* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\FixerConfiguration; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\DeprecatedFixerOption; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\DeprecatedFixerOptionInterface; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\FixerOption; use PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\FixerOptionInterface; use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase; /** * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\FixerConfiguration\DeprecatedFixerOption */ final class DeprecatedFixerOptionTest extends TestCase { public function testConstruct(): void { $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.'), 'deprecated' ); self::assertInstanceOf(FixerOptionInterface::class, $option); self::assertInstanceOf(DeprecatedFixerOptionInterface::class, $option); } public function testGetName(): void { $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.'), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame('foo', $option->getName()); } public function testGetDescription(): void { $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.'), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame('Foo.', $option->getDescription()); } /** * @dataProvider provideHasDefaultCases */ public function testHasDefault(bool $isRequired): void { $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.', $isRequired), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame(!$isRequired, $option->hasDefault()); } public static function provideHasDefaultCases(): iterable { yield [true]; yield [false]; } /** * @param mixed $default * * @dataProvider provideGetDefaultCases */ public function testGetDefault($default): void { $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.', false, $default), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame($default, $option->getDefault()); } public static function provideGetDefaultCases(): iterable { yield ['foo']; yield [true]; } public function testGetAllowedTypes(): void { $allowedTypes = ['string', 'bool']; $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.', true, null, $allowedTypes), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame($allowedTypes, $option->getAllowedTypes()); } public function testGetAllowedValues(): void { $allowedValues = ['string', 'bool']; $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.', true, null, [], $allowedValues), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame($allowedValues, $option->getAllowedValues()); } public function testGetNormalizer(): void { $normalizer = static fn () => null; $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( $this->createFixerOptionDouble($normalizer), 'deprecated' ); self::assertSame($normalizer, $option->getNormalizer()); } public function testGetDeprecationMessage(): void { $option = new DeprecatedFixerOption( new FixerOption('foo', 'Foo.'), 'Use option "bar" instead.' ); self::assertSame('Use option "bar" instead.', $option->getDeprecationMessage()); } private function createFixerOptionDouble(\Closure $normalizer): FixerOptionInterface { return new class($normalizer) implements FixerOptionInterface { private \Closure $normalizer; public function __construct(\Closure $normalizer) { $this->normalizer = $normalizer; } public function getName(): string { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getDescription(): string { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function hasDefault(): bool { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getDefault(): void { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getAllowedTypes(): ?array { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getAllowedValues(): ?array { throw new \LogicException('Not implemented.'); } public function getNormalizer(): \Closure { return $this->normalizer; } }; } }