# This package loads all the non-GUI Slic3r perl packages.
# In addition, it implements utility functions for file handling and threading.
package Slic3r;
# Copyright holder: Alessandro Ranellucci
# This application is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
use strict;
use warnings;
use Config;
require v5.10;
our $BUILD = BUILD();
our $debug = 0;
sub debugf {
printf @_ if $debug;
our $loglevel = 0;
# load threads before Moo as required by it
# Test, whether the perl was compiled with ithreads support and ithreads actually work.
use Config;
use Moo;
my $have_threads = $Config{useithreads} && eval "use threads; use threads::shared; use Thread::Queue; 1";
die "Slic3r++ requires working Perl threads.\n" if ! $have_threads;
die "threads.pm >= 1.96 is required, please update\n" if $threads::VERSION < 1.96;
die "Perl threading is broken with this Moo version: " . $Moo::VERSION . "\n" if $Moo::VERSION == 1.003000;
$debug = 1 if (defined($ENV{'SLIC3R_DEBUGOUT'}) && $ENV{'SLIC3R_DEBUGOUT'} == 1);
print "Debugging output enabled\n" if $debug;
warn "Running Slic3r under Perl 5.16 is neither supported nor recommended\n"
if $^V == v5.16;
use FindBin;
# Let the XS module know where the GUI resources reside.
set_resources_dir(decode_path($FindBin::Bin) . (($^O eq 'darwin') ? '/../Resources' : '/resources'));
set_var_dir(resources_dir() . "/icons");
set_local_dir(resources_dir() . "/localization/");
use Moo 1.003001;
use Slic3r::XS; # import all symbols (constants etc.) before they get parsed
use Slic3r::Config;
use Slic3r::ExPolygon;
use Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop;
use Slic3r::ExtrusionPath;
use Slic3r::Flow;
use Slic3r::GCode::Reader;
use Slic3r::Geometry::Clipper;
use Slic3r::Layer;
use Slic3r::Line;
use Slic3r::Model;
use Slic3r::Point;
use Slic3r::Polygon;
use Slic3r::Polyline;
use Slic3r::Print;
use Slic3r::Print::Object;
use Slic3r::Print::Simple;
use Slic3r::Surface;
our $build = eval "use Slic3r::Build; 1";
use Thread::Semaphore;
# Scaling between the float and integer coordinates.
# Floats are in mm.
use constant SCALING_FACTOR => 0.000001;
# Keep track of threads we created. Perl worker threads shall not create further threads.
my @threads = ();
my $pause_sema = Thread::Semaphore->new;
my $paused = 0;
# Set the logging level at the Slic3r XS module.
$Slic3r::loglevel = (defined($ENV{'SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL'}) && $ENV{'SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL'} =~ /^[1-9]/) ? $ENV{'SLIC3R_LOGLEVEL'} : 0;
# Let the palceholder parser evaluate one expression to initialize its local static macro_processor
# class instance in a thread safe manner.
sub spawn_thread {
my ($cb) = @_;
@_ = ();
my $thread = threads->create(sub {
Slic3r::debugf "Starting thread %d...\n", threads->tid;
local $SIG{'KILL'} = sub {
Slic3r::debugf "Exiting thread %d...\n", threads->tid;
local $SIG{'STOP'} = sub {
push @threads, $thread->tid;
return $thread;
# call this at the very end of each thread (except the main one)
# so that it does not try to free existing objects.
# at that stage, existing objects are only those that we
# inherited at the thread creation (thus shared) and those
# that we are returning: destruction will be handled by the
# main thread in both cases.
# reminder: do not destroy inherited objects in other threads,
# as the main thread will still try to destroy them when they
# go out of scope; in other words, if you're undef()'ing an
# object in a thread, make sure the main thread still holds a
# reference so that it won't be destroyed in thread.
sub thread_cleanup {
# prevent destruction of shared objects
no warnings 'redefine';
*Slic3r::BridgeDetector::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::Full::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::GCode::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::Print::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::PrintObject::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::PrintRegion::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Config::Static::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExPolygon::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExPolygon::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionLoop::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionMultiPath::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionPath::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::ExtrusionSimulator::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Flow::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::PlaceholderParser::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::PreviewData::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GCode::Sender::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBox::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBoxf::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Geometry::BoundingBoxf3::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Layer::PerimeterGenerator::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Line::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Linef3::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Model::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Model::Object::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Point::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Pointf::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Pointf3::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Polygon::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Polyline::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Polyline::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::Object::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::Region::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Surface::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Surface::Collection::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Print::SupportMaterial2::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::TriangleMesh::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::AppConfig::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::GCodePreviewData::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::PresetBundle::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::Tab::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::PresetHints::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::GUI::TabIface::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::OctoPrint::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::Duet::DESTROY = sub {};
*Slic3r::PresetUpdater::DESTROY = sub {};
return undef; # this prevents a "Scalars leaked" warning
sub _get_running_threads {
return grep defined($_), map threads->object($_), @threads;
sub kill_all_threads {
# Send SIGKILL to all the running threads to let them die.
foreach my $thread (_get_running_threads) {
Slic3r::debugf "Thread %d killing %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
# unlock semaphore before we block on wait
# otherwise we'd get a deadlock if threads were paused
# in any thread we wait for our children
foreach my $thread (_get_running_threads) {
Slic3r::debugf " Thread %d waiting for %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
$thread->join; # block until threads are killed
Slic3r::debugf " Thread %d finished waiting for %d...\n", threads->tid, $thread->tid;
@threads = ();
sub pause_all_threads {
return if $paused;
$paused = 1;
$_->kill('STOP') for _get_running_threads;
sub resume_all_threads {
return unless $paused;
$paused = 0;
# Open a file by converting $filename to local file system locales.
sub open {
my ($fh, $mode, $filename) = @_;
return CORE::open $$fh, $mode, encode_path($filename);
sub tags {
my ($format) = @_;
$format //= '';
my %tags;
# End of line
$tags{eol} = ($format eq 'html') ? '
' : "\n";
# Heading
$tags{h2start} = ($format eq 'html') ? '' : '';
$tags{h2end} = ($format eq 'html') ? '' : '';
# Bold font
$tags{bstart} = ($format eq 'html') ? '' : '';
$tags{bend} = ($format eq 'html') ? '' : '';
# Verbatim
$tags{vstart} = ($format eq 'html') ? '
' : ''; $tags{vend} = ($format eq 'html') ? '' : ''; return %tags; } sub slic3r_info { my (%params) = @_; my %tag = Slic3r::tags($params{format}); my $out = ''; $out .= "$tag{bstart}$Slic3r::FORK_NAME$tag{bend}$tag{eol}"; $out .= "$tag{bstart}Version: $tag{bend}$Slic3r::VERSION$tag{eol}"; $out .= "$tag{bstart}Build: $tag{bend}$Slic3r::BUILD$tag{eol}"; return $out; } sub copyright_info { my (%params) = @_; my %tag = Slic3r::tags($params{format}); my $out = 'Copyright © 2018 Durand Rémi.