phpstan.neon 2.1 KB

  1. includes:
  2. - dev-tools/vendor/jangregor/phpstan-prophecy/extension.neon
  3. - dev-tools/vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon
  4. - dev-tools/vendor/phpstan/phpstan-phpunit/extension.neon
  5. parameters:
  6. level: 6
  7. paths:
  8. - src
  9. - tests
  10. excludePaths:
  11. - tests/Fixtures
  12. ignoreErrors:
  13. - '/^Class [a-zA-Z\\]+ extends @final class PhpCsFixer\\(ConfigurationException\\InvalidConfigurationException|ConfigurationException\\InvalidFixerConfigurationException|Tokenizer\\Tokens)\.$/'
  14. - '/^Unsafe call to private method [a-zA-Z\\]+::[a-zA-Z]+\(\) through static::\.$/'
  15. - '/^\$this\(PhpCsFixer\\Tokenizer\\Tokens\) does not accept PhpCsFixer\\Tokenizer\\Token\|null\.$/'
  16. # ignore PHPUnit data providers return type as they are not checked against the test methods anyway
  17. - '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\Tests\\.+::provide.+Cases\(\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\.$#'
  18. - '#^Method PhpCsFixer\\Tests\\.+::provide.+Cases\(\) return type has no value type specified in iterable type iterable\.$#'
  19. # baseline, should only shrink
  20. -
  21. message: '#^Method .+ has parameter .+ with no value type specified in iterable type array\.$#'
  22. path: *
  23. count: 363
  24. -
  25. message: '#^Method .+ has parameter .+ with no value type specified in iterable type iterable\.$#'
  26. path: *
  27. count: 4
  28. -
  29. message: '#^Method .+ return type has no value type specified in iterable type array\.$#'
  30. path: *
  31. count: 153
  32. -
  33. message: '#^Method .+ return type has no value type specified in iterable type iterable\.$#'
  34. path: *
  35. count: 15
  36. -
  37. message: '#^Property .+ has no type specified\.$#'
  38. path: *
  39. count: 7
  40. -
  41. message: '#^Property .+ type has no value type specified in iterable type array\.$#'
  42. path: *
  43. count: 37
  44. tipsOfTheDay: false
  45. tmpDir: dev-tools/phpstan/cache