# Included by CMakeLists, edited by the build script
# (the version numbers are generated by the build script from the git current label)

# name of the slicer
set(SLIC3R_APP_NAME "SuperSlicer")
# Key fo the slicer, must only contains ascii chars and no spaces (be valid in all filesystems)
set(SLIC3R_APP_KEY "SuperSlicer")
# exe name of the slicer, should be lowercase and valid in all os
set(SLIC3R_APP_CMD "superslicer")
# versions
set(SLIC3R_VERSION "2.3.56")
set(SLIC3R_RC_VERSION "2,3,56,0")

# Same as the slicer name but for gcodeviewer
set(GCODEVIEWER_APP_KEY "${SLIC3R_APP_KEY}-gcodeviewer")
set(GCODEVIEWER_APP_CMD "${SLIC3R_APP_CMD}-gcodeviewer")

# string to be added after the SLIC3R_APP_NAME on some places
set(SLIC3R_BASED_ON "a flavored version of Slic3r")
# to get he github repo
set(SLIC3R_GITHUB "supermerill/SuperSlicer")
# download url
set(SLIC3R_DOWNLOAD "https://github.com/supermerill/SuperSlicer/releases")
# string to display in the spalshscreen
set(SLIC3R_INTRO "SuperSlicer is a skinned version of Slic3r, based on the original Slic3r by Alessandro Ranellucci & the RepRap community, and PrusaSlicer by Prusa.")