use Test::More; use strict; use warnings; plan skip_all => 'temporarily disabled'; plan tests => 16; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../local-lib"; } # temporarily disable compilation errors due to constant not being exported anymore sub Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_B {} sub Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_FACET_EDGE {} sub Slic3r::TriangleMesh::FE_BOTTOM { sub Slic3r::TriangleMesh::FE_TOP {}} use Slic3r; use Slic3r::Geometry qw(X Y Z A B); my @lines; my $z = 20; my @points = ([3, 4], [8, 5], [1, 9]); # XY coordinates of the facet vertices # NOTE: # the first point of the intersection lines is replaced by -1 because # is saving memory and doesn't store point A anymore since it's not actually needed. # We disable this test because intersect_facet() now assumes we never feed a horizontal # facet to it. # is_deeply lines(20, 20, 20), [ # [ -1, $points[1] ], # $points[0] # [ -1, $points[2] ], # $points[1] # [ -1, $points[0] ], # $points[2] # ], 'horizontal'; is_deeply lines(22, 20, 20), [ [ -1, $points[2] ] ], 'lower edge on layer'; # $points[1] is_deeply lines(20, 20, 22), [ [ -1, $points[1] ] ], 'lower edge on layer'; # $points[0] is_deeply lines(20, 22, 20), [ [ -1, $points[0] ] ], 'lower edge on layer'; # $points[2] is_deeply lines(20, 20, 10), [ [ -1, $points[0] ] ], 'upper edge on layer'; # $points[1] is_deeply lines(10, 20, 20), [ [ -1, $points[1] ] ], 'upper edge on layer'; # $points[2] is_deeply lines(20, 10, 20), [ [ -1, $points[2] ] ], 'upper edge on layer'; # $points[0] is_deeply lines(20, 15, 10), [ ], 'upper vertex on layer'; is_deeply lines(28, 20, 30), [ ], 'lower vertex on layer'; { my @z = (24, 10, 16); is_deeply lines(@z), [ [ -1, # line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[0], vertices(@z)->[1] ]), line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[2], vertices(@z)->[0] ]), ] ], 'two edges intersect'; } { my @z = (16, 24, 10); is_deeply lines(@z), [ [ -1, # line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[1], vertices(@z)->[2] ]), line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[0], vertices(@z)->[1] ]), ] ], 'two edges intersect'; } { my @z = (10, 16, 24); is_deeply lines(@z), [ [ -1, # line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[2], vertices(@z)->[0] ]), line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[1], vertices(@z)->[2] ]), ] ], 'two edges intersect'; } { my @z = (24, 10, 20); is_deeply lines(@z), [ [ -1, # line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[0], vertices(@z)->[1] ]), $points[2], ] ], 'one vertex on plane and one edge intersects'; } { my @z = (10, 20, 24); is_deeply lines(@z), [ [ -1, # line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[2], vertices(@z)->[0] ]), $points[1], ] ], 'one vertex on plane and one edge intersects'; } { my @z = (20, 24, 10); is_deeply lines(@z), [ [ -1, # line_plane_intersection([ vertices(@z)->[1], vertices(@z)->[2] ]), $points[0], ] ], 'one vertex on plane and one edge intersects'; } my @lower = intersect(22, 20, 20); my @upper = intersect(20, 20, 10); is $lower[0][Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_FACET_EDGE], Slic3r::TriangleMesh::FE_BOTTOM, 'bottom edge on layer'; is $upper[0][Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_FACET_EDGE], Slic3r::TriangleMesh::FE_TOP, 'upper edge on layer'; my $mesh; sub intersect { $mesh = Slic3r::TriangleMesh->new( facets => [], vertices => [], ); push @{$mesh->facets}, [ [0,0,0], @{vertices(@_)} ]; $mesh->analyze; return map Slic3r::TriangleMesh::unpack_line($_), $mesh->intersect_facet($#{$mesh->facets}, $z); } sub vertices { push @{$mesh->vertices}, map [ @{$points[$_]}, $_[$_] ], 0..2; [ ($#{$mesh->vertices}-2) .. $#{$mesh->vertices} ] } sub lines { my @lines = intersect(@_); #$_->a->[X] = sprintf('%.0f', $_->a->[X]) for @lines; #$_->a->[Y] = sprintf('%.0f', $_->a->[Y]) for @lines; $_->[Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_B][X] = sprintf('%.0f', $_->[Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_B][X]) for @lines; $_->[Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_B][Y] = sprintf('%.0f', $_->[Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_B][Y]) for @lines; return [ map [ -1, $_->[Slic3r::TriangleMesh::I_B] ], @lines ]; } sub line_plane_intersection { my ($line) = @_; @$line = map $mesh->vertices->[$_], @$line; return [ map sprintf('%.0f', $_), map +($line->[B][$_] + ($line->[A][$_] - $line->[B][$_]) * ($z - $line->[B][Z]) / ($line->[A][Z] - $line->[B][Z])), (X,Y) ]; } __END__