#!/bin/bash # Prerequisites # Environment Variables: # UPLOAD_USER - user to upload to sftp server # KEY is assumed to be path to a ssh key for UPLOAD_USER DIR=$1 shift KEY=$1 shift FILES=$* source $(dirname $0)/../common/util.sh set_pr_id set_branch if [ ! -z ${PR_ID+x} ] || [ $current_branch != "master" ]; then DIR=${DIR}/branches fi if [ -s $KEY ]; then for i in $FILES; do filepath=$(readlink -f "$i") tmpfile=$(mktemp) echo put $filepath > $tmpfile sftp -b $tmpfile -i$KEY "${UPLOAD_USER}@dl.slic3r.org:$DIR/" result=$? if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then echo "Error with SFTP" exit $result; fi done else echo "$KEY is not available, not deploying." fi exit $result