1-bug_report.yml 2.1 KB

  1. name: Bug report 🐛
  2. description: Existing feature does not behave as expected.
  3. labels: [ "kind/bug", "status/to verify" ]
  4. body:
  5. - type: markdown
  6. attributes:
  7. value: |
  8. Before reporting a bug, make sure PHP-CS-Fixer is up-to-date and the problem is/was not reported already.
  9. - type: textarea
  10. id: problem-description
  11. attributes:
  12. label: Problem description
  13. description: Please describe encountered problem and provide the background of it
  14. validations:
  15. required: true
  16. - type: textarea
  17. id: minimal-reproducer
  18. attributes:
  19. label: Minimal reproducer
  20. description: |
  21. Provide a minimal code snippet and the CLI command that should be run to reproduce the problem.
  22. Please see how to utilise `--rules` option on the [usage page](https://cs.symfony.com/doc/usage.html).
  23. If it's not possible to prepare short CLI reproducer command, please provide complete config used in your project.
  24. If relevant, provide the expected output, the actual output and/or the error that occurred, if any.
  25. Please use markdown syntax for each code snippet.
  26. validations:
  27. required: true
  28. - type: input
  29. id: version
  30. attributes:
  31. label: Fixer version
  32. description: Provide PHP CS Fixer version in X.Y.Z format (run `php-cs-fixer -v` to get it)
  33. validations:
  34. required: true
  35. - type: input
  36. id: php-version
  37. attributes:
  38. label: PHP version
  39. description: Which PHP version Fixer is run on?
  40. validations:
  41. required: true
  42. - type: dropdown
  43. id: run-method
  44. attributes:
  45. label: How do you run Fixer?
  46. multiple: false
  47. options:
  48. - Composer package
  49. - Composer Shim package (binary only)
  50. - PHAR
  51. - Docker
  52. validations:
  53. required: true
  54. - type: checkboxes
  55. id: terms
  56. attributes:
  57. label: Contribution Checks
  58. options:
  59. - label: I have verified if this problem was already reported
  60. required: false
  61. - label: I am familiar with ["Feature or bug?"](https://github.com/PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer/blob/master/feature-or-bug.rst)
  62. required: false