* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests; use PhpCsFixer\Console\Command\FixCommand; use PhpCsFixer\Console\Report\FixReport\ReporterFactory; use PhpCsFixer\ToolInfo; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Tester\CommandTester; /** * @internal * * @coversNothing * @group covers-nothing */ final class TextDiffTest extends TestCase { /** * @dataProvider provideDiffReportingCases */ public function testDiffReportingDecorated(string $expected, string $format, bool $isDecorated): void { $command = new FixCommand(new ToolInfo()); $commandTester = new CommandTester($command); $commandTester->execute( [ 'path' => [__DIR__.'/Fixtures/FixCommand/TextDiffTestInput.php'], '--diff' => true, '--dry-run' => true, '--format' => $format, '--rules' => 'cast_spaces', '--using-cache' => 'no', ], [ 'decorated' => $isDecorated, 'verbosity' => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, ] ); if ($isDecorated !== $commandTester->getOutput()->isDecorated()) { static::markTestSkipped(sprintf('Output should %sbe decorated.', $isDecorated ? '' : 'not ')); } if ($isDecorated !== $commandTester->getOutput()->getFormatter()->isDecorated()) { static::markTestSkipped(sprintf('Formatter should %sbe decorated.', $isDecorated ? '' : 'not ')); } static::assertStringMatchesFormat($expected, $commandTester->getDisplay(false)); } public function provideDiffReportingCases(): \Generator { $expected = <<<'TEST' %A$output->writeln(''.(int)$output.'');%A %A$output->writeln(''.(int) $output.'');%A %A$output->writeln(' TEST ');%A %A$output->writeln(''.(int)$output.'');%A %A$output->writeln(''.(int) $output.'');%A TEST; foreach (['txt', 'xml', 'junit'] as $format) { yield [$expected, $format, true]; yield [$expected, $format, false]; } $expected = substr(json_encode($expected), 1, -1); yield [$expected, 'json', true]; yield [$expected, 'json', false]; } /** * Test to make sure @see TextDiffTest::provideDiffReportingCases covers all formats. */ public function testAllFormatsCovered(): void { $factory = new ReporterFactory(); $formats = $factory->registerBuiltInReporters()->getFormats(); sort($formats); static::assertSame( ['checkstyle', 'gitlab', 'json', 'junit', 'txt', 'xml'], $formats ); } }