* Dariusz Rumiński * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ // HARD copy of .php-cs-fixer.dist.php file for fabbot.io compatibility for PHP CS Fixer v2 $header = <<<'EOF' This file is part of PHP CS Fixer. (c) Fabien Potencier Dariusz Rumiński This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled with this source code in the file LICENSE. EOF; $finder = PhpCsFixer\Finder::create() ->exclude('tests/Fixtures') ->in(__DIR__) ->append([ __DIR__.'/dev-tools/doc.php', __DIR__.'/php-cs-fixer', ]) ; $config = new PhpCsFixer\Config(); $config ->setRiskyAllowed(true) ->setRules([ '@PHP56Migration' => true, '@PHPUnit75Migration:risky' => true, '@PhpCsFixer' => true, '@PhpCsFixer:risky' => true, 'header_comment' => ['header' => $header], 'list_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'long'], ]) ->setFinder($finder) ; // special handling of fabbot.io service if it's using too old PHP CS Fixer version if (false !== getenv('FABBOT_IO')) { try { PhpCsFixer\FixerFactory::create() ->registerBuiltInFixers() ->registerCustomFixers($config->getCustomFixers()) ->useRuleSet(new PhpCsFixer\RuleSet($config->getRules())) ; } catch (PhpCsFixer\ConfigurationException\InvalidConfigurationException $e) { $config->setRules([]); } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { $config->setRules([]); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { $config->setRules([]); } } return $config;