# Author: https://github.com/macdylan # Update: 2024/05/08 [vendor] repo_id = non-prusa-fff name = Snapmaker config_version = 2.0.1 config_update_url = https://files.prusa3d.com/wp-content/uploads/repository/PrusaSlicer-settings-master/live/Snapmaker/ [printer_model:Snapmaker J1] name = Snapmaker J1 variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker J1_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker J1_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker J1_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250] name = Snapmaker A250 variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350] name = Snapmaker A350 variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 Dual] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 Dual_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 Dual] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 Dual_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 QSKit] name = Snapmaker A250 QSKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 QSKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 QSKit] name = Snapmaker A350 QSKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 QSKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 BKit] name = Snapmaker A250 BKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 BKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 BKit] name = Snapmaker A350 BKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 BKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit] name = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit] name = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A250_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A250 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker A350_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker A350 Dual_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit_cover.png [printer_model:Snapmaker Artisan] name = Snapmaker Artisan variants = 0.4;0.2;0.6;0.8 technology = FFF family = Snapmaker bed_model = Snapmaker Artisan_bed.stl bed_texture = Snapmaker Artisan_texture.svg thumbnail = Snapmaker Artisan_cover.png [print:*fdm_process_common*] adaptive_layer_height = 0 layer_height = 0.2 seam_position = aligned seam_gap = 15% role_based_wipe_speed = 1 wipe_speed = 80% wipe_on_loops = 1 slice_closing_radius = 0.049 resolution = 0.012 xy_contour_compensation = 0 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.1 precise_outer_wall = 1 ironing_spacing = 0.15 wall_transition_angle = 10 wall_transition_filter_deviation = 25% wall_transition_length = 100% wall_distribution_count = 1 min_bead_width = 85% min_feature_size = 25% bridge_density = 100% thick_bridges = 1 top_solid_infill_flow_ratio = 1 bottom_solid_infill_flow_ratio = 1.2 only_one_wall_top = 0 only_one_wall_first_layer = 0 max_travel_detour_distance = 0 wipe_tower_no_sparse_layers = 0 draft_shield = disabled independent_support_layer_height = 1 interface_shells = 0 max_bridge_length = 10 print_flow_ratio = 1 top_surface_pattern = monotonic bottom_surface_pattern = monotonic filter_out_gap_fill = 0 infill_wall_overlap = 15% infill_direction = 45 bridge_angle = 0 minimum_sparse_infill_area = 15 infill_combination = 0 detect_narrow_internal_solid_infill = 1 ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = 1 internal_bridge_support_thickness = 0.8 initial_layer_infill_speed = 50 initial_layer_travel_speed = 80% ironing_speed = 35 overhang_speed_classic = 0 bridge_speed = 50 travel_speed = 120 default_acceleration = 1100 bridge_acceleration = 1000 travel_acceleration = 1100 default_jerk = 0 infill_jerk = 4 initial_layer_jerk = 4 inner_wall_jerk = 4 outer_wall_jerk = 2 top_surface_jerk = 2 travel_jerk = 4 support_type = normal(auto) support_critical_regions_only = 1 raft_layers = 0 raft_contact_distance = 0.1 raft_expansion = 2 raft_first_layer_density = 90% tree_support_wall_count = 2 tree_support_adaptive_layer_height = 1 tree_support_auto_brim = 1 tree_support_brim_width = 3 tree_support_with_infill = 0 support_angle = 0 support_bottom_interface_spacing = 0.12 support_interface_loop_pattern = 0 support_expansion = 1 support_object_xy_distance = 0.9 skirt_distance = 2 skirt_height = 1 brim_type = no_brim brim_width = 5 prime_volume = 7.3 wipe_tower_cone_angle = 40 flush_into_infill = 0 flush_into_support = 1 flush_into_objects = 0 slicing_mode = regular print_sequence = by layer fuzzy_skin = none fuzzy_skin_thickness = 0.3 reduce_infill_retraction = 1 gcode_comments = 0 gcode_add_line_number = 0 gcode_label_objects = 1 post_process = enforce_support_layers = 0 exclude_object = 0 standby_temperature_delta = -45 timelapse_type = 0 gap_fill_enabled = 0 single_extruder_multi_material_priming = 0 first_layer_height = 0.3 arc_fitting = disabled perimeters = 3 top_solid_layers = 4 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.8 bottom_solid_layers = 3 bottom_solid_min_thickness = 0 avoid_crossing_perimeters = 1 overhangs = 1 perimeter_generator = arachne fill_density = 15% fill_pattern = cubic extrusion_width = 0.42 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.5 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.42 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.42 infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.42 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.42 xy_size_compensation = 0 ironing_flowrate = 10% bridge_flow_ratio = 0.95 thin_walls = 0 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 70 perimeter_speed = 80 infill_speed = 85 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 100 support_material_speed = 80 support_material_interface_speed = 50 enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = 1 overhang_speed_3 = 35 overhang_speed_2 = 25 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 external_perimeter_acceleration = 1000 perimeter_acceleration = 1100 infill_acceleration = 1100 solid_infill_acceleration = 1100 first_layer_acceleration = 500 top_solid_infill_acceleration = 1000 support_material = 0 support_material_style = snug support_material_buildplate_only = 1 support_material_extruder = 0 support_material_interface_extruder = 0 support_material_contact_distance = 0 support_material_bottom_contact_distance = 0.12 support_material_pattern = rectilinear support_material_spacing = 2.5 support_material_threshold = 30 support_material_interface_layers = 2 support_material_bottom_interface_layers = 3 support_material_interface_pattern = auto support_material_interface_spacing = 0.12 support_tree_branch_distance = 5 support_tree_branch_diameter = 5 support_tree_branch_diameter_angle = 15 dont_support_bridges = 1 skirts = 0 brim_separation = 0 wipe_tower = 1 wipe_tower_width = 25 wipe_tower_brim_width = 5 spiral_vase = 0 fuzzy_skin_point_dist = 0.8 output_filename_format = {input_filename_base}_{layer_height}mm_{print_time}.gcode [print:*fdm_process_idex*] inherits = *fdm_process_common* initial_layer_infill_speed = 75 travel_speed = 300 default_acceleration = 10000 bridge_acceleration = 2000 travel_acceleration = 10000 infill_jerk = 8 initial_layer_jerk = 8 outer_wall_jerk = 4 top_surface_jerk = 4 travel_jerk = 10 raft_expansion = 2 brim_type = no_brim small_perimeter_threshold = 0 support_material_synchronize_layers = 1 first_layer_height = 0.2 arc_fitting = emit_center perimeters = 3 top_solid_layers = 4 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.8 bottom_solid_layers = 3 bottom_solid_min_thickness = 0 avoid_crossing_perimeters = 1 overhangs = 1 perimeter_generator = arachne fill_density = 15% fill_pattern = cubic extrusion_width = 0.42 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.5 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.42 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.42 infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.42 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.42 xy_size_compensation = 0 ironing_flowrate = 10% bridge_flow_ratio = 0.95 thin_walls = 0 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 145 perimeter_speed = 250 infill_speed = 250 solid_infill_speed = 250 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 250 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = 1 overhang_speed_3 = 60 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 external_perimeter_acceleration = 1000 perimeter_acceleration = 6000 infill_acceleration = 10000 solid_infill_acceleration = 10000 first_layer_acceleration = 500 top_solid_infill_acceleration = 2000 support_material = 0 support_material_style = snug support_material_buildplate_only = 1 support_material_extruder = 1 support_material_interface_extruder = 2 support_material_contact_distance = 0 support_material_bottom_contact_distance = 0 support_material_pattern = rectilinear support_material_spacing = 2.5 support_material_threshold = 30 support_material_interface_layers = 3 support_material_bottom_interface_layers = 3 support_material_interface_pattern = rectilinear support_material_interface_spacing = 0.12 support_tree_branch_distance = 5 support_tree_branch_diameter = 5 support_tree_branch_diameter_angle = 15 dont_support_bridges = 1 skirts = 0 brim_separation = 0 wipe_tower = 1 wipe_tower_width = 25 wipe_tower_brim_width = 5 spiral_vase = 0 fuzzy_skin_point_dist = 0.8 output_filename_format = {input_filename_base}_{layer_height}mm_{print_time}_J1.gcode [print:*fdm_process_a400*] inherits = *fdm_process_common* initial_layer_infill_speed = 75 travel_speed = 190 default_acceleration = 2000 travel_acceleration = 3000 infill_jerk = 8 initial_layer_jerk = 8 outer_wall_jerk = 4 top_surface_jerk = 4 travel_jerk = 10 raft_expansion = 2 brim_type = no_brim small_perimeter_threshold = 0 support_material_synchronize_layers = 1 first_layer_height = 0.2 arc_fitting = emit_center perimeters = 3 top_solid_layers = 4 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.8 bottom_solid_layers = 3 bottom_solid_min_thickness = 0 avoid_crossing_perimeters = 1 overhangs = 1 perimeter_generator = arachne fill_density = 15% fill_pattern = cubic extrusion_width = 0.42 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.5 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.42 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.45 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.42 infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.42 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.42 xy_size_compensation = 0 ironing_flowrate = 10% bridge_flow_ratio = 0.95 thin_walls = 0 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 145 perimeter_speed = 160 infill_speed = 160 solid_infill_speed = 160 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 160 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = 1 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 25 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 external_perimeter_acceleration = 1000 perimeter_acceleration = 2000 infill_acceleration = 2000 solid_infill_acceleration = 2000 first_layer_acceleration = 500 top_solid_infill_acceleration = 1000 support_material = 0 support_material_style = snug support_material_buildplate_only = 1 support_material_extruder = 1 support_material_interface_extruder = 2 support_material_contact_distance = 0 support_material_bottom_contact_distance = 0 support_material_pattern = rectilinear support_material_spacing = 2.5 support_material_threshold = 30 support_material_interface_layers = 3 support_material_bottom_interface_layers = 3 support_material_interface_pattern = rectilinear support_material_interface_spacing = 0.12 support_tree_branch_distance = 5 support_tree_branch_diameter = 5 support_tree_branch_diameter_angle = 15 dont_support_bridges = 1 skirts = 0 brim_separation = 0 wipe_tower = 1 wipe_tower_width = 25 wipe_tower_brim_width = 5 spiral_vase = 0 fuzzy_skin_point_dist = 0.8 output_filename_format = {input_filename_base}_{layer_height}mm_{print_time}.gcode [print:0.06 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.06 ironing_speed = 30 travel_speed = 110 first_layer_height = 0.1 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 7 bottom_solid_layers = 5 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 40 external_perimeter_speed = 100 perimeter_speed = 120 solid_infill_speed = 120 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 40 overhang_speed_3 = 60 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.06 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.06 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 first_layer_height = 0.1 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 5 bottom_solid_layers = 4 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 [print:0.06 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.2 nozzle)] compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.06 initial_layer_infill_speed = 70 first_layer_height = 0.1 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 5 bottom_solid_layers = 4 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 40 perimeter_speed = 150 [print:0.08 Extra Fine @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 layer_height = 0.08 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 ironing_speed = 30 travel_speed = 110 first_layer_height = 0.1 top_solid_layers = 9 bottom_solid_layers = 7 ironing_flowrate = 8% bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 70 perimeter_speed = 120 infill_speed = 90 solid_infill_speed = 120 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 overhang_speed_3 = 55 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 support_material_threshold = 15 [print:0.08 Extra Fine @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 layer_height = 0.08 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 first_layer_height = 0.1 top_solid_layers = 5 bottom_solid_layers = 4 ironing_flowrate = 8% bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 solid_infill_speed = 150 support_material_threshold = 15 [print:0.08 Extra Fine @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 layer_height = 0.08 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 first_layer_height = 0.1 top_solid_layers = 5 bottom_solid_layers = 4 ironing_flowrate = 8% bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 solid_infill_speed = 150 support_material_threshold = 15 [print:0.10 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.1 initial_layer_infill_speed = 70 ironing_speed = 30 travel_speed = 110 first_layer_height = 0.1 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 7 bottom_solid_layers = 5 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 40 external_perimeter_speed = 100 perimeter_speed = 120 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 120 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 40 overhang_speed_3 = 60 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.10 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.1 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 first_layer_height = 0.1 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 7 bottom_solid_layers = 5 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 [print:0.10 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.1 first_layer_height = 0.1 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 7 bottom_solid_layers = 5 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 [print:0.12 Fine @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.12 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 ironing_speed = 30 first_layer_height = 0.2 top_solid_layers = 5 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 bottom_solid_layers = 5 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 120 infill_speed = 90 solid_infill_speed = 120 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 overhang_speed_3 = 55 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 support_material_threshold = 20 [print:0.12 Fine @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.12 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 top_solid_layers = 5 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 bottom_solid_layers = 5 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 solid_infill_speed = 150 support_material_threshold = 20 [print:0.12 Fine @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.12 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 top_solid_layers = 5 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 bottom_solid_layers = 5 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 solid_infill_speed = 150 support_material_threshold = 20 [print:0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.14 initial_layer_infill_speed = 70 ironing_speed = 30 first_layer_height = 0.2 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 7 bottom_solid_layers = 5 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 40 external_perimeter_speed = 100 perimeter_speed = 120 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 120 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 40 overhang_speed_3 = 60 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.14 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.14 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 5 bottom_solid_layers = 4 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 [print:0.14 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.2 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") layer_height = 0.14 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 perimeters = 4 top_solid_layers = 5 bottom_solid_layers = 4 extrusion_width = 0.22 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.25 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.22 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.22 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.22 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 [print:0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.16 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 infill_wall_overlap = 20% ironing_speed = 30 first_layer_height = 0.2 top_solid_layers = 4 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 bottom_solid_layers = 4 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 80 perimeter_speed = 100 infill_speed = 95 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 overhang_speed_3 = 55 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 support_material_threshold = 25 [print:0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.16 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 top_solid_layers = 5 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 bottom_solid_layers = 4 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 support_material_threshold = 25 [print:0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.16 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 80 top_solid_layers = 5 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 bottom_solid_layers = 4 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 support_material_threshold = 25 [print:0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.18 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 first_layer_height = 0.2 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 90 perimeter_speed = 90 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.18 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.18 perimeters = 2 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 perimeter_speed = 145 solid_infill_speed = 150 [print:0.18 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.18 perimeters = 2 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 bridge_flow_ratio = 1 [print:0.20 Standard @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 60 ironing_speed = 30 top_solid_layers = 4 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.8 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 70 perimeter_speed = 90 infill_speed = 95 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = 1 overhang_speed_3 = 40 overhang_speed_2 = 20 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.20 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 [print:0.20 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 [print:0.20 Strength @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 infill_wall_overlap = 25% ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 6 top_solid_layers = 4 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.8 fill_density = 25% first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 90 perimeter_speed = 100 infill_speed = 95 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 overhang_speed_3 = 55 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.20 Strength @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 perimeters = 6 bottom_solid_layers = 4 fill_density = 25% [print:0.20 Strength @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 perimeters = 6 bottom_solid_layers = 4 fill_density = 25% [print:0.24 Draft @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.24 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 ironing_speed = 30 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 90 perimeter_speed = 100 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 overhang_speed_3 = 55 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 support_material_threshold = 35 [print:0.24 Draft @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.24 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 support_material_threshold = 35 [print:0.24 Draft @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.24 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 support_material_threshold = 35 [print:0.25 Benchy @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 200 ironing_speed = 30 layer_height = 0.25 ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = none seam_position = nearest minimum_sparse_infill_area = 0 infill_combination = 1 infill_direction = 90 gap_fill_target = nowhere initial_layer_travel_speed = 100% bridge_acceleration = 3000 bridge_speed = 180 default_acceleration = 15000 small_perimeter_speed = 200 travel_acceleration = 28000 first_layer_height = 0.25 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.5 bottom_solid_layers = 2 avoid_crossing_perimeters = 0 overhangs = 0 perimeter_generator = classic fill_density = 10% fill_pattern = alignedrectilinear extrusion_width = 0.4 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.5 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.5 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.5 infill_extrusion_width = 0.5 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.5 first_layer_speed = 120 external_perimeter_speed = 180 perimeter_speed = 280 infill_speed = 200 solid_infill_speed = 280 top_solid_infill_speed = 200 gap_fill_speed = 280 enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = 0 overhang_speed_3 = 150 overhang_speed_2 = 20 external_perimeter_acceleration = 5000 perimeter_acceleration = 15000 infill_acceleration = 15000 solid_infill_acceleration = 20000 first_layer_acceleration = 5000 top_solid_infill_acceleration = 8000 output_filename_format = J1Benchy_{print_time}.gcode [print:0.25 Benchy @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 180 ironing_speed = 30 layer_height = 0.25 ensure_vertical_shell_thickness = none seam_position = nearest minimum_sparse_infill_area = 0 infill_combination = 1 infill_direction = 90 gap_fill_target = nowhere initial_layer_travel_speed = 100% bridge_acceleration = 3000 bridge_speed = 100 default_acceleration = 3000 small_perimeter_speed = 200 first_layer_height = 0.25 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.5 bottom_solid_layers = 2 avoid_crossing_perimeters = 0 overhangs = 0 perimeter_generator = classic fill_density = 10% fill_pattern = alignedrectilinear extrusion_width = 0.4 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.5 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.5 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.5 infill_extrusion_width = 0.5 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.5 first_layer_speed = 100 external_perimeter_speed = 180 perimeter_speed = 200 infill_speed = 200 solid_infill_speed = 200 top_solid_infill_speed = 180 gap_fill_speed = 200 enable_dynamic_overhang_speeds = 0 overhang_speed_3 = 180 overhang_speed_2 = 20 overhang_speed_1 = 10 external_perimeter_acceleration = 1600 perimeter_acceleration = 3000 infill_acceleration = 3000 solid_infill_acceleration = 3000 first_layer_acceleration = 1600 top_solid_infill_acceleration = 3000 output_filename_format = ArtisanBenchy_{print_time}.gcode [print:0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.24 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 90 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.24 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.24 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 [print:0.24 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.24 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 [print:0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.24 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 first_layer_height = 0.3 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 90 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 100 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 25 overhang_speed_0 = 5 [print:0.24 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.24 first_layer_height = 0.3 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 [print:0.24 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.24 first_layer_height = 0.3 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 [print:0.28 Extra Draft @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.28 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 first_layer_speed = 50 external_perimeter_speed = 85 perimeter_speed = 95 infill_speed = 95 solid_infill_speed = 95 top_solid_infill_speed = 70 gap_fill_speed = 85 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 50 overhang_speed_3 = 55 overhang_speed_2 = 30 overhang_speed_1 = 10 overhang_speed_0 = 10 support_material_threshold = 40 [print:0.28 Extra Draft @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.28 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 support_material_threshold = 40 [print:0.28 Extra Draft @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") layer_height = 0.28 elefant_foot_compensation = 0.15 initial_layer_infill_speed = 65 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 top_solid_min_thickness = 0.6 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.45 support_material_threshold = 40 [print:0.30 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.3 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.30 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.3 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.30 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.3 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.30 Strength @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.3 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 6 top_solid_layers = 3 fill_density = 25% extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.30 Strength @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.3 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 5 top_solid_layers = 3 fill_density = 25% extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.30 Strength @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.3 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 5 top_solid_layers = 3 fill_density = 25% extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.32 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.32 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 25 overhang_speed_0 = 5 [print:0.32 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.32 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.32 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.32 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.34 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.34 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 travel_speed = 110 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.34 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.34 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.34 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.34 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.36 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.36 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 25 overhang_speed_0 = 5 [print:0.36 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.36 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.36 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.36 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.38 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.38 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.38 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.38 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.38 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.38 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.40 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.4 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 25 overhang_speed_0 = 5 [print:0.40 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.4 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.40 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.4 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.42 Draft @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.42 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 15 overhang_speed_0 = 10 [print:0.42 Draft @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.42 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.42 Draft @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") layer_height = 0.42 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.62 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.62 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.62 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.62 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.48 Draft @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_common* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.48 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 ironing_speed = 30 first_layer_height = 0.4 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 35 external_perimeter_speed = 75 perimeter_speed = 85 infill_speed = 100 solid_infill_speed = 85 top_solid_infill_speed = 100 gap_fill_speed = 50 support_material_speed = 100 support_material_interface_speed = 35 overhang_speed_3 = 0 overhang_speed_2 = 50 overhang_speed_1 = 25 overhang_speed_0 = 5 [print:0.48 Draft @Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_idex* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.48 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 first_layer_height = 0.4 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [print:0.48 Draft @Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle)] inherits = *fdm_process_a400* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") layer_height = 0.48 bridge_speed = 30 initial_layer_infill_speed = 55 first_layer_height = 0.4 perimeters = 2 top_solid_layers = 3 extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_extrusion_width = 0.82 perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0.82 top_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0.82 support_material_extrusion_width = 0.82 first_layer_speed = 40 [filament:*fdm_filament_common*] filament_vendor = Snapmaker filament_soluble = 0 filament_settings_id = bed_type = Hot Plate overhang_fan_threshold = 95% filament_cost = 0 filament_density = 0 filament_diameter = 1.75 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 0 filament_minimal_purge_on_wipe_tower = 0 filament_retract_before_wipe = nil filament_retract_restart_extra = nil filament_wipe = nil filament_wipe_distance = nil filament_loading_speed_start = 3 filament_loading_speed = 25 filament_unloading_speed_start = 3 filament_unloading_speed = 25 filament_load_time = 0 filament_unload_time = 0 filament_toolchange_delay = 0 filament_cooling_moves = 0 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 2.2 filament_cooling_final_speed = 3.4 filament_multitool_ramming = 0 filament_multitool_ramming_volume = 0 full_fan_speed_layer = 0 enable_pressure_advance = 0 bed_temperature = 60 first_layer_bed_temperature = 60 temperature = 200 first_layer_temperature = 200 idle_temperature = 140 filament_retract_length = nil filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 0 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 35 max_fan_speed = 100 bridge_fan_speed = 100 disable_fan_first_layers = 2 slowdown_below_layer_time = 8 fan_below_layer_time = 60 min_print_speed = 10 extrusion_multiplier = 1 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_abs*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 25% filament_cost = 50 filament_density = 1.04 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 16 enable_pressure_advance = 1 filament_type = ABS filament_notes = "eSUN ABS+\nSunlu ABS+\n" bed_temperature = 90 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 temperature = 260 first_layer_temperature = 260 idle_temperature = 189 filament_retract_length = 0.6 filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = 0.7 filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.015 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 15 max_fan_speed = 80 bridge_fan_speed = 80 disable_fan_first_layers = 3 slowdown_below_layer_time = 3 fan_below_layer_time = 30 min_print_speed = 20 extrusion_multiplier = 0.93 filament_colour = #682D35 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_asa*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 25% filament_cost = 80 filament_density = 1.04 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.6 enable_pressure_advance = 1 filament_type = ASA bed_temperature = 90 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 temperature = 255 first_layer_temperature = 255 idle_temperature = 182 filament_retract_length = 0.6 filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = 0.7 filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 10 max_fan_speed = 35 bridge_fan_speed = 80 disable_fan_first_layers = 4 slowdown_below_layer_time = 5 fan_below_layer_time = 20 min_print_speed = 20 extrusion_multiplier = 0.94 filament_colour = #F35887 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_pa*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 0% filament_cost = 150 filament_density = 1.09 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 8 full_fan_speed_layer = 3 filament_type = PA-CF filament_notes = "!! It needs to be dried before use.\n" bed_temperature = 95 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 temperature = 250 first_layer_temperature = 255 idle_temperature = 203 filament_retract_length = 2 filament_retract_speed = 36 filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = nil filament_retract_before_travel = 0 start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 30 max_fan_speed = 65 bridge_fan_speed = 60 disable_fan_first_layers = 3 slowdown_below_layer_time = 20 fan_below_layer_time = 20 min_print_speed = 15 extrusion_multiplier = 1 filament_colour = #3D3C39 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_petg*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 25% filament_cost = 30 filament_density = 1.27 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 10 enable_pressure_advance = 1 filament_type = PETG bed_temperature = 70 first_layer_bed_temperature = 70 temperature = 245 first_layer_temperature = 255 idle_temperature = 160 filament_retract_length = 1.8 filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = nil filament_retract_before_travel = 0 start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 40 max_fan_speed = 90 bridge_fan_speed = 90 disable_fan_first_layers = 2 slowdown_below_layer_time = 8 fan_below_layer_time = 30 min_print_speed = 20 extrusion_multiplier = 0.95 filament_colour = #DF6734 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_pet*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 25% filament_cost = 8 filament_density = 1.29 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 6 enable_pressure_advance = 1 filament_type = PET filament_notes = "JiaNong PET 1.63x1.75mm" bed_temperature = 65 first_layer_bed_temperature = 60 temperature = 278 first_layer_temperature = 275 idle_temperature = 230 filament_retract_length = nil filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.022 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 0 max_fan_speed = 40 bridge_fan_speed = 60 disable_fan_first_layers = 2 slowdown_below_layer_time = 2 fan_below_layer_time = 7 min_print_speed = 50 extrusion_multiplier = 1 filament_colour = #FFFFFF end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_pla*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 0% filament_cost = 60 filament_density = 1.24 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 14 enable_pressure_advance = 1 filament_type = PLA additional_cooling_fan_speed = 70 bed_temperature = 60 first_layer_bed_temperature = 60 temperature = 210 first_layer_temperature = 220 idle_temperature = 154 filament_retract_length = 1.2 filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil filament_retract_lift = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 100 max_fan_speed = 100 bridge_fan_speed = 100 disable_fan_first_layers = 1 slowdown_below_layer_time = 8 fan_below_layer_time = 100 min_print_speed = 15 extrusion_multiplier = 0.98 filament_colour = #F8C827 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_pla_eco*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* temperature = 200 first_layer_temperature = 205 filament_colour = #D5DDDC [filament:*fdm_filament_pva*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* overhang_fan_threshold = 50% filament_cost = 120 filament_density = 1.37 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2.4 filament_type = PVA additional_cooling_fan_speed = 50 bed_temperature = 50 first_layer_bed_temperature = 50 temperature = 215 first_layer_temperature = 215 idle_temperature = 150 filament_retract_length = 2 filament_retract_speed = 28 filament_deretract_speed = 15 filament_retract_lift = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = nil fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 1 min_fan_speed = 35 max_fan_speed = 100 bridge_fan_speed = 100 disable_fan_first_layers = 2 slowdown_below_layer_time = 7 fan_below_layer_time = 100 min_print_speed = 20 extrusion_multiplier = 1 filament_colour = #D9DFE3 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*fdm_filament_tpu*] inherits = *fdm_filament_common* filament_cost = 80 filament_density = 1.24 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2.8 filament_type = TPU additional_cooling_fan_speed = 70 filament_notes = "!! It needs to be dried before use.\nSunlu TPU 95A\n" bed_temperature = 40 first_layer_bed_temperature = 40 temperature = 240 first_layer_temperature = 240 idle_temperature = 138 filament_retract_length = 0.5 filament_retract_speed = 25 filament_deretract_speed = 25 filament_retract_lift = 0 filament_retract_before_travel = nil start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.04 ;override pressure advance value" filament_retract_layer_change = 0 fan_always_on = 1 cooling = 0 min_fan_speed = 70 max_fan_speed = 70 bridge_fan_speed = 70 disable_fan_first_layers = 1 slowdown_below_layer_time = 8 fan_below_layer_time = 100 min_print_speed = 10 extrusion_multiplier = 1 filament_colour = #302730 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*Snapmaker ABS @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_abs* [filament:Snapmaker ABS] inherits = *Snapmaker ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker ABS @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:*Snapmaker ASA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_asa* [filament:Snapmaker ASA] inherits = *Snapmaker ASA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker ASA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker ASA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2.4 [filament:*Snapmaker PA-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pa* [filament:Snapmaker PA-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker PA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker PETG @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_petg* [filament:Snapmaker PETG] inherits = *Snapmaker PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker PETG @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.6 [filament:*Snapmaker PET @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pet* [filament:Snapmaker PET] inherits = *Snapmaker PET @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker PETG-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_petg* overhang_fan_threshold = 10% filament_cost = 40 filament_density = 1.25 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 6.4 enable_pressure_advance = 0 filament_type = PETG-CF first_layer_temperature = 250 idle_temperature = 178 filament_retract_length = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil min_fan_speed = 0 max_fan_speed = 30 bridge_fan_speed = 55 slowdown_below_layer_time = 6 fan_below_layer_time = 10 min_print_speed = 10 filament_colour = #3D3C39 [filament:Snapmaker PETG-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker PETG-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker PLA Eco @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla_eco* [filament:Snapmaker PLA Eco] inherits = *Snapmaker PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker PLA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* [filament:Snapmaker PLA] inherits = *Snapmaker PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker PLA-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12 filament_type = PLA-CF additional_cooling_fan_speed = 0 idle_temperature = 150 slowdown_below_layer_time = 7 extrusion_multiplier = 0.95 filament_colour = #3D3C39 [filament:Snapmaker PLA-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker PLA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker PLA Silk @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 70 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.5 first_layer_bed_temperature = 65 filament_retract_length = 0.5 filament_colour = #CF942B [filament:Snapmaker PLA Silk] inherits = *Snapmaker PLA Silk @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker PLA Silk @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker PLA Silk @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:*PolyLite PLA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 90 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 15 extrusion_multiplier = 0.95 filament_colour = #8269AC [filament:PolyLite PLA] inherits = *PolyLite PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:PolyLite PLA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *PolyLite PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.6 [filament:*PolyTerra PLA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 80 filament_density = 1.31 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 14.4 filament_colour = #73CEC8 [filament:PolyTerra PLA] inherits = *PolyTerra PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:PolyTerra PLA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *PolyTerra PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.4 [filament:*Snapmaker TPU @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_tpu* [filament:Snapmaker TPU] inherits = *Snapmaker TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker TPE] inherits = *Snapmaker TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 QSKit") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_density = 1.22 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.2 filament_notes = "eSUN eLastic TPE-83A\n" bed_temperature = 45 first_layer_bed_temperature = 45 min_fan_speed = 100 max_fan_speed = 100 bridge_fan_speed = 100 filament_colour = #383737 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 ABS @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_abs* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 9.6 bed_temperature = 110 first_layer_bed_temperature = 105 min_fan_speed = 22 max_fan_speed = 22 bridge_fan_speed = 22 extrusion_multiplier = 0.95 start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.02 ;override pressure advance value" end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 ABS] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker J1 ABS @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 bed_temperature = 90 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 min_fan_speed = 15 max_fan_speed = 80 bridge_fan_speed = 80 extrusion_multiplier = 0.93 start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.015 ;override pressure advance value" end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:Snapmaker J1 ABS @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 16 min_print_speed = 10 [filament:Snapmaker J1 ABS Benchy] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 31 filament_wipe = 0 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 temperature = 250 filament_retract_length = 0.5 filament_retract_speed = 55 filament_deretract_speed = 55 filament_retract_lift = 0 filament_retract_layer_change = 0 cooling = 0 min_fan_speed = 65 max_fan_speed = 80 bridge_fan_speed = 35 slowdown_below_layer_time = 0 fan_below_layer_time = 2 min_print_speed = 0 filament_colour = #335BBB [filament:*Snapmaker J1 ASA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_asa* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 9.6 bed_temperature = 110 first_layer_bed_temperature = 100 min_fan_speed = 0 max_fan_speed = 20 bridge_fan_speed = 20 [filament:Snapmaker J1 ASA] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 ASA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker J1 ASA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 ASA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2.4 bed_temperature = 90 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 min_fan_speed = 10 max_fan_speed = 35 bridge_fan_speed = 80 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PA-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pa* min_fan_speed = 29 max_fan_speed = 55 bridge_fan_speed = 55 extrusion_multiplier = 0.96 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PA-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PETG @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_petg* filament_density = 1.25 temperature = 255 idle_temperature = 178 filament_retract_speed = 35 min_fan_speed = 10 max_fan_speed = 40 bridge_fan_speed = 60 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PETG] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PETG @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.6 [filament:Snapmaker J1 PETG @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") min_fan_speed = 20 max_fan_speed = 60 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PET @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pet* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 6.8 min_fan_speed = 26 max_fan_speed = 50 bridge_fan_speed = 40 min_print_speed = 35 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PET] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PET @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PETG-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_petg* overhang_fan_threshold = 10% filament_cost = 40 filament_density = 1.25 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 6.4 enable_pressure_advance = 0 filament_type = PETG-CF first_layer_temperature = 250 idle_temperature = 178 filament_retract_length = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil min_fan_speed = 0 max_fan_speed = 30 bridge_fan_speed = 55 slowdown_below_layer_time = 6 fan_below_layer_time = 10 min_print_speed = 10 filament_colour = #3D3C39 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PETG-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PETG-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla_eco* filament_density = 1.26 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") min_print_speed = 20 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PLA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* temperature = 220 filament_retract_length = nil end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_density = 1.32 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 9.6 first_layer_temperature = 215 filament_colour = #EAC3C3 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Matte @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") min_print_speed = 20 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PLA Metal @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 90 filament_density = 1.25 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 16 temperature = 220 filament_colour = #767A7E end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Metal] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Metal @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Metal @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Metal @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PLA-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_density = 1.22 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 15 filament_type = PLA-CF additional_cooling_fan_speed = 0 bed_temperature = 55 first_layer_bed_temperature = 55 temperature = 230 first_layer_temperature = 230 idle_temperature = 150 filament_colour = #3D3C39 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA-CF @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12.8 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PLA Silk @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 70 filament_density = 1.32 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12 first_layer_bed_temperature = 65 temperature = 230 first_layer_temperature = 230 filament_retract_length = 0.5 filament_colour = #CF942B end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Silk] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Silk @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PLA Silk @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PLA Silk @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:PolyLite J1 PLA] inherits = *PolyLite PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:PolyLite J1 PLA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = PolyLite PLA @0.2 nozzle compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") [filament:PolyTerra J1 PLA] inherits = *PolyTerra PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:PolyTerra J1 PLA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = PolyTerra PLA @0.2 nozzle compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") [filament:*Snapmaker J1 PVA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pva* slowdown_below_layer_time = 8 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 PVA] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PVA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker J1 PVA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 PVA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.2 temperature = 220 first_layer_temperature = 220 [filament:*Snapmaker J1 TPU @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_tpu* end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker J1 TPU] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker J1 TPU High-Flow] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.6 filament_notes = "!! It needs to be dried before use.\nSnapmaker TPU 95A High-Flow\n" filament_retract_length = 0.8 filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil extrusion_multiplier = 0.983 [filament:Snapmaker J1 TPE] inherits = *Snapmaker J1 TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker J1") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_density = 1.22 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.2 filament_notes = "eSUN eLastic TPE-83A\n" bed_temperature = 45 first_layer_bed_temperature = 45 min_fan_speed = 65 max_fan_speed = 65 bridge_fan_speed = 65 extrusion_multiplier = 1.1 filament_colour = #383737 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual ABS @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_abs* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 8 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 bed_temperature = 110 first_layer_bed_temperature = 105 max_fan_speed = 15 bridge_fan_speed = 20 extrusion_multiplier = 0.95 start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.02 ;override pressure advance value" end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual ABS] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker Dual ABS @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 filament_loading_speed_start = 3 filament_loading_speed = 25 filament_unloading_speed_start = 3 filament_unloading_speed = 25 filament_load_time = 0 filament_unload_time = 0 filament_cooling_moves = 0 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 2.2 filament_cooling_final_speed = 3.4 bed_temperature = 90 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 max_fan_speed = 80 bridge_fan_speed = 80 extrusion_multiplier = 0.93 start_filament_gcode = "M900 K0.015 ;override pressure advance value" end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:Snapmaker Dual ABS @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 16 min_print_speed = 10 [filament:Snapmaker Dual ABS Benchy] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual ABS @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 31 filament_wipe = 0 temperature = 250 filament_retract_length = 0.5 filament_retract_speed = 55 filament_deretract_speed = 55 filament_retract_lift = 0 filament_retract_layer_change = 0 cooling = 0 min_fan_speed = 35 max_fan_speed = 50 bridge_fan_speed = 35 slowdown_below_layer_time = 0 fan_below_layer_time = 2 min_print_speed = 0 filament_colour = #335BBB [filament:*Snapmaker Dual ASA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_asa* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 8 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 bed_temperature = 110 first_layer_bed_temperature = 100 min_fan_speed = 0 max_fan_speed = 15 bridge_fan_speed = 15 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual ASA] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual ASA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker Dual ASA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual ASA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2.4 filament_loading_speed_start = 3 filament_loading_speed = 25 filament_unloading_speed_start = 3 filament_unloading_speed = 25 filament_load_time = 0 filament_unload_time = 0 filament_cooling_moves = 0 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 2.2 filament_cooling_final_speed = 3.4 bed_temperature = 90 first_layer_bed_temperature = 90 min_fan_speed = 10 max_fan_speed = 35 bridge_fan_speed = 80 end_filament_gcode = "" [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PA-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pa* filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 bed_temperature = 100 first_layer_bed_temperature = 95 min_fan_speed = 15 max_fan_speed = 50 bridge_fan_speed = 50 extrusion_multiplier = 0.96 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PA-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PETG @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_petg* filament_density = 1.25 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 temperature = 255 idle_temperature = 178 filament_retract_speed = 35 min_fan_speed = 10 max_fan_speed = 30 bridge_fan_speed = 60 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PETG] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PETG @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.6 [filament:Snapmaker Dual PETG @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PETG @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") min_fan_speed = 20 max_fan_speed = 60 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PET @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pet* filament_max_volumetric_speed = 6.8 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 min_fan_speed = 26 max_fan_speed = 50 bridge_fan_speed = 40 min_print_speed = 35 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PET] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PET @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PETG-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_petg* overhang_fan_threshold = 10% filament_cost = 40 filament_density = 1.25 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 6.4 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 enable_pressure_advance = 0 filament_type = PETG-CF first_layer_temperature = 250 idle_temperature = 178 filament_retract_length = nil filament_retract_before_travel = nil min_fan_speed = 0 max_fan_speed = 20 bridge_fan_speed = 55 slowdown_below_layer_time = 6 fan_below_layer_time = 10 min_print_speed = 10 filament_colour = #3D3C39 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PETG-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PETG-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla_eco* filament_density = 1.26 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Eco @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") min_print_speed = 20 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PLA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 temperature = 220 filament_retract_length = nil end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_density = 1.32 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 9.6 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 first_layer_temperature = 215 filament_colour = #EAC3C3 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Matte @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") min_print_speed = 20 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PLA Metal @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 90 filament_density = 1.25 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 16 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 temperature = 220 filament_colour = #767A7E end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Metal] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Metal @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Metal @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Metal @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PLA-CF @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_density = 1.22 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 15 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 filament_type = PLA-CF additional_cooling_fan_speed = 0 bed_temperature = 55 first_layer_bed_temperature = 55 temperature = 230 first_layer_temperature = 230 idle_temperature = 150 filament_colour = #3D3C39 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA-CF] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA-CF @0.8 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA-CF @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12.8 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PLA Silk @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pla* filament_cost = 70 filament_density = 1.32 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 12 filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 first_layer_bed_temperature = 65 temperature = 230 first_layer_temperature = 230 filament_retract_length = 0.5 filament_colour = #CF942B end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Silk] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Silk @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PLA Silk @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PLA Silk @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 2 [filament:PolyLite Dual PLA] inherits = *PolyLite PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:PolyLite Dual PLA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = PolyLite PLA @0.2 nozzle compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") [filament:PolyTerra Dual PLA] inherits = *PolyTerra PLA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:PolyTerra Dual PLA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = PolyTerra PLA @0.2 nozzle compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") [filament:*Snapmaker Dual PVA @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_pva* filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 slowdown_below_layer_time = 8 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual PVA] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PVA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker Dual PVA @0.2 nozzle] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual PVA @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.2") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 1.4 temperature = 220 first_layer_temperature = 220 [filament:*Snapmaker Dual TPU @base*] inherits = *fdm_filament_tpu* filament_loading_speed_start = 35 filament_loading_speed = 35 filament_unloading_speed_start = 35 filament_unloading_speed = 35 filament_load_time = 2 filament_unload_time = 2 filament_cooling_moves = 2 filament_cooling_initial_speed = 35 filament_cooling_final_speed = 60 end_filament_gcode = "M104 S{idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T{current_extruder}" [filament:Snapmaker Dual TPU] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") [filament:Snapmaker Dual TPU High-Flow] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.6 filament_notes = "!! It needs to be dried before use.\nSnapmaker TPU 95A High-Flow\n" filament_retract_length = 0.8 filament_retract_speed = nil filament_deretract_speed = nil extrusion_multiplier = 0.983 [filament:Snapmaker Dual TPE] inherits = *Snapmaker Dual TPU @base* compatible_printers_condition = (printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit" or printer_model=="Snapmaker Artisan") and (nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.4" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.6" or nozzle_diameter[0]=="0.8") filament_density = 1.22 filament_max_volumetric_speed = 7.2 filament_notes = "eSUN eLastic TPE-83A\n" bed_temperature = 45 first_layer_bed_temperature = 45 min_fan_speed = 65 max_fan_speed = 65 bridge_fan_speed = 65 extrusion_multiplier = 1.1 filament_colour = #383737 [printer:*fdm_common*] gcode_flavor = marlin2 pause_gcode = M600 ;pause print nozzle_type = hardened_steel use_relative_e_distances = 1 silent_mode = 0 auxiliary_fan = 0 remaining_times = 1 single_extruder_multi_material = 0 purge_in_prime_tower = 1 enable_filament_ramming = 0 nozzle_volume = 0 cooling_tube_retraction = 0 cooling_tube_length = 0 parking_pos_retraction = 0 extra_loading_move = -2 high_current_on_filament_swap = 0 wipe = 0 wipe_distance = 1 retract_when_changing_layer = 1 retract_before_wipe = 0% fan_speedup_overhangs = 1 name = *fdm_common* retract_length = 0.8 retract_speed = 45 deretract_speed = 45 retract_before_travel = 1 retract_lift = 0.4 [printer:*fdm_linear2*] inherits = *fdm_common* wipe = 1 wipe_distance = 2 name = *fdm_linear2* extruder_clearance_height_to_rod = 35 extruder_clearance_height_to_lid = 325 machine_max_acceleration_x = 1100 machine_max_acceleration_y = 1000 machine_max_acceleration_z = 500 machine_max_acceleration_e = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 1100 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 1100 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 1100 machine_max_jerk_x = 5 machine_max_jerk_y = 1 machine_max_jerk_z = 1 machine_max_jerk_e = 3 thumbnails = 300x150 retract_length_toolchange = 2 default_filament_profile = Snapmaker PLA machine_max_feedrate_x = 150 machine_max_feedrate_y = 150 machine_max_feedrate_z = 40 machine_max_feedrate_e = 45 [printer:*fdm_linear2_dual*] inherits = *fdm_linear2* name = *fdm_linear2_dual* extruder_clearance_height_to_rod = 60 extruder_clearance_height_to_lid = 285 retract_length_toolchange = 18,18 default_filament_profile = Snapmaker PLA,Snapmaker PETG retract_speed = 35,35 deretract_speed = 35,35 [printer:*fdm_idex*] inherits = *fdm_common* wipe = 1 wipe_distance = 2 name = *fdm_idex* extruder_clearance_height_to_rod = 35 extruder_clearance_height_to_lid = 150 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_J1\n fan_speedup_time = 0.3 machine_max_acceleration_x = 10000 machine_max_acceleration_y = 8000 machine_max_acceleration_z = 100 machine_max_acceleration_e = 6000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 10000 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 10000 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 6000 machine_max_jerk_x = 10 machine_max_jerk_y = 10 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 machine_max_jerk_e = 2.5 retract_length_toolchange = 2,2 bed_exclude_area = 312x0,324x0,324x200,312x200 thumbnails = 300x300 extruder_offset = 0x0,0x0 default_filament_profile = Snapmaker J1 PLA,Snapmaker J1 PETG start_gcode = ; Model: Snapmaker J1 ({nozzle_diameter[0]}/{nozzle_diameter[1]})\n; Update: 20240428\n; Maintained by https://github.com/macdylan/3dp-configs\n; Printer : [printer_preset]\n; Profile : [print_preset]\n; Plate : [physical_printer_preset]\n; --- initial_extruder: [initial_extruder]\n; --- has_wipe_tower: [has_wipe_tower]\n; --- total_toolchanges: [total_toolchanges]\n; --- T0: {is_extruder_used[0]}\n; --- T1: {is_extruder_used[1]}\n\nM201 X[machine_max_acceleration_x] Y[machine_max_acceleration_y] Z[machine_max_acceleration_z] E[machine_max_acceleration_e]\nM203 X[machine_max_feedrate_x] Y[machine_max_feedrate_y] Z[machine_max_feedrate_z] E[machine_max_feedrate_e]\nM204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_travel]\nM205 X[machine_max_jerk_x] Y[machine_max_jerk_y] Z[machine_max_jerk_z] E[machine_max_jerk_e]\n\nT[initial_extruder]\n\nM205 V[machine_max_jerk_x] ;Junction Deviation (mm)\n\n{if physical_printer_preset =~/.*IDEXDupl.*/ || physical_printer_preset =~/.*IDEXCopy.*/ }\n M605 S2 X162 R0 ;IDEX Duplication\n{elsif physical_printer_preset =~/.*IDEXMirr.*/}\n M605 S3 ;IDEX Mirror\n{elsif physical_printer_preset =~/.*IDEXBack.*/}\n M605 S4 ;IDEX Backup\n{endif}\n\nM140 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n; you can clean the nozzle\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S165{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S165{endif}\nM204 S100\nG28\n\nG0 Z100.0\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}\n T0\n G0 X{if 0 == 0}80{else}240{endif} Y0 F6840.0\n {endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}\n T1\n G0 X{if 1 == 0}80{else}240{endif} Y0 F6840.0\n {endif}\n\nM190 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n{if 1==1}; LED\n M355 S1 P64\n G4 P100\n M355 S1 P128\n G4 P100\n M355 S1 P64\n G4 P200\n M355 S1 P255\n G4 P100\n{endif}\nG28 X Y\n\nM83\n{if 1==1 && max(first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder], bed_temperature[initial_extruder]) >= 90}\nG0 Z0.06 ;raise z to counteract thermal expansion\nG92 Z0 ;reset z\n{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0] and initial_extruder != 0}\n T0\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F240.0\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}147.0{else}177.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Y0 F6840.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[0] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[0] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}137.0{else}187.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Z0.3 F240.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[0]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 0 == 0}0{else}324{endif} E8.5437 F6840.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[0]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F6840.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[0]) ? temperature[0] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[0]}\n{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1] and initial_extruder != 1}\n T1\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F240.0\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}147.0{else}177.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Y0 F6840.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[1] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[1] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}137.0{else}187.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Z0.3 F240.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[1]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 1 == 0}0{else}324{endif} E8.5437 F6840.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[1]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F6840.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[1]) ? temperature[1] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[1]}\n{endif}\n\nT[initial_extruder]\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F240.0\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}147.0{else}177.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Y0 F6840.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[initial_extruder] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}137.0{else}187.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Z0.3 F240.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if initial_extruder == 0}0{else}324{endif} E8.5437 F6840.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length[initial_extruder]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F6840.0\n\n; ready [physical_printer_preset] end_gcode = G92 E0\n\nG0 Z{max_layer_z + 2.0} F600\n; retract the filament to make it easier to replace\nG0 E-10 F200\nG28\n\n {if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S0{endif}\n {if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S0{endif}\nM140 S0\nM107\nM220 S100\nM84\n\n;\n; DON'T REMOVE these lines if you're using the smfix (https://github.com/macdylan/SMFix)\n; min_x = [first_layer_print_min_0]\n; min_y = [first_layer_print_min_1]\n; max_x = [first_layer_print_max_0]\n; max_y = [first_layer_print_max_1]\n; max_z = [max_layer_z]\n; total_layer_number = [layer_num]\n; toolchange_gcode = ;***** Update: 20230730\n{if current_extruder != next_extruder }\n; Change T[current_extruder] -> T[next_extruder] (layer:[layer_num] tc:[total_toolchanges])\nT{next_extruder}\n\nM107 P[current_extruder] ;fan off T[current_extruder]\nM104 T[current_extruder] S{is_nil(idle_temperature[current_extruder]) ? temperature[current_extruder] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T[current_extruder]\n\n{if layer_num == 1 &&\n ((filament_type[current_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[current_extruder] == "TPU")\n || (filament_type[next_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[next_extruder] == "TPU"))\n}\n; set bed temp: {filament_type[current_extruder]}({bed_temperature[current_extruder]}) -> {filament_type[next_extruder]}({bed_temperature[next_extruder]})\nM140 S{min(bed_temperature[current_extruder], bed_temperature[next_extruder])}\n{endif}\n\nM2000 S200 V[travel_speed] A[travel_acceleration] ;quick switch extruders, S:200 mode/V:speed/A:acceleration\nM109 T[next_extruder] S{layer_num < 1 ? first_layer_temperature[next_extruder] : temperature[next_extruder]} C3 W1 ;wait T{next_extruder}\n{if layer_num >= disable_fan_first_layers[next_extruder]}\n M106 P[next_extruder] S{min_fan_speed[next_extruder] * 255.0 / 100.0} ; restore fan speed for T[next_extruder]\n{endif}\n\n{if layer_z <= (first_layer_height + 0.001)}\n M204 S[first_layer_acceleration] ;first layer accel\n{elsif default_acceleration > 0}\n M204 S[default_acceleration] ;default accel\n{endif}\n\n{endif} before_layer_gcode = ; layer: [layer_num]\nG92 E0 bed_shape = 0x0,324x0,324x200,0x200 max_print_height = 200 machine_max_feedrate_x = 350 machine_max_feedrate_y = 300 machine_max_feedrate_z = 10 machine_max_feedrate_e = 40 retract_speed = 25,25 deretract_speed = 25,25 [printer:*fdm_a250*] inherits = *fdm_linear2* name = *fdm_a250* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250\n start_gcode = ; Model: Snapmaker A250\n; Update: 20240428\n; Maintained by https://github.com/macdylan/3dp-configs\n; Printer : [printer_preset]\n; Profile : [print_preset]\n; Plate : [physical_printer_preset]\n\nM201 X[machine_max_acceleration_x] Y[machine_max_acceleration_y] Z[machine_max_acceleration_z] E[machine_max_acceleration_e]\nM203 X[machine_max_feedrate_x] Y[machine_max_feedrate_y] Z[machine_max_feedrate_z] E[machine_max_feedrate_e]\nM204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_travel]\nM205 X[machine_max_jerk_x] Y[machine_max_jerk_y] Z[machine_max_jerk_z] E[machine_max_jerk_e]\n\nT[initial_extruder]\n\nM140 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n; you can clean the nozzle\nM104 S165\nM204 S100\nG28\nG0 Z153 F960.0\nG0 Y125.0 F3420.0\nG0 X115.0\n\nM190 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\nG28\n{if 1==1}\n G0 X0\n G0 Z0.2 F960.0\n G0 Y0 F3420.0\n G0 X230\n G0 Y250\n G0 X0\n G0 Y0\n{endif}\n\nM83\n{if 1==1 && max(first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder], bed_temperature[initial_extruder]) >= 90}\nG0 Z0.06 ;raise z to counteract thermal expansion\nG92 Z0 ;reset z\n{endif}\n\nT[initial_extruder]\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}100.0{else}130.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E15 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[initial_extruder] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 5}\n\nG1 E9.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E6.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}55.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if initial_extruder == 0}0{else}230{endif} E3.42995 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length[initial_extruder]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n; ready [physical_printer_preset] end_gcode = G92 E0\n\nG0 Z{max_layer_z + 2.0} F600\n; retract the filament to make it easier to replace\nG0 E-5 F200\nG28\n\n M104 S0\nM140 S0\nM107\nM220 S100\nM84\n\n;\n; DON'T REMOVE these lines if you're using the smfix (https://github.com/macdylan/SMFix)\n; min_x = [first_layer_print_min_0]\n; min_y = [first_layer_print_min_1]\n; max_x = [first_layer_print_max_0]\n; max_y = [first_layer_print_max_1]\n; max_z = [max_layer_z]\n; total_layer_number = [layer_num]\n; before_layer_gcode = ; layer: [layer_num]\nG92 E0 bed_shape = 0x0,230x0,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 230 [printer:*fdm_a350*] inherits = *fdm_linear2* name = *fdm_a350* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350\n start_gcode = ; Model: Snapmaker A350\n; Update: 20240428\n; Maintained by https://github.com/macdylan/3dp-configs\n; Printer : [printer_preset]\n; Profile : [print_preset]\n; Plate : [physical_printer_preset]\n\nM201 X[machine_max_acceleration_x] Y[machine_max_acceleration_y] Z[machine_max_acceleration_z] E[machine_max_acceleration_e]\nM203 X[machine_max_feedrate_x] Y[machine_max_feedrate_y] Z[machine_max_feedrate_z] E[machine_max_feedrate_e]\nM204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_travel]\nM205 X[machine_max_jerk_x] Y[machine_max_jerk_y] Z[machine_max_jerk_z] E[machine_max_jerk_e]\n\nT[initial_extruder]\n\nM140 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n; you can clean the nozzle\nM104 S165\nM204 S100\nG28\nG0 Z216 F960.0\nG0 Y175.0 F3420.0\nG0 X160.0\n\nM190 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\nG28\n{if 1==1}\n G0 X0\n G0 Z0.2 F960.0\n G0 Y0 F3420.0\n G0 X320\n G0 Y350\n G0 X0\n G0 Y0\n{endif}\n\nM83\n{if 1==1 && max(first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder], bed_temperature[initial_extruder]) >= 90}\nG0 Z0.06 ;raise z to counteract thermal expansion\nG92 Z0 ;reset z\n{endif}\n\nT[initial_extruder]\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}145.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E15 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[initial_extruder] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 5}\n\nG1 E9.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E6.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}100.0{else}220.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if initial_extruder == 0}0{else}320{endif} E6.23628 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length[initial_extruder]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n; ready [physical_printer_preset] end_gcode = G92 E0\n\nG0 Z{max_layer_z + 2.0} F600\n; retract the filament to make it easier to replace\nG0 E-5 F200\nG28\n\n M104 S0\nM140 S0\nM107\nM220 S100\nM84\n\n;\n; DON'T REMOVE these lines if you're using the smfix (https://github.com/macdylan/SMFix)\n; min_x = [first_layer_print_min_0]\n; min_y = [first_layer_print_min_1]\n; max_x = [first_layer_print_max_0]\n; max_y = [first_layer_print_max_1]\n; max_z = [max_layer_z]\n; total_layer_number = [layer_num]\n; before_layer_gcode = ; layer: [layer_num]\nG92 E0 bed_shape = 0x0,320x0,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 325 [printer:*fdm_a250_dual*] inherits = *fdm_linear2_dual* name = *fdm_a250_dual* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL\n bed_exclude_area = 0x240,230x240,230x250,0x250 start_gcode = ; Model: Snapmaker A250 Dual ({nozzle_diameter[0]}/{nozzle_diameter[1]})\n; Update: 20240428\n; Maintained by https://github.com/macdylan/3dp-configs\n; Printer : [printer_preset]\n; Profile : [print_preset]\n; Plate : [physical_printer_preset]\n; --- initial_extruder: [initial_extruder]\n; --- has_wipe_tower: [has_wipe_tower]\n; --- total_toolchanges: [total_toolchanges]\n; --- T0: {is_extruder_used[0]}\n; --- T1: {is_extruder_used[1]}\n\nM201 X[machine_max_acceleration_x] Y[machine_max_acceleration_y] Z[machine_max_acceleration_z] E[machine_max_acceleration_e]\nM203 X[machine_max_feedrate_x] Y[machine_max_feedrate_y] Z[machine_max_feedrate_z] E[machine_max_feedrate_e]\nM204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_travel]\nM205 X[machine_max_jerk_x] Y[machine_max_jerk_y] Z[machine_max_jerk_z] E[machine_max_jerk_e]\n\nT[initial_extruder]\n\nM140 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n; you can clean the nozzle\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S165{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S165{endif}\nM204 S100\nG28\nG0 Z126 F960.0\nG0 Y125.0 F3420.0\nG0 X115.0\n\nM190 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\nG28\n{if 1==1}\n G0 X0\n G0 Z0.2 F960.0\n G0 Y0 F3420.0\n G0 X230\n G0 Y250\n G0 X0\n G0 Y0\n{endif}\n\nM83\n{if 1==1 && max(first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder], bed_temperature[initial_extruder]) >= 90}\nG0 Z0.06 ;raise z to counteract thermal expansion\nG92 Z0 ;reset z\n{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0] and initial_extruder != 0}\n T0\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}100.0{else}130.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[0] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[0] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}55.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[0]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 0 == 0}0{else}230{endif} E3.42995 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[0]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[0]) ? temperature[0] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[0]}\n{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1] and initial_extruder != 1}\n T1\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}100.0{else}130.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[1] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[1] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}55.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[1]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 1 == 0}0{else}230{endif} E3.42995 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[1]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[1]) ? temperature[1] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[1]}\n{endif}\n\nT[initial_extruder]\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}100.0{else}130.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[initial_extruder] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}55.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if initial_extruder == 0}0{else}230{endif} E3.42995 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length[initial_extruder]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n; ready [physical_printer_preset] end_gcode = G92 E0\n\nG0 Z{max_layer_z + 2.0} F600\n; retract the filament to make it easier to replace\nG0 E-10 F200\nG28\n\n {if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S0{endif}\n {if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S0{endif}\nM140 S0\nM107\nM220 S100\nM84\n\n;\n; DON'T REMOVE these lines if you're using the smfix (https://github.com/macdylan/SMFix)\n; min_x = [first_layer_print_min_0]\n; min_y = [first_layer_print_min_1]\n; max_x = [first_layer_print_max_0]\n; max_y = [first_layer_print_max_1]\n; max_z = [max_layer_z]\n; total_layer_number = [layer_num]\n; toolchange_gcode = ;***** Update: 20231010\n{if current_extruder != next_extruder }\n; Change T[current_extruder] -> T[next_extruder] (layer:[layer_num] tc:[total_toolchanges])\n{if has_wipe_tower}\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} X{wipe_tower_x} Y{wipe_tower_y} F{travel_speed*60}\n{else}\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} F{retract_speed[current_extruder]*60}\n{endif}\nT{next_extruder}\n\nM107 P[current_extruder] ;fan off T[current_extruder]\nM104 T[current_extruder] S{is_nil(idle_temperature[current_extruder]) ? temperature[current_extruder] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T[current_extruder]\n\n{if layer_num == 1 &&\n ((filament_type[current_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[current_extruder] == "TPU")\n || (filament_type[next_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[next_extruder] == "TPU"))\n}\n; set bed temp: {filament_type[current_extruder]}({bed_temperature[current_extruder]}) -> {filament_type[next_extruder]}({bed_temperature[next_extruder]})\nM140 S{min(bed_temperature[current_extruder], bed_temperature[next_extruder])}\n{endif}\n\nM109 T[next_extruder] S{layer_num < 1 ? first_layer_temperature[next_extruder] : temperature[next_extruder]} C3 W1 ;wait T{next_extruder}\n{if layer_num >= disable_fan_first_layers[next_extruder]}\n M106 P[next_extruder] S{min_fan_speed[next_extruder] * 255.0 / 100.0} ; restore fan speed for T[next_extruder]\n{endif}\nG1 E{retract_length_toolchange[next_extruder]} F100\n\n{if layer_z <= (first_layer_height + 0.001)}\n M204 S[first_layer_acceleration] ;first layer accel\n{elsif default_acceleration > 0}\n M204 S[default_acceleration] ;default accel\n{endif}\n\n{endif} before_layer_gcode = ; layer: [layer_num]\nG92 E0 bed_shape = 0x0,230x0,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 190 [printer:*fdm_a350_dual*] inherits = *fdm_linear2_dual* name = *fdm_a350_dual* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL\n bed_exclude_area = 0x330,320x330,320x350,0x350 start_gcode = ; Model: Snapmaker A350 Dual ({nozzle_diameter[0]}/{nozzle_diameter[1]})\n; Update: 20240428\n; Maintained by https://github.com/macdylan/3dp-configs\n; Printer : [printer_preset]\n; Profile : [print_preset]\n; Plate : [physical_printer_preset]\n; --- initial_extruder: [initial_extruder]\n; --- has_wipe_tower: [has_wipe_tower]\n; --- total_toolchanges: [total_toolchanges]\n; --- T0: {is_extruder_used[0]}\n; --- T1: {is_extruder_used[1]}\n\nM201 X[machine_max_acceleration_x] Y[machine_max_acceleration_y] Z[machine_max_acceleration_z] E[machine_max_acceleration_e]\nM203 X[machine_max_feedrate_x] Y[machine_max_feedrate_y] Z[machine_max_feedrate_z] E[machine_max_feedrate_e]\nM204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_travel]\nM205 X[machine_max_jerk_x] Y[machine_max_jerk_y] Z[machine_max_jerk_z] E[machine_max_jerk_e]\n\nT[initial_extruder]\n\nM140 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n; you can clean the nozzle\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S165{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S165{endif}\nM204 S100\nG28\nG0 Z190 F960.0\nG0 Y175.0 F3420.0\nG0 X160.0\n\nM190 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\nG28\n{if 1==1}\n G0 X0\n G0 Z0.2 F960.0\n G0 Y0 F3420.0\n G0 X320\n G0 Y350\n G0 X0\n G0 Y0\n{endif}\n\nM83\n{if 1==1 && max(first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder], bed_temperature[initial_extruder]) >= 90}\nG0 Z0.06 ;raise z to counteract thermal expansion\nG92 Z0 ;reset z\n{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0] and initial_extruder != 0}\n T0\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}145.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[0] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[0] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}100.0{else}220.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[0]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 0 == 0}0{else}320{endif} E6.23628 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[0]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[0]) ? temperature[0] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[0]}\n{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1] and initial_extruder != 1}\n T1\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}145.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[1] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[1] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}100.0{else}220.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[1]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 1 == 0}0{else}320{endif} E6.23628 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[1]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[1]) ? temperature[1] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[1]}\n{endif}\n\nT[initial_extruder]\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}145.0{else}175.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Y0 F3420.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[initial_extruder] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}100.0{else}220.0{endif} F3420.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if initial_extruder == 0}0{else}320{endif} E6.23628 F3420.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length[initial_extruder]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F3420.0\n\n; ready [physical_printer_preset] end_gcode = G92 E0\n\nG0 Z{max_layer_z + 2.0} F600\n; retract the filament to make it easier to replace\nG0 E-10 F200\nG28\n\n {if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S0{endif}\n {if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S0{endif}\nM140 S0\nM107\nM220 S100\nM84\n\n;\n; DON'T REMOVE these lines if you're using the smfix (https://github.com/macdylan/SMFix)\n; min_x = [first_layer_print_min_0]\n; min_y = [first_layer_print_min_1]\n; max_x = [first_layer_print_max_0]\n; max_y = [first_layer_print_max_1]\n; max_z = [max_layer_z]\n; total_layer_number = [layer_num]\n; toolchange_gcode = ;***** Update: 20231010\n{if current_extruder != next_extruder }\n; Change T[current_extruder] -> T[next_extruder] (layer:[layer_num] tc:[total_toolchanges])\n{if has_wipe_tower}\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} X{wipe_tower_x} Y{wipe_tower_y} F{travel_speed*60}\n{else}\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} F{retract_speed[current_extruder]*60}\n{endif}\nT{next_extruder}\n\nM107 P[current_extruder] ;fan off T[current_extruder]\nM104 T[current_extruder] S{is_nil(idle_temperature[current_extruder]) ? temperature[current_extruder] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T[current_extruder]\n\n{if layer_num == 1 &&\n ((filament_type[current_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[current_extruder] == "TPU")\n || (filament_type[next_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[next_extruder] == "TPU"))\n}\n; set bed temp: {filament_type[current_extruder]}({bed_temperature[current_extruder]}) -> {filament_type[next_extruder]}({bed_temperature[next_extruder]})\nM140 S{min(bed_temperature[current_extruder], bed_temperature[next_extruder])}\n{endif}\n\nM109 T[next_extruder] S{layer_num < 1 ? first_layer_temperature[next_extruder] : temperature[next_extruder]} C3 W1 ;wait T{next_extruder}\n{if layer_num >= disable_fan_first_layers[next_extruder]}\n M106 P[next_extruder] S{min_fan_speed[next_extruder] * 255.0 / 100.0} ; restore fan speed for T[next_extruder]\n{endif}\nG1 E{retract_length_toolchange[next_extruder]} F100\n\n{if layer_z <= (first_layer_height + 0.001)}\n M204 S[first_layer_acceleration] ;first layer accel\n{elsif default_acceleration > 0}\n M204 S[default_acceleration] ;default accel\n{endif}\n\n{endif} before_layer_gcode = ; layer: [layer_num]\nG92 E0 bed_shape = 0x0,320x0,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 285 [printer:*fdm_a250_qs*] inherits = *fdm_a250* name = *fdm_a250_qs* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_QUICKSWAPKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x235,230x235,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 215 [printer:*fdm_a350_qs*] inherits = *fdm_a350* name = *fdm_a350_qs* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_QUICKSWAPKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x335,320x335,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 310 [printer:*fdm_a250_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a250* name = *fdm_a250_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_BRACINGKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x238,230x238,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 224 [printer:*fdm_a350_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a350* name = *fdm_a350_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_BRACINGKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x338,320x338,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 319 [printer:*fdm_a250_qs_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a250* name = *fdm_a250_qs_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_QUICKSWAPKIT\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_BRACINGKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x223,230x223,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 209 [printer:*fdm_a350_qs_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a350* name = *fdm_a350_qs_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_BRACINGKIT\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_QUICKSWAPKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x323,320x323,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 304 [printer:*fdm_a250_dual_qs*] inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* name = *fdm_a250_dual_qs* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL_QUICKSWAPKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x225,230x225,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 175 [printer:*fdm_a350_dual_qs*] inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* name = *fdm_a350_dual_qs* printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL_QUICKSWAPKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x315,320x315,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 270 [printer:*fdm_a250_dual_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* name = *fdm_a250_dual_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL_BRACINGKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x228,230x228,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 184 [printer:*fdm_a350_dual_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* name = *fdm_a350_dual_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL_BRACINGKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x318,320x318,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 279 [printer:*fdm_a250_dual_qs_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* name = *fdm_a250_dual_qs_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL_QUICKSWAPKIT\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A250_DUAL_BRACINGKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x213,230x213,230x250,0x250 max_print_height = 169 [printer:*fdm_a350_dual_qs_bk*] inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* name = *fdm_a350_dual_qs_bk* machine_max_acceleration_x = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_y = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_z = 3000 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 3500 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 3500 machine_max_jerk_y = 5 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL_BRACINGKIT\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A350_DUAL_QUICKSWAPKIT\n bed_exclude_area = 0x303,320x303,320x350,0x350 max_print_height = 264 [printer:*fdm_a400*] inherits = *fdm_linear2_dual* name = *fdm_a400* extruder_clearance_height_to_rod = 32 extruder_clearance_height_to_lid = 400 machine_max_acceleration_x = 5000 machine_max_acceleration_y = 5000 machine_max_acceleration_z = 200 machine_max_acceleration_travel = 5000 machine_max_acceleration_extruding = 5000 machine_max_acceleration_retracting = 2000 machine_max_jerk_x = 10 machine_max_jerk_y = 10 machine_max_jerk_z = 3 thumbnails = 600x600 printer_notes = PRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_ARTISAN\nPRINTER_MODEL_SNAPMAKER_A400_DUAL\n start_gcode = ; Model: Snapmaker Artisan ({nozzle_diameter[0]}/{nozzle_diameter[1]})\n; Update: 20240428\n; Maintained by https://github.com/macdylan/3dp-configs\n; Printer : [printer_preset]\n; Profile : [print_preset]\n; Plate : [physical_printer_preset]\n; --- initial_extruder: [initial_extruder]\n; --- has_wipe_tower: [has_wipe_tower]\n; --- total_toolchanges: [total_toolchanges]\n; --- T0: {is_extruder_used[0]}\n; --- T1: {is_extruder_used[1]}\n\nM201 X[machine_max_acceleration_x] Y[machine_max_acceleration_y] Z[machine_max_acceleration_z] E[machine_max_acceleration_e]\nM203 X[machine_max_feedrate_x] Y[machine_max_feedrate_y] Z[machine_max_feedrate_z] E[machine_max_feedrate_e]\nM204 P[machine_max_acceleration_extruding] R[machine_max_acceleration_retracting] T[machine_max_acceleration_travel]\nM205 X[machine_max_jerk_x] Y[machine_max_jerk_y] Z[machine_max_jerk_z] E[machine_max_jerk_e]\n\nT[initial_extruder]\n\nM205 V[machine_max_jerk_x] ;Junction Deviation (mm)\n\nM140 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n\n; you can clean the nozzle\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S165{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S165{endif}\nM204 S100\nG28\nG0 Z266 F960.0\nG0 Y200.0 F6840.0\nG0 X200.0\n\n{if first_layer_print_min[0] >= 70 && first_layer_print_max[0] <= 330 && first_layer_print_min[1] >= 70 && first_layer_print_max[1] <= 330}\nM190 P0 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]} ;only inner part of the bed\n{else}\nM190 R{first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder]}\n{endif}\n\nG28\n{if 1==1}\n G0 X0\n G0 Z0.2 F960.0\n G0 Y0 F6840.0\n G0 X400\n G0 Y400\n G0 X0\n G0 Y0\n{endif}\n\nM83\n{if 1==1 && max(first_layer_bed_temperature[initial_extruder], bed_temperature[initial_extruder]) >= 90}\nG0 Z0.06 ;raise z to counteract thermal expansion\nG92 Z0 ;reset z\n{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}{endif}\n\n{if is_extruder_used[0] and initial_extruder != 0}\n T0\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}185.0{else}215.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Y0 F6840.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[0] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[0] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[0] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 0 == 0}140.0{else}260.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[0]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 0 == 0}0{else}400{endif} E8.73079 F6840.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[0]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F6840.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[0]) ? temperature[0] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[0]}\n{endif}\n{if is_extruder_used[1] and initial_extruder != 1}\n T1\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}185.0{else}215.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Y0 F6840.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[1] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[1] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[1] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if 1 == 0}140.0{else}260.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[1]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if 1 == 0}0{else}400{endif} E8.73079 F6840.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[1]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F6840.0\n\n M104 S{is_nil(idle_temperature[1]) ? temperature[1] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[1]}\n{endif}\n\nT[initial_extruder]\nM104 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))}; common flush temp\nG0 Z1.6 F960.0\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}185.0{else}215.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Y0 F6840.0\n\nM109 S{max(250, min(290, first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 15))} C2 W1; common flush temp\nG1 E20 F80.0\nG92 E0\n\nM106 S{min(255, (max_fan_speed[initial_extruder] + 10) * 2.55)}\n\nM104 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder] + 5}\n\nG1 E12.0 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 E8.0 Z4.6 F200\nG92 E0\n\nG0 Z5.6 F200\nM107\n\nG0 X{if initial_extruder == 0}140.0{else}260.0{endif} F6840.0\nG0 Z0.3 F960.0\nM109 S{first_layer_temperature[initial_extruder]} C3 W1\nG1 E3 F200\nG92 E0\nG1 X{if initial_extruder == 0}0{else}400{endif} E8.73079 F6840.0\nG92 E0\n\nG1 E-{retract_length[initial_extruder]} F200\nG92 E0\nG0 Y20 F6840.0\n\n; ready [physical_printer_preset] end_gcode = G92 E0\n\nG0 Z{max_layer_z + 2.0} F600\n; retract the filament to make it easier to replace\nG0 E-10 F200\nG28\n\n {if is_extruder_used[0]}M104 T0 S0{endif}\n {if is_extruder_used[1]}M104 T1 S0{endif}\nM140 S0\nM107\nM220 S100\nM84\n\n;\n; DON'T REMOVE these lines if you're using the smfix (https://github.com/macdylan/SMFix)\n; min_x = [first_layer_print_min_0]\n; min_y = [first_layer_print_min_1]\n; max_x = [first_layer_print_max_0]\n; max_y = [first_layer_print_max_1]\n; max_z = [max_layer_z]\n; total_layer_number = [layer_num]\n; toolchange_gcode = ;***** Update: 20231010\n{if current_extruder != next_extruder }\n; Change T[current_extruder] -> T[next_extruder] (layer:[layer_num] tc:[total_toolchanges])\n{if has_wipe_tower}\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} X{wipe_tower_x} Y{wipe_tower_y} F{travel_speed*60}\n{else}\nG1 E-{retract_length_toolchange[current_extruder]} F{retract_speed[current_extruder]*60}\n{endif}\nT{next_extruder}\n\nM107 P[current_extruder] ;fan off T[current_extruder]\nM104 T[current_extruder] S{is_nil(idle_temperature[current_extruder]) ? temperature[current_extruder] + standby_temperature_delta : idle_temperature[current_extruder]} ;standby T[current_extruder]\n\n{if layer_num == 1 &&\n ((filament_type[current_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[current_extruder] == "TPU")\n || (filament_type[next_extruder] == "PLA" || filament_type[next_extruder] == "TPU"))\n}\n; set bed temp: {filament_type[current_extruder]}({bed_temperature[current_extruder]}) -> {filament_type[next_extruder]}({bed_temperature[next_extruder]})\nM140 S{min(bed_temperature[current_extruder], bed_temperature[next_extruder])}\n{endif}\n\nM109 T[next_extruder] S{layer_num < 1 ? first_layer_temperature[next_extruder] : temperature[next_extruder]} C3 W1 ;wait T{next_extruder}\n{if layer_num >= disable_fan_first_layers[next_extruder]}\n M106 P[next_extruder] S{min_fan_speed[next_extruder] * 255.0 / 100.0} ; restore fan speed for T[next_extruder]\n{endif}\nG1 E{retract_length_toolchange[next_extruder]} F100\n\n{if layer_z <= (first_layer_height + 0.001)}\n M204 S[first_layer_acceleration] ;first layer accel\n{elsif default_acceleration > 0}\n M204 S[default_acceleration] ;default accel\n{endif}\n\n{endif} before_layer_gcode = ; layer: [layer_num]\nG92 E0 bed_shape = 0x0,400x0,400x400,0x400 max_print_height = 400 machine_max_feedrate_x = 300 machine_max_feedrate_y = 300 [printer:Snapmaker J1 (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker J1 (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker J1 default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_idex* [printer:Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker J1 default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker J1 (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_idex* [printer:Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker J1 default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_idex* [printer:Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker J1 default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker J1 (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_idex* [printer:Snapmaker A250 (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250* [printer:Snapmaker A250 (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250* [printer:Snapmaker A250 (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250* [printer:Snapmaker A250 (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250* [printer:Snapmaker A350 (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350* [printer:Snapmaker A350 (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350* [printer:Snapmaker A350 (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350* [printer:Snapmaker A350 (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QSKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QSKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QSKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 BKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 BKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 BKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 BKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 BKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 BKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 BKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 BKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 BKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 BKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QSKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual BKit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A250 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a250_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker A350 Dual QS+B Kit default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a350_dual_qs_bk* [printer:Snapmaker Artisan (0.2 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker Artisan (0.2 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker Artisan default_print_profile = 0.14 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.2 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.2 max_layer_height = 0.14 min_layer_height = 0.06 nozzle_diameter = 0.2,0.2 inherits = *fdm_a400* [printer:Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker Artisan default_print_profile = 0.16 Optimal @Snapmaker Artisan (0.4 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.4 max_layer_height = 0.28 min_layer_height = 0.08 nozzle_diameter = 0.4,0.4 inherits = *fdm_a400* [printer:Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker Artisan default_print_profile = 0.18 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.6 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.6 max_layer_height = 0.42 min_layer_height = 0.18 nozzle_diameter = 0.6,0.6 inherits = *fdm_a400* [printer:Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle)] name = Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle) printer_model = Snapmaker Artisan default_print_profile = 0.24 Standard @Snapmaker Artisan (0.8 nozzle) printer_variant = 0.8 max_layer_height = 0.48 min_layer_height = 0.24 nozzle_diameter = 0.8,0.8 inherits = *fdm_a400*