Ironing Pattern Calibration


You need to do the filament flow calibration and the bridge flow ratio before this one. It's better if you have done the filament temperature.

This calibration method will print test samples with various levels of over-bridge flow ratio, between 100 and 125. Choose the lowest value on which the top surface is smooth without rough "holes".



not flat not flat not flat flat Flat
Here, we can see that artifacts exist until the over-bridge flow was set to 115. It was flat from the flow calibration, if it's not now, it's because the bridges below the top surfaces are dropping a bit, and so it leaves more volume to fill afterwards. Here, 115 should be enough, but 120 is a more safe bet.




This test set the setting "complete individual objects" to true, so you may want to reset your print settings afterwards

Licence for models used for this calibration test: CC BY-SA 3.0