# Cut an object at a Z position, keep either the top or the bottom of the object. # This dialog gets opened with the "Cut..." button above the platter. package Slic3r::GUI::Plater::ObjectCutDialog; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use POSIX qw(ceil); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); use Slic3r::Geometry qw(PI X Y Z); use Wx qw(wxTheApp :dialog :id :misc :sizer wxTAB_TRAVERSAL); use Wx::Event qw(EVT_CLOSE EVT_BUTTON); use base 'Wx::Dialog'; sub new { my $class = shift; my ($parent, %params) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($parent, -1, $params{object}->name, wxDefaultPosition, [500,500], wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wxRESIZE_BORDER); $self->{model_object_idx} = $params{model_object_idx}; $self->{model_object} = $params{model_object}; $self->{new_model_objects} = []; # Mark whether the mesh cut is valid. # If not, it needs to be recalculated by _update() on wxTheApp->CallAfter() or on exit of the dialog. $self->{mesh_cut_valid} = 0; # Note whether the window was already closed, so a pending update is not executed. $self->{already_closed} = 0; $self->{model_object}->transform_by_instance($self->{model_object}->get_instance(0), 1); # cut options my $size_z = $self->{model_object}->instance_bounding_box(0)->size->z; $self->{cut_options} = { axis => Z, z => $size_z/2, keep_upper => 0, keep_lower => 1, rotate_lower => 0, preview => 1, }; my $optgroup; $optgroup = $self->{optgroup} = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup->new( parent => $self, title => 'Cut', on_change => sub { my ($opt_id) = @_; # There seems to be an issue with wxWidgets 3.0.2/3.0.3, where the slider # genates tens of events for a single value change. # Only trigger the recalculation if the value changes # or a live preview was activated and the mesh cut is not valid yet. if ($self->{cut_options}{$opt_id} != $optgroup->get_value($opt_id) || ! $self->{mesh_cut_valid} && $self->_life_preview_active()) { $self->{cut_options}{$opt_id} = $optgroup->get_value($opt_id); $self->{mesh_cut_valid} = 0; wxTheApp->CallAfter(sub { $self->_update; }); } }, label_width => 120, ); $optgroup->append_single_option_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new( opt_id => 'axis', type => 'select', label => 'Axis', labels => ['X','Y','Z'], values => [X,Y,Z], default => $self->{cut_options}{axis}, )); $optgroup->append_single_option_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new( opt_id => 'z', type => 'slider', label => 'Z', default => $self->{cut_options}{z}, min => 0, max => $size_z, full_width => 1, )); { my $line = Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new( label => 'Keep', ); $line->append_option(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new( opt_id => 'keep_upper', type => 'bool', label => 'Upper part', default => $self->{cut_options}{keep_upper}, )); $line->append_option(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new( opt_id => 'keep_lower', type => 'bool', label => 'Lower part', default => $self->{cut_options}{keep_lower}, )); $optgroup->append_line($line); } $optgroup->append_single_option_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new( opt_id => 'rotate_lower', label => 'Rotate lower part upwards', type => 'bool', tooltip => 'If enabled, the lower part will be rotated by 180° so that the flat cut surface lies on the print bed.', default => $self->{cut_options}{rotate_lower}, )); $optgroup->append_single_option_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Option->new( opt_id => 'preview', label => 'Show preview', type => 'bool', tooltip => 'If enabled, object will be cut in real time.', default => $self->{cut_options}{preview}, )); { my $cut_button_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL); $self->{btn_cut} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "Perform cut", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); $self->{btn_cut}->SetDefault; $cut_button_sizer->Add($self->{btn_cut}, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 10); $self->{btn_cut_grid} = Wx::Button->new($self, -1, "Cut by grid…", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize); $cut_button_sizer->Add($self->{btn_cut_grid}, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT | wxALL, 10); $optgroup->append_line(Slic3r::GUI::OptionsGroup::Line->new( sizer => $cut_button_sizer, )); } # left pane with tree my $left_sizer = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxVERTICAL); $left_sizer->Add($optgroup->sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT, 10); # right pane with preview canvas my $canvas; if ($Slic3r::GUI::have_OpenGL) { $canvas = $self->{canvas} = Slic3r::GUI::3DScene->new($self); $canvas->load_object($self->{model_object}, undef, [0]); $canvas->set_auto_bed_shape; $canvas->SetSize([500,500]); $canvas->SetMinSize($canvas->GetSize); $canvas->zoom_to_volumes; } $self->{sizer} = Wx::BoxSizer->new(wxHORIZONTAL); $self->{sizer}->Add($left_sizer, 0, wxEXPAND | wxTOP | wxBOTTOM, 10); $self->{sizer}->Add($canvas, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 0) if $canvas; $self->SetSizer($self->{sizer}); $self->SetMinSize($self->GetSize); $self->{sizer}->SetSizeHints($self); EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_cut}, sub { # Recalculate the cut if the preview was not active. $self->_perform_cut() unless $self->{mesh_cut_valid}; # Adjust position / orientation of the split object halves. if (my $lower = $self->{new_model_objects}[0]) { if ($self->{cut_options}{rotate_lower} && $self->{cut_options}{axis} == Z) { $lower->rotate(PI, X); } $lower->center_around_origin; # align to Z = 0 } if (my $upper = $self->{new_model_objects}[1]) { $upper->center_around_origin; # align to Z = 0 } # Note that the window was already closed, so a pending update will not be executed. $self->{already_closed} = 1; $self->EndModal(wxID_OK); $self->Destroy(); }); EVT_BUTTON($self, $self->{btn_cut_grid}, sub { my $grid_x = Wx::GetTextFromUser("Enter the width of the desired tiles along the X axis:", "Cut by Grid", 100, $self); return if !looks_like_number($grid_x) || $grid_x <= 0; my $grid_y = Wx::GetTextFromUser("Enter the width of the desired tiles along the Y axis:", "Cut by Grid", 100, $self); return if !looks_like_number($grid_y) || $grid_y <= 0; my $process_dialog = Wx::ProgressDialog->new('Cutting…', "Cutting model by grid…", 100, $self, 0); $process_dialog->Pulse; my $meshes = $self->{model_object}->mesh->cut_by_grid(Slic3r::Pointf->new($grid_x, $grid_y)); $self->{new_model_objects} = []; my $bb = $self->{model_object}->bounding_box; $self->{new_model} = my $model = Slic3r::Model->new; for my $i (0..$#$meshes) { push @{$self->{new_model_objects}}, my $o = $model->add_object( name => sprintf('%s (%d)', $self->{model_object}->name, $i+1), ); my $v = $o->add_volume( mesh => $meshes->[$i], name => $o->name, ); $o->center_around_origin; my $i = $o->add_instance( offset => Slic3r::Pointf->new(@{$o->origin_translation->negative}[X,Y]), ); $i->offset->translate( 5 * ceil(($i->offset->x - $bb->center->x) / $grid_x), 5 * ceil(($i->offset->y - $bb->center->y) / $grid_y), ); } $process_dialog->Destroy; # Note that the window was already closed, so a pending update will not be executed. $self->{already_closed} = 1; $self->EndModal(wxID_OK); $self->Destroy(); }); EVT_CLOSE($self, sub { # Note that the window was already closed, so a pending update will not be executed. $self->{already_closed} = 1; $self->EndModal(wxID_CANCEL); $self->Destroy(); }); $self->_update; return $self; } # scale Z down to original size since we're using the transformed mesh for 3D preview # and cut dialog but ModelObject::cut() needs Z without any instance transformation sub _mesh_slice_z_pos { my ($self) = @_; my $bb = $self->{model_object}->instance_bounding_box(0); my $z = $self->{cut_options}{axis} == X ? $bb->x_min : $self->{cut_options}{axis} == Y ? $bb->y_min : $bb->z_min; $z += $self->{cut_options}{z} / $self->{model_object}->instances->[0]->scaling_factor; return $z; } # Only perform live preview if just a single part of the object shall survive. sub _life_preview_active { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{cut_options}{preview} && ($self->{cut_options}{keep_upper} != $self->{cut_options}{keep_lower}); } # Slice the mesh, keep the top / bottom part. sub _perform_cut { my ($self) = @_; # Early exit. If the cut is valid, don't recalculate it. return if $self->{mesh_cut_valid}; my $z = $self->_mesh_slice_z_pos(); my ($new_model) = $self->{model_object}->cut($self->{cut_options}{axis}, $z); my ($upper_object, $lower_object) = @{$new_model->objects}; $self->{new_model} = $new_model; $self->{new_model_objects} = []; if ($self->{cut_options}{keep_upper} && $upper_object->volumes_count > 0) { $self->{new_model_objects}[1] = $upper_object; } if ($self->{cut_options}{keep_lower} && $lower_object->volumes_count > 0) { $self->{new_model_objects}[0] = $lower_object; } $self->{mesh_cut_valid} = 1; } sub _update { my ($self) = @_; # Don't update if the window was already closed. # We are not sure whether the action planned by wxTheApp->CallAfter() may be triggered after the window is closed. # Probably not, but better be safe than sorry, which is espetially true on multiple platforms. return if $self->{already_closed}; # Only recalculate the cut, if the live cut preview is active. my $life_preview_active = $self->_life_preview_active(); $self->_perform_cut() if $life_preview_active; { # scale Z down to original size since we're using the transformed mesh for 3D preview # and cut dialog but ModelObject::cut() needs Z without any instance transformation my $z = $self->_mesh_slice_z_pos(); # update canvas if ($self->{canvas}) { # get volumes to render my @objects = (); if ($life_preview_active) { push @objects, grep defined, @{$self->{new_model_objects}}; } else { push @objects, $self->{model_object}; } # get section contour my @expolygons = (); foreach my $volume (@{$self->{model_object}->volumes}) { next if !$volume->mesh; next if $volume->modifier; my $expp = $volume->mesh->slice_at($self->{cut_options}{axis}, $z); push @expolygons, @$expp; } my $offset = $self->{model_object}->instances->[0]->offset; foreach my $expolygon (@expolygons) { $self->{model_object}->instances->[0]->transform_polygon($_) for @$expolygon; if ($self->{cut_options}{axis} != X) { $expolygon->translate(0, Slic3r::Geometry::scale($offset->y)); #) } if ($self->{cut_options}{axis} != Y) { $expolygon->translate(Slic3r::Geometry::scale($offset->x), 0); } } $self->{canvas}->reset_objects; $self->{canvas}->load_object($_, undef, [0]) for @objects; my $plane_z = $self->{cut_options}{z}; $plane_z += 0.02 if !$self->{cut_options}{keep_upper}; $plane_z -= 0.02 if !$self->{cut_options}{keep_lower}; $self->{canvas}->SetCuttingPlane( $self->{cut_options}{axis}, $plane_z, [@expolygons], ); $self->{canvas}->Render; } } # update controls { my $z = $self->{cut_options}{z}; my $optgroup = $self->{optgroup}; { my $bb = $self->{model_object}->instance_bounding_box(0); my $max = $self->{cut_options}{axis} == X ? $bb->size->x : $self->{cut_options}{axis} == Y ? $bb->size->y ### : $bb->size->z; $optgroup->get_field('z')->set_range(0, $max); } $optgroup->get_field('keep_upper')->toggle(my $have_upper = abs($z - $optgroup->get_option('z')->max) > 0.1); $optgroup->get_field('keep_lower')->toggle(my $have_lower = $z > 0.1); $optgroup->get_field('rotate_lower')->toggle($z > 0 && $self->{cut_options}{keep_lower} && $self->{cut_options}{axis} == Z); $optgroup->get_field('preview')->toggle($self->{cut_options}{keep_upper} != $self->{cut_options}{keep_lower}); # update cut button if (($self->{cut_options}{keep_upper} && $have_upper) || ($self->{cut_options}{keep_lower} && $have_lower)) { $self->{btn_cut}->Enable; } else { $self->{btn_cut}->Disable; } } } sub NewModelObjects { my ($self) = @_; return grep defined, @{ $self->{new_model_objects} }; } 1;