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- version: '3.8'
- services:
- php-7.4: &php
- build:
- args:
- DOCKER_USER_ID: 1000 # replace with your user id (most likely 1000)
- DOCKER_GROUP_ID: 1000 # replace with your group id (most likely 1000)
- user: 1000:1000 # replace with your user and group ids (most likely 1000:1000)
- extra_hosts:
- # Required for Docker Linux until natively supported.
- # See https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/264
- - 'host.docker.internal:'
- environment:
- # Switch to 'debug' when you want to enable XDebug
- XDEBUG_CONFIG: 'idekey=PHPSTORM client_host=host.docker.internal'
- php-8.0:
- <<: *php
- php-8.1:
- <<: *php
- php-8.2:
- <<: *php