use Test::More tests => 39; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../local-lib"; } use List::Util qw(first); use Slic3r; use Slic3r::Test; { my $config = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults; my $test = sub { my ($conf) = @_; $conf ||= $config; my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('2x20x10', config => $conf); my $last_move_was_z_change = 0; Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new->parse(Slic3r::Test::gcode($print), sub { my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_; if ($last_move_was_z_change && $cmd ne $config->layer_gcode) { fail 'custom layer G-code was not applied after Z change'; } if (!$last_move_was_z_change && $cmd eq $config->layer_gcode) { fail 'custom layer G-code was not applied after Z change'; } $last_move_was_z_change = (defined $info->{dist_Z} && $info->{dist_Z} > 0); }); 1; }; $config->set('start_gcode', '_MY_CUSTOM_START_GCODE_'); # to avoid dealing with the nozzle lift in start G-code $config->set('layer_gcode', '_MY_CUSTOM_LAYER_GCODE_'); ok $test->(), "custom layer G-code is applied after Z move and before other moves"; } #========================================================== { my $parser = Slic3r::GCode::PlaceholderParser->new; $parser->apply_config(my $config = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults); $parser->set('foo' => 0); is $parser->process('[temperature_[foo]]'), $config->temperature->[0], "nested config options (legacy syntax)"; is $parser->process('{temperature[foo]}'), $config->temperature->[0], "array reference"; } { my $config = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults; $config->set('output_filename_format', 'ts_[travel_speed]_lh_[layer_height].gcode'); $config->set('start_gcode', "TRAVEL:[travel_speed] HEIGHT:[layer_height]\n"); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $output_file = $print->print->output_filepath; my ($t, $h) = map $config->$_, qw(travel_speed layer_height); ok $output_file =~ /ts_${t}_/, 'print config options are replaced in output filename'; ok $output_file =~ /lh_$h\./, 'region config options are replaced in output filename'; my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); ok $gcode =~ /TRAVEL:$t/, 'print config options are replaced in custom G-code'; ok $gcode =~ /HEIGHT:$h/, 'region config options are replaced in custom G-code'; } { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new; $config->set('extruder', 2); $config->set('first_layer_temperature', [200,205]); { my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); ok $gcode =~ /M104 S205 T1/, 'temperature set correctly for non-zero yet single extruder'; ok $gcode !~ /M104 S\d+ T0/, 'unused extruder correctly ignored'; } $config->set('infill_extruder', 1); { my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); ok $gcode =~ /M104 S200 T0/, 'temperature set correctly for first extruder'; ok $gcode =~ /M104 S205 T1/, 'temperature set correctly for second extruder'; } my @start_gcode = (qq! ;__temp0:[first_layer_temperature_0]__ ;__temp1:[first_layer_temperature_1]__ ;__temp2:[first_layer_temperature_2]__ !, qq! ;__temp0:{first_layer_temperature[0]}__ ;__temp1:{first_layer_temperature[1]}__ ;__temp2:{first_layer_temperature[2]}__ !); my @syntax_description = (' (legacy syntax)', ' (new syntax)'); for my $i (0, 1) { $config->set('start_gcode', $start_gcode[$i]); { my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); # we use the [infill_extruder] placeholder to make sure this test doesn't # catch a false positive caused by the unparsed start G-code option itself # being embedded in the G-code ok $gcode =~ /temp0:200/, 'temperature placeholder for first extruder correctly populated' . $syntax_description[$i]; ok $gcode =~ /temp1:205/, 'temperature placeholder for second extruder correctly populated' . $syntax_description[$i]; ok $gcode =~ /temp2:200/, 'temperature placeholder for unused extruder populated with first value' . $syntax_description[$i]; } } $config->set('start_gcode', qq! ;substitution:{if infill_extruder==1}extruder1 {elsif infill_extruder==2}extruder2 {else}extruder3{endif} !); { my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); ok $gcode =~ /substitution:extruder1/, 'if / else / endif - first block returned'; } } { my $config = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults; $config->set('before_layer_gcode', ';BEFORE [layer_num]'); $config->set('layer_gcode', ';CHANGE [layer_num]'); $config->set('support_material', 1); $config->set('layer_height', 0.2); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('overhang', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); my @before = (); my @change = (); foreach my $line (split /\R+/, $gcode) { if ($line =~ /;BEFORE (\d+)/) { push @before, $1; } elsif ($line =~ /;CHANGE (\d+)/) { push @change, $1; fail 'inconsistent layer_num before and after layer change' if $1 != $before[-1]; } } is_deeply \@before, \@change, 'layer_num is consistent before and after layer changes'; ok !defined(first { $change[$_] != $change[$_-1]+1 } 1..$#change), 'layer_num grows continously'; # i.e. no duplicates or regressions } { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new; $config->set('start_gcode', qq! ;substitution:{if infill_extruder==1}if block {elsif infill_extruder==2}elsif block 1 {elsif infill_extruder==3}elsif block 2 {elsif infill_extruder==4}elsif block 3 {else}endif block{endif} !); my @returned = ('', 'if block', 'elsif block 1', 'elsif block 2', 'elsif block 3', 'endif block'); for my $i (1,2,3,4,5) { $config->set('infill_extruder', $i); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); my $found_other = 0; for my $j (1,2,3,4,5) { next if $i == $j; $found_other = 1 if $gcode =~ /substitution:$returned[$j]/; } ok $gcode =~ /substitution:$returned[$i]/, 'if / else / endif - ' . $returned[$i] . ' returned'; ok !$found_other, 'if / else / endif - only ' . $returned[$i] . ' returned'; } } { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new; $config->set('start_gcode', ';substitution:{if infill_extruder==1}{if perimeter_extruder==1}block11{else}block12{endif}' . '{elsif infill_extruder==2}{if perimeter_extruder==1}block21{else}block22{endif}' . '{else}{if perimeter_extruder==1}block31{else}block32{endif}{endif}:end'); for my $i (1,2,3) { $config->set('infill_extruder', $i); for my $j (1,2) { $config->set('perimeter_extruder', $j); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); ok $gcode =~ /substitution:block$i$j:end/, "two level if / else / endif - block$i$j returned"; } } } { my $config = Slic3r::Config->new; $config->set('start_gcode', ';substitution:{if notes=="MK2"}MK2{elsif notes=="MK3"}MK3{else}MK1{endif}:end'); for my $printer_name ("MK2", "MK3", "MK1") { $config->set('notes', $printer_name); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('20mm_cube', config => $config); my $gcode = Slic3r::Test::gcode($print); ok $gcode =~ /substitution:$printer_name:end/, "printer name $printer_name matched"; } } __END__