===================== Creating custom rules ===================== If you need to enforce some specific code style rules, you can implement your own fixers. For each rule you want to add, create a class that implements `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\FixerInterface <./../src/Fixer/FixerInterface.php>`_. Note that there is a specific constraint regarding custom rules names: they must match the pattern ``/^[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\/[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/``. Then register your custom fixers and enable them in the config file: .. code-block:: php registerCustomFixers([ new CustomerFixer1(), new CustomerFixer2(), ]) ->setRules([ // ... 'YourVendorName/custome_rule' => true, 'YourVendorName/custome_rule_2' => true, ]) ; There are several interfaces that your fixers can also implement if needed: * `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface <./../src/Fixer/WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface.php>`_: for fixers that need to know the configured indentation and line endings; * `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\ConfigurableFixerInterface <./../src/Fixer/ConfigurableFixerInterface.php>`_: to create a configurable fixer; * `PhpCsFixer\\Fixer\\DeprecatedFixerInterface <./../src/Fixer/DeprecatedFixerInterface.php>`_: to deprecate a fixer.