use Test::More tests => 29; use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use local::lib "$FindBin::Bin/../local-lib"; } use Slic3r; use List::Util qw(first sum none); use Slic3r::Geometry qw(epsilon scale unscale scaled_epsilon Y); use Slic3r::Test; # Disable this until a more robust implementation is provided. It currently # fails on Linux 32bit because some spurious extrudates are generated. if (0) { my $config = Slic3r::Config::new_from_defaults; $config->set('layer_height', 0.2); $config->set('first_layer_height', $config->layer_height); $config->set('extrusion_width', 0.5); $config->set('first_layer_extrusion_width', '200%'); # check this one too $config->set('skirts', 0); $config->set('thin_walls', 1); my $print = Slic3r::Test::init_print('gt2_teeth', config => $config); my %extrusion_paths = (); # Z => count of continuous extrusions my $extruding = 0; Slic3r::GCode::Reader->new->parse(Slic3r::Test::gcode($print), sub { my ($self, $cmd, $args, $info) = @_; if ($cmd eq 'G1') { if ($info->{extruding} && $info->{dist_XY}) { if (!$extruding) { $extrusion_paths{$self->Z} //= 0; $extrusion_paths{$self->Z}++; } $extruding = 1; } else { $extruding = 0; } } }); ok !(first { $_ != 3 } values %extrusion_paths), 'no superfluous thin walls are generated for toothed profile'; } { my $square = Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( # ccw [100, 100], [200, 100], [200, 200], [100, 200], ); my $hole_in_square = Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( # cw [140, 140], [140, 160], [160, 160], [160, 140], ); my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new($square, $hole_in_square); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 40, scale 0.5); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a square shape is a single path'; isa_ok $res->[0], 'Slic3r::Polyline', 'medial axis result is a polyline'; ok $res->[0]->first_point->coincides_with($res->[0]->last_point), 'polyline forms a closed loop'; ok $res->[0]->length > $hole_in_square->length && $res->[0]->length < $square->length, 'medial axis loop has reasonable length'; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [100, 100], [120, 100], [120, 200], [100, 200], )); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 20, scale 0.5); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a narrow rectangle is a single line'; ok unscale($res->[0]->length) >= (200-100 - (120-100)) - epsilon, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [100, 100], [120, 100], [120, 200], [105, 200], # extra point in the short side [100, 200], )); my $res2 = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 1, scale 0.5); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a narrow rectangle with an extra vertex is still a single line'; ok unscale($res->[0]->length) >= (200-100 - (120-100)) - epsilon, 'medial axis has still a reasonable length'; ok !(grep { abs($_ - scale 150) < scaled_epsilon } map $_->[Y], map @$_, @$res2), "extra vertices don't influence medial axis"; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new( Slic3r::Polygon->new([1185881,829367],[1421988,1578184],[1722442,2303558],[2084981,2999998],[2506843,3662186],[2984809,4285086],[3515250,4863959],[4094122,5394400],[4717018,5872368],[5379210,6294226],[6075653,6656769],[6801033,6957229],[7549842,7193328],[8316383,7363266],[9094809,7465751],[9879211,7500000],[10663611,7465750],[11442038,7363265],[12208580,7193327],[12957389,6957228],[13682769,6656768],[14379209,6294227],[15041405,5872366],[15664297,5394401],[16243171,4863960],[16758641,4301424],[17251579,3662185],[17673439,3000000],[18035980,2303556],[18336441,1578177],[18572539,829368],[18750748,0],[19758422,0],[19727293,236479],[19538467,1088188],[19276136,1920196],[18942292,2726179],[18539460,3499999],[18070731,4235755],[17539650,4927877],[16950279,5571067],[16307090,6160437],[15614974,6691519],[14879209,7160248],[14105392,7563079],[13299407,7896927],[12467399,8159255],[11615691,8348082],[10750769,8461952],[9879211,8500000],[9007652,8461952],[8142729,8348082],[7291022,8159255],[6459015,7896927],[5653029,7563079],[4879210,7160247],[4143447,6691519],[3451331,6160437],[2808141,5571066],[2218773,4927878],[1687689,4235755],[1218962,3499999],[827499,2748020],[482284,1920196],[219954,1088186],[31126,236479],[0,0],[1005754,0]), ); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 1.324888, scale 0.25); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a semicircumference is a single line'; # check whether turns are all CCW or all CW my @alllines = @{$res->[0]->lines}; # remove lines taht are near the end. my @lines = grep($_->a->y >= 1578184 || $_->b->y >= 1578184, @alllines); my @angles = map { $lines[$_-1]->ccw($lines[$_]->b) } 1..$#lines; ok !!(none { $_ < 0 } @angles) || (none { $_ > 0 } @angles), 'all medial axis segments of a semicircumference have the same orientation'; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [4.3, 4], [4.3, 0], [4,0], [4,4], [0,4], [0,4.5], [4,4.5], [4,10], [4.3,10], [4.3, 4.5], [6, 4.5], [6,10], [6.2,10], [6.2,4.5], [10,4.5], [10,4], [6.2,4], [6.2,0], [6, 0], [6, 4], )); $expolygon->contour->make_counter_clockwise(); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 0.55, scale 0.25); is scalar(@$res), 2, 'medial axis of a (bit too narrow) french cross is two lines'; ok unscale($res->[0]->length) >= (9.9) - epsilon, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; ok unscale($res->[1]->length) >= (9.9) - epsilon, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; my @lines1 = @{$res->[0]->lines}; my @angles1 = map { $lines1[$_-1]->ccw($lines1[$_]->b) } 1..$#lines1; my @lines2 = @{$res->[1]->lines}; my @angles2 = map { $lines2[$_-1]->ccw($lines2[$_]->b) } 1..$#lines2; my @angles = (@angles1, @angles2); ok !!(none { $_ != 0 } @angles), 'medial axis of a (bit too narrow) french cross is two lines has only strait lines'; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [0.86526705,1.4509841], [0.57696039,1.8637021], [0.4502297,2.5569978], [0.45626199,3.2965596], [1.1218851,3.3049455], [0.96681072,2.8243202], [0.86328971,2.2056997], [0.85367905,1.7790778], )); $expolygon->contour->make_counter_clockwise(); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 1, scale 0.25); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a (bit too narrow) french cross is two lines'; ok unscale($res->[0]->length) >= (1.4) - epsilon, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; # TODO: check if min width is < 0.3 and max width is > 0.6 (min($res->[0]->width.front, $res->[0]->width.back) # problem: can't have access to width } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [100, 100], [120, 100], [112, 200], [108, 200], )); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 20, scale 0.5); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a narrow trapezoid is a single line'; ok unscale($res->[0]->length) >= (200-100 - (120-100)) - epsilon, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [100, 100], [120, 100], [120, 180], [200, 180], [200, 200], [100, 200], )); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 20, scale 0.5); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a L shape is a single polyline'; my $len = unscale($res->[0]->length) + 20; # 20 is the thickness of the expolygon, which is subtracted from the ends ok $len > 80*2 && $len < 100*2, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new( [-203064906,-51459966],[-219312231,-51459966],[-219335477,-51459962],[-219376095,-51459962],[-219412047,-51459966], [-219572094,-51459966],[-219624814,-51459962],[-219642183,-51459962],[-219656665,-51459966],[-220815482,-51459966], [-220815482,-37738966],[-221117540,-37738966],[-221117540,-51762024],[-203064906,-51762024], )); my $polylines = $expolygon->medial_axis(819998, 102499.75); my $perimeter = $expolygon->contour->split_at_first_point->length; ok sum(map $_->length, @$polylines) > $perimeter/2/4*3, 'medial axis has a reasonable length'; } { my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new_scale( [50, 100], [1000, 102], [50, 104], )); my $res = $expolygon->medial_axis(scale 4, scale 0.5); is scalar(@$res), 1, 'medial axis of a narrow triangle is a single line'; ok unscale($res->[0]->length) >= (200-100 - (120-100)) - epsilon, 'medial axis has reasonable length'; } { # GH #2474 my $expolygon = Slic3r::ExPolygon->new(Slic3r::Polygon->new( [91294454,31032190],[11294481,31032190],[11294481,29967810],[44969182,29967810],[89909960,29967808],[91294454,29967808] )); my $polylines = $expolygon->medial_axis(1871238, 500000); is scalar(@$polylines), 1, 'medial axis is a single polyline'; my $polyline = $polylines->[0]; my $expected_y = $expolygon->bounding_box->center->y; #;; ok abs(sum(map $_->y, @$polyline) / @$polyline - $expected_y) < scaled_epsilon, #,, 'medial axis is horizontal and is centered'; # order polyline from left to right $polyline->reverse if $polyline->first_point->x > $polyline->last_point->x; my $polyline_bb = $polyline->bounding_box; is $polyline->first_point->x, $polyline_bb->x_min, 'expected x_min'; is $polyline->last_point->x, $polyline_bb->x_max, 'expected x_max'; is_deeply [ map $_->x, @$polyline ], [ sort map $_->x, @$polyline ], 'medial axis is not self-overlapping'; } __END__