "notifyFailed": false, "notifyFailedFor": [], "disabled": false } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Create Zone Creates a new authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/create?token=x&zone=example.com&type=Primary` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/create`\ `/api/createZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name for creating the new zone. The value can be valid domain name, an IP address, or an network address in CIDR format. When value is IP address or network address, a reverse zone is created. - `type`: The type of zone to be created. Valid values are [`Primary`, `Secondary`, `Stub`, `Forwarder`]. - `primaryNameServerAddresses` (optional): List of comma separated IP addresses of the primary name server. This optional parameter is used only with Secondary and Stub zones. If this parameter is not used, the DNS server will try to recursively resolve the primary name server addresses automatically. - `zoneTransferProtocol` (optional): The zone transfer protocol to be used by secondary zones. Valid values are [`Tcp`, `Tls`, `Quic`]. - `tsigKeyName` (optional): The TSIG key name to be used by secondary zones. - `protocol` (optional): The DNS transport protocol to be used by the conditional forwarder zone. This optional parameter is used with Conditional Forwarder zones. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. Default `Udp` protocol is used when this parameter is missing. - `forwarder` (optional): The address of the DNS server to be used as a forwarder. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. A special value `this-server` can be used as a forwarder which when used will forward all the requests internally to this DNS server such that you can override the zone with records and rest of the zone gets resolved via This Server. - `dnssecValidation` (optional): Set this boolean value to indicate if DNSSEC validation must be done. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. - `proxyType` (optional): The type of proxy that must be used for conditional forwarding. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. Valid values are [`None`, `Http`, `Socks5`]. Default value `None` is used when this parameter is missing. - `proxyAddress` (optional): The proxy server address to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. - `proxyPort` (optional): The proxy server port to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. - `proxyUsername` (optional): The proxy server username to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. - `proxyPassword` (optional): The proxy server password to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is required to be used with Conditional Forwarder zones. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "domain": "example.com" }, "status": "ok" } ``` WHERE: - `domain`: Will contain the zone that was created. This is specifically useful to know the reverse zone that was created. ### Convert Zone Type Converts zone from one type to another. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/convert?token=x&zone=example.com&type=Primary` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Delete Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to be converted. - `type`: The zone type to convert the current zone to. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Enable Zone Enables an authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/enable?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/enable`\ `/api/enableZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to be enabled. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Disable Zone Disables an authoritative zone. This will prevent the DNS server from responding for queries to this zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/disable?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/disable`\ `/api/disableZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to be disabled. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Zone Deletes an authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/delete?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/delete`\ `/api/deleteZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Delete\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to be deleted. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Resync Zone Allows resyncing a Secondary or Stub zone. This process will re-fetch all the records from the primary name server for the zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/resync?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/resync` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to resync. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Zone Options Gets the zone specific options. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/options/get?token=x&zone=example.com&includeAvailableTsigKeyNames=true` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/options` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to get options. - `includeAvailableTsigKeyNames`: Set to `true` to include list of available TSIG key names on the DNS server. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "name": "example.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "Unsigned", "notifyFailed": false, "notifyFailedFor": [], "disabled": false, "zoneTransfer": "AllowOnlyZoneNameServers", "zoneTransferNameServers": [], "zoneTransferTsigKeyNames": [ "key.example.com" ], "notify": "ZoneNameServers", "notifyNameServers": [], "update": "Allow", "updateIpAddresses": [ "" ], "updateSecurityPolicies": [ { "tsigKeyName": "key.example.com", "domain": "example.com", "allowedTypes": [ "A", "AAAA" ] }, { "tsigKeyName": "key.example.com", "domain": "*.example.com", "allowedTypes": [ "ANY" ] } ], "availableTsigKeyNames": [ "key.example.com" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set Zone Options Sets the zone specific options. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/options/set?token=x&zone=example.com&disabled=false&zoneTransfer=Allow&zoneTransferNameServers=¬ify=ZoneNameServers¬ifyNameServers=` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/options` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to set options. - `disabled` (optional): Sets if the zone is enabled or disabled. - `zoneTransfer` (optional): Sets if the zone allows zone transfer. Valid options are [`Deny`, `Allow`, `AllowOnlyZoneNameServers`, `AllowOnlySpecifiedNameServers`, `AllowBothZoneAndSpecifiedNameServers`]. This option is valid only for Primary and Secondary zones. - `zoneTransferNameServers` (optional): A list of comma separated IP addresses which should be allowed to perform zone transfer. This list is enabled only when `zoneTransfer` option is set to `AllowOnlySpecifiedNameServers` or `AllowBothZoneAndSpecifiedNameServers`. This option is valid only for Primary and Secondary zones. - `zoneTransferTsigKeyNames` (optional): A list of comma separated TSIG keys names that are authorized to perform a zone transfer. Set this option to `false` to clear all key names. This option is valid only for Primary and Secondary zones. - `notify` (optional): Sets if the DNS server should notify other DNS servers for zone updates. Valid options are [`None`, `ZoneNameServers`, `SpecifiedNameServers`, `BothZoneAndSpecifiedNameServers`]. This option is valid only for Primary and Secondary zones. - `notifyNameServers` (optional): A list of comma separated IP addresses which should be notified by the DNS server for zone updates. This list is used only when `notify` option is set to `SpecifiedNameServers` or `BothZoneAndSpecifiedNameServers`. This option is valid only for Primary and Secondary zones. - `update` (optional): Sets if the DNS server should allow dynamic updates (RFC 2136). Valid options are [`Deny`, `Allow`, `AllowOnlyZoneNameServers`, `AllowOnlySpecifiedIpAddresses`, `AllowBothZoneNameServersAndSpecifiedIpAddresses`]. This option is valid only for Primary zones. - `updateIpAddresses` (optional): A list of comma separated IP addresses which should be allowed to perform dynamic updates. This list is enabled only when `update` option is set to `AllowOnlySpecifiedIpAddresses` or `AllowBothZoneNameServersAndSpecifiedIpAddresses`. This option is valid only for Primary zones. - `updateSecurityPolicies` (optional): A pipe `|` separated table data of security policies with each row containing the TSIG keys name, domain name, and comma separated record types that are allowed. Use wildcard domain name to specify all sub domain names. Set this option to `false` to clear all security policies and stop TSIG authentication. This option is valid only for Primary zones. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Zone Permissions Gets the zone specific permissions. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/permissions/get?token=x&zone=example.com&includeUsersAndGroups=true` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to get the permissions for. - `includeUsersAndGroups`: Set to true to get a list of users and groups in the response. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "section": "Zones", "subItem": "example.com", "userPermissions": [ { "username": "admin", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } ], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } ], "users": [ "admin", "shreyas" ], "groups": [ "Administrators", "DHCP Administrators", "DNS Administrators", "Everyone" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set Zone Permissions Sets the zone specific permissions. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/permissions/set?token=x&zone=example.com&userPermissions=admin|true|true|true&groupPermissions=Administrators|true|true|true|DNS%20Administrators|true|true|true` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The domain name of the zone to get the permissions for. - `userPermissions` (optional): A pipe `|` separated table data with each row containing username and boolean values for the view, modify and delete permissions. For example: user1|true|true|true|user2|true|false|false - `groupPermissions` (optional): A pipe `|` separated table data with each row containing the group name and boolean values for the view, modify and delete permissions. For example: group1|true|true|true|group2|true|true|false RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "section": "Zones", "subItem": "example.com", "userPermissions": [ { "username": "admin", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } ], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Sign Zone Signs the primary zone (DNSSEC). URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/sign?token=x&zone=example.com&algorithm=ECDSA&dnsKeyTtl=86400&zskRolloverDays=30&nxProof=NSEC3&iterations=0&saltLength=0&curve=P256` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/sign` PERMISSONS: Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone to sign. - `algorithm`: The algorithm to be used for signing. Valid values are [`RSA`, `ECDSA`]. - `hashAlgorithm` (optional): The hash algorithm to be used when using `RSA` algorithm. Valid values are [`MD5`, `SHA1`, `SHA256`, `SHA512`]. This optional parameter is required when using `RSA` algorithm. - `kskKeySize` (optional): The size of the Key Signing Key (KSK) in bits to be used when using `RSA` algorithm. This optional parameter is required when using `RSA` algorithm. - `zskKeySize` (optional): The size of the Zone Signing Key (ZSK) in bits to be used when using `RSA` algorithm. This optional parameter is required when using `RSA` algorithm. - `curve` (optional): The name of the curve to be used when using `ECDSA` algorithm. Valid values are [`P256`, `P384`]. This optional parameter is required when using `ECDSA` algorithm. - `dnsKeyTtl` (optional): The TTL value to be used for DNSKEY records. Default value is `86400` when not specified. - `zskRolloverDays` (optional): The frequency in days that the DNS server must automatically rollover the Zone Signing Keys (ZSK) in the zone. Valid range is 0-365 days where 0 disables rollover. Default value is `30` when not specified. - `nxProof` (optional): The type of proof of non-existence that must be used for signing the zone. Valid values are [`NSEC`, `NSEC3`]. Default value is `NSEC` when not specified. - `iterations` (optional): The number of iterations to use for hashing in NSEC3. This optional parameter is only applicable when using `NSEC3` as the `nxProof`. Default value is `0` when not specified. - `saltLength` (optional): The length of salt in bytes to use for hashing in NSEC3. This optional parameter is only applicable when using `NSEC3` as the `nxProof`. Default value is `0` when not specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Unsign Zone Unsigns the primary zone (DNSSEC). URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/unsign?token=x&zone=example.com OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/unsign` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone to unsign. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get DNSSEC Properties Get the DNSSEC properties for the primary zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/get?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/getProperties` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "name": "example.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "disabled": false, "dnssecStatus": "SignedWithNSEC", "dnsKeyTtl": 3600, "dnssecPrivateKeys": [ { "keyTag": 15048, "keyType": "KeySigningKey", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "state": "Published", "stateChangedOn": "2022-12-18T14:39:50.0328321Z", "stateReadyBy": "2022-12-18T16:14:50.0328321Z", "isRetiring": false, "rolloverDays": 0 }, { "keyTag": 46152, "keyType": "ZoneSigningKey", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "state": "Active", "stateChangedOn": "2022-12-18T14:39:50.0661173Z", "isRetiring": false, "rolloverDays": 90 } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Convert To NSEC Converts a primary zone from NSEC3 to NSEC for proof of non-existence. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/convertToNSEC?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/convertToNSEC` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Convert To NSEC3 Converts a primary zone from NSEC to NSEC3 for proof of non-existence. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/convertToNSEC3?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/convertToNSEC3` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Update NSEC3 Parameters Updates the iteration and salt length parameters for NSEC3. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/updateNSEC3Params?token=x&zone=example.com&iterations=0&saltLength=0` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/updateNSEC3Params` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `iterations` (optional): The number of iterations to use for hashing. Default value is `0` when not specified. - `saltLength` (optional): The length of salt in bytes to use for hashing. Default value is `0` when not specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Update DNSKEY TTL Updates the TTL value for DNSKEY resource record set. The value can be updated only when all the DNSKEYs are in ready or active state. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/updateDnsKeyTtl?token=x&zone=example.com&ttl=86400` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/updateDnsKeyTtl` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `ttl`: The TTL value for the DNSKEY resource record set. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Generate Private Key Generates a private key to be used for signing the zone with DNSSEC. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/generatePrivateKey?token=x&zone=example.com&keyType=KeySigningKey&algorithm=ECDSA&curve=P256` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/generatePrivateKey` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `keyType`: The type of key for which the private key is to be generated. Valid values are [`KeySigningKey`, `ZoneSigningKey`]. - `rolloverDays` (optional): The frequency in days that the DNS server must automatically rollover the private key in the zone. Valid range is 0-365 days where 0 disables rollover. Default value is 90 days for Zone Signing Key (ZSK) and 0 days for Key Signing Key (KSK). - `algorithm`: The algorithm to be used for signing. Valid values are [`RSA`, `ECDSA`]. - `hashAlgorithm` (optional): The hash algorithm to be used when using `RSA` algorithm. Valid values are [`MD5`, `SHA1`, `SHA256`, `SHA512`]. This optional parameter is required when using `RSA` algorithm. - `keySize` (optional): The size of the generated private key in bits to be used when using `RSA` algorithm. This optional parameter is required when using `RSA` algorithm. - `curve` (optional): The name of the curve to be used when using `ECDSA` algorithm. Valid values are [`P256`, `P384`]. This optional parameter is required when using `ECDSA` algorithm. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Update Private Key Updates the DNSSEC private key properties. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/updatePrivateKey?token=x&zone=example.com&keyTag=1234&rolloverDays=90` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/updatePrivateKey` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `keyTag`: The key tag of the private key to be updated. - `rolloverDays`: The frequency in days that the DNS server must automatically rollover the private key in the zone. Valid range is 0-365 days where 0 disables rollover. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Private Key Deletes a private key that has state set as `Generated`. Private keys with any other state cannot be delete. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/deletePrivateKey?token=x&zone=example.com&keyTag=12345` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/deletePrivateKey` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `keyTag`: The key tag of the private key to be deleted. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Publish All Private Keys Publishes all private keys that have state set as `Generated` by adding associated DNSKEY records for them. Once published, the keys will be automatically activated. For Key Signing Keys (KSK), once the state is set to `Ready` you can then safely replace the old DS record from the parent zone with a new DS key record for the KSK associated DNSKEY record. Once the new DS record is published at the parent zone, the DNS server will automatically detect and set the KSK state to `Active`. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/publishAllPrivateKeys?token=x&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/publishAllPrivateKeys` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Rollover DNSKEY Generates and publishes a new private key for the given key that has to be rolled over. The old private key and its associated DNSKEY record will be automatically retired and removed safely once the new key is active. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/rolloverDnsKey?token=x&zone=example.com&keyTag=12345` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/rolloverDnsKey` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `keyTag`: The key tag of the private key to rollover. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Retire DNSKEY Retires the specified private key and its associated DNSKEY record and removes it safely. To retire an existing DNSKEY, there must be at least one active key available. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/dnssec/properties/retireDnsKey?token=x&zone=example.com&keyTag=12345` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/dnssec/retireDnsKey` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: Modify\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `zone`: The name of the primary zone. - `keyTag`: The key tag of the private key to retire. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Add Record Adds an resource record for an authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/records/add?token=x&domain=example.com&zone=example.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/addRecord`\ `/api/addRecord` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: None\ Zone: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name of the zone to add record. - `zone` (optional): The name of the authoritative zone into which the `domain` exists. When unspecified, the closest authoritative zone will be used. - `type`: The DNS resource record type. Supported record types are [`A`, `AAAA`, `NS`, `CNAME`, `PTR`, `MX`, `TXT`, `SRV`, `DNAME`, `DS`, `SSHFP`, `TLSA`, `SVCB`, `HTTPS`, `URI`, `CAA`] and proprietary types [`ANAME`, `FWD`, `APP`]. Unknown record types are also supported since v11.2. - `ttl` (optional): The DNS resource record TTL value. This is the value in seconds that the DNS resolvers can cache the record for. When not specified the default TTL value from settings will be used. - `overwrite` (optional): This option when set to `true` will overwrite existing resource record set for the selected `type` with the new record. Default value of `false` will add the new record into existing resource record set. - `ipAddress` (optional): The IP address for adding `A` or `AAAA` record. A special value of `request-ip-address` can be used to set the record with the IP address of the API HTTP request to help with dynamic DNS update applications. This option is required and used only for `A` and `AAAA` records. - `ptr` (optional): Add a reverse PTR record for the IP address in the `A` or `AAAA` record. This option is used only for `A` and `AAAA` records. - `createPtrZone` (optional): Create a reverse zone for PTR record. This option is used for `A` and `AAAA` records. - `nameServer` (optional): The name server domain name. This option is required for adding `NS` record. - `glue` (optional): This is the glue address for the name server in the `NS` record. This optional parameter is used for adding `NS` record. - `cname` (optional): The CNAME domain name. This option is required for adding `CNAME` record. - `ptrName` (optional): The PTR domain name. This option is required for adding `PTR` record. - `exchange` (optional): The exchange domain name. This option is required for adding `MX` record. - `preference` (optional): This is the preference value for `MX` record type. This option is required for adding `MX` record. - `text` (optional): The text data for `TXT` record. This option is required for adding `TXT` record. - `priority` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `SRV` record. - `weight` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `SRV` record. - `port` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `SRV` record. - `target` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `SRV` record. - `dname` (optional): The DNAME domain name. This option is required for adding `DNAME` record. - `keyTag` (optional): This parameter is required for adding `DS` record. - `algorithm` (optional): Valid values are [`RSAMD5`, `DSA`, `RSASHA1`, `DSA-NSEC3-SHA1`, `RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1`, `RSASHA256`, `RSASHA512`, `ECC-GOST`, `ECDSAP256SHA256`, `ECDSAP384SHA384`, `ED25519`, `ED448`]. This parameter is required for adding `DS` record. - `digestType` (optional): Valid values are [`SHA1`, `SHA256`, `GOST-R-34-11-94`, `SHA384`]. This parameter is required for adding `DS` record. - `digest` (optional): A hex string value. This parameter is required for adding `DS` record. - `sshfpAlgorithm` (optional): Valid values are [`RSA`, DSA`, `ECDSA`, `Ed25519`, `Ed448`]. This parameter is required for adding `SSHFP` record. - `sshfpFingerprintType` (optional): Valid values are [`SHA1`, `SHA256`]. This parameter is required for adding `SSHFP` record. - `sshfpFingerprint` (optional): A hex string value. This parameter is required for adding `SSHFP` record. - `tlsaCertificateUsage` (optional): Valid values are [`PKIX-TA`, `PKIX-EE`, `DANE-TA`, `DANE-EE`]. This parameter is required for adding `TLSA` record. - `tlsaSelector` (optional): Valid values are [`Cert`, `SPKI`]. This parameter is required for adding `TLSA` record. - `tlsaMatchingType` (optional): Valid value are [`Full`, `SHA2-256`, `SHA2-512`]. This parameter is required for adding `TLSA` record. - `tlsaCertificateAssociationData` (optional): A X509 certificate in PEM format or a hex string value. This parameter is required for adding `TLSA` record. - `svcPriority` (optional): The priority value for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter is required for adding `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `svcTargetName` (optional): The target domain name for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter is required for adding `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `svcParams` (optional): The service parameters for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record which is a pipe separated list of key and value. For example, `alpn|h2,h3|port|53443`. To clear existing values, set it to `false`. This parameter is required for adding `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `uriPriority` (optional): The priority value for adding the `URI` record. - `uriWeight` (optional): The weight value for adding the `URI` record. - `uri` (optional): The URI value for adding the `URI` record. - `flags` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `CAA` record. - `tag` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `CAA` record. - `value` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `CAA` record. - `aname` (optional): The ANAME domain name. This option is required for adding `ANAME` record. - `protocol` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `FWD` record. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. - `forwarder` (optional): The forwarder address. A special value of `this-server` can be used to directly forward requests internally to the DNS server. This parameter is required for adding the `FWD` record. - `dnssecValidation` (optional): Set this boolean value to indicate if DNSSEC validation must be done. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. Default value is `false`. - `proxyType` (optional): The type of proxy that must be used for conditional forwarding. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. Valid values are [`None`, `Http`, `Socks5`]. Default value `None` is used when this parameter is missing. - `proxyAddress` (optional): The proxy server address to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `proxyPort` (optional): The proxy server port to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `proxyUsername` (optional): The proxy server username to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `proxyPassword` (optional): The proxy server password to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `appName` (optional): The name of the DNS app. This parameter is required for adding the `APP` record. - `classPath` (optional): This parameter is required for adding the `APP` record. - `recordData` (optional): This parameter is used for adding the `APP` record as per the DNS app requirements. - `rdata` (optional): This parameter is used for adding unknown i.e. unsupported record types. The value must be formatted as a hex string or a colon separated hex string. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "zone": { "name": "example.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "SignedWithNSEC", "disabled": false }, "addedRecord": { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "A", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "ipAddress": "" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown", "lastUsedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Records Gets all records for a given authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/records/get?token=x&domain=example.com&zone=example.com&listZone=true` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/getRecords`\ `/api/getRecords` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: None\ Zone: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name of the zone to get records. - `zone` (optional): The name of the authoritative zone into which the `domain` exists. When unspecified, the closest authoritative zone will be used. - `listZone` (optional): When set to `true` will list all records in the zone else will list records only for the given domain name. Default value is `false` when not specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "zone": { "name": "example.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "SignedWithNSEC3", "disabled": false }, "records": [ { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "A", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "ipAddress": "" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "NS", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "nameServer": "server1" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "SOA", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "primaryNameServer": "server1", "responsiblePerson": "hostadmin.example.com", "serial": 35, "refresh": 900, "retry": 300, "expire": 604800, "minimum": 900 }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NSEC3PARAM", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 900, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:45:31Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:45:31Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "vJ/fXkGKsapdvWjDhcfHsBxpZhSzMRLZv3/bEGJ4N3/K7jiM92Ik336W680SI7g+NyPCQ3gqE7ta/JEL4bht4Q==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "typeCovered": "SOA", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 900, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T12:53:39Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T11:53:39Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "9PQHH3ZGCuFRYkn28SoilS8y8zszgeOpCfJpIOAaE5ao+iBPCXudHacr/EpgB2wLzXpRjR+WgiYjmJH17+6bKg==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "typeCovered": "A", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 3600, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:25:35Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:25:35Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "dWjn5hTWuEq57ncwGdVq+kdbMuFtuxLuZhYCcQMdsTxYkM/64RrPY6eYwfYQ7+fY1+QBSX2WudAM4dzbmL/s2A==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NS", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 3600, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:25:35Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:25:35Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "Yx+leBcYNFf0gUfN6rECWrUZwCDhJbAGk1BNOJN01nPakS5meSbDApUHJZeAzfSBcPzodK3ddmEuhho1MABaZw==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 86400, "rData": { "typeCovered": "DNSKEY", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 86400, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T12:27:09Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T11:27:09Z", "keyTag": 65078, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "KWAK7o+FjJ2/6ZvX4C1wB41yRzlmec5pR2TTeNWlY/weg0MNKCLRs3uTopSjoTih+uq3IRR7Zx0iOcy7evOitA==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 86400, "rData": { "typeCovered": "DNSKEY", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 86400, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T12:27:09Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T11:27:09Z", "keyTag": 52896, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "oHtt1gUmDXxI5GMfS+LJ6uxKUcuUu+5EELXdhLrbk5V/yganP6sMgA4hGkzokYM22LDowjSdO5qwzCW6IDgKxg==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "DNSKEY", "ttl": 86400, "rData": { "flags": "SecureEntryPoint, ZoneKey", "protocol": 3, "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "publicKey": "dMRyc/Pji31mF3iHNrybPzbgvtb2NKtmXhjQq433BHI= ZveDa1z00VxDnugV1x7EDvpt+42TDh8OQwp1kOrpX0E=", "computedKeyTag": 65078, "dnsKeyState": "Ready", "computedDigests": [ { "digestType": "SHA256", "digest": "BBE017B17E5CB5FFFF1EC2C7815367DF80D8E7EAEE4832D3ED192159D79B1EEB" }, { "digestType": "SHA384", "digest": "0B0C9F1019BD3FE62C8B71F8C80E7A833BA468A7E303ABC819C0CB9BEDE8E26BB50CB1729547BFCCE2AE22390E44CDA3" } ] }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "DNSKEY", "ttl": 86400, "rData": { "flags": "ZoneKey", "protocol": 3, "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "publicKey": "IUvzTkf4JPg+7k57cQw7n7SR6/1dH7FaKxu9Cf+kcvo= UU+uoKRWnYAFHDNF0X3U8ZYetUyDF7fcNAwEaSQnIUM=", "computedKeyTag": 61009, "dnsKeyState": "Active" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "DNSKEY", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "flags": "SecureEntryPoint, ZoneKey", "protocol": 3, "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "publicKey": "KOJWFitKm58EgjO43GDnsFbnkGoqVKeLRkP8FGPAdhqA2F758Ta1mkxieEu0YN0EoX+u5bVuc5DEBFSv+U63CA==", "computedKeyTag": 15048, "dnsKeyState": "Published", "dnsKeyStateReadyBy": "2022-12-18T16:14:50.0328321Z", "computedDigests": [ { "digestType": "SHA256", "digest": "8EAFAE3305DB57A27CA5A261525515461CB7232A34A44AD96441B88BCA9B9849" }, { "digestType": "SHA384", "digest": "4A6DA59E91872B5B835FCEE5987B17151A6F10FE409B595BEEEDB28FE64315C9C268493B59A0BF72EA84BE0F20A33F96" } ] }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown", "lastUsedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "DNSKEY", "ttl": 86400, "rData": { "flags": "ZoneKey", "protocol": 3, "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "publicKey": "337uQ11fdKbr6sKYq9mwwBC2xdnu0geuIkfHcIauKNI= rKk7pfVKlLfcGBOIn5hEVeod2aIRIyUiivdTPzrmpIo=", "computedKeyTag": 4811, "dnsKeyState": "Published" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "NSEC3PARAM", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "hashAlgorithm": "SHA1", "flags": "None", "iterations": 0, "salt": "" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "*.example.com", "type": "A", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "ipAddress": "" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "*.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "typeCovered": "A", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 2, "originalTtl": 3600, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:25:35Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:25:35Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "ZoUNNEdb8XWqHHi5o4BcUe7deRVlJZLhQtc3sjRtuJ68DNPDmQ0GfCrNTigJcomspr7CYqWcXfoSOqu6f2AyyQ==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "4F3CNT8CU22TNGEC382JJ4GDE4RB47UB.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NSEC3", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 900, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:45:31Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:45:31Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "piZeLYa6WpHyiJerPlXq2s+JKBjHznNALXHJCOfiQ4o/iTqWILoqYHfKB5AWrLwLmkxXcbKf63CnEMGlinRidg==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "4F3CNT8CU22TNGEC382JJ4GDE4RB47UB.example.com", "type": "NSEC3", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "hashAlgorithm": "SHA1", "flags": "None", "iterations": 0, "salt": "", "nextHashedOwnerName": "KG19N32806C832KIJDNGLQ8P9M2R5MDJ", "types": [ "A" ] }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "KG19N32806C832KIJDNGLQ8P9M2R5MDJ.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NSEC3", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 900, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:45:31Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:45:31Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "i/PMxc1LFA9a8jLxju7SSpoY7y8aZYkAILcCRIxE3lTundPJmzFG0U9kve04kqT7+Klmzj3OzXnCvjTA54+DZA==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "KG19N32806C832KIJDNGLQ8P9M2R5MDJ.example.com", "type": "NSEC3", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "hashAlgorithm": "SHA1", "flags": "None", "iterations": 0, "salt": "", "nextHashedOwnerName": "MIFDNDT3NFF3OD53O7TLA1HRFF95JKUK", "types": [ "NS", "DS" ] }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "MIFDNDT3NFF3OD53O7TLA1HRFF95JKUK.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NSEC3", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 900, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:45:31Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:45:31Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "mr37TDMmWJ3YLNtpYy++S9eAeHIXKajX6jB8zLscJyC1uI0OFnSTuesfhIlLDbj0SDgrzRQWsLmvMKzfq89TJA==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "MIFDNDT3NFF3OD53O7TLA1HRFF95JKUK.example.com", "type": "NSEC3", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "hashAlgorithm": "SHA1", "flags": "None", "iterations": 0, "salt": "", "nextHashedOwnerName": "ONIB9MGUB9H0RML3CDF5BGRJ59DKJHVK", "types": [ "CNAME" ] }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "ONIB9MGUB9H0RML3CDF5BGRJ59DKJHVK.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NSEC3", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 900, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:45:31Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:45:31Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "GGh/KkB6C2D55xRJa0zFbZ8As3DZK9btUamryZVmyo7FaLPyltkeRZor9OExgQ6HC1SLXNGJIfCO9cM4K6P8iw==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "ONIB9MGUB9H0RML3CDF5BGRJ59DKJHVK.example.com", "type": "NSEC3", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "hashAlgorithm": "SHA1", "flags": "None", "iterations": 0, "salt": "", "nextHashedOwnerName": "4F3CNT8CU22TNGEC382JJ4GDE4RB47UB", "types": [ "A", "NS", "SOA", "DNSKEY", "NSEC3PARAM" ] }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "sub.example.com", "type": "NS", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "nameServer": "server1" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "sub.example.com", "type": "DS", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "keyTag": 46125, "algorithm": "ECDSAP384SHA384", "digestType": "SHA1", "digest": "5590E425472785A16DC0F853000557DB5543C39E" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "sub.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "typeCovered": "NS", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 3600, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:25:35Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:25:35Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "hFzYTL9V0/0UQZlvZpRWCOvu/2udvhswKoxpe4+quNuC6K59W7uCJLuDm/z0aFK5nW8Of4oTk2YjSBZo0nBSlg==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "sub.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "typeCovered": "DS", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 3600, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T12:53:39Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T11:53:39Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "UYpUKV5Uq7DM3rltg3sPFOwYgRa2yBzT/j9U8xCh5oyXt27fIn3eemvqqe9qV4xeQaAN0QfQPkj9vmOZSAYafg==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "www.example.com", "type": "CNAME", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "cname": "example.com" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" }, { "disabled": false, "name": "www.example.com", "type": "RRSIG", "ttl": 3600, "rData": { "typeCovered": "CNAME", "algorithm": "ECDSAP256SHA256", "labels": 3, "originalTtl": 3600, "signatureExpiration": "2022-03-15T11:25:35Z", "signatureInception": "2022-03-05T10:25:35Z", "keyTag": 61009, "signersName": "example.com", "signature": "cAbYvDJhZGLS/uI5I4mSrh7S5gEUy6bmX2sY7zEd1XVFPqrUOZHbVZuwXPjA6r9/m0rCaww9RiG90JhNNDLEtA==" }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Update Record Updates an existing record in an authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/records/update?token=x&domain=mail.example.com&zone=example.com&type=A&value=` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/updateRecord`\ `/api/updateRecord` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: None\ Zone: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name of the zone to update the record. - `zone` (optional): The name of the authoritative zone into which the `domain` exists. When unspecified, the closest authoritative zone will be used. - `type`: The type of the resource record to update. - `newDomain` (optional): The new domain name to be set for the record. To be used to rename sub domain name of the record. - `ttl` (optional): The TTL value of the resource record. Default value of `3600` is used when parameter is missing. - `disable` (optional): Specifies if the record should be disabled. The default value is `false` when this parameter is missing. - `ipAddress` (optional): The current IP address in the `A` or `AAAA` record. This parameter is required when updating `A` or `AAAA` record. - `newIpAddress` (optional): The new IP address in the `A` or `AAAA` record. This parameter when missing will use the current value in the record. - `ptr` (optional): Specifies if the PTR record associated with the `A` or `AAAA` record must also be updated. This option is used only for `A` and `AAAA` records. - `createPtrZone` (optional): Create a reverse zone for PTR record. This option is used only for `A` and `AAAA` records. - `nameServer` (optional): The current name server domain name. This option is required for updating `NS` record. - `newNameServer` (optional): The new server domain name. This option is used for updating `NS` record. - `glue` (optional): The comma separated list of IP addresses set as glue for the NS record. This parameter is used only when updating `NS` record. - `cname` (optional): The CNAME domain name to update in the existing `CNAME` record. - `primaryNameServer` (optional): This is the primary name server parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `responsiblePerson` (optional): This is the responsible person parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `serial` (optional): This is the serial parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `refresh` (optional): This is the refresh parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `retry` (optional): This is the retry parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `expire` (optional): This is the expire parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `minimum` (optional): This is the minimum parameter in the SOA record. This parameter is required when updating the SOA record. - `primaryAddresses` (optional): This is a comma separated list of IP addresses of the primary name server. This parameter is to be used with secondary and stub zones where the primary name server address is not directly resolvable. - `zoneTransferProtocol` (optional): The zone transfer protocol to be used by the secondary zone. Valid values are [`Tcp`, `Tls`, `Quic`]. This parameter is used with `SOA` record. - `tsigKeyName` (optional): The TSIG key name to be used by the secondary zone. This parameter is used with `SOA` record. - `ptrName`(optional): The current PTR domain name. This option is required for updating `PTR` record. - `newPtrName`(optional): The new PTR domain name. This option is required for updating `PTR` record. - `preference` (optional): The current preference value in an MX record. This parameter when missing will default to `1` value. This parameter is used only when updating `MX` record. - `newPreference` (optional): The new preference value in an MX record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. This parameter is used only when updating `MX` record. - `exchange` (optional): The current exchange domain name. This option is required for updating `MX` record. - `newExchange` (optional): The new exchange domain name. This option is required for updating `MX` record. - `text` (optional): The current text value. This option is required for updating `TXT` record. - `newText` (optional): The new text value. This option is required for updating `TXT` record. - `priority` (optional): This is the current priority in the SRV record. This parameter is required when updating the `SRV` record. - `newPriority` (optional): This is the new priority in the SRV record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. This parameter is used when updating the `SRV` record. - `weight` (optional): This is the current weight in the SRV record. This parameter is required when updating the `SRV` record. - `newWeight` (optional): This is the new weight in the SRV record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. This parameter is used when updating the `SRV` record. - `port` (optional): This is the port parameter in the SRV record. This parameter is required when updating the `SRV` record. - `newPort` (optional): This is the new value of the port parameter in the SRV record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. This parameter is used to update the port parameter in the `SRV` record. - `target` (optional): The current target value. This parameter is required when updating the `SRV` record. - `newTarget` (optional): The new target value. This parameter when missing will use the old value. This parameter is required when updating the `SRV` record. - `dname` (optional): The DNAME domain name. This parameter is required when updating the `DNAME` record. - `keyTag` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `newKeyTag` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `algorithm` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `newAlgorithm` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `digestType` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `newDigestType` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `digest` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `newDigest` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `DS` record. - `sshfpAlgorithm` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `SSHFP` record. - `newSshfpAlgorithm` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `SSHFP` record. - `sshfpFingerprintType` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `SSHFP` record. - `newSshfpFingerprintType` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `SSHFP` record. - `sshfpFingerprint` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `SSHFP` record. - `newSshfpFingerprint` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `SSHFP` record. - `tlsaCertificateUsage` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `newTlsaCertificateUsage` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `tlsaSelector` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `newTlsaSelector` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `tlsaMatchingType` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `newTlsaMatchingType` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `tlsaCertificateAssociationData` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `newTlsaCertificateAssociationData` (optional): This parameter is required when updating `TLSA` record. - `svcPriority` (optional): The priority value for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter is required for updating `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `newSvcPriority` (optional): The new priority value for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. - `svcTargetName` (optional): The target domain name for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter is required for updating `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `newSvcTargetName` (optional): The new target domain name for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. - `svcParams` (optional): The service parameters for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record which is a pipe separated list of key and value. For example, `alpn|h2,h3|port|53443`. To clear existing values, set it to `false`. This parameter is required for updating `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `newSvcParams` (optional): The new service parameters for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record which is a pipe separated list of key and value. To clear existing values, set it to `false`. This parameter when missing will use the old value. - `uriPriority` (optional): The priority value for the `URI` record. This parameter is required for updating the `URI` record. - `newUriPriority` (optional): The new priority value for the `URI` record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. - `uriWeight` (optional): The weight value for the `URI` record. This parameter is required for updating the `URI` record. - `newUriWeight` (optional): The new weight value for the `URI` record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. - `uri` (optional): The URI value for the `URI` record. This parameter is required for updating the `URI` record. - `newUri` (optional): The new URI value for the `URI` record. This parameter when missing will use the old value. - `flags` (optional): This is the flags parameter in the `CAA` record. This parameter is required when updating the `CAA` record. - `newFlags` (optional): This is the new value of the flags parameter in the `CAA` record. This parameter is used to update the flags parameter in the `CAA` record. - `tag` (optional): This is the tag parameter in the `CAA` record. This parameter is required when updating the `CAA` record. - `newTag` (optional): This is the new value of the tag parameter in the `CAA` record. This parameter is used to update the tag parameter in the `CAA` record. - `value` (optional): The current value in `CAA` record. This parameter is required when updating the `CAA` record. - `newValue` (optional): The new value in `CAA` record. This parameter is required when updating the `CAA` record. - `aname` (optional): The current `ANAME` domain name. This parameter is required when updating the `ANAME` record. - `newAName` (optional): The new `ANAME` domain name. This parameter is required when updating the `ANAME` record. - `protocol` (optional): This is the current protocol value in the `FWD` record. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. This parameter is optional and default value `Udp` will be used when updating the `FWD` record. - `newProtocol` (optional): This is the new protocol value in the `FWD` record. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. This parameter is optional and default value `Udp` will be used when updating the `FWD` record. - `forwarder` (optional): The current forwarder address. This parameter is required when updating the `FWD` record. - `newForwarder` (optional): The new forwarder address. This parameter is required when updating the `FWD` record. - `dnssecValidation` (optional): Set this boolean value to indicate if DNSSEC validation must be done. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. Default value is `false`. - `proxyType` (optional): The type of proxy that must be used for conditional forwarding. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. Valid values are [`None`, `Http`, `Socks5`]. Default value `None` is used when this parameter is missing. - `proxyAddress` (optional): The proxy server address to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `proxyPort` (optional): The proxy server port to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `proxyUsername` (optional): The proxy server username to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `proxyPassword` (optional): The proxy server password to use when `proxyType` is configured. This optional parameter is to be used with FWD records. - `appName` (optional): This parameter is required for updating the `APP` record. - `classPath` (optional): This parameter is required for updating the `APP` record. - `recordData` (optional): This parameter is used for updating the `APP` record as per the DNS app requirements. - `rdata` (optional): This parameter is used for updating unknown i.e. unsupported record types. The value must be formatted as a hex string or a colon separated hex string. - `newRData` (optional): This parameter is used for updating unknown i.e. unsupported record types. The new value that must be formatted as a hex string or a colon separated hex string. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "zone": { "name": "example.com", "type": "Primary", "internal": false, "dnssecStatus": "SignedWithNSEC", "disabled": false }, "updatedRecord": { "disabled": false, "name": "example.com", "type": "SOA", "ttl": 900, "rData": { "primaryNameServer": "server1.home", "responsiblePerson": "hostadmin.example.com", "serial": 75, "refresh": 900, "retry": 300, "expire": 604800, "minimum": 900 }, "dnssecStatus": "Unknown", "lastUsedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00" } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Record Deletes a record from an authoritative zone. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/zones/records/delete?token=x&domain=example.com&zone=example.com&type=A&value=` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/zone/deleteRecord`\ `/api/deleteRecord` PERMISSIONS:\ Zones: None\ Zone: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name of the zone to delete the record. - `zone` (optional): The name of the authoritative zone into which the `domain` exists. When unspecified, the closest authoritative zone will be used. - `type`: The type of the resource record to delete. - `ipAddress` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `A` or `AAAA` record. - `nameServer` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `NS` record. - `ptrName` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `PTR` record. - `preference` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `MX` record. - `exchange` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `MX` record. - `text` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `TXT` record. - `priority` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `SRV` record. - `weight` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `SRV` record. - `port` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `SRV` record. - `target` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `SRV` record. - `keyTag` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `DS` record. - `algorithm` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `DS` record. - `digestType` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `DS` record. - `digest` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `DS` record. - `sshfpAlgorithm` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `SSHFP` record. - `sshfpFingerprintType` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `SSHFP` record. - `sshfpFingerprint` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `SSHFP` record. - `tlsaCertificateUsage` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `TLSA` record. - `tlsaSelector` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `TLSA` record. - `tlsaMatchingType` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `TLSA` record. - `tlsaCertificateAssociationData` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting `TLSA` record. - `svcPriority` (optional): The priority value for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter is required for deleting `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `svcTargetName` (optional): The target domain name for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record. This parameter is required for deleting `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `svcParams` (optional): The service parameters for `SVCB` or `HTTPS` record which is a pipe separated list of key and value. For example, `alpn|h2,h3|port|53443`. To clear existing values, set it to `false`. This parameter is required for deleting `SCVB` or `HTTPS` record. - `uriPriority` (optional): The priority value in the `URI` record. This parameter is required when deleting the `URI` record. - `uriWeight` (optional): The weight value in the `URI` record. This parameter is required when deleting the `URI` record. - `uri` (optional): The URI value in the `URI` record. This parameter is required when deleting the `URI` record. - `flags` (optional): This is the flags parameter in the `CAA` record. This parameter is required when deleting the `CAA` record. - `tag` (optional): This is the tag parameter in the `CAA` record. This parameter is required when deleting the `CAA` record. - `value` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `CAA` record. - `aname` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `ANAME` record. - `protocol` (optional): This is the protocol parameter in the FWD record. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. This parameter is optional and default value `Udp` will be used when deleting the `FWD` record. - `forwarder` (optional): This parameter is required when deleting the `FWD` record. - `rdata` (optional): This parameter is used for deleting unknown i.e. unsupported record types. The value must be formatted as a hex string or a colon separated hex string. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ## DNS Cache API Calls These API calls allow managing the DNS server cache. ### List Cached Zones List all cached zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/cache/list?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/listCachedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Cache: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain` (Optional): The domain name to list records. If not passed, the domain is set to empty string which corresponds to the zone root. - `direction` (Optional): Allows specifying the direction of browsing the zone. Valid values are [`up`, `down`] and the default value is `down` when parameter is missing. This option allows the server to skip empty labels in the domain name when browsing up or down. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "domain": "google.com", "zones": [], "records": [ { "name": "google.com", "type": "A", "ttl": "283 (4 mins 43 sec)", "rData": { "value": "" } } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Cached Zone Deletes a specific zone from the DNS cache. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/cache/delete?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteCachedZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Cache: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name to delete cached records from. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Flush DNS Cache This call clears all the DNS cache from the server forcing the DNS server to make recursive queries again to populate the cache. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/cache/flush?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/flushDnsCache` PERMISSIONS:\ Cache: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ## Allowed Zones API Calls These API calls allow managing the Allowed zones. ### List Allowed Zones List all allowed zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/allowed/list?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/listAllowedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Allowed: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain` (Optional): The domain name to list records. If not passed, the domain is set to empty string which corresponds to the zone root. - `direction` (Optional): Allows specifying the direction of browsing the zone. Valid values are [`up`, `down`] and the default value is `down` when parameter is missing. This option allows the server to skip empty labels in the domain name when browsing up or down. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "domain": "google.com", "zones": [], "records": [ { "name": "google.com", "type": "NS", "ttl": "14400 (4 hours)", "rData": { "value": "server1" } }, { "name": "google.com", "type": "SOA", "ttl": "14400 (4 hours)", "rData": { "primaryNameServer": "server1", "responsiblePerson": "hostadmin.server1", "serial": 1, "refresh": 14400, "retry": 3600, "expire": 604800, "minimum": 900 } } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Allow Zone Adds a domain name into the Allowed Zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/allowed/add?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/allowZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Allowed: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name for the zone to be added. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Allowed Zone Allows deleting a zone from the Allowed Zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/allowed/delete?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteAllowedZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Allowed: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name for the zone to be deleted. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Flush Allowed Zone Flushes the Allowed zone to clear all records. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/allowed/flush?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/flushAllowedZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Allowed: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Import Allowed Zones Imports domain names into the Allowed Zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/allowed/import?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/importAllowedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Allowed: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. REQUEST: This is a `POST` request call where the content type of the request must be `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and the content must be as shown below: ``` allowedZones=google.com,twitter.com ``` WHERE: - `allowedZones`: A list of comma separated domain names that are to be imported. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Export Allowed Zones Allows exporting all the zones from the Allowed Zones as a text file. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/allowed/export?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/exportAllowedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Allowed: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: Response is a downloadable text file with `Content-Type: text/plain` and `Content-Disposition: attachment`. ## Blocked Zones API Calls These API calls allow managing the Blocked zones. ### List Blocked Zones List all blocked zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/blocked/list?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/listBlockedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Blocked: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain` (Optional): The domain name to list records. If not passed, the domain is set to empty string which corresponds to the zone root. - `direction` (Optional): Allows specifying the direction of browsing the zone. Valid values are [`up`, `down`] and the default value is `down` when parameter is missing. This option allows the server to skip empty labels in the domain name when browsing up or down. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "domain": "google.com", "zones": [], "records": [ { "name": "google.com", "type": "NS", "ttl": "14400 (4 hours)", "rData": { "value": "server1" } }, { "name": "google.com", "type": "SOA", "ttl": "14400 (4 hours)", "rData": { "primaryNameServer": "server1", "responsiblePerson": "hostadmin.server1", "serial": 1, "refresh": 14400, "retry": 3600, "expire": 604800, "minimum": 900 } } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Block Zone Adds a domain name into the Blocked Zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/blocked/add?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/blockZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Blocked: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name for the zone to be added. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Blocked Zone Allows deleting a zone from the Blocked Zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/blocked/delete?token=x&domain=google.com` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteBlockedZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Blocked: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `domain`: The domain name for the zone to be deleted. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Flush Blocked Zone Flushes the Blocked zone to clear all records. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/blocked/flush?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/flushBlockedZone` PERMISSIONS:\ Blocked: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Import Blocked Zones Imports domain names into Blocked Zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/blocked/import?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/importBlockedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Blocked: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. REQUEST: This is a `POST` request call where the content type of the request must be `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and the content must be as shown below: ``` blockedZones=google.com,twitter.com ``` WHERE: - `blockedZones`: A list of comma separated domain names that are to be imported. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Export Blocked Zones Allows exporting all the zones from the Blocked Zones as a text file. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/blocked/export?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/exportBlockedZones` PERMISSIONS:\ Blocked: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: Response is a downloadable text file with `Content-Type: text/plain` and `Content-Disposition: attachment`. ## DNS Apps API Calls These API calls allows managing DNS Apps. ### List Apps Lists all installed apps on the DNS server. If the DNS server has Internet access and is able to retrieve data from DNS App Store, the API call will also return if a store App has updates available. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/list?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps/Zones/Logs: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "apps": [ { "name": "Block Page", "version": "1.0", "dnsApps": [ { "classPath": "BlockPageWebServer.App", "description": "Serves a block page from a built-in web server that can be displayed to the end user when a website is blocked by the DNS server.\n\nNote: You need to manually configure the custom IP addresses of this built-in web server in the blocking settings for the block page to be served.", "isAppRecordRequestHandler": false, "isRequestController": false, "isAuthoritativeRequestHandler": false, "isQueryLogger": false } ] }, { "name": "What Is My DNS", "version": "2.0", "dnsApps": [ { "classPath": "WhatIsMyDns.App", "description": "Returns the IP address of the user's DNS Server for A, AAAA, and TXT queries.", "isAppRecordRequestHandler": true, "recordDataTemplate": null, "isRequestController": false, "isAuthoritativeRequestHandler": false, "isQueryLogger": false } ] } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### List Store Apps Lists all available apps on the DNS App Store. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/listStoreApps?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "storeApps": [ { "name": "Geo Continent", "version": "1.1", "description": "Returns A or AAAA records, or CNAME record based on the continent the client queries from using MaxMind GeoIP2 Country database. This app requires MaxMind GeoIP2 database and includes the GeoLite2 version for trial. To update the MaxMind GeoIP2 database for your app, download the GeoIP2-Country.mmdb file from MaxMind and zip it. Use the zip file with the manual Update option.", "url": "https://download.technitium.com/dns/apps/GeoContinentApp.zip", "size": "2.01 MB", "installed": false }, { "name": "Geo Country", "version": "1.1", "description": "Returns A or AAAA records, or CNAME record based on the country the client queries from using MaxMind GeoIP2 Country database. This app requires MaxMind GeoIP2 database and includes the GeoLite2 version for trial. To update the MaxMind GeoIP2 database for your app, download the GeoIP2-Country.mmdb file from MaxMind and zip it. Use the zip file with the manual Update option.", "url": "https://download.technitium.com/dns/apps/GeoCountryApp.zip", "size": "2.01 MB", "installed": false }, { "name": "Geo Distance", "version": "1.1", "description": "Returns A or AAAA records, or CNAME record of the server located geographically closest to the client using MaxMind GeoIP2 City database. This app requires MaxMind GeoIP2 database and includes the GeoLite2 version for trial. To update the MaxMind GeoIP2 database for your app, download the GeoIP2-City.mmdb file from MaxMind and zip it. Use the zip file with the manual Update option.", "url": "https://download.technitium.com/dns/apps/GeoDistanceApp.zip", "size": "28.6 MB", "installed": false }, { "name": "Split Horizon", "version": "1.1", "description": "Returns different set of A or AAAA records, or CNAME record for clients querying over public and private networks.", "url": "https://download.technitium.com/dns/apps/SplitHorizonApp.zip", "size": "11.1 KB", "installed": true, "installedVersion": "1.1", "updateAvailable": false }, { "name": "What Is My Dns", "version": "1.1", "description": "Returns the IP address of the user's DNS Server for A, AAAA, and TXT queries.", "url": "https://download.technitium.com/dns/apps/WhatIsMyDnsApp.zip", "size": "8.79 KB", "installed": true, "installedVersion": "1.1", "updateAvailable": false } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Download And Install App Download an app zip file from given URL and installs it on the DNS Server. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/downloadAndInstall?token=x&name=app-name&url=https://example.com/app.zip` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to install. - `url`: The URL of the app zip file. URL must start with `https://`. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "installedApp": { "name": "Wild IP", "version": "1.0", "dnsApps": [ { "classPath": "WildIp.App", "description": "Returns the IP address that was embedded in the subdomain name for A and AAAA queries. It works similar to sslip.io.", "isAppRecordRequestHandler": true, "recordDataTemplate": null, "isRequestController": false, "isAuthoritativeRequestHandler": false, "isQueryLogger": false } ] } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Download And Update App Download an app zip file from given URL and updates an existing app installed on the DNS Server. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/downloadAndUpdate?token=x&name=app-name&url=https://example.com/app.zip` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to install. - `url`: The URL of the app zip file. URL must start with `https://`. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "updatedApp": { "name": "Wild IP", "version": "1.0", "dnsApps": [ { "classPath": "WildIp.App", "description": "Returns the IP address that was embedded in the subdomain name for A and AAAA queries. It works similar to sslip.io.", "isAppRecordRequestHandler": true, "recordDataTemplate": null, "isRequestController": false, "isAuthoritativeRequestHandler": false, "isQueryLogger": false } ] } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Install App Installs a DNS application on the DNS server. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/install?token=x&name=app-name` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to install. REQUEST: This is a POST request call where the request must be multi-part form data with the DNS application zip file data in binary format. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "installedApp": { "name": "Wild IP", "version": "1.0", "dnsApps": [ { "classPath": "WildIp.App", "description": "Returns the IP address that was embedded in the subdomain name for A and AAAA queries. It works similar to sslip.io.", "isAppRecordRequestHandler": true, "recordDataTemplate": null, "isRequestController": false, "isAuthoritativeRequestHandler": false, "isQueryLogger": false } ] } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Update App Allows to manually update an installed app using a provided app zip file. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/update?token=x&name=app-name` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to update. REQUEST: This is a POST request call where the request must be multi-part form data with the DNS application zip file data in binary format. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "updatedApp": { "name": "Wild IP", "version": "1.0", "dnsApps": [ { "classPath": "WildIp.App", "description": "Returns the IP address that was embedded in the subdomain name for A and AAAA queries. It works similar to sslip.io.", "isAppRecordRequestHandler": true, "recordDataTemplate": null, "isRequestController": false, "isAuthoritativeRequestHandler": false, "isQueryLogger": false } ] } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Uninstall App Uninstall an app from the DNS server. This does not remove any APP records that were using this DNS application. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/uninstall?token=x&name=app-name` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to uninstall. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get App Config Retrieve the DNS application config from the `dnsApp.config` file in the application folder. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/config/get?token=x&name=app-name` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/apps/getConfig` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to retrieve the config. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "config": "config data or `null`" }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set App Config Saves the provided DNS application config into the `dnsApp.config` file in the application folder. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/apps/config/set?token=x&name=app-name` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/apps/setConfig` PERMISSIONS:\ Apps: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the app to retrieve the config. REQUEST: This is a POST request call where the content type of the request must be `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and the content must be as shown below: ``` config=query-string-encoded-config-data ``` RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ## DNS Client API Calls These API calls allow interacting with the DNS Client section. ### Resolve Query URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dnsClient/resolve?token=x&server=this-server&domain=example.com&type=A&protocol=UDP` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/resolveQuery` PERMISSIONS:\ DnsClient: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `server`: The name server to query using the DNS client. - `domain`: The domain name to query. - `type`: The type of the query. - `protocol` (optional): The DNS transport protocol to be used to query. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. The default value of `Udp` is used when the parameter is missing. - `dnssec` (optional): Set to `true` to enable DNSSEC validation. - `import` (optional): This parameter when set to `true` indicates that the response of the DNS query should be imported in the an authoritative zone on this DNS server. Default value is `false` when this parameter is missing. If a zone does not exists, a primary zone for the `domain` name is created and the records from the response are set into the zone. Import can be done only for primary and forwarder type of zones. When `type` is set to AXFR, then the import feature will work as if a zone transfer was requested and the complete zone will be updated as per the zone transfer response. Note that any existing record type for the given `type` will be overwritten when syncing the records. It is recommended to use `recursive-resolver` or the actual name server address for the `server` parameter when importing records. You must have Zones Modify permission to create a zone or Zone Modify permission to import records into an existing zone. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "result": { "Metadata": { "NameServer": "server1:53 (", "Protocol": "Udp", "DatagramSize": "45 bytes", "RoundTripTime": "1.42 ms" }, "Identifier": 60127, "IsResponse": true, "OPCODE": "StandardQuery", "AuthoritativeAnswer": true, "Truncation": false, "RecursionDesired": true, "RecursionAvailable": true, "Z": 0, "AuthenticData": false, "CheckingDisabled": false, "RCODE": "NoError", "QDCOUNT": 1, "ANCOUNT": 1, "NSCOUNT": 0, "ARCOUNT": 0, "Question": [ { "Name": "example.com", "Type": "A", "Class": "IN" } ], "Answer": [ { "Name": "example.com", "Type": "A", "Class": "IN", "TTL": "86400 (1 day)", "RDLENGTH": "4 bytes", "RDATA": { "IPAddress": "" } } ], "Authority": [], "Additional": [] } }, "status": "ok" } ``` ## Settings API Calls These API calls allow managing the DNS server settings. ### Get DNS Settings This call returns all the DNS server settings. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/get?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/getDnsSettings` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "version": "11.0", "dnsServerDomain": "server1", "dnsServerLocalEndPoints": [ "", "[::]:53" ], "defaultRecordTtl": 3600, "dnsAppsEnableAutomaticUpdate": true, "preferIPv6": false, "udpPayloadSize": 1232, "dnssecValidation": true, "eDnsClientSubnet": false, "eDnsClientSubnetIPv4PrefixLength": 24, "eDnsClientSubnetIPv6PrefixLength": 56, "qpmLimitRequests": 0, "qpmLimitErrors": 0, "qpmLimitSampleMinutes": 5, "qpmLimitIPv4PrefixLength": 24, "qpmLimitIPv6PrefixLength": 56, "clientTimeout": 4000, "tcpSendTimeout": 10000, "tcpReceiveTimeout": 10000, "quicIdleTimeout": 60000, "quicMaxInboundStreams": 100, "listenBacklog": 100, "webServiceLocalAddresses": [ "[::]" ], "webServiceHttpPort": 5380, "webServiceEnableTls": false, "webServiceHttpToTlsRedirect": false, "webServiceUseSelfSignedTlsCertificate": false, "webServiceTlsPort": 53443, "webServiceTlsCertificatePath": null, "webServiceTlsCertificatePassword": "************", "enableDnsOverHttp": true, "enableDnsOverTls": true, "enableDnsOverHttps": true, "enableDnsOverQuic": false, "dnsOverHttpPort": 8053, "dnsOverTlsPort": 853, "dnsOverHttpsPort": 443, "dnsOverQuicPort": 853, "dnsTlsCertificatePath": "z:\\ns2.technitium.com.pfx", "dnsTlsCertificatePassword": "************", "tsigKeys": [], "recursion": "AllowOnlyForPrivateNetworks", "recursionDeniedNetworks": [], "recursionAllowedNetworks": [], "randomizeName": true, "qnameMinimization": true, "nsRevalidation": true, "resolverRetries": 2, "resolverTimeout": 2000, "resolverMaxStackCount": 16, "saveCache": false, "serveStale": true, "serveStaleTtl": 259200, "cacheMaximumEntries": 10000, "cacheMinimumRecordTtl": 10, "cacheMaximumRecordTtl": 604800, "cacheNegativeRecordTtl": 300, "cacheFailureRecordTtl": 60, "cachePrefetchEligibility": 2, "cachePrefetchTrigger": 9, "cachePrefetchSampleIntervalInMinutes": 5, "cachePrefetchSampleEligibilityHitsPerHour": 30, "enableBlocking": true, "allowTxtBlockingReport": true, "blockingType": "AnyAddress", "customBlockingAddresses": [], "blockListUrls": null, "blockListUpdateIntervalHours": 24, "proxy": null, "forwarders": null, "forwarderProtocol": "Udp", "forwarderRetries": 3, "forwarderTimeout": 2000, "forwarderConcurrency": 2, "enableLogging": true, "logQueries": false, "useLocalTime": false, "logFolder": "logs", "maxLogFileDays": 0, "maxStatFileDays": 0 }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set DNS Settings This call allows to change the DNS server settings. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/set?token=x&dnsServerDomain=server1&dnsServerLocalEndPoints=,[::]:53&webServiceLocalAddresses=,[::]&webServiceHttpPort=5380&webServiceEnableTls=false&webServiceTlsPort=53443&webServiceTlsCertificatePath=&webServiceTlsCertificatePassword=&enableDnsOverHttp=false&enableDnsOverTls=false&enableDnsOverHttps=false&dnsTlsCertificatePath=&dnsTlsCertificatePassword=&preferIPv6=false&logQueries=true&allowRecursion=true&allowRecursionOnlyForPrivateNetworks=true&randomizeName=true&cachePrefetchEligibility=2&cachePrefetchTrigger=9&cachePrefetchSampleIntervalInMinutes=5&cachePrefetchSampleEligibilityHitsPerHour=30&proxyType=socks5&proxyAddress=,,fe80::/10,::1,localhost&forwarders=,https://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains,https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt,https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/setDnsSettings` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `dnsServerDomain` (optional): The primary domain name used by this DNS Server to identify itself. - `dnsServerLocalEndPoints` (optional): Local end points are the network interface IP addresses and ports you want the DNS Server to listen for requests. - `defaultRecordTtl` (optional): The default TTL value to use if not specified when adding or updating records in a Zone. - `dnsAppsEnableAutomaticUpdate` (optional): Set to `true` to allow DNS server to automatically update the DNS Apps from the DNS App Store. The DNS Server will check for updates every 24 hrs when this option is enabled. - `preferIPv6` (optional): DNS Server will use IPv6 for querying whenever possible with this option enabled. Initial value is `false`. - `udpPayloadSize` (optional): The maximum EDNS UDP payload size that can be used to avoid IP fragmentation. Valid range is 512-4096 bytes. Initial value is `1232`. - `dnssecValidation` (optional): Set this to `true` to enable DNSSEC validation. DNS Server will validate all responses from name servers or forwarders when this option is enabled. - `eDnsClientSubnet` (optional): Set this to `true` to enable EDNS Client Subnet. DNS Server will use the public IP address of the request with a prefix length, or the existing Client Subnet option from the request while resolving requests. - `eDnsClientSubnetIPv4PrefixLength` (optional): The EDNS Client Subnet IPv4 prefix length to define the client subnet. Initial value is `24`. - `eDnsClientSubnetIPv6PrefixLength` (optional): The EDNS Client Subnet IPv6 prefix length to define the client subnet. Initial value is `56`. - `qpmLimitRequests` (optional): Sets the Queries Per Minute (QPM) limit on total number of requests that is enforces per client subnet. Set value to `0` to disable the feature. - `qpmLimitErrors` (optional): Sets the Queries Per Minute (QPM) limit on total number of requests which generates an error response that is enforces per client subnet. Set value to `0` to disable the feature. Response with an RCODE of FormatError, ServerFailure, or Refused is considered as an error response. - `qpmLimitSampleMinutes` (optional): Sets the client query stats sample size in minutes for QPM limit feature. Initial value is `5`. - `qpmLimitIPv4PrefixLength` (optional): Sets the client subnet IPv4 prefix length used to define the subnet. Initial value is `24`. - `qpmLimitIPv6PrefixLength` (optional): Sets the client subnet IPv6 prefix length used to define the subnet. Initial value is `56`. - `clientTimeout` (optional): The amount of time the DNS server must wait in milliseconds before responding with a ServerFailure response to a client request when no answer is available. Valid range is `1000`-`10000`. Initial value is `4000`. - `tcpSendTimeout` (optional): The amount of time in milliseconds a TCP socket must wait for an ACK before closing the connection. This option will apply for DNS requests being received by the DNS Server over TCP, TLS, or HTTPS transports. Valid range is `1000`-`90000`. Initial value is `10000`. - `tcpReceiveTimeout` (optional): The amount of time in milliseconds a TCP socket must wait for data before closing the connection. This option will apply for DNS requests being received by the DNS Server over TCP, TLS, or HTTPS transports. Valid range is `1000`-`90000`. Initial value is `10000`. - `quicIdleTimeout` (optional): The time interval in milliseconds after which an idle QUIC connection will be closed. This option applies only to QUIC transport protocol. Valid range is `1000`-`90000`. Initial value is `60000`. - `quicMaxInboundStreams` (optional): The max number of inbound bidirectional streams that can be accepted per QUIC connection. This option applies only to QUIC transport protocol. Valid range is `1`-`1000`. Initial value is `100`. - `listenBacklog` (optional): The maximum number of pending connections. This option applies to TCP, TLS, and QUIC transport protocols. Initial value is `100`. - `webServiceLocalAddresses` (optional): Local addresses are the network interface IP addresses you want the web service to listen for requests. - `webServiceHttpPort` (optional): Specify the TCP port number for the web console and this API web service. Initial value is `5380`. - `webServiceEnableTls` (optional): Set this to `true` to start the HTTPS service to access web service. - `webServiceTlsPort` (optional): Specified the TCP port number for the web console for HTTPS access. - `webServiceUseSelfSignedTlsCertificate` (optional): Set `true` for the web service to use an automatically generated self signed certificate when TLS certificate path is not specified. - `webServiceTlsCertificatePath` (optional): Specify a PKCS #12 certificate (.pfx) file path on the server. The certificate must contain private key. This certificate is used by the web console for HTTPS access. - `webServiceTlsCertificatePassword` (optional): Enter the certificate (.pfx) password, if any. - `enableDnsOverHttp` (optional): Enable this option to accept DNS-over-HTTP requests. It must be used with a TLS terminating reverse proxy like nginx and will work only on private networks. Enabling this option also allows automatic TLS certificate renewal with HTTP challenge (webroot) for DNS-over-HTTPS service. - `enableDnsOverTls` (optional): Enable this option to accept DNS-over-TLS requests. - `enableDnsOverHttps` (optional): Enable this option to accept DNS-over-HTTPS requests. - `enableDnsOverQuic` (optional): Enable this option to accept DNS-over-QUIC requests. - `dnsOverHttpPort` (optional): The TCP port number for DNS-over-HTTP protocol. Initial value is `80`. - `dnsOverTlsPort` (optional): The TCP port number for DNS-over-TLS protocol. Initial value is `853`. - `dnsOverHttpsPort` (optional): The TCP port number for DNS-over-HTTPS protocol. Initial value is `443`. - `dnsOverQuicPort` (optional): The UDP port number for DNS-over-QUIC protocol. Initial value is `853`. - `dnsTlsCertificatePath` (optional): Specify a PKCS #12 certificate (.pfx) file path on the server. The certificate must contain private key. This certificate is used by the DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS optional protocols. - `dnsTlsCertificatePassword` (optional): Enter the certificate (.pfx) password, if any. - `tsigKeys` (optional): A pipe `|` separated multi row list of TSIG key name, shared secret, and algorithm. Set this parameter to `false` to remove all existing keys. Supported algorithms are [`hmac-md5.sig-alg.reg.int`, `hmac-sha1`, `hmac-sha256`, `hmac-sha256-128`, `hmac-sha384`, `hmac-sha384-192`, `hmac-sha512`, `hmac-sha512-256`]. - `recursion` (optional): Sets the recursion policy for the DNS server. Valid values are [`Deny`, `Allow`, `AllowOnlyForPrivateNetworks`, `UseSpecifiedNetworks`]. - `recursionDeniedNetworks` (optional): A comma separated list of network addresses in CIDR format that must be denied recursion. Set this parameter to `false` to remove existing values. These values are only used when `recursion` is set to `UseSpecifiedNetworks`. - `recursionAllowedNetworks` (optional): A comma separated list of network addresses in CIDR format that must be allowed recursion. Set this parameter to `false` to remove existing values. These values are only used when `recursion` is set to `UseSpecifiedNetworks`. - `randomizeName` (optional): Enables QNAME randomization [draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vixie-dnsext-dns0x20-00) when using UDP as the transport protocol. Initial value is `true`. - `qnameMinimization` (optional): Enables QNAME minimization [draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7816bis-04](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7816bis-04) when doing recursive resolution. Initial value is `true`. - `nsRevalidation` (optional): Enables [draft-ietf-dnsop-ns-revalidation](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-dnsop-ns-revalidation/) for recursive resolution. Initial value is `true`. - `resolverRetries` (optional): The number of retries that the recursive resolver must do. - `resolverTimeout` (optional): The timeout value in milliseconds for the recursive resolver. - `resolverMaxStackCount` (optional): The max stack count that the recursive resolver must use. - `saveCache` (optional): Enable this option to save DNS cache on disk when the DNS server stops. The saved cache will be loaded next time the DNS server starts. - `serveStale` (optional): Enable the serve stale feature to improve resiliency by using expired or stale records in cache when the DNS server is unable to reach the upstream or authoritative name servers. Initial value is `true`. - `serveStaleTtl` (optional): The TTL value in seconds which should be used for cached records that are expired. When the serve stale TTL too expires for a stale record, it gets removed from the cache. Recommended value is between 1-3 days and maximum supported value is 7 days. Initial value is `259200`. - `cacheMinimumRecordTtl` (optional): The minimum TTL value that a record can have in cache. Set a value to make sure that the records with TTL value than it stays in cache for a minimum duration. Initial value is `10`. - `cacheMaximumRecordTtl` (optional): The maximum TTL value that a record can have in cache. Set a lower value to allow the records to expire early. Initial value is `86400`. - `cacheNegativeRecordTtl` (optional): The negative TTL value to use when there is no SOA MINIMUM value available. Initial value is `300`. - `cacheFailureRecordTtl` (optional): The failure TTL value to used for caching failure responses. This allows storing failure record in cache and prevent frequent recursive resolution to name servers that are responding with `ServerFailure`. Initial value is `60`. - `cachePrefetchEligibility` (optional): The minimum initial TTL value of a record needed to be eligible for prefetching. - `cachePrefetchTrigger` (optional): A record with TTL value less than trigger value will initiate prefetch operation immediately for itself. Set `0` to disable prefetching & auto prefetching. - `cachePrefetchSampleIntervalInMinutes` (optional): The interval to sample eligible domain names from last hour stats for auto prefetch. - `cachePrefetchSampleEligibilityHitsPerHour` (optional): Minimum required hits per hour for a domain name to be eligible for auto prefetch. - `enableBlocking` (optional): Sets the DNS server to block domain names using Blocked Zone and Block List Zone. - `allowTxtBlockingReport` (optional): Specifies if the DNS Server should respond with TXT records containing a blocked domain report for TXT type requests. - `blockingType` (optional): Sets how the DNS server should respond to a blocked domain request. Valid values are [`AnyAddress`, `NxDomain`, `CustomAddress`] where `AnyAddress` is default which response with `` and `::` IP addresses for blocked domains. Using `NxDomain` will respond with `NX Domain` response. `CustomAddress` will return the specified custom blocking addresses. - `customBlockingAddresses` (optional): Set the custom blocking addresses to be used for blocked domain response. These addresses are returned only when `blockingType` is set to `CustomAddress`. - `blockListUrls` (optional): A comma separated list of block list URLs that this server must automatically download and use with the block lists zone. DNS Server will use the data returned by the block list URLs to update the block list zone automatically every 24 hours. The expected file format is standard hosts file format or plain text file containing list of domains to block. Set this parameter to `false` to remove existing values. - `blockListUpdateIntervalHours` (optional): The interval in hours to automatically download and update the block lists. Initial value is `24`. - `proxyType` (optional): The type of proxy protocol to be used. Valid values are [`None`, `Http`, `Socks5`]. - `proxyAddress` (optional): The proxy server hostname or IP address. - `proxyPort` (optional): The proxy server port. - `proxyUsername` (optional): The proxy server username. - `proxyPassword` (optional): The proxy server password. - `proxyBypass` (optional): A comma separated bypass list consisting of IP addresses, network addresses in CIDR format, or host/domain names to never use proxy for. - `forwarders` (optional): A comma separated list of forwarders to be used by this DNS server. Set this parameter to `false` string to remove existing forwarders so that the DNS server does recursive resolution by itself. - `forwarderProtocol` (optional): The forwarder DNS transport protocol to be used. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. - `forwarderRetries` (optional): The number of retries that the forwarder DNS client must do. - `forwarderTimeout` (optional): The timeout value in milliseconds for the forwarder DNS client. - `forwarderConcurrency` (optional): The number of concurrent requests that the forwarder DNS client should do. - `enableLogging` (optional): Enable this option to log error and audit logs into the log file. Initial value is `true`. - `logQueries` (optional): Enable this option to log every query received by this DNS Server and the corresponding response answers into the log file. Initial value is `false`. - `useLocalTime` (optional): Enable this option to use local time instead of UTC for logging. Initial value is `false`. - `logFolder` (optional): The folder path on the server where the log files should be saved. The path can be relative to the DNS server config folder. Initial value is `logs`. - `maxLogFileDays` (optional): Max number of days to keep the log files. Log files older than the specified number of days will be deleted automatically. Recommended value is `365`. Set `0` to disable auto delete. - `maxStatFileDays` (optional): Max number of days to keep the dashboard stats. Stat files older than the specified number of days will be deleted automatically. Recommended value is `365`. Set `0` to disable auto delete. RESPONSE: This call returns the newly updated settings in the same format as that of the `getDnsSettings` call. ### Get TSIG Key Names Returns a list of TSIG key names that are configured in the DNS server Settings. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/getTsigKeyNames?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: View OR Zones: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "tsigKeyNames": [ "key1", "key2" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Force Update Block Lists This call allows to reset the next update schedule and force download and update of the block lists. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/forceUpdateBlockLists?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/forceUpdateBlockLists` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok" } ``` ### Temporarily Disable Block Lists This call temporarily disables the block lists and block list zones. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/temporaryDisableBlocking?token=x&minutes=5` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/temporaryDisableBlocking` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `minutes`: The time in minutes to disable the blocklist for. RESPONSE: ``` { "status": "ok", "response": { "temporaryDisableBlockingTill": "2021-10-10T01:14:27.1106773Z" } } ``` ### Backup Settings This call returns a zip file containing copies of all the items that were requested to be backed up. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/backup?token=x&blockLists=true&logs=true&scopes=true&stats=true&zones=true&allowedZones=true&blockedZones=true&dnsSettings=true&logSettings=true&authConfig=true` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/backupSettings` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `blockLists` (optional): Set to `true` to backup block lists cache files. Default value is `false`. - `logs` (optional): Set to `true` to backup log files. Default value is `false`. - `scopes` (optional): Set to `true` to backup DHCP scope files. Default value is `false`. - `apps` (optional): Set to `true` to backup the installed DNS apps. Default value is `false`. - `stats` (optional): Set to `true` to backup dashboard stats files. Default value is `false`. - `zones` (optional): Set to `true` to backup DNS zone files. Default value is `false`. - `allowedZones` (optional): Set to `true` to backup allowed zones file. Default value is `false`. - `blockedZones` (optional): Set to `true` to backup blocked zones file. Default value is `false`. - `dnsSettings` (optional): Set to `true` to backup DNS settings file. Default value is `false`. - `logSettings` (optional): Set to `true` to backup log settings file. Default value is `false`. - `authConfig` (optional): Set to `true` to backup the authentication config file. Default value is `false`. RESPONSE: A zip file with content type `application/zip` and content disposition set to `attachment`. ### Restore Settings This call restores selected items from a given backup zip file. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/settings/restore?token=x&blockLists=true&logs=true&scopes=true&stats=true&zones=true&allowedZones=true&blockedZones=true&dnsSettings=true&logSettings=true&deleteExistingFiles=true&authConfig=true` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/restoreSettings` PERMISSIONS:\ Settings: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `blockLists` (optional): Set to `true` to restore block lists cache files. Default value is `false`. - `logs` (optional): Set to `true` to restore log files. Default value is `false`. - `scopes` (optional): Set to `true` to restore DHCP scope files. Default value is `false`. - `apps` (optional): Set to `true` to restore the DNS apps. Default value is `false`. - `stats` (optional): Set to `true` to restore dashboard stats files. Default value is `false`. - `zones` (optional): Set to `true` to restore DNS zone files. Default value is `false`. - `allowedZones` (optional): Set to `true` to restore allowed zones file. Default value is `false`. - `blockedZones` (optional): Set to `true` to restore blocked zones file. Default value is `false`. - `dnsSettings` (optional): Set to `true` to restore DNS settings file. Default value is `false`. - `logSettings` (optional): Set to `true` to restore log settings file. Default value is `false`. - `authConfig` (optional): Set to `true` to restore the authentication config file. Default value is `false`. - `deleteExistingFiles` (optional). Set to `true` to delete existing files for selected items. Default value is `false`. REQUEST: This is a `POST` request call where the request must be multi-part form data with the backup zip file data in binary format. RESPONSE: This call returns the newly updated settings in the same format as that of the `getDnsSettings` call. ## DHCP API Calls Allows managing the built-in DHCP server. ### List DHCP Leases Lists all the DHCP leases. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/leases/list?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/listDhcpLeases` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "leases": [ { "scope": "Default", "type": "Reserved", "hardwareAddress": "00-00-00-00-00-00", "clientIdentifier": "1-000000000000", "address": "", "hostName": "server1.local", "leaseObtained": "08/25/2020 17:52:51", "leaseExpires": "09/26/2020 14:27:12" }, { "scope": "Default", "type": "Dynamic", "hardwareAddress": "00-00-00-00-00-00", "clientIdentifier": "1-000000000000", "address": "", "hostName": null, "leaseObtained": "06/15/2020 16:41:46", "leaseExpires": "09/25/2020 12:39:54" }, { "scope": "Default", "type": "Dynamic", "hardwareAddress": "00-00-00-00-00-00", "clientIdentifier": "1-000000000000", "address": "", "hostName": "desktop-ea2miaf.local", "leaseObtained": "06/18/2020 12:19:03", "leaseExpires": "09/25/2020 12:17:11" }, ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Remove DHCP Lease Removes a dynamic or reserved lease allocation. This API must be used carefully to make sure that there is no IP address conflict caused by removing a lease. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/leases/remove?token=x&name=Default&hardwareAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/removeDhcpLease` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. - `clientIdentifier` (optional): The client identifier for the lease. Either `hardwareAddress` or `clientIdentifier` must be specified. - `hardwareAddress` (optional): The MAC address of the device bearing the dynamic/reserved lease. Either `hardwareAddress` or `clientIdentifier` must be specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Convert To Reserved Lease Converts a dynamic lease to reserved lease. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/leases/convertToReserved?token=x&name=Default&hardwareAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/convertToReservedLease` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. - `clientIdentifier` (optional): The client identifier for the lease. Either `hardwareAddress` or `clientIdentifier` must be specified. - `hardwareAddress` (optional): The MAC address of the device bearing the dynamic lease. Either `hardwareAddress` or `clientIdentifier` must be specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Convert To Dynamic Lease Converts a reserved lease to dynamic lease. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/leases/convertToDynamic?token=x&name=Default&hardwareAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/convertToDynamicLease` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. - `clientIdentifier` (optional): The client identifier for the lease. Either `hardwareAddress` or `clientIdentifier` must be specified. - `hardwareAddress` (optional): The MAC address of the device bearing the reserved lease. Either `hardwareAddress` or `clientIdentifier` must be specified. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### List DHCP Scopes Lists all the DHCP scopes available on the server. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/list?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/listDhcpScopes` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "scopes": [ { "name": "Default", "enabled": false, "startingAddress": "", "endingAddress": "", "subnetMask": "", "networkAddress": "", "broadcastAddress": "" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get DHCP Scope Gets the complete details of the scope configuration. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/get?token=x&name=Default` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/getDhcpScope` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "name": "Default", "startingAddress": "", "endingAddress": "", "subnetMask": "", "leaseTimeDays": 7, "leaseTimeHours": 0, "leaseTimeMinutes": 0, "offerDelayTime": 0, "pingCheckEnabled": false, "pingCheckTimeout": 1000, "pingCheckRetries": 2, "domainName": "local", "domainSearchList": [ "home.arpa", "lan" ], "dnsUpdates": true, "dnsTtl": 900, "serverAddress": "", "serverHostName": "tftp-server-1", "bootFileName": "boot.bin", "routerAddress": "", "useThisDnsServer": false, "dnsServers": [ "" ], "winsServers": [ "" ], "ntpServers": [ "" ], "staticRoutes": [ { "destination": "", "subnetMask": "", "router": "" } ], "vendorInfo": [ { "identifier": "substring(vendor-class-identifier,0,9)==\"PXEClient\"", "information": "06:01:03:0A:04:00:50:58:45:09:14:00:00:11:52:61:73:70:62:65:72:72:79:20:50:69:20:42:6F:6F:74:FF" } ], "capwapAcIpAddresses": [ "" ], "tftpServerAddresses": [ "", "" ], "genericOptions": [ { "code": 150, "value": "C0:A8:01:01" } ], "exclusions": [ { "startingAddress": "", "endingAddress": "" } ], "reservedLeases": [ { "hostName": null, "hardwareAddress": "00-00-00-00-00-00", "address": "", "comments": "comments" } ], "allowOnlyReservedLeases": false, "blockLocallyAdministeredMacAddresses": true }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set DHCP Scope Sets the DHCP scope configuration. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/set?token=x&name=Default&startingAddress=||||00-00-00-00-00-00||comments&allowOnlyReservedLeases=false` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/setDhcpScope` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. - `newName` (optional): The new name of the DHCP scope to rename an existing scope. - `startingAddress` (optional): The starting IP address of the DHCP scope. This parameter is required when creating a new scope. - `endingAddress` (optional): The ending IP address of the DHCP scope. This parameter is required when creating a new scope. - `subnetMask` (optional): The subnet mask of the network. This parameter is required when creating a new scope. - `leaseTimeDays` (optional): The lease time in number of days. - `leaseTimeHours` (optional): The lease time in number of hours. - `leaseTimeMinutes` (optional): The lease time in number of minutes. - `offerDelayTime` (optional): The time duration in milliseconds that the DHCP server delays sending an DHCPOFFER message. - `pingCheckEnabled` (optional): Set this option to `true` to allow the DHCP server to find out if an IP address is already in use to prevent IP address conflict when some of the devices on the network have manually configured IP addresses. - `pingCheckTimeout` (optional): The timeout interval to wait for an ping reply. - `pingCheckRetries` (optional): The maximum number of ping requests to try. - `domainName` (optional): The domain name to be used by this network. The DHCP server automatically adds forward and reverse DNS entries for each IP address allocations when domain name is configured. (Option 15) - `domainSearchList` (optional): A comma separated list of domain names that the clients can use as a suffix when searching a domain name. (Option 119) - `dnsUpdates` (optional): Set this option to `true` to allow the DHCP server to automatically update forward and reverse DNS entries for clients. - `dnsTtl` (optional): The TTL value used for forward and reverse DNS records. - `serverAddress` (optional): The IP address of next server (TFTP) to use in bootstrap by the clients. If not specified, the DHCP server's IP address is used. (siaddr) - `serverHostName` (optional): The optional bootstrap server host name to be used by the clients to identify the TFTP server. (sname/Option 66) - `bootFileName` (optional): The boot file name stored on the bootstrap TFTP server to be used by the clients. (file/Option 67) - `routerAddress` (optional): The default gateway IP address to be used by the clients. (Option 3) - `useThisDnsServer` (optional): Tells the DHCP server to use this DNS server's IP address to configure the DNS Servers DHCP option for clients. - `dnsServers` (optional): A comma separated list of DNS server IP addresses to be used by the clients. This parameter is ignored when `useThisDnsServer` is set to `true`. (Option 6) - `winsServers` (optional): A comma separated list of NBNS/WINS server IP addresses to be used by the clients. (Option 44) - `ntpServers` (optional): A comma separated list of Network Time Protocol (NTP) server IP addresses to be used by the clients. (Option 42) - `ntpServerDomainNames` (optional): Enter NTP server domain names (e.g. pool.ntp.org) above that the DHCP server should automatically resolve and pass the resolved IP addresses to clients as NTP server option. (Option 42) - `staticRoutes` (optional): A `|` separated list of static routes in format `{destination network address}|{subnet mask}|{router/gateway address}` to be used by the clients for accessing specified destination networks. (Option 121) - `vendorInfo` (optional): A `|` separated list of vendor information in format `{vendor class identifier}|{vendor specific information}` where `{vendor specific information}` is a colon separated hex string or a normal hex string. - `capwapAcIpAddresses` (optional): A comma separated list of Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP) Access Controller IP addresses to be used by Wireless Termination Points to discover the Access Controllers to which it is to connect. (Option 138) - `tftpServerAddresses` (optional): A comma separated list of TFTP Server Address or the VoIP Configuration Server Address. (Option 150) - `genericOptions` (optional): This feature allows you to define DHCP options that are not yet directly supported. Use a `|` separated list of DHCP option code defined for it and the value in either a colon (:) separated hex string or a normal hex string in format `{option-code}|{hex-string-value}`. - `exclusions` (optional): A `|` separated list of IP address range in format `{starting address}|{ending address}` that must be excluded or not assigned dynamically to any client by the DHCP server. - `reservedLeases` (optional): A `|` separated list of reserved IP addresses in format `{host name}|{MAC address}|{reserved IP address}|{comments}` to be assigned to specific clients based on their MAC address. - `allowOnlyReservedLeases` (optional): Set this parameter to `true` to stop dynamic IP address allocation and allocate only reserved IP addresses. - `blockLocallyAdministeredMacAddresses` (optional): Set this parameter to `true` to stop dynamic IP address allocation for clients with locally administered MAC addresses. MAC address with 0x02 bit set in the first octet indicate a locally administered MAC address which usually means that the device is not using its original MAC address. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Add Reserved Lease Adds a reserved lease entry to the specified scope. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/addReservedLease?token=x&name=Default&hardwareAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. - `hardwareAddress`: The MAC address of the client. - `ipAddress`: The reserved IP address for the client. - `hostName` (optional): The hostname of the client to override. - `comments` (optional): Comments for the reserved lease entry. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Remove Reserved Lease Removed a reserved lease entry from the specified scope. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/removeReservedLease?token=x&name=Default&hardwareAddress=00:00:00:00:00:00` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. - `hardwareAddress`: The MAC address of the client. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Enable DHCP Scope Enables the DHCP scope allowing the server to allocate leases. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/enable?token=x&name=Default` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/enableDhcpScope` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Disable DHCP Scope Disables the DHCP scope and stops any further lease allocations. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/disable?token=x&name=Default` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/disableDhcpScope` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete DHCP Scope Permanently deletes the DHCP scope from the disk. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/dhcp/scopes/delete?token=x&name=Default` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteDhcpScope` PERMISSIONS:\ DhcpServer: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the DHCP scope. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ## Administration API Calls Allows managing the DNS server administration which includes managing all sessions, users, groups, and permissions. ### List Sessions Returns a list of active user sessions. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/sessions/list?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "sessions": [ { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": true, "partialToken": "272f4890427b9ab5", "type": "Standard", "tokenName": null, "lastSeen": "2022-09-17T13:23:44.9972772Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" }, { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": false, "partialToken": "ddfaecb8e9325e77", "type": "ApiToken", "tokenName": "MyToken1", "lastSeen": "2022-09-17T13:22:45.6710766Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Create API Token Allows creating a non-expiring API token that can be used with automation scripts to make API calls. The token allows access to API calls with the same privileges as that of the user and thus its advised to create a separate user with limited permissions required for creating the API token. The token cannot be used to change the user's password, or update the user profile details. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/sessions/createToken?token=x&user=admin&tokenName=MyToken1` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `user`: The username for the user account for which to generate the API token. - `tokenName`: The name of the created token to identify its session. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "username": "admin", "tokenName": "MyToken1", "token": "ddfaecb8e9325e77865ee7e100f89596a65d3eae0e6dddcb33172355b95a64af" }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Session Deletes a specified user's session. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/sessions/delete?token=x&partialToken=ddfaecb8e9325e77` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `partialToken`: The partial token of the session to delete that was returned by the list of sessions. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### List Users Returns a list of all users. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/users/list?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "users": [ { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-17T13:20:32.7933783Z", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-17T13:22:45.671081Z", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "" }, { "displayName": "Shreyas Zare", "username": "shreyas", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Create User Creates a new user account. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/users/create?token=x&displayName=User&user=user1&pass=password` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `user`: A unique username for the user account. - `pass`: A password for the user account. - `displayName` (optional): The display name for the user account. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "displayName": "User", "username": "user1", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "" }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get User Details Returns a user account profile details. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/users/get?token=x&user=admin&includeGroups=true PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `user`: The username for the user account. - `includeGroups` (optional): Set `true` to include a list of groups in response. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-16T13:22:45.671Z", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-18T09:55:26.9800695Z", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "", "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 1800, "memberOfGroups": [ "Administrators" ], "sessions": [ { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": false, "partialToken": "1f8011516cea27af", "type": "Standard", "tokenName": null, "lastSeen": "2022-09-18T09:55:40.6519988Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" }, { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": false, "partialToken": "ddfaecb8e9325e77", "type": "ApiToken", "tokenName": "MyToken1", "lastSeen": "2022-09-17T13:22:45.671Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" } ], "groups": [ "Administrators", "DHCP Administrators", "DNS Administrators" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set User Details Allows changing user account profile details. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/users/set?token=x&user=admin&displayName=Administrator&disabled=false&sessionTimeoutSeconds=1800&memberOfGroups=Administrators` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `user`: The username for the user account. - `displayName` (optional): The display name for the user account. - `newUser` (optional): A new username for renaming the username for the user account. - `disabled` (optional): Set `true` to disable the user account and delete all its active sessions. - `sessionTimeoutSeconds` (optional): A session time out value in seconds for the user account. - `newPass` (optional): A new password to reset the user account password. - `iterations` (optional): The number of iterations for PBKDF2 SHA256 password hashing. This is only used with the `newPass` option. - `memberOfGroups` (optional): A list of comma separated group names that the user must be set as a member. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "displayName": "Administrator", "username": "admin", "disabled": false, "previousSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-17T13:22:45.671Z", "previousSessionRemoteAddress": "", "recentSessionLoggedOn": "2022-09-18T09:55:26.9800695Z", "recentSessionRemoteAddress": "", "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 1800, "memberOfGroups": [ "Administrators" ], "sessions": [ { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": false, "partialToken": "1f8011516cea27af", "type": "Standard", "tokenName": null, "lastSeen": "2022-09-18T09:59:19.9034491Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" }, { "username": "admin", "isCurrentSession": false, "partialToken": "ddfaecb8e9325e77", "type": "ApiToken", "tokenName": "MyToken1", "lastSeen": "2022-09-17T13:22:45.671Z", "lastSeenRemoteAddress": "", "lastSeenUserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:104.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/104.0" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete User Deletes a user account. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/users/delete?token=x&user=user1` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `user`: The username for the user account to delete. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### List Groups Returns a list of all groups. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/groups/list?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "groups": [ { "name": "Administrators", "description": "Super administrators" }, { "name": "DHCP Administrators", "description": "DHCP service administrators" }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "description": "DNS service administrators" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Create Group Creates a new group. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/groups/create?token=x&group=Group1&description=My%20description` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `group`: The name of the group to create. - `description` (optional): The description text for the group. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "name": "Group1", "description": "My description" }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Group Details Returns the details for a group. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/groups/get?token=x&group=Administrators&includeUsers=true` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `group`: The name of the group. - `includeUsers` (optional): Set `true` to include a list of users in response. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "name": "Administrators", "description": "Super administrators", "members": [ "admin" ], "users": [ "admin", "shreyas" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set Group Details Allows changing group description or rename a group. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/groups/set?token=x&group=Administrators&description=Super%20administrators&members=admin` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Modify WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `group`: The name of the group to update. - `newGroup` (optional): A new group name to rename the group. - `description` (optional): A new group description. - `members` (optional): A comma separated list of usernames to set as the group's members. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "name": "Administrators", "description": "Super administrators", "members": [ "admin" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete Group Allows deleting a group. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/groups/delete?token=x&group=Group1` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `group`: The name of the group to delete. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### List Permissions URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/permissions/list?token=x` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "permissions": [ { "section": "Dashboard", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Zones", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DHCP Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Cache", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Allowed", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Blocked", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Apps", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "DnsClient", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DHCP Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Settings", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } ] }, { "section": "DhcpServer", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DHCP Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, { "section": "Administration", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true } ] }, { "section": "Logs", "userPermissions": [], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "DHCP Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false }, { "name": "DNS Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Get Permission Details Gets details of the permissions for the specified section. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/permissions/get?token=x§ion=Dashboard&includeUsersAndGroups=true` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `section`: The name of the section as given in the list of permissions API call. - `includeUsersAndGroups` (optional): Set to `true` to include a list of users and groups in the response. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "section": "Dashboard", "userPermissions": [ { "username": "shreyas", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ], "users": [ "admin", "shreyas" ], "groups": [ "Administrators", "DHCP Administrators", "DNS Administrators", "Everyone" ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Set Permission Details Allows changing permissions for the specified section. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/admin/permissions/set?token=x§ion=Dashboard&userPermissions=shreyas|true|false|false&groupPermissions=Administrators|true|true|true|Everyone|true|false|false` PERMISSIONS:\ Administration: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `section`: The name of the section as given in the list of permissions API call. - `userPermissions` (optional): A pipe `|` separated table data with each row containing username and boolean values for the view, modify and delete permissions. For example: user1|true|true|true|user2|true|false|false - `groupPermissions` (optional): A pipe `|` separated table data with each row containing the group name and boolean values for the view, modify and delete permissions. For example: group1|true|true|true|group2|true|true|false RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "section": "Dashboard", "userPermissions": [ { "username": "shreyas", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ], "groupPermissions": [ { "name": "Administrators", "canView": true, "canModify": true, "canDelete": true }, { "name": "Everyone", "canView": true, "canModify": false, "canDelete": false } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ## Log API Calls ### List Logs Lists all logs files available on the DNS server. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/logs/list?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/listLogs` PERMISSIONS:\ Logs: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "logFiles": [ { "fileName": "2020-09-19", "size": "8.14 KB" }, { "fileName": "2020-09-15", "size": "5.6 KB" }, { "fileName": "2020-09-12", "size": "18.4 KB" }, { "fileName": "2020-09-11", "size": "1.78 KB" }, { "fileName": "2020-09-10", "size": "2.03 KB" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Download Log Downloads the log file. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/logs/download?token=x&fileName=2020-09-10&limit=2` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/log/{fileName}` PERMISSIONS:\ Logs: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `fileName`: The `fileName` returned by the List Logs API call. - `limit` (optional): The limit of number of mega bytes to download the log file. Default value is `0` when parameter is missing which indicates there is no limit. RESPONSE: Response is a downloadable file with `Content-Type: text/plain` and `Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=name` ### Delete Log Permanently deletes a log file from the disk. URL: `http://localhost:5380/api/logs/delete?token=x&log=2020-09-19` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteLog` PERMISSIONS:\ Logs: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `log`: The `fileName` returned by the List Logs API call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Delete All Logs Permanently delete all log files from the disk. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/logs/deleteAll?token=x` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/deleteAllLogs` PERMISSIONS:\ Logs: Delete WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": {}, "status": "ok" } ``` ### Query Logs Queries for logs to a specified DNS app. URL:\ `http://localhost:5380/api/logs/query?token=x&name=AppName&classPath=AppClassPath&=pageNumber=1&entriesPerPage=10&descendingOrder=true&start=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss&end=yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss&clientIpAddress=&protocol=&responseType=&rcode=&qname=&qtype=&qclass=` OBSOLETE PATH:\ `/api/queryLogs` PERMISSIONS:\ Logs: View WHERE: - `token`: The session token generated by the `login` or the `createToken` call. - `name`: The name of the installed DNS app. - `classPath`: The class path of the DNS app. - `pageNumber` (optional): The page number of the data set to retrieve. - `entriesPerPage` (optional): The number of entries per page. - `descendingOrder` (optional): Orders the selected data set in descending order. - `start` (optional): The start date time in ISO 8601 format to filter the logs. - `end` (optional): The end date time in ISO 8601 format to filter the logs. - `clientIpAddress` (optional): The client IP address to filter the logs. - `protocol` (optional): The DNS transport protocol to filter the logs. Valid values are [`Udp`, `Tcp`, `Tls`, `Https`, `Quic`]. - `responseType` (optional): The DNS server response type to filter the logs. Valid values are [`Authoritative`, `Recursive`, `Cached`, `Blocked`, `UpstreamBlocked`, `CacheBlocked`]. - `rcode` (optional): The DNS response code to filter the logs. - `qname` (optional): The query name (QNAME) in the request question section to filter the logs. - `qtype` (optional): The DNS resource record type (QTYPE) in the request question section to filter the logs. - `qclass` (optional): The DNS class (QCLASS) in the request question section to filter the logs. RESPONSE: ``` { "response": { "pageNumber": 1, "totalPages": 2, "totalEntries": 13, "entries": [ { "rowNumber": 1, "timestamp": "2021-09-10T12:22:52Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Recursive", "rcode": "NoError", "qname": "google.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 2, "timestamp": "2021-09-10T12:37:02Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Blocked", "rcode": "NxDomain", "qname": "example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 3, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:13:31Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Authoritative", "rcode": "ServerFailure", "qname": "example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 4, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:14:48Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Authoritative", "rcode": "ServerFailure", "qname": "example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 5, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:27:25Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Blocked", "rcode": "NxDomain", "qname": "example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 6, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:27:29Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Blocked", "rcode": "NxDomain", "qname": "www.example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 7, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:28:36Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Blocked", "rcode": "NxDomain", "qname": "www.example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 8, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:28:41Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Blocked", "rcode": "NxDomain", "qname": "example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 9, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:28:44Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Blocked", "rcode": "NxDomain", "qname": "sdfsdf.example.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" }, { "rowNumber": 10, "timestamp": "2021-09-11T09:42:02Z", "clientIpAddress": "", "protocol": "Udp", "responseType": "Recursive", "rcode": "NoError", "qname": "technitium.com", "qtype": "A", "qclass": "IN", "answer": "" } ] }, "status": "ok" } ```