#include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace Slic3r; TEST_CASE("arc basics", "[ArcWelder]") { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; WHEN("arc from { 2000.f, 1000.f } to { 1000.f, 2000.f }") { Vec2f p1{ 2000.f, 1000.f }; Vec2f p2{ 1000.f, 2000.f }; float r{ 1000.f }; const double s = 1000.f / sqrt(2.); THEN("90 degrees arc, CCW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, r, true); Vec2f m = ArcWelder::arc_middle_point(p1, p2, r, true); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, Vec2f{ 1000.f, 1000.f })); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_angle(p1, p2, r) == Approx(0.5 * M_PI)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_length(p1, p2, r) == Approx(r * 0.5 * M_PI).epsilon(0.001)); REQUIRE(is_approx(m, Vec2f{ 1000.f + s, 1000.f + s }, 0.001f)); } THEN("90 degrees arc, CW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, r, false); Vec2f m = ArcWelder::arc_middle_point(p1, p2, r, false); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, Vec2f{ 2000.f, 2000.f })); REQUIRE(is_approx(m, Vec2f{ 2000.f - s, 2000.f - s }, 0.001f)); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CCW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, - r, true); Vec2f m = ArcWelder::arc_middle_point(p1, p2, - r, true); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, Vec2f{ 2000.f, 2000.f })); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_angle(p1, p2, - r) == Approx(1.5 * M_PI)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_length(p1, p2, - r) == Approx(r * 1.5 * M_PI).epsilon(0.001)); REQUIRE(is_approx(m, Vec2f{ 2000.f + s, 2000.f + s }, 0.001f)); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, - r, false); Vec2f m = ArcWelder::arc_middle_point(p1, p2, - r, false); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, Vec2f{ 1000.f, 1000.f })); REQUIRE(is_approx(m, Vec2f{ 1000.f - s, 1000.f - s }, 0.001f)); } } WHEN("arc from { 1707.11f, 1707.11f } to { 1000.f, 2000.f }") { Vec2f p1{ 1707.11f, 1707.11f }; Vec2f p2{ 1000.f, 2000.f }; float r{ 1000.f }; Vec2f center1 = Vec2f{ 1000.f, 1000.f }; // Center on the other side of the CCW arch. Vec2f center2 = center1 + 2. * (0.5 * (p1 + p2) - center1); THEN("45 degrees arc, CCW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, r, true); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center1, 1.f)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_angle(p1, p2, r) == Approx(0.25 * M_PI)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_length(p1, p2, r) == Approx(r * 0.25 * M_PI).epsilon(0.001)); } THEN("45 degrees arc, CW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, r, false); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center2, 1.f)); } THEN("315 degrees arc, CCW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, - r, true); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center2, 1.f)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_angle(p1, p2, - r) == Approx((2. - 0.25) * M_PI)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_length(p1, p2, - r) == Approx(r * (2. - 0.25) * M_PI).epsilon(0.001)); } THEN("315 degrees arc, CW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, - r, false); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center1, 1.f)); } } WHEN("arc from { 1866.f, 1500.f } to { 1000.f, 2000.f }") { Vec2f p1{ 1866.f, 1500.f }; Vec2f p2{ 1000.f, 2000.f }; float r{ 1000.f }; Vec2f center1 = Vec2f{ 1000.f, 1000.f }; // Center on the other side of the CCW arch. Vec2f center2 = center1 + 2. * (0.5 * (p1 + p2) - center1); THEN("60 degrees arc, CCW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, r, true); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center1, 1.f)); REQUIRE(is_approx(ArcWelder::arc_angle(p1, p2, r), float(M_PI / 3.), 0.001f)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_length(p1, p2, r) == Approx(r * M_PI / 3.).epsilon(0.001)); } THEN("60 degrees arc, CW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, r, false); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center2, 1.f)); } THEN("300 degrees arc, CCW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, - r, true); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center2, 1.f)); REQUIRE(is_approx(ArcWelder::arc_angle(p1, p2, - r), float((2. - 1./3.) * M_PI), 0.001f)); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::arc_length(p1, p2, - r) == Approx(r * (2. - 1. / 3.) * M_PI).epsilon(0.001)); } THEN("300 degrees arc, CW") { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1, p2, - r, false); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center1, 1.f)); } } } TEST_CASE("arc discretization", "[ArcWelder]") { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; WHEN("arc from { 2, 1 } to { 1, 2 }") { const Point p1 = Point::new_scale(2., 1.); const Point p2 = Point::new_scale(1., 2.); const Point center = Point::new_scale(1., 1.); const float radius = scaled(1.); const float resolution = scaled(0.002); auto test = [center, resolution, radius](const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const float r, const bool ccw) { Vec2f c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1.cast(), p2.cast(), r, ccw); REQUIRE((p1.cast() - c).norm() == Approx(radius)); REQUIRE((c - center.cast()).norm() == Approx(0.)); Points pts = ArcWelder::arc_discretize(p1, p2, r, ccw, resolution); REQUIRE(pts.size() >= 2); REQUIRE(pts.front() == p1); REQUIRE(pts.back() == p2); for (const Point &p : pts) REQUIRE(std::abs((p.cast() - c.cast()).norm() - double(radius)) < double(resolution + SCALED_EPSILON)); }; THEN("90 degrees arc, CCW") { test(p1, p2, radius, true); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CCW") { test(p2, p1, - radius, true); } THEN("90 degrees arc, CW") { test(p2, p1, radius, false); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CW") { test(p1, p2, - radius, false); } } } void test_arc_fit_variance(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const float r, const float r_fit, const bool ccw, const Points::const_iterator begin, const Points::const_iterator end) { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; double variance = ArcWelder::arc_fit_variance(p1, p2, r, ccw, begin, end); double variance_fit = ArcWelder::arc_fit_variance(p1, p2, r_fit, ccw, begin, end); REQUIRE(variance_fit < variance); }; void test_arc_fit_max_deviation(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const float r, const float r_fit, const bool ccw, const Points::const_iterator begin, const Points::const_iterator end) { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; double max_deviation = ArcWelder::arc_fit_max_deviation(p1, p2, r, ccw, begin, end); double max_deviation_fit = ArcWelder::arc_fit_max_deviation(p1, p2, r_fit, ccw, begin, end); REQUIRE(std::abs(max_deviation_fit) < std::abs(max_deviation)); }; void test_arc_fit(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const float r, const float r_fit, const bool ccw, const Points::const_iterator begin, const Points::const_iterator end) { test_arc_fit_variance(p1, p2, r, r_fit, ccw, begin, end); test_arc_fit_max_deviation(p1, p2, r, r_fit, ccw, begin, end); }; TEST_CASE("arc fitting", "[ArcWelder]") { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; WHEN("arc from { 2, 1 } to { 1, 2 }") { const Point p1 = Point::new_scale(2., 1.); const Point p2 = Point::new_scale(1., 2.); const Point center = Point::new_scale(1., 1.); const float radius = scaled(1.); const float resolution = scaled(0.002); auto test = [center, resolution](const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const float r, const bool ccw) { Points pts = ArcWelder::arc_discretize(p1, p2, r, ccw, resolution); ArcWelder::Path path = ArcWelder::fit_path(pts, resolution + SCALED_EPSILON, ArcWelder::default_scaled_resolution); REQUIRE(path.size() == 2); REQUIRE(path.front().point == p1); REQUIRE(path.front().radius == 0.f); REQUIRE(path.back().point == p2); REQUIRE(path.back().ccw() == ccw); test_arc_fit(p1, p2, r, path.back().radius, true, pts.begin(), pts.end()); }; THEN("90 degrees arc, CCW is fitted") { test(p1, p2, radius, true); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CCW is fitted") { test(p2, p1, - radius, true); } THEN("90 degrees arc, CW is fitted") { test(p2, p1, radius, false); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CW is fitted") { test(p1, p2, - radius, false); } } WHEN("arc from { 2, 1 } to { 1, 2 }, another arc from { 2, 1 } to { 0, 2 }, tangentially connected") { const Point p1 = Point::new_scale(2., 1.); const Point p2 = Point::new_scale(1., 2.); const Point p3 = Point::new_scale(0., 3.); const Point center1 = Point::new_scale(1., 1.); const Point center2 = Point::new_scale(1., 3.); const float radius = scaled(1.); const float resolution = scaled(0.002); auto test = [center1, center2, resolution](const Point &p1, const Point &p2, const Point &p3, const float r, const bool ccw) { Points pts = ArcWelder::arc_discretize(p1, p2, r, ccw, resolution); size_t num_pts1 = pts.size(); { Points pts2 = ArcWelder::arc_discretize(p2, p3, - r, ! ccw, resolution); REQUIRE(pts.back() == pts2.front()); pts.insert(pts.end(), std::next(pts2.begin()), pts2.end()); } ArcWelder::Path path = ArcWelder::fit_path(pts, resolution + SCALED_EPSILON, ArcWelder::default_scaled_resolution); REQUIRE(path.size() == 3); REQUIRE(path.front().point == p1); REQUIRE(path.front().radius == 0.f); REQUIRE(path[1].point == p2); REQUIRE(path[1].ccw() == ccw); REQUIRE(path.back().point == p3); REQUIRE(path.back().ccw() == ! ccw); test_arc_fit(p1, p2, r, path[1].radius, ccw, pts.begin(), pts.begin() + num_pts1); test_arc_fit(p2, p3, - r, path.back().radius, ! ccw, pts.begin() + num_pts1 - 1, pts.end()); }; THEN("90 degrees arches, CCW are fitted") { test(p1, p2, p3, radius, true); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CCW is fitted") { test(p3, p2, p1, -radius, true); } THEN("90 degrees arc, CW is fitted") { test(p3, p2, p1, radius, false); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CW is fitted") { test(p1, p2, p3, -radius, false); } } } TEST_CASE("least squares arc fitting, interpolating end points", "[ArcWelder]") { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; // Generate bunch of random arches. const coord_t max_coordinate = scaled(sqrt(250. - 1.)); static constexpr const double min_radius = scaled(0.01); static constexpr const double max_radius = scaled(250.); // static constexpr const double deviation = scaled(0.5); static constexpr const double deviation = scaled(0.1); // Seeded with a fixed seed, to be repeatable. std::mt19937 rng(867092346); std::uniform_int_distribution coord_sampler(0, int32_t(max_coordinate)); std::uniform_real_distribution angle_sampler(0.001, 2. * M_PI - 0.001); std::uniform_real_distribution radius_sampler(min_radius, max_radius); std::uniform_int_distribution num_samples_sampler(1, 100); auto test_arc_fitting = [&rng, &coord_sampler, &num_samples_sampler, &angle_sampler, &radius_sampler]() { auto sample_point = [&rng, &coord_sampler]() { return Vec2d(coord_sampler(rng), coord_sampler(rng)); }; // Start and end point of the arc: Vec2d center_pos = sample_point(); double angle0 = angle_sampler(rng); double angle = angle_sampler(rng); double radius = radius_sampler(rng); Vec2d v1 = Eigen::Rotation2D(angle0) * Vec2d(1., 0.); Vec2d v2 = Eigen::Rotation2D(angle0 + angle) * Vec2d(1., 0.); Vec2d start_pos = center_pos + radius * v1; Vec2d end_pos = center_pos + radius * v2; std::vector samples; size_t num_samples = num_samples_sampler(rng); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++ i) { double sample_r = sqrt(std::uniform_real_distribution(sqr(std::max(0., radius - deviation)), sqr(radius + deviation))(rng)); double sample_a = std::uniform_real_distribution(0., angle)(rng); Vec2d pt = center_pos + Eigen::Rotation2D(angle0 + sample_a) * Vec2d(sample_r, 0.); samples.emplace_back(pt); assert((pt - center_pos).norm() > radius - deviation - SCALED_EPSILON); assert((pt - center_pos).norm() < radius + deviation + SCALED_EPSILON); } // Vec2d new_center = ArcWelder::arc_fit_center_algebraic_ls(start_pos, end_pos, center_pos, samples.begin(), samples.end()); THEN("Center is fitted correctly") { std::optional new_center_opt = ArcWelder::arc_fit_center_gauss_newton_ls(start_pos, end_pos, center_pos, samples.begin(), samples.end(), 10); REQUIRE(new_center_opt); if (new_center_opt) { Vec2d new_center = *new_center_opt; double new_radius = (new_center - start_pos).norm(); double total_deviation = 0; double new_total_deviation = 0; for (const Vec2d &s : samples) { total_deviation += sqr((s - center_pos).norm() - radius); new_total_deviation += sqr((s - new_center).norm() - radius); } total_deviation /= double(num_samples); new_total_deviation /= double(num_samples); REQUIRE(new_total_deviation <= total_deviation); #if 0 double dist = (center_pos - new_center).norm(); printf("Radius: %lf, Angle: %lf deg, Samples: %d, Dist: %lf\n", unscaled(radius), 180. * angle / M_PI, int(num_samples), unscaled(dist)); // REQUIRE(is_approx(center_pos, new_center, deviation)); if (dist > scaled(1.)) { static int irun = 0; char path[2048]; sprintf(path, "d:\\temp\\debug\\circle-fit-%d.svg", irun++); Eigen::AlignedBox bbox(start_pos, end_pos); for (const Vec2d& sample : samples) bbox.extend(sample); bbox.extend(center_pos); Slic3r::SVG svg(path, BoundingBox(bbox.min().cast(), bbox.max().cast()).inflated(bbox.sizes().maxCoeff() * 0.05)); Points arc_src; for (size_t i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i) arc_src.emplace_back((center_pos + Eigen::Rotation2D(angle0 + double(i) * angle / 1000.) * Vec2d(radius, 0.)).cast()); svg.draw(Polyline(arc_src)); Points arc_new; double new_arc_angle = ArcWelder::arc_angle(start_pos, end_pos, (new_center - start_pos).norm()); for (size_t i = 0; i <= 1000; ++i) arc_new.emplace_back((new_center + Eigen::Rotation2D(double(i) * new_arc_angle / 1000.) * (start_pos - new_center)).cast()); svg.draw(Polyline(arc_new), "magenta"); svg.draw(Point(start_pos.cast()), "blue"); svg.draw(Point(end_pos.cast()), "blue"); svg.draw(Point(center_pos.cast()), "blue"); for (const Vec2d &sample : samples) svg.draw(Point(sample.cast()), "red"); svg.draw(Point(new_center.cast()), "magenta"); } if (!is_approx(center_pos, new_center, scaled(5.))) { printf("Failed\n"); } #endif } else { printf("Fitting failed\n"); } } }; WHEN("Generating a random arc and randomized arc samples") { for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; ++ i) test_arc_fitting(); } } TEST_CASE("arc wedge test", "[ArcWelder]") { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; WHEN("test point inside wedge, arc from { 2, 1 } to { 1, 2 }") { const int64_t s = 1000000; const Vec2i64 p1{ 2 * s, s }; const Vec2i64 p2{ s, 2 * s }; const Vec2i64 center{ s, s }; const int64_t radius{ s }; auto test = [center]( // Arc data const Vec2i64 &p1, const Vec2i64 &p2, const int64_t r, const bool ccw, // Test data const Vec2i64 &ptest, const bool ptest_inside) { const Vec2d c = ArcWelder::arc_center(p1.cast(), p2.cast(), double(r), ccw); REQUIRE(is_approx(c, center.cast())); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::inside_arc_wedge(p1, p2, center, r > 0, ccw, ptest) == ptest_inside); REQUIRE(ArcWelder::inside_arc_wedge(p1.cast(), p2.cast(), double(r), ccw, ptest.cast()) == ptest_inside); }; auto test_quadrants = [center, test]( // Arc data const Vec2i64 &p1, const Vec2i64 &p2, const int64_t r, const bool ccw, // Test data const Vec2i64 &ptest1, const bool ptest_inside1, const Vec2i64 &ptest2, const bool ptest_inside2, const Vec2i64 &ptest3, const bool ptest_inside3, const Vec2i64 &ptest4, const bool ptest_inside4) { test(p1, p2, r, ccw, ptest1 + center, ptest_inside1); test(p1, p2, r, ccw, ptest2 + center, ptest_inside2); test(p1, p2, r, ccw, ptest3 + center, ptest_inside3); test(p1, p2, r, ccw, ptest4 + center, ptest_inside4); }; THEN("90 degrees arc, CCW") { test_quadrants(p1, p2, radius, true, Vec2i64{ s, s }, true, Vec2i64{ s, - s }, false, Vec2i64{ - s, s }, false, Vec2i64{ - s, - s }, false); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CCW") { test_quadrants(p2, p1, -radius, true, Vec2i64{ s, s }, false, Vec2i64{ s, - s }, true, Vec2i64{ - s, s }, true, Vec2i64{ - s, - s }, true); } THEN("90 degrees arc, CW") { test_quadrants(p2, p1, radius, false, Vec2i64{ s, s }, true, Vec2i64{ s, - s }, false, Vec2i64{ - s, s }, false, Vec2i64{ - s, - s }, false); } THEN("270 degrees arc, CW") { test_quadrants(p1, p2, -radius, false, Vec2i64{ s, s }, false, Vec2i64{ s, - s }, true, Vec2i64{ - s, s }, true, Vec2i64{ - s, - s }, true); } } } #if 0 // For quantization //#include TEST_CASE("arc quantization", "[ArcWelder]") { using namespace Slic3r::Geometry; WHEN("generating a bunch of random arches") { static constexpr const size_t len = 100000; static constexpr const coord_t max_coordinate = scaled(250.); static constexpr const float max_radius = scaled(250.); ArcWelder::Segments path; path.reserve(len + 1); // Seeded with a fixed seed, to be repeatable. std::mt19937 rng(987432690); // Generate bunch of random arches. std::uniform_int_distribution coord_sampler(0, int32_t(max_coordinate)); std::uniform_real_distribution radius_sampler(- max_radius, max_radius); std::uniform_int_distribution orientation_sampler(0, 1); path.push_back({ Point{coord_sampler(rng), coord_sampler(rng)}, 0, ArcWelder::Orientation::CCW }); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { ArcWelder::Segment seg { Point{coord_sampler(rng), coord_sampler(rng)}, radius_sampler(rng), orientation_sampler(rng) ? ArcWelder::Orientation::CCW : ArcWelder::Orientation::CW }; while ((seg.point.cast() - path.back().point.cast()).norm() > 2. * std::abs(seg.radius)) seg = { Point{coord_sampler(rng), coord_sampler(rng)}, radius_sampler(rng), orientation_sampler(rng) ? ArcWelder::Orientation::CCW : ArcWelder::Orientation::CW }; path.push_back(seg); } // Run the test, quantize coordinates and radius, find the maximum error of quantization comparing the two arches. struct ArcEval { double error; double radius; double angle; }; std::vector center_errors_R; center_errors_R.reserve(len); std::vector center_errors_R_exact; center_errors_R_exact.reserve(len); std::vector center_errors_IJ; center_errors_IJ.reserve(len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { // Source arc: const Vec2d start_point = unscaled(path[i].point); const Vec2d end_point = unscaled(path[i + 1].point); const double radius = unscaled(path[i + 1].radius); const bool ccw = path[i + 1].ccw(); const Vec2d center = ArcWelder::arc_center(start_point, end_point, radius, ccw); { const double d1 = (start_point - center).norm(); const double d2 = (end_point - center).norm(); const double dx = (end_point - start_point).norm(); assert(std::abs(d1 - std::abs(radius)) < EPSILON); assert(std::abs(d2 - std::abs(radius)) < EPSILON); } // Quantized arc: const Vec2d start_point_quantized { GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(start_point.x()), GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(start_point.y()) }; const Vec2d end_point_quantized { GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(end_point .x()), GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(end_point .y()) }; const double radius_quantized { GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(radius) }; const Vec2d center_quantized { GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(center .x()), GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(center .y()) }; // Evaulate maximum error for the quantized arc given by the end points and radius. const Vec2d center_from_quantized = ArcWelder::arc_center(start_point_quantized, end_point_quantized, radius, ccw); const Vec2d center_reconstructed = ArcWelder::arc_center(start_point_quantized, end_point_quantized, radius_quantized, ccw); #if 0 center_errors_R.push_back({ std::abs((center_reconstructed - center).norm()), radius, ArcWelder::arc_angle(start_point, end_point, radius) * 180. / M_PI }); if (center_errors_R.back().error > 0.15) printf("Fuj\n"); #endif center_errors_R_exact.emplace_back(std::abs((center_from_quantized - center).norm())); if (center_errors_R_exact.back() > 0.15) printf("Fuj\n"); center_errors_IJ.emplace_back(std::abs((center_quantized - center).norm())); if (center_errors_IJ.back() > 0.15) printf("Fuj\n"); // Adjust center of the arc to the quantized end points. Vec2d third_point = ArcWelder::arc_middle_point(start_point, end_point, radius, ccw); double third_point_radius = (third_point - center).norm(); assert(std::abs(third_point_radius - std::abs(radius)) < EPSILON); std::optional center_adjusted = try_circle_center(start_point_quantized, end_point_quantized, third_point, EPSILON); //assert(center_adjusted); if (center_adjusted) { const double radius_adjusted = (center_adjusted.value() - start_point_quantized).norm() * (radius > 0 ? 1. : -1.); const double radius_adjusted_quantized = GCodeFormatter::quantize_xyzf(radius_adjusted); // Evaulate maximum error for the quantized arc given by the end points and radius. const Vec2f center_reconstructed = ArcWelder::arc_center(start_point_quantized.cast(), end_point_quantized.cast(), float(radius_adjusted_quantized), ccw); double rtest = std::abs(radius_adjusted_quantized); double d1 = std::abs((center_reconstructed - start_point.cast()).norm() - rtest); double d2 = std::abs((center_reconstructed - end_point.cast()).norm() - rtest); double d3 = std::abs((center_reconstructed - third_point.cast()).norm() - rtest); double d = std::max(d1, std::max(d2, d3)); center_errors_R.push_back({ d, radius, ArcWelder::arc_angle(start_point, end_point, radius) * 180. / M_PI }); } else { printf("Adjusted circle is collinear.\n"); } } std::sort(center_errors_R.begin(), center_errors_R.end(), [](auto l, auto r) { return l.error > r.error; }); std::sort(center_errors_R_exact.begin(), center_errors_R_exact.end(), [](auto l, auto r) { return l > r; }); std::sort(center_errors_IJ.begin(), center_errors_IJ.end(), [](auto l, auto r) { return l > r; }); printf("Maximum error R: %lf\n", center_errors_R.back().error); printf("Maximum error R exact: %lf\n", center_errors_R_exact.back()); printf("Maximum error IJ: %lf\n", center_errors_IJ.back()); } } #endif