# Dependency report for PrusaSlicer ## Possible dynamic linking on Linux * zlib: Strict dependency required from the system, linked dynamically. Many other libs depend on zlib. * wxWidgets >= 3.2 * libcurl * tbb * boost * eigen * glew * expat * openssl * nlopt * openvdb: This library depends on other libs, namely boost, zlib, openexr, blosc (not strictly), etc... * CGAL: Needs additional dependencies * MPFR * GMP ## External libraries in source tree * ad-mesh: Lots of customization, have to be bundled in the source tree. * avrdude: Like ad-mesh, many customization, need to be in the source tree. * clipper: An important library we have to have full control over it. We also have some slicer specific modifications. * glu-libtess: This is an extract of the mesa/glu library not officially available as a package. * imgui: no packages for debian, author suggests using in the source tree * miniz: No packages, author suggests using in the source tree * qhull: libqhull-dev does not contain libqhullcpp => link errors. Until it is fixed, we will use the builtin version. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=925540 * semver: One module C library, author expects to use clib for installation. No packages. ## Header only * igl * nanosvg * agg * catch2: Only Arch has packages for catch2, other distros at most catch (v1.x). Being strictly header only, we bundle this in the source tree. Used for the unit-test suites.