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- ==============================================
- Rule ``no_unreachable_default_argument_value``
- ==============================================
- In function arguments there must not be arguments with default values before
- non-default ones.
- .. warning:: Using this rule is risky.
- Modifies the signature of functions; therefore risky when using systems (such
- as some Symfony components) that rely on those (for example through
- reflection).
- Examples
- --------
- Example #1
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- .. code-block:: diff
- --- Original
- +++ New
- @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
- <?php
- -function example($foo = "two words", $bar) {}
- +function example($foo, $bar) {}
- Rule sets
- ---------
- The rule is part of the following rule sets:
- @PHP80Migration:risky
- Using the `@PHP80Migration:risky <./../../ruleSets/PHP80MigrationRisky.rst>`_ rule set will enable the ``no_unreachable_default_argument_value`` rule.
- @PhpCsFixer:risky
- Using the `@PhpCsFixer:risky <./../../ruleSets/PhpCsFixerRisky.rst>`_ rule set will enable the ``no_unreachable_default_argument_value`` rule.