#/|/ Copyright (c) Prusa Research 2018 - 2022 Lukáš Matěna @lukasmatena, Tomáš Mészáros @tamasmeszaros, Filip Sykala @Jony01, Vojtěch Bubník @bubnikv, Vojtěch Král @vojtechkral #/|/ #/|/ PrusaSlicer is released under the terms of the AGPLv3 or higher #/|/ # # This CMake project downloads, configures and builds PrusaSlicer dependencies on Unix and Windows. # # When using this script, it's recommended to perform an out-of-source build using CMake. # # All the dependencies are installed in a `destdir` directory in the root of the build directory, # in a traditional Unix-style prefix structure. The destdir can be used directly by CMake # when building PrusaSlicer - to do this, set the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to ${destdir}/usr/local. # Warning: On UNIX/Linux, you also need to set -DSLIC3R_STATIC=1 when building PrusaSlicer. # # For better clarity of console output, it's recommended to _not_ use a parallelized build # for the top-level command, ie. use `make -j 1` or `ninja -j 1` to force single-threaded top-level # build. This doesn't degrade performance as individual dependencies are built in parallel fashion # if supported by the dependency. # # On Windows, architecture (64 vs 32 bits) is judged based on the compiler variant. # To build dependencies for either 64 or 32 bit OS, use the respective compiler command line. # # WARNING: On UNIX platforms wxWidgets hardcode the destdir path into its `wx-conffig` utility, # therefore, unfortunatelly, the installation cannot be copied/moved elsewhere without re-installing wxWidgets. # cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project(PrusaSlicer_deps) # Redefine BUILD_SHARED_LIBS with default being OFF option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "Build shared libraries instead of static (experimental)" OFF) # List libraries to be excluded from build set(${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_EXCLUDES "" CACHE STRING "Exclude packages matching this regex pattern") # Support legacy parameter DESTDIR if (DESTDIR) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_INSTALL_PREFIX ${DESTDIR}/usr/local CACHE PATH "Destination directory" FORCE) endif () # Support legacy parameter DEP_DOWNLOAD_DIR if (DEP_DOWNLOAD_DIR) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_DOWNLOAD_DIR ${DEP_DOWNLOAD_DIR} CACHE PATH "Path for downloaded source packages." FORCE) endif () # Slightly controversial set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../cmake/modules) if (MSVC) option(DEP_DEBUG "Build in debug version of packages automatically" ON) endif () if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.24) cmake_policy(SET CMP0135 NEW) endif () include(${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../cmake/modules/AddCMakeProject.cmake) macro(list_projects result curdir) file(GLOB children RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*) set(dirlist "") foreach(child ${children}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child}) string(REGEX MATCH "^\\+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)" is_package_dir ${child}) if(is_package_dir AND EXISTS ${curdir}/${child}/${CMAKE_MATCH_1}.cmake) list(APPEND dirlist ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) endif() endif() endforeach() set(${result} ${dirlist}) endmacro() function(dep_message mode msg) if (NOT DEP_MESSAGES_WRITTEN) message(${mode} "${msg}") endif() endfunction () # Always ON options: if (MSVC) if ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" STREQUAL "8") dep_message(STATUS "Detected 64-bit compiler => building 64-bit deps bundle") set(DEPS_BITS 64) elseif ("${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P}" STREQUAL "4") dep_message(STATUS "Detected 32-bit compiler => building 32-bit deps bundle") set(DEPS_BITS 32) else () dep_message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to detect architecture!") endif () else () set(DEP_CMAKE_OPTS "-DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON") endif () if (APPLE) if (CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET) set(DEP_OSX_TARGET "${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}") dep_message(STATUS "OS X Deployment Target: ${DEP_OSX_TARGET}") else () # Attempt to infer the SDK version from the CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT, # this is done because wxWidgets need the min version explicitly set string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+[.][0-9]+[.]sdk$" DEP_OSX_TARGET "${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}") string(REGEX MATCH "^[0-9]+[.][0-9]+" DEP_OSX_TARGET "${DEP_OSX_TARGET}") if (NOT DEP_OSX_TARGET) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not determine OS X SDK version. Please use -DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=") endif () dep_message(STATUS "OS X Deployment Target (inferred from SDK): ${DEP_OSX_TARGET}") endif () # This ensures dependencies don't use SDK features which are not available in the version specified by Deployment target # That can happen when one uses a recent SDK but specifies an older Deployment target set(DEP_WERRORS_SDK "-Werror=partial-availability -Werror=unguarded-availability -Werror=unguarded-availability-new") set(DEP_CMAKE_OPTS "-DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=ON" "-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=${CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT}" "-DCMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=${CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET}" "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=${CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES}" "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=${DEP_WERRORS_SDK}" "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=${DEP_WERRORS_SDK}" "-DCMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK=LAST" "-DCMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE=LAST" ) endif () list_projects(FOUND_PACKAGES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}) dep_message(STATUS "Found external package definitions: ${FOUND_PACKAGES}") # Current list of all required dependencies for PS (top level) set(REQUIRED_PACKAGES Boost Catch2 Cereal CURL EXPAT NLopt GLEW TBB Qhull wxWidgets OpenVDB CGAL OCCT ZLIB LibBGCode ) set(${PROJECT_NAME}_PLATFORM_PACKAGES "" CACHE STRING "Select packages which are provided by the platform" ) set(SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES OpenGL) if (UNIX) # On UNIX systems (including Apple) ZLIB should be available list(APPEND SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES ZLIB) if (APPLE) # Deal with CURL on Apple (See issue #5984 on GH): # Mac SDK should include CURL from at least version 10.12 list(APPEND SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES CURL) endif () endif () list(APPEND SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES ${${PROJECT_NAME}_PLATFORM_PACKAGES}) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES) include(CMakeDependentOption) option(${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_ALL "Choose all external projects to be built." ON) find_package(Git REQUIRED) # The default command line for patching. Only works for newer set(PATCH_CMD ${GIT_EXECUTABLE} apply --verbose --ignore-space-change --whitespace=fix) # all required package targets that have existing definitions will be gathered here set(DEPS_TO_BUILD "") set(_build_list "") set(_build_list_toplevel "") set(_checked_list "") # function to check if a package ought to be provided by the platform can really be found function (check_system_package pkg checked_list) if (NOT ${pkg} IN_LIST ${checked_list}) find_package(${pkg}) if (NOT ${pkg}_FOUND) dep_message(WARNING "No ${pkg} found in system altough marked as system provided. This might cause trouble building the dependencies on this platform") endif () list(APPEND ${checked_list} ${pkg}) set (${checked_list} ${${checked_list}} PARENT_SCOPE) endif () endfunction() # Go through all the found package definition folders and filter them according to the provided cache options set(SUPPORTED_PACKAGES "") foreach (pkg ${FOUND_PACKAGES}) cmake_dependent_option(${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_${pkg} "Select package ${pkg} to be built." OFF "NOT ${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_ALL" OFF) if (NOT ${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_EXCLUDES MATCHES ${pkg} AND (${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_ALL OR ${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_${pkg})) include(+${pkg}/${pkg}.cmake) list(APPEND SUPPORTED_PACKAGES ${pkg}) if (${pkg} IN_LIST SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES) check_system_package(${pkg} _checked_list) elseif (${pkg} IN_LIST REQUIRED_PACKAGES) list(APPEND DEPS_TO_BUILD ${pkg}) endif () endif () endforeach() # Establish dependency graph foreach (pkg ${SUPPORTED_PACKAGES}) if (${pkg} IN_LIST DEPS_TO_BUILD) list(APPEND _build_list dep_${pkg}) list(APPEND _build_list_toplevel dep_${pkg}) endif () foreach(deppkg ${DEP_${pkg}_DEPENDS}) if (${deppkg} IN_LIST SYSTEM_PROVIDED_PACKAGES) check_system_package(${deppkg} _checked_list) elseif(TARGET dep_${deppkg}) dep_message(STATUS "Mapping dep_${deppkg} => dep_${pkg}") add_dependencies(dep_${pkg} dep_${deppkg}) if (${pkg} IN_LIST REQUIRED_PACKAGES) list(APPEND _build_list dep_${deppkg}) endif () endif () endforeach() endforeach() list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _build_list) dep_message(STATUS "Building dep targets (${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}): ${_build_list}") add_custom_target(deps ALL DEPENDS ${_build_list_toplevel}) # Support legacy option DEP_DEBUG on MSVC to build debug libraries in the same cmake run as for CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: if (DEP_DEBUG AND NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") # MSVC has this nice feature to not be able to link release mode libs to Debug mode # projects # Exclude the libraries which have no problem to link to Debug builds in # Release mode (mostly C libraries) set(DEP_DEBUG_EXCLUDES GMP MPFR OpenSSL NanoSVG TIFF JPEG ZLIB heatshrink) if (UNIX) # Making a separate debug build on Unix of wx is a nightmare list(APPEND DEP_DEBUG_EXCLUDES wxWidgets) endif () # Create the list of targets needed in debug mode set(_build_list_dbg "") set(_build_list_filt ${_build_list}) list(JOIN DEP_DEBUG_EXCLUDES "|" _excl_regexp) list(FILTER _build_list_filt EXCLUDE REGEX "${_excl_regexp}") foreach (t ${_build_list_filt}) list(APPEND _build_list_dbg ${t}_debug) endforeach() # Create a subdirectory for the Debug build within the current binary dir: file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_d) execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} -G${CMAKE_GENERATOR} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DDEP_WX_GTK3=${DEP_WX_GTK3} -D${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_DOWNLOAD_DIR=${${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_DOWNLOAD_DIR} -D${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_INSTALL_PREFIX=${${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_INSTALL_PREFIX} -D${PROJECT_NAME}_PACKAGE_EXCLUDES="${_excl_regexp}" -D${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_ALL=${${PROJECT_NAME}_SELECT_ALL} -D${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_BUILD_VERBOSE=${${PROJECT_NAME}_DEP_BUILD_VERBOSE} -DCMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX=d #TODO: forward per-package selector variables -DDEP_MESSAGES_WRITTEN=ON WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_d OUTPUT_QUIET ) dep_message(STATUS "Building dep targets (Debug): ${_build_list_dbg}") # Each lib will have a dep__debug target to build only the debug counterpart # Not part of ALL (problem with parallelization) foreach(pkgtgt ${_build_list_filt}) add_custom_target(${pkgtgt}_debug COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${pkgtgt} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_d USES_TERMINAL ) endforeach() # Can be used to build all the debug libs string(JOIN " " _build_list_filt_targets "${_build_list_filt}") add_custom_target(deps_debug ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${_build_list_filt_targets} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_d USES_TERMINAL ) # The Release must be built before, as there are libs in this debug session which need # the release versions of the excluded libs add_dependencies(deps_debug deps) endif () set(DEP_MESSAGES_WRITTEN ON CACHE BOOL "") install(CODE "message(STATUS \"Built packages succesfully.\")")