# Written by Joseph Lenox # Licensed under the same license as the rest of Slic3r. # ------------------------ # You need to have Strawberry Perl (or slic3r-perl) installed for this to work, Param ( # Perl version major/minor number. Slic3r perl uses 524 [string]$perlVersion = "524", # Override the output file name. [string]$outputFile = "", [string]$currentDate = "$(Get-Date -UFormat '%Y.%m.%d')", # Override the branch name used in the output. Otherwise autodetect based on git. [string]$branch = "", #This is "32bit" or "64bit". It will detect based on presence of libglut. [string]$arch = $env:ARCH, # Change this to where you have Strawberry Perl installed. [string]$STRAWBERRY_PATH = "C:\Strawberry", [switch]$skipInstallPAR ) function Get-ScriptDirectory { $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path } $scriptDir = Get-ScriptDirectory echo "Make this is run from the perl command window." echo "Requires PAR." $perldll = "perl$perlVersion" if ($branch -eq "") { git branch | foreach { if ($env:APPVEYOR) { if ($_ -match "` (.*)") { $branch += $matches[1] } } else { if ($_ -match "\*` (.*)"){ $branch += $matches[1] } } } } if ($outputFile -eq "") { $outputFile = $output_zip } if (!($arch -eq "64bit" -Or $arch -eq "32bit")) { # detect current version through libglut if (Test-Path "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\c\bin\libglut-0__.dll") { $arch = "64bit" } else { $arch = "32bit" } echo "Arch: $arch" } if ($env:APPVEYOR) { if ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -eq "") { $output_zip = "${scriptDir}\..\..\Slic3r-${branch}.${currentDate}.${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER}.$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).${arch}.zip" } else { $output_zip = "${scriptDir}\..\..\Slic3r-${branch}.${currentDate}.${env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER}.$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).${arch}-PR${APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER}.zip" } } else { $output_zip = "${scriptDir}\..\..\Slic3r-${branch}.${currentDate}.$(git rev-parse --short HEAD).${arch}.zip" } if ($outputFile -eq "") { $outputFile = $output_zip } if (-Not $skipInstallPAR) { cpanm "PAR::Packer" } # Some file names change based on 64bit/32bit. Set them here. if ($arch -eq "32bit") { $perlarch = "sjlj" $glut = "libglut-0_.dll" $pthread= "pthreadGC2-w32.dll" } else { $perlarch = "seh" $glut = "libglut-0__.dll" $pthread= "pthreadGC2-w64.dll" } if (!( (Test-Path -Path "${scriptDir}\slic3r.exe") -And (Test-Path -Path "${scriptDir}\slic3r-console.exe") -And (Test-Path -Path "${scriptDir}\slic3r-debug-console.exe") ) ) { echo "Compiling Slic3r binaries" & ${scriptDir}\compile_wrapper.ps1 -perlVersion=$perlVersion -STRAWBERRY_PATH=$STRAWBERRY_PATH } # remove all static libraries, they just take up space. if ($env:APPVEYOR) { gci ${scriptDir}\..\..\ -recurse | ? {$_.Name -match ".*\.a$"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib | ? {$_.PSIsContainer -And $_.Name -match "DocView|IPC|DataView|Media|Ribbon|Calendar|STC|PerlTest|WebView"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib| ? {$_.Name -match ".*(webview|ribbon|stc).*\.dll"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib| ? {$_.Name -match ".*(webview|ribbon|stc).*\.dll"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib| ? {$_.Name -match "^ExtUtils$"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib\lib\perl5\Module ? {$_.Name -match "^Build"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib ? {$_.Name -match "\.pod$"} | ri gci -recurse ${scriptDir}\..\..\local-lib ? {$_.Name -match "\.h$"} | ri } pp ` -a "${scriptDir}/slic3r.exe;Slic3r.exe" ` -a "${scriptDir}/slic3r-console.exe;Slic3r-console.exe" ` -a "${scriptDir}/slic3r-debug-console.exe;Slic3r-debug-console.exe" ` -a "${scriptDir}/../../lib;lib" ` -a "${scriptDir}/../../local-lib;local-lib" ` -a "${scriptDir}/../../slic3r.pl;slic3r.pl" ` -a "${scriptDir}/../../var;var" ` -a "${scriptDir}/../../FreeGLUT/freeglut.dll;freeglut.dll" ` -a "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\perl\bin\perl${perlVersion}.dll;perl${perlVersion}.dll" ` -a "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\perl\bin\libstdc++-6.dll;libstdc++-6.dll" ` -a "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\perl\bin\libgcc_s_${perlarch}-1.dll;libgcc_s_${perlarch}-1.dll" ` -a "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\perl\bin\libwinpthread-1.dll;libwinpthread-1.dll" ` -a "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\c\bin\${pthread};${pthread}" ` -a "${STRAWBERRY_PATH}\c\bin\${glut};${glut}" ` -M AutoLoader ` -M B ` -M Carp ` -M Class::Accessor ` -M Config ` -M Crypt::CBC ` -M Cwd ` -M Devel::GlobalDestruction ` -M Digest ` -M Digest::MD5 ` -M Digest::SHA ` -M Digest::base ` -M DynaLoader ` -M Errno ` -M Exporter ` -M Exporter::Heavy ` -M Fcntl ` -M File::Basename ` -M File::Glob ` -M File::Spec ` -M File::Spec::Unix ` -M File::Spec::Win32 ` -M FindBin ` -M HTTP::Config ` -M HTTP::Date ` -M HTTP::Headers ` -M HTTP::Headers::Util ` -M HTTP::Message ` -M HTTP::Request ` -M HTTP::Request::Common ` -M HTTP::Response ` -M HTTP::Status ` -M IO ` -M IO::Handle ` -M IO::Select ` -M IO::Socket ` -M LWP ` -M LWP::MediaTypes ` -M LWP::MemberMixin ` -M LWP::Protocol ` -M LWP::Protocol::http ` -M LWP::UserAgent ` -M List::Util ` -M Math::Trig ` -M Method::Generate::Accessor ` -M Method::Generate::BuildAll ` -M Method::Generate::Constructor ` -M Module::Runtime ` -M POSIX ` -M Pod::Escapes ` -M Pod::Text ` -M Pod::Usage ` -M SelectSaver ` -M Socket ` -M Socket6 ` -M Storable ` -M Sub::Exporter ` -M Sub::Exporter::Progressive ` -M Symbol ` -M Term::Cap ` -M Text::ParseWords ` -M Thread ` -M Thread::Queue ` -M Thread::Semaphore ` -M Tie::Handle ` -M Tie::Hash ` -M Tie::StdHandle ` -M Time::Local ` -M URI ` -M URI::Escape ` -M URI::http ` -M Unicode::Normalize ` -M Win32 ` -M Win32::API ` -M Win32::TieRegistry ` -M Win32::WinError ` -M Win32API::Registry ` -M XSLoader ` -B ` -M lib ` -p ${scriptDir}\..\..\slic3r.pl -o ${scriptDir}\..\..\slic3r.par # switch renaming based on whether or not using packaged exe or zip # make this more useful for not being on the appveyor server copy ${scriptDir}\..\..\slic3r.par ${outputFile} echo "Package saved as ${outputFile}" del ${scriptDir}\..\..\slic3r.par