Pressure/Linear Advance

Needs: Bed Leveling and Layer Squish to be perfect

this test is still in development, beta should work "ok" for now though.this page will be get updated along with it :)
your current print settings will need to be saved before clicking "generate" since it uses the saved values to create the model

note: this test will auto pull all your currently loaded config parameters and generate a model for you to print!
for to help with firmware speed/processing limitations it's reccomended to have most extrusion roles similar set to speeds.(but you don't have to!)

How to tune your printer for Pressure/Linear Advance

to get started

what is this "verify" option?
you may notice there is the "verify" option in the extrusion role dropdown, this feature currently doesn't work.(you can still use it, but any role that has gap fill will be incorrect and the test for that role should be ignored!)
when i get it working, it's purpose is to make it easy to see what extrusion roles need it's PA values tuned. it will create a model for each ER role, and assign that roles speed/acceleration/widths/spacing to the single model
you can then manually add the pressure advance command into the "per region g-code" box, slice and print it.


Before doing this test, it's preferable to tune everything else first!
i would reccomended setting XXXX to the same speeds, XXX to a slow speed, and everything else you can send it with.

note: having large variance with ER speeds can reduce print quality/dimensional accuracy this is effect is mainly caused by the inner perimeter getting pulled closer to the external perimeter as it cools down, since each perimeter would be at different temperatues.

i will reccomend setting 'first_layer_speed' and 'first_layer_min_speed' to the same vales

TODO add things about PA and setting first layer correctly
add notes about fan speed and disabling fan speed for this test, or do i have check box in GUI that would auto change relavent UI tab?


TODO: add cred for andrew ellis testing method