* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\ShortDescription; use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase; /** * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\ShortDescription */ final class ShortDescriptionTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider provideGetEndCases */ public function testGetEnd(?int $expected, string $input): void { $doc = new DocBlock($input); $shortDescription = new ShortDescription($doc); self::assertSame($expected, $shortDescription->getEnd()); } public static function provideGetEndCases(): iterable { yield [1, '/** * Test docblock. * * @param string $hello * @param bool $test Description * extends over many lines * * @param adkjbadjasbdand $asdnjkasd * * @throws \Exception asdnjkasd * asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd * kasdkasdkbasdasdasdjhbasdhbasjdbjasbdjhb * * @return void */']; yield [2, '/** * This is a multi-line * short description. */']; yield [3, '/** * * * There might be extra blank lines. * * * And here is description... */']; yield [null, '/** */']; yield [null, "/**\n * @test\n*/"]; } }