================================= Rule ``switch_continue_to_break`` ================================= Switch case must not be ended with ``continue`` but with ``break``. Examples -------- Example #1 ~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: diff --- Original +++ New 3) { continue; } - continue 2; + break 2; } } Rule sets --------- The rule is part of the following rule sets: - `@PhpCsFixer <./../../ruleSets/PhpCsFixer.rst>`_ - `@Symfony <./../../ruleSets/Symfony.rst>`_ References ---------- - Fixer class: `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\ControlStructure\\SwitchContinueToBreakFixer <./../../../src/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchContinueToBreakFixer.php>`_ - Test class: `PhpCsFixer\\Tests\\Fixer\\ControlStructure\\SwitchContinueToBreakFixerTest <./../../../tests/Fixer/ControlStructure/SwitchContinueToBreakFixerTest.php>`_ The test class defines officially supported behaviour. Each test case is a part of our backward compatibility promise.