* Dariusz Rumiński * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests; use PhpCsFixer\Preg; use PhpCsFixer\PregException; /** * @author Kuba Werłos * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Preg * * @internal */ final class PregTest extends TestCase { public function testMatchFailing(): void { $this->expectException(PregException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Preg::match(): Invalid PCRE pattern ""'); Preg::match('', 'foo', $matches); } /** * @dataProvider provideCommonCases */ public function testMatch(string $pattern, string $subject): void { $expectedResult = preg_match($pattern, $subject, $expectedMatches); $actualResult = Preg::match($pattern, $subject, $actualMatches); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult); static::assertSame($expectedMatches, $actualMatches); } public function providePatternValidationCases(): array { return [ 'invalid_blank' => ['', null, PregException::class], 'invalid_open' => ["\1", null, PregException::class, "'\1' found"], 'valid_control_character_delimiter' => ["\1\1", 1], 'invalid_control_character_modifier' => ["\1\1\1", null, PregException::class, ' Unknown modifier '], 'valid_slate' => ['//', 1], 'valid_paired' => ['()', 1], 'null_byte_injection' => ['()'."\0", null, PregException::class, ' Null byte in regex '], 'paired_non_utf8_only' => ["((*UTF8)\xFF)", null, PregException::class, 'UTF-8'], 'valid_paired_non_utf8_only' => ["(\xFF)", 1], 'php_version_dependent' => ['([\\R])', 0, PregException::class, 'Compilation failed: escape sequence is invalid '], ]; } /** * @dataProvider providePatternValidationCases */ public function testPatternValidation(string $pattern, ?int $expected = null, ?string $expectedException = null, ?string $expectedMessage = null): void { $setup = function () use ($expectedException, $expectedMessage): bool { $i = 0; if (null !== $expectedException) { ++$i; $this->expectException($expectedException); } if (null !== $expectedMessage) { ++$i; $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedMessage); } return (bool) $i; }; try { $actual = Preg::match($pattern, "The quick brown \xFF\x00\\xXX jumps over the lazy dog\n"); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $setup(); throw $ex; } if (null !== $expected) { static::assertSame($expected, $actual); return; } if (!$setup()) { $this->addToAssertionCount(1); } } /** * @dataProvider providePatternValidationCases */ public function testPatternsValidation(string $pattern, ?int $expected = null, ?string $expectedException = null, ?string $expectedMessage = null): void { $setup = function () use ($expectedException, $expectedMessage): bool { $i = 0; if (null !== $expectedException) { ++$i; $this->expectException($expectedException); } if (null !== $expectedMessage) { ++$i; $this->expectExceptionMessage($expectedMessage); } return (bool) $i; }; try { $buffer = "The quick brown \xFF\x00\\xXX jumps over the lazy dog\n"; $actual = $buffer !== Preg::replace($pattern, 'abc', $buffer); } catch (\Exception $ex) { $setup(); throw $ex; } if (null !== $expected) { static::assertSame((bool) $expected, $actual); return; } if (!$setup()) { $this->addToAssertionCount(1); } } public function testMatchAllFailing(): void { $this->expectException(PregException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Preg::matchAll(): Invalid PCRE pattern ""'); Preg::matchAll('', 'foo', $matches); } /** * @dataProvider provideCommonCases */ public function testMatchAll(string $pattern, string $subject): void { $expectedResult = preg_match_all($pattern, $subject, $expectedMatches); $actualResult = Preg::matchAll($pattern, $subject, $actualMatches); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult); static::assertSame($expectedMatches, $actualMatches); } public function testReplaceFailing(): void { $this->expectException(PregException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('~\Q\Preg::replace()\E: Invalid PCRE pattern "": \(code: \d+\) [^(]+ \(version: \d+~'); Preg::replace('', 'foo', 'bar'); } /** * @param string|string[] $pattern * @param string|string[] $subject * * @dataProvider provideCommonCases */ public function testReplace($pattern, $subject): void { $expectedResult = preg_replace($pattern, 'foo', $subject); $actualResult = Preg::replace($pattern, 'foo', $subject); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult); } public function testReplaceCallbackFailing(): void { $this->expectException(PregException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Preg::replaceCallback(): Invalid PCRE pattern ""'); Preg::replaceCallback('', 'sort', 'foo'); } /** * @param string|string[] $pattern * @param string|string[] $subject * * @dataProvider provideCommonCases */ public function testReplaceCallback($pattern, $subject): void { $callback = static function (array $x): string { return implode('-', $x); }; $expectedResult = preg_replace_callback($pattern, $callback, $subject); $actualResult = Preg::replaceCallback($pattern, $callback, $subject); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult); } public function provideCommonCases(): array { return [ ['/u/u', 'u'], ['/u/u', 'u/u'], ['/./', \chr(224).'bc'], ['/à/', 'àbc'], ['/'.\chr(224).'|í/', 'àbc'], ]; } public function testSplitFailing(): void { $this->expectException(PregException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Preg::split(): Invalid PCRE pattern ""'); Preg::split('', 'foo'); } /** * @dataProvider provideCommonCases */ public function testSplit(string $pattern, string $subject): void { $expectedResult = preg_split($pattern, $subject); $actualResult = Preg::split($pattern, $subject); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $actualResult); } public function testCorrectnessForUtf8String(): void { $pattern = '/./'; $subject = 'àbc'; Preg::match($pattern, $subject, $methodMatches); preg_match($pattern, $subject, $functionMatches); static::assertSame(['à'], $methodMatches); static::assertNotSame(['à'], $functionMatches); } public function testCorrectnessForNonUtf8String(): void { $pattern = '/./u'; $subject = \chr(224).'bc'; Preg::match($pattern, $subject, $methodMatches); preg_match($pattern, $subject, $functionMatches); static::assertSame([\chr(224)], $methodMatches); static::assertNotSame([\chr(224)], $functionMatches); } }