This file contains changelogs for stable releases only.
Changelog for v1.11.1
- minor #1653 Update license year (gharlan)
- bug #1680 NewWithBracesFixer - End tags (SpacePossum)
- bug #1685 EmptyReturnFixer - Make independent of LowercaseConstantsFixer (SpacePossum)
- bug #1640 IntegrationTest - fix directory separator (keradus)
- bug #1595 ShortTagFixer - fix priority (keradus)
- bug #1576 SpacesBeforeSemicolonFixer - do not remove space before semicolon if that space is after a semicolon (SpacePossum)
- bug #1570 UnneededControlParenthesesFixer - fix test samples (keradus)
Changelog for v1.11
- feature #1550 Added UnneededControlParenthesesFixer (Soullivaneuh, keradus)
- feature #1532 Added ShortBoolCastFixer (SpacePossum)
- feature #1523 Added EchoToPrintFixer and PrintToEchoFixer (Soullivaneuh)
- feature #1552 Warn when running with xdebug extension (SpacePossum)
- feature #1484 Added ArrayElementNoSpaceBeforeCommaFixer and ArrayElementWhiteSpaceAfterCommaFixer (amarczuk)
- feature #1449 PhpUnitConstructFixer - Fix more use cases (SpacePossum)
- feature #1382 Added PhpdocTypesFixer (GrahamCampbell)
- feature #1384 Add intergration tests (SpacePossum)
- feature #1349 Added FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer (keradus)
- minor #1562 Fix invalid PHP code samples in utests (SpacePossum)
- minor #1560 Fixed project name in xdebug warning (gharlan)
- minor #1545 Fix invalid PHP code samples in utests (SpacePossum)
- minor #1554 Alphabetically sort entries in .gitignore (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1527 Refactor the way types work on annotations (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1546 Update coding guide in cookbook (keradus)
- minor #1526 Support more annotations when fixing types in phpdoc (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1535 clean ups (SpacePossum)
- minor #1510 Added Symfony 3.0 support (Ener-Getick)
- minor #1520 Code grooming (keradus)
- minor #1515 Support property, property-read and property-write tags (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1488 Added more inline phpdoc tests (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1496 Add docblock to AbstractFixerTestBase::makeTest (lmanzke)
- minor #1467 PhpdocShortDescriptionFixer - add support for Japanese sentence-ending characters (fritz-c)
- minor #1453 remove calling array_keys in foreach loops (keradus)
- minor #1448 Code grooming (keradus)
- minor #1437 Added import fixers integration test (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1433 phpunit.xml.dist - disable gc (keradus)
- minor #1427 Change arounded to surrounded in README.rst (36degrees)
- minor #1420 AlignDoubleArrowFixer, AlignEqualsFixer - add integration tests (keradus)
- minor #1423 appveyor.yml - do not cache C:\tools, its internal forAppVeyor (keradus)
- minor #1400 appveyor.yml - add file (keradus)
- minor #1396 AbstractPhpdocTypesFixer - instance method should be called on instance (keradus)
- minor #1395 code grooming (keradus)
- minor #1393 boost .travis.yml file (keradus)
- minor #1372 Don't allow PHP 7 to fail (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1332 PhpUnitConstructFixer - fix more functions (keradus)
- minor #1339 - add link to PSR-5 (keradus)
- minor #1346 Core grooming (SpacePossum)
- minor #1328 Tokens: added typehint for Iterator elements (gharlan)
Changelog for v1.10.3
- bug #1559 WhitespacyLinesFixer - fix bug cases (SpacePossum, keradus)
- bug #1541 Psr0Fixer - Ignore filenames that are a reserved keyword or predefined constant (SpacePossum)
- bug #1537 Psr0Fixer - ignore file without name or with name started by digit (keradus)
- bug #1516 FixCommand - fix wrong message for dry-run (SpacePossum)
- bug #1486 ExtraEmptyLinesFixer - Remove extra lines after comment lines too (SpacePossum)
- bug #1503 Psr0Fixer - fix case with comments lying around (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #1474 PhpdocToCommentFixer - fix not properly fixing for block right after namespace (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #1478 BracesFixer - do not remove empty lines after class opening (keradus)
- bug #1468 Add missing ConfigInterface::getHideProgress() (Eugene Leonovich, rybakit)
- bug #1466 Fix bad indent on align double arrow fixer (Soullivaneuh, keradus)
- bug #1479 Tokens - fix detection of short array (keradus)
Changelog for v1.10.2
- bug #1461 PhpUnitConstructFixer - fix case when first argument is an expression (keradus)
- bug #1460 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix handling of nested arrays (Soullivaneuh, keradus)
Changelog for v1.10.1
- bug #1424 Fixed the import fixer priorities (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #1444 OrderedUseFixer - fix next case (keradus)
- bug #1441 BracesFixer - fix next case (keradus)
- bug #1422 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix handling of nested array (SpacePossum)
- bug #1425 PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest - fix case when met inalid PHPDoc (keradus)
- bug #1419 AlignDoubleArrowFixer, AlignEqualsFixer - fix priorities (keradus)
- bug #1415 BlanklineAfterOpenTagFixer - Do not add a line break if there is one already. (SpacePossum)
- bug #1410 PhpdocIndentFixer - Fix for open tag (SpacePossum)
- bug #1401 PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer - Fixed the var without name fixer for inline docs (keradus, GrahamCampbell)
- bug #1369 Fix not well-formed XML output (junichi11)
- bug #1356 Psr0Fixer - disallow run on StdinFileInfo (keradus)
Changelog for v1.10
- feature #1306 Added LogicalNotOperatorsWithSuccessorSpaceFixer (phansys)
- feature #1286 Added PhpUnitConstructFixer (keradus)
- feature #1316 Added PhpdocInlineTagFixer (SpacePossum, keradus)
- feature #1303 Added LogicalNotOperatorsWithSpacesFixer (phansys)
- feature #1279 Added PhpUnitStrictFixer (keradus)
- feature #1267 SingleQuoteFixer fix more use cases (SpacePossum)
- minor #1319 PhpUnitConstructFixer - fix performance and add to local .php_cs (keradus)
- minor #1280 Fix non-utf characters in docs (keradus)
- minor #1274 Cookbook - No change auto-test note (Soullivaneuh)
Changelog for v1.9.3
- bug #1327 DocBlock\Tag - keep the case of tags (GrahamCampbell)
Changelog for v1.9.2
- bug #1313 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix aligning after UTF8 chars (keradus)
- bug #1296 PhpdocScalarFixer - fix property annotation too (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #1299 WhitespacyLinesFixer - spaces on next valid line must not be fixed (Slamdunk)
Changelog for v1.9.1
- bug #1288 TrimArraySpacesFixer - fix moving first comment (keradus)
- bug #1287 PhpdocParamsFixer - now works on any indentation level (keradus)
- bug #1278 Travis - fix PHP7 build (keradus)
- bug #1277 WhitespacyLinesFixer - stop changing non-whitespacy tokens (SpacePossum, SamBurns-awin, keradus)
- bug #1224 TrailingSpacesFixer - stop changing non-whitespacy tokens (SpacePossum, SamBurns-awin, keradus)
- bug #1266 FunctionCallSpaceFixer - better detection of function call (funivan)
- bug #1255 make sure some phpdoc fixers are run in right order (SpacePossum)
Changelog for v1.9
- feature #1097 Added ShortEchoTagFixer (vinkla)
- minor #1238 Fixed error handler to respect current error_reporting (JanJakes)
- minor #1234 Add class to exception message, use sprintf for exceptions (SpacePossum)
- minor #1210 set custom error handler for application run (keradus)
- minor #1214 Tokens::isMonolithicPhp - enhance performance (keradus)
- minor #1207 Update code documentation (keradus)
- minor #1202 Update IDE tool urls (keradus)
- minor #1195 PreIncrementFixer - move to Symfony level (gharlan)
Changelog for v1.8.1
- bug #1193 EofEndingFixer - do not add an empty line at EOF if the PHP tags have been closed (SpacePossum)
- bug #1209 PhpdocParamsFixer - fix corrupting following custom annotation (keradus)
- bug #1205 BracesFixer - fix missing indentation fixes for class level (keradus)
- bug #1204 Tag - fix treating complex tag as simple PhpDoc tag (keradus)
- bug #1198 Tokens - fixed unary/binary operator check for type-hinted reference arguments (gharlan)
- bug #1201 Php4ConstructorFixer - fix invalid handling of subnamespaces (gharlan)
- minor #1221 Add more tests (SpacePossum)
- minor #1216 Tokens - Add unit test for array detection (SpacePossum)
Changelog for v1.8
- feature #1168 Added UnalignEqualsFixer (keradus)
- feature #1167 Added UnalignDoubleArrowFixer (keradus)
- bug #1169 ToolInfo - Fix way to find script dir (sp-ian-monge)
- minor #1181 composer.json - Update description (SpacePossum)
- minor #1180 create Tokens::overrideAt method (keradus)
Changelog for v1.7.1
- bug #1165 BracesFixer - fix bug when comment is a first statement in control structure without braces (keradus)
Changelog for v1.7
- feature #1113 Added PreIncrementFixer (gharlan)
- feature #1144 Added PhpdocNoAccessFixer (GrahamCampbell)
- feature #1116 Added SelfAccessorFixer (gharlan)
- feature #1064 OperatorsSpacesFixer enhancements (gharlan)
- bug #1151 Prevent token collection corruption by fixers (stof, keradus)
- bug #1152 LintManager - fix handling of temporary file (keradus)
- bug #1139 NamespaceNoLeadingWhitespaceFixer - remove need for ctype extension (keradus)
- bug #1117 Tokens - fix iterator used with foreach by reference (keradus)
- minor #1148 code grooming (keradus)
- minor #1142 We are actually PSR-4, not PSR-0 (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1131 Phpdocs and typos (SpacePossum)
- minor #1069 state min HHVM version (keradus)
- minor #1129 [DX] Help developers choose the right branch (SpacePossum)
- minor #1138 PhpClosingTagFixer - simplify flow, no need for loop (keradus)
- minor #1123 Reference mismatches fixed, SCA (kalessil)
- minor #1109 SingleQuoteFixer - made fixer more accurate (gharlan)
- minor #1110 code grooming (kalessil)
Changelog for v1.6.2
- bug #1149 UnusedUseFixer - must be run before LineAfterNamespaceFixer, fix token collection corruption (keradus)
- minor #1145 AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer - fix docs for fixLinesBeforeNamespace (GrahamCampbell)
Changelog for v1.6.1
- bug #1108 UnusedUseFixer - fix false positive when name is used as part of another namespace (gharlan)
- bug #1114 Fixed PhpdocParamsFixer with malformed doc block (gharlan)
- minor #1135 PhpdocTrimFixer - fix doc typo (localheinz)
- minor #1093 Travis - test lowest dependencies (boekkooi)
Changelog for v1.6
- feature #1089 Added NewlineAfterOpenTagFixer and BlanklineAfterOpenTagFixer (ceeram, keradus)
- feature #1090 Added TrimArraySpacesFixer (jaredh159, keradus)
- feature #1058 Added SingleQuoteFixer (gharlan)
- feature #1059 Added LongArraySyntaxFixer (gharlan)
- feature #1037 Added PhpdocScalarFixer (GrahamCampbell, keradus)
- feature #1028 Add ListCommasFixer (keradus)
- bug #1047 Utils::camelCaseToUnderscore - fix regexp (odin-delrio)
- minor #1073 ShortTagFixer enhancement (gharlan)
- minor #1079 Use LongArraySyntaxFixer for this repo (gharlan)
- minor #1070 Tokens::isMonolithicPhp - remove unused T_CLOSE_TAG search (keradus)
- minor #1049 OrderedUseFixer - grooming (keradus)
Changelog for v1.5.2
- bug #1025 Fixer - ignore symlinks (kix)
- bug #1071 Psr0Fixer - fix bug for fixing file with long extension like .class.php (keradus)
- bug #1080 ShortTagFixer - fix false positive (gharlan)
- bug #1066 Php4ConstructorFixer - fix causing infinite recursion (mbeccati)
- bug #1056 VisibilityFixer - fix T_VAR with multiple props (localheinz, keradus)
- bug #1065 Php4ConstructorFixer - fix detection of a PHP4 parent constructor variant (mbeccati)
- bug #1060 Tokens::isShortArray: tests and bugfixes (gharlan)
- bug #1057 unused_use: fix false positive when name is only used as variable name (gharlan)
Changelog for v1.5.1
- bug #1054 VisibilityFixer - fix var with array value assigned (localheinz, keradus)
- bug #1048 MultilineArrayTrailingCommaFixer, SingleArrayNoTrailingCommaFixer - using heredoc inside array not cousing to treat it as multiline array (keradus)
- bug #1043 PhpdocToCommentFixer - also check other control structures, besides foreach (ceeram)
- bug #1045 OrderedUseFixer - fix namespace order for trailing digits (rusitschka)
- bug #1035 PhpdocToCommentFixer - Add static as valid keyword for structural element (ceeram)
- bug #1020 BracesFixer - fix missing braces for nested if elseif else (malengrin)
- minor #1036 Added php7 to travis build (fonsecas72)
- minor #1026 Fix typo in ShortArraySyntaxFixer (tommygnr)
- minor #1024 code grooming (keradus)
Changelog for v1.5
- feature #887 Added More Phpdoc Fixers (GrahamCampbell, keradus)
- feature #1002 Add HeaderCommentFixer (ajgarlag)
- feature #974 Add EregToPregFixer (mbeccati)
- feature #970 Added Php4ConstructorFixer (mbeccati)
- feature #997 Add PhpdocToCommentFixer (ceeram, keradus)
- feature #932 Add NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer (ceeram)
- feature #879 Add SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixer and NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer (GrahamCampbell)
- feature #860 Add single_line_after_imports fixer (ceeram)
- minor #1014 Fixed a few file headers (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #1011 Fix HHVM as it works different than PHP (keradus)
- minor #1010 Fix invalid UTF-8 char in docs (ajgarlag)
- minor #1003 Fix header comment in php files (ajgarlag)
- minor #1005 Add Utils::calculateBitmask method (keradus)
- minor #973 Add Tokens::findSequence (mbeccati)
- minor #991 Longer explanation of how to use blacklist (bmitch, networkscraper)
- minor #972 Add case sensitive option to the tokenizer (mbeccati)
- minor #986 Add benchmark script (dericofilho)
- minor #985 Fix typo in (mattleff)
- minor #978 Token - fix docs (keradus)
- minor #957 Fix Fixers methods order (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #944 Enable caching of composer downloads on Travis (stof)
- minor #941 EncodingFixer - enhance tests (keradus)
- minor #938 Psr0Fixer - remove unneded assignment (keradus)
- minor #936 FixerTest - test description consistency (keradus)
- minor #933 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer - remove unneeded code, clarify description (ceeram)
- minor #934 StdinFileInfo::getFilename - Replace phpdoc with normal comment and add back empty line before return (ceeram)
- minor #927 Exclude the resources folder from coverage reports (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #926 Update Token::isGivenKind phpdoc (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #925 Improved AbstractFixerTestBase (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #922 AbstractFixerTestBase::makeTest - test if input is different than expected (keradus)
- minor #904 Refactoring Utils (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #901 Improved Readme Formatting (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #898 Tokens::getImportUseIndexes - simplify function (keradus)
- minor #897 phpunit.xml.dist - split testsuite (keradus)
Changelog for v1.4.2
- bug #994 Fix detecting of short arrays (keradus)
- bug #995 DuplicateSemicolonFixer - ignore duplicated semicolons inside T_FOR (keradus)
Changelog for v1.4.1
- bug #990 MultilineArrayTrailingCommaFixer - fix case with short array on return (keradus)
- bug #975 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer - fix only when documentation documents sth (keradus)
- bug #976 PhpdocIndentFixer - fix error when there is a comment between docblock and next meaningful token (keradus, ceeram)
Changelog for v1.4
- feature #841 PhpdocParamsFixer: added aligning var/type annotations (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #965 Fix detection of lambda function that returns a reference (keradus)
- bug #962 PhpdocIndentFixer - fix bug when documentation is on the end of braces block (keradus)
- bug #961 Fixer - fix handling of empty file (keradus)
- bug #960 IncludeFixer - fix bug when include is part of condition statement (keradus)
- bug #954 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix new buggy case (keradus)
- bug #955 ParenthesisFixer - fix case with list call with trailing comma (keradus)
- bug #950 Tokens::isLambda - fix detection near comments (keradus)
- bug #951 Tokens::getImportUseIndexes - fix detection near comments (keradus)
- bug #949 Tokens::isShortArray - fix detection near comments (keradus)
- bug #948 NewWithBracesFixer - fix case with multidimensional array (keradus)
- bug #945 Skip files containing __halt_compiler() on PHP 5.3 (stof)
- bug #946 BracesFixer - fix typo in exception name (keradus)
- bug #940 Tokens::setCode - apply missing transformation (keradus)
- bug #908 BracesFixer - fix invalide inserting brace for control structure without brace and lambda inside of it (keradus)
- bug #903 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer - fix bug with Windows style lines (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #895 [PSR-2] Preserve blank line after control structure opening brace (marcaube)
- bug #892 Fixed the double arrow multiline whitespace fixer (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #874 BracesFixer - fix bug of removing empty lines after class' opening { (ceeram)
- bug #868 BracesFixer - fix missing braces when statement is not followed by ; (keradus)
- bug #861 Updated PhpdocParamsFixer not to change line endings (keradus, GrahamCampbell)
- bug #837 FixCommand - stop corrupting xml/json format (keradus)
- bug #846 Made phpdoc_params run after phpdoc_indent (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #834 Correctly handle tab indentation (ceeram)
- bug #822 PhpdocIndentFixer - Ignore inline docblocks (ceeram)
- bug #813 MultilineArrayTrailingCommaFixer - do not move array end to new line (keradus)
- bug #817 LowercaseConstantsFixer - ignore class' constants TRUE/FALSE/NULL (keradus)
- bug #821 JoinFunctionFixer - stop changing declaration method name (ceeram)
- minor #963 State the minimum version of PHPUnit in (SpacePossum)
- minor #943 Improve the cookbook to use relative links (stof)
- minor #921 Add changelog file (keradus)
- minor #909 BracesFixerTest - no \n line in \r\n test (keradus)
- minor #864 Added NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #871 Added missing author (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #852 Fixed the coveralls version constraint (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #863 Tweaked testRetainsNewLineCharacters (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #849 Removed old alias (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #843 integer should be int (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #830 Remove whitespace before opening tag (ceeram)
- minor #835 code grooming (keradus)
- minor #828 PhpdocIndentFixerTest - code grooming (keradus)
- minor #827 UnusedUseFixer - code grooming (keradus)
- minor #825 improve code coverage (keradus)
- minor #810 improve code coverage (keradus)
- minor #811 ShortArraySyntaxFixer - remove not needed if statement (keradus)
Changelog for v1.3
- feature #790 Add docblock indent fixer (ceeram)
- feature #771 Add JoinFunctionFixer (keradus)
- bug #798 Add DynamicVarBrace Transformer for properly handling ${$foo} syntax (keradus)
- bug #796 LowercaseConstantsFixer - rewrite to handle new test cases (keradus)
- bug #789 T_CASE is not succeeded by parentheses (dericofilho)
- minor #814 Minor improvements to the phpdoc_params fixer (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #815 Minor fixes (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #782 Cookbook on how to make a new fixer (dericofilho)
- minor #806 Fix Tokens::detectBlockType call (keradus)
- minor #758 travis - disable sudo (keradus)
- minor #808 Tokens - remove commented code (keradus)
- minor #802 Address Sensiolabs Insight's warning of code cloning. (dericofilho)
- minor #803 README.rst - fix ` into `` (keradus)
Changelog for v1.2
- feature #706 Remove lead slash (dericofilho)
- feature #740 Add EmptyReturnFixer (GrahamCampbell)
- bug #775 PhpClosingTagFixer - fix case with T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO (keradus)
- bug #756 Fix broken cases for AlignDoubleArrowFixer (dericofilho)
- bug #763 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix receiving data in list context with omitted values (keradus)
- bug #759 Fix Tokens::isArrayMultiLine (stof, keradus)
- bug #754 LowercaseKeywordsFixer - __HALT_COMPILER must not be lowercased (keradus)
- bug #753 Fix for double arrow misalignment in deeply nested arrays. (dericofilho)
- bug #752 OrderedUseFixer should be case-insensitive (rusitschka)
- minor #779 Fixed a docblock type (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #765 Typehinting in FileCacheManager, remove unused variable in Tokens (keradus)
- minor #764 SelfUpdateCommand - get local version only if remote version was successfully obtained (keradus)
- minor #761 aling => (keradus)
- minor #757 Some minor code simplify and extra test (keradus)
- minor #713 Download php-cs-fixer.phar without sudo (michaelsauter)
- minor #742 Various Minor Improvements (GrahamCampbell)
Changelog for v1.1
- feature #749 remove the --no-progress option (replaced by the standard -v) (fabpot, keradus)
- feature #728 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - standardize whitespace after => (keradus)
- feature #647 Add DoubleArrowMultilineWhitespacesFixer (dericofilho, keradus)
- bug #746 SpacesBeforeSemicolonFixerTest - fix bug with semicolon after comment (keradus)
- bug #741 Fix caching when composer is installed in custom path (cmodijk)
- bug #725 DuplicateSemicolonFixer - fix clearing whitespace after duplicated semicolon (keradus)
- bug #730 Cache busting when fixers list changes (Seldaek)
- bug #722 Fix lint for STDIN-files (ossinkine)
- bug #715 TrailingSpacesFixer - fix bug with french UTF-8 chars (keradus)
- bug #718 Fix package name for composer cache (Seldaek)
- bug #711 correct vendor name (keradus)
- minor #745 Show progress by default and allow to disable it (keradus)
- minor #731 Add a way to disable all default filters and really provide a whitelist (Seldaek)
- minor #737 Extract tool info into new class, self-update command works now only for PHAR version (keradus)
- minor #739 fix fabbot issues (keradus)
- minor #726 update for installing dependencies (keradus)
- minor #736 Fix fabbot issues (GrahamCampbell)
- minor #727 Fixed typos (pborreli)
- minor #719 Add update instructions for composer and caching docs (Seldaek)
Changelog for v1.0
First stable release.