//#define CATCH_CONFIG_DISABLE #include <catch_main.hpp> #include <memory> #include "libslic3r/GCodeWriter.hpp" #include "test_data.hpp" #include <iomanip> #include <iostream> //#include "test_data.hpp" // get access to init_print, etc using namespace Slic3r; using namespace std::literals::string_literals; // can't understand what the test want to test: here we are overflowing the double capacity to break the lift logic... //so i moved m_lifted = 0; out of the test in unlift to make that pass. SCENARIO("lift() and unlift() behavior with large values of Z", "[!shouldfail]") { GIVEN("A config from a file and a single extruder.") { GCodeWriter writer{}; GCodeConfig& config {writer.config}; config.set_defaults(); config.load(std::string{ TEST_DATA_DIR PATH_SEPARATOR } +"fff_print_tests/test_gcodewriter/config_lift_unlift.ini"s, Slic3r::ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable); assert(!config.retract_lift.values.empty() && config.retract_lift.values.front() > 0); std::vector<uint16_t> extruder_ids {0}; writer.set_extruders(extruder_ids); writer.set_tool(0); int lift_layer_id = 1; // not first layer, as lift is deactivated on it by default WHEN("Z is set to 9007199254740992") { double trouble_Z{ 9007199254740992 }; const std::string travel_str = writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z); REQUIRE(travel_str.size() > 0); AND_WHEN("GcodeWriter::Lift() is called") { const std::string lift = writer.lift(lift_layer_id); REQUIRE(lift.size() > 0); AND_WHEN("Z is moved post-lift to the same delta as the config Z lift") { REQUIRE(writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z + config.retract_lift.values[0]).size() == 0); AND_WHEN("GCodeWriter::Unlift() is called") { const std::string unlift = writer.unlift(); REQUIRE(unlift.size() == 0); // we're the same height so no additional move happens. THEN("GCodeWriter::Lift() emits gcode.") { const std::string lift_again = writer.lift(lift_layer_id); REQUIRE(lift_again.size() > 0); } } } } } } } SCENARIO("lift() is not ignored after unlift() at normal values of Z") { GIVEN("A config from a file and a single extruder.") { GCodeWriter writer{}; GCodeConfig& config {writer.config}; config.set_defaults(); config.load(std::string{ TEST_DATA_DIR PATH_SEPARATOR } +"fff_print_tests/test_gcodewriter/config_lift_unlift.ini"s, Slic3r::ForwardCompatibilitySubstitutionRule::Disable); std::vector<uint16_t> extruder_ids {0}; writer.set_extruders(extruder_ids); writer.set_tool(0); int lift_layer_id = 1; WHEN("Z is set to 203") { double trouble_Z{ 203 }; writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z); AND_WHEN("GcodeWriter::Lift() is called") { REQUIRE(writer.lift(lift_layer_id).size() > 0); AND_WHEN("Z is moved post-lift to the same delta as the config Z lift") { REQUIRE(writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z + config.retract_lift.values[0]).size() == 0); AND_WHEN("GCodeWriter::Unlift() is called") { REQUIRE(writer.unlift().size() == 0); // we're the same height so no additional move happens. THEN("GCodeWriter::Lift() emits gcode.") { REQUIRE(writer.lift(lift_layer_id).size() > 0); } } } } } WHEN("Z is set to 500003") { double trouble_Z{ 500003 }; writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z); AND_WHEN("GcodeWriter::Lift() is called") { REQUIRE(writer.lift(lift_layer_id).size() > 0); AND_WHEN("Z is moved post-lift to the same delta as the config Z lift") { REQUIRE(writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z + config.retract_lift.values[0]).size() == 0); AND_WHEN("GCodeWriter::Unlift() is called") { REQUIRE(writer.unlift().size() == 0); // we're the same height so no additional move happens. THEN("GCodeWriter::Lift() emits gcode.") { REQUIRE(writer.lift(lift_layer_id).size() > 0); } } } } } WHEN("Z is set to 10.3") { double trouble_Z{ 10.3 }; writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z); AND_WHEN("GcodeWriter::Lift() is called") { REQUIRE(writer.lift(lift_layer_id).size() > 0); AND_WHEN("Z is moved post-lift to the same delta as the config Z lift") { REQUIRE(writer.travel_to_z(trouble_Z + config.retract_lift.values[0]).size() == 0); AND_WHEN("GCodeWriter::Unlift() is called") { REQUIRE(writer.unlift().size() == 0); // we're the same height so no additional move happens. THEN("GCodeWriter::Lift() emits gcode.") { REQUIRE(writer.lift(lift_layer_id).size() > 0); } } } } } } } SCENARIO("set_speed emits values with fixed-point output.") { GIVEN("GCodeWriter instance") { GCodeWriter writer; //max in assert is 100k //WHEN("set_speed is called to set speed to 1.09321e+06") { // THEN("Output string is G1 F1093210.000") { // REQUIRE_THAT(writer.set_speed(1.09321e+06), Catch::Equals("G1 F1093210.000\n")); // } //} WHEN("set_speed is called to set speed to 9.99321e+04") { THEN("Output string is G1 F5995926") { REQUIRE_THAT(writer.set_speed(9.99321e+04), Catch::Equals("G1 F5995926\n")); } } WHEN("set_speed is called to set speed to 1") { THEN("Output string is G1 F60") { REQUIRE_THAT(writer.set_speed(1.0), Catch::Equals("G1 F60\n")); } } WHEN("set_speed is called to set speed to 203.2000022") { THEN("Output string is G1 F12192") { REQUIRE_THAT(writer.set_speed(203.2000022), Catch::Equals("G1 F12192\n")); } } WHEN("set_speed is called to set speed to 203.2000522") { THEN("Output string is G1 F12192.003") { REQUIRE_THAT(writer.set_speed(203.2000522), Catch::Equals("G1 F12192.003\n")); } } } }