// This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library. // // Copyright (C) 2016 Alec Jacobson // // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License // v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can // obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #ifndef IGL_UNZIP_CORNERS_H #define IGL_UNZIP_CORNERS_H #include "igl_inline.h" #include #include #include namespace igl { // UNZIP_CORNERS Given a triangle mesh where corners of each triangle index // different matrices of attributes (e.g. read from an OBJ file), unzip the // corners into unique efficiently: attributes become properly vertex valued // (usually creating greater than #V but less than #F*3 vertices). // // To pass a list of attributes this function takes an std::vector of // std::reference_wrapper of an Eigen::... type. This allows you to use list // initializers **without** incurring a copy, but means you'll need to // provide the derived type of A as an explicit template parameter: // // unzip_corners({F,FTC,FN},U,G,J); // // Inputs: // A #A list of #F by 3 attribute indices, typically {F,FTC,FN} // Outputs: // U #U by #A list of indices into each attribute for each unique mesh // vertex: U(v,a) is the attribute index of vertex v in attribute a. // G #F by 3 list of triangle indices into U // Example: // [V,F,TC,FTC] = readOBJ('~/Downloads/kiwis/kiwi.obj'); // [U,G] = unzip_corners(cat(3,F,FTC)); // % display mesh // tsurf(G,V(U(:,1),:)); // % display texture coordinates // tsurf(G,TC(U(:,2),:)); // template < typename DerivedA, typename DerivedU, typename DerivedG, typename DerivedJ> IGL_INLINE void unzip_corners( const std::vector > & A, Eigen::PlainObjectBase & U, Eigen::PlainObjectBase & G, Eigen::PlainObjectBase & J); } #ifndef IGL_STATIC_LIBRARY # include "unzip_corners.cpp" #endif #endif