#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Config; use Devel::CheckLib; use ExtUtils::CppGuess; use Module::Build::WithXSpp; my $cpp_guess = ExtUtils::CppGuess->new; my $mswin = $^O eq 'MSWin32'; my $linux = $^O eq 'linux'; # prevent an annoying concatenation warning by Devel::CheckLib $ENV{LD_RUN_PATH} //= ""; # _GLIBCXX_USE_C99 : to get the long long type for g++ # HAS_BOOL : stops Perl/lib/CORE/handy.h from doing "# define bool char" for MSVC # NOGDI : prevents inclusion of wingdi.h which defines functions Polygon() and Polyline() in global namespace # BOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_KQUEUE : prevents a Boost ASIO bug on OS X: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5339 my @cflags = qw(-D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99 -DHAS_BOOL -DNOGDI -DSLIC3RXS -DBOOST_ASIO_DISABLE_KQUEUE -Dexprtk_disable_rtl_io_file -Dexprtk_disable_return_statement -Dexprtk_disable_rtl_vecops -Dexprtk_disable_string_capabilities -Dexprtk_disable_enhanced_features); push @cflags, "-DSLIC3R_BUILD_COMMIT=$ENV{SLIC3R_GIT_VERSION}" if defined $ENV{SLIC3R_GIT_VERSION}; if ($cpp_guess->is_gcc) { # GCC is pedantic with c++11 std, so undefine strict ansi to get M_PI back push @cflags, qw(-U__STRICT_ANSI__); } # std=c++11 Enforce usage of C++11 (required now). Minimum compiler supported: gcc 4.9, clang 3.3, MSVC 14.0 push @cflags, qw(-std=c++11); my @ldflags = (); if ($linux && (defined $ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} && $ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC})) { push @ldflags, qw(-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++); if ($ENV{TRAVIS}) { # On the build server, link to the actual static libraries to make sure we get them in the list. push @ldflags, qw(/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libstdc++.a /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9/libgcc.a); } # ExtUtils::CppGuess has a hard-coded -lstdc++, so we filter it out { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine'; my $func = "ExtUtils::CppGuess::_get_lflags"; my $orig = *$func{CODE}; *{$func} = sub { my $lflags = $orig->(@_); $lflags =~ s/\s*-lstdc\+\+//; return $lflags; }; } } if ($^O eq 'darwin') { push @cflags, qw(-stdlib=libc++); push @ldflags, qw(-framework IOKit -framework CoreFoundation -lc++); # Due to a bug/misconfiguration/stupidity, boost 1.52 and libc++ don't like each # other much: a compilation error "Constexpr function never produces a constant # expression" pops up when trying to compile anything that uses # boost/chrono/duration.hpp (namely boost/thread for us). This is a workaround # that prevents this from happening, not needed with newer Boost versions. # See here for more details: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7671 push @cflags, qw(-DBOOST_THREAD_DONT_USE_CHRONO -DBOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES -DBOOST_THREAD_USES_MOVE); # ExtUtils::CppGuess has a hard-coded -lstdc++, so we filter it out { no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'redefine'; my $func = "ExtUtils::CppGuess::_get_lflags"; my $orig = *$func{CODE}; *{$func} = sub { my $lflags = $orig->(@_); $lflags =~ s/\s*-lstdc\+\+//; return $lflags; }; } } if ($mswin) { push @cflags, qw(-DNOMINMAX); } my @INC = qw(-Isrc/libslic3r); my @LIBS = $cpp_guess->is_msvc ? qw(-LIBPATH:src/libslic3r) : qw(-Lsrc/libslic3r); # search for Boost in a number of places my @boost_include = (); if (defined $ENV{BOOST_INCLUDEDIR}) { push @boost_include, $ENV{BOOST_INCLUDEDIR} } elsif (defined $ENV{BOOST_DIR}) { # User might have provided a path relative to the Build.PL in the main directory foreach my $subdir ($ENV{BOOST_DIR}, "../$ENV{BOOST_DIR}", "$ENV{BOOST_DIR}/include", "../$ENV{BOOST_DIR}/include") { next if $subdir =~ m{^\.\.//}; printf "Checking %s: ", $subdir; if (-d $subdir) { push @boost_include, $subdir; print "found\n"; } else { print "not found\n"; } } die "Invalid BOOST_DIR: could not find Boost headers\n" if !@boost_include; } else { # Boost library was not defined by the environment. # Try to guess at some default paths. if ($mswin) { for my $path (glob('C:\dev\boost*\include'), glob ('C:\boost*\include')) { push @boost_include, $path; } if (! @boost_include) { # No boost\include. Try to include the boost root. for my $path (glob('C:\dev\boost*'), glob ('C:\boost*')) { push @boost_include, $path; } } } else { push @boost_include, grep { -d $_ } qw(/opt/local/include /usr/local/include /opt/include /usr/include); } } my @boost_libs = (); if (defined $ENV{BOOST_LIBRARYPATH}) { push @boost_libs, $ENV{BOOST_LIBRARYPATH} } elsif (defined $ENV{BOOST_DIR}) { # User might have provided a path relative to the Build.PL in the main directory foreach my $subdir ("$ENV{BOOST_DIR}/stage/lib", "../$ENV{BOOST_DIR}/stage/lib", "$ENV{BOOST_DIR}/lib", "../$ENV{BOOST_DIR}/lib") { next if $subdir =~ m{^\.\.//}; printf "Checking %s: ", $subdir; if (-d $subdir) { push @boost_libs, $subdir; print "found\n"; } else { print "not found\n"; } } die "Invalid BOOST_DIR: could not find Boost libs\n" if !@boost_libs; } else { # Boost library was not defined by the environment. # Try to guess at some default paths. if ($mswin) { for my $path ( glob('C:\dev\boost*\lib'), glob ('C:\boost*\lib'), glob('C:\dev\boost*\stage\lib'), glob ('C:\boost*\stage\lib')) { push @boost_libs, $path; } } else { push @boost_libs, grep { -d $_ } qw(/opt/local/lib /usr/local/lib /opt/lib /usr/lib /lib); } } # In order to generate the -l switches we need to know how Boost libraries are named my $have_boost = 0; my @boost_libraries = qw(system thread filesystem); # we need these # check without explicit lib path (works on Linux) if (! $mswin) { $have_boost = 1 if check_lib( lib => [ map "boost_${_}", @boost_libraries ], ); } if (!$ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} && $have_boost) { # The boost library was detected by check_lib on Linux. push @LIBS, map "-lboost_${_}", @boost_libraries; } else { # Either static linking, or check_lib could not be used to find the boost libraries. my $lib_prefix = 'libboost_'; my $lib_ext = $Config{lib_ext}; PATH: foreach my $path (@boost_libs) { # Try to find the boost system library. my @files = glob "$path/${lib_prefix}system*$lib_ext"; next if !@files; if ($files[0] =~ /${lib_prefix}system([^.]*)$lib_ext$/) { # Suffix contains the version number, the build type etc. my $suffix = $1; # Verify existence of all required boost libraries at $path. for my $lib (map "${lib_prefix}${_}${suffix}${lib_ext}", @boost_libraries) { # If the library file does not exist, try next library path. -f "$path/$lib" or next PATH; } if (! $cpp_guess->is_msvc) { # Test the correctness of boost libraries by linking them to a minimal C program. check_lib( lib => [ map "boost_${_}${suffix}", @boost_libraries ], INC => join(' ', map "-I$_", @INC, @boost_include), LIBS => "-L$path", ) or next; } push @INC, (map " -I$_", @boost_include); # TODO: only use the one related to the chosen lib path if ($ENV{SLIC3R_STATIC} || $cpp_guess->is_msvc) { push @LIBS, map "${path}/${lib_prefix}$_${suffix}${lib_ext}", @boost_libraries; } else { push @LIBS, " -L$path", (map " -lboost_$_$suffix", @boost_libraries); } $have_boost = 1; last; } } } push @cflags, '-DBOOST_LIBS' if $have_boost; die <<'EOF' if !$have_boost; Slic3r requires the Boost libraries. Please make sure they are installed. If they are installed, this script should be able to locate them in several standard locations. If this is not the case, you might want to supply their path through the BOOST_INCLUDEPATH and BOOST_LIBRARYPATH environment variables: BOOST_INCLUDEPATH=/usr/local/include BOOST_LIBRARYPATH=/usr/lib perl Build.PL If you just compiled Boost in its source directory without installing it in the system you can just provide the BOOST_DIR variable pointing to that directory. EOF if ($ENV{SLIC3R_DEBUG}) { # only on newer GCCs: -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 push @cflags, '-DSLIC3R_DEBUG'; push @cflags, $cpp_guess->is_msvc ? '-Gd' : '-g'; } else { # Disable asserts in the release builds. push @cflags, '-DNDEBUG', '-O'; } if ($cpp_guess->is_gcc) { # our templated XS bindings cause undefined-var-template warnings push @cflags, qw(-Wno-undefined-var-template); } my $build = Module::Build::WithXSpp->new( module_name => 'Slic3r::XS', dist_abstract => 'XS code for Slic3r', build_requires => {qw( ExtUtils::ParseXS 3.35 ExtUtils::Typemaps 1.00 ExtUtils::Typemaps::Default 1.05 ExtUtils::XSpp 0.18 Module::Build 0.3601 Test::More 0 )}, configure_requires => {qw( ExtUtils::CppGuess 0.07 Module::Build 0.38 Module::Build::WithXSpp 0.13 )}, extra_compiler_flags => [ @INC, @cflags ], extra_linker_flags => [ @LIBS, @ldflags ], # Provides extra C typemaps that are auto-merged extra_typemap_modules => { 'ExtUtils::Typemaps::Basic' => '1.05', }, # for MSVC builds early_includes => [qw( cstring cstdlib ostream sstream libslic3r/GCodeSender.hpp )] ); $build->create_build_script; __END__