

 * This file is part of PHP CS Fixer.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier <fabien@symfony.com>
 *     Dariusz RumiƄski <dariusz.ruminski@gmail.com>
 * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file LICENSE.

namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\Fixer\ArrayNotation;

use PhpCsFixer\Tests\Test\AbstractFixerTestCase;

 * @author Adam Marczuk <adam@marczuk.info>
 * @internal
 * @covers \PhpCsFixer\Fixer\ArrayNotation\NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer
final class NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixerTest extends AbstractFixerTestCase
     * @dataProvider provideFixCases
    public function testFix(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public function provideFixCases(): array
        return [
            //old style array
                '<?php $x = array(1, "2",3);',
                '<?php $x = array(1 , "2",3);',
            //old style array with comments
                '<?php $x = array /* comment */ (1,  "2", 3);',
                '<?php $x = array /* comment */ (1  ,  "2", 3);',
            //old style array with comments
                '<?php $x = array(1#
"2", 3);',
                '<?php $x = array(1#
"2"  , 3);',

            //short array
                '<?php $x = [1,  "2", 3,$y];',
                '<?php $x = [1 ,  "2", 3 ,$y];',
            // don't change function calls
                '<?php $x = [ 1, "2",getValue(1,2  ,3 ),$y];',
                '<?php $x = [ 1 , "2",getValue(1,2  ,3 )   ,$y];',
            // don't change function declarations
                '<?php $x = [1, "2", function( $x ,$y) { return $x + $y; }, $y];',
                '<?php $x = [1 , "2", function( $x ,$y) { return $x + $y; }, $y];',
            // don't change function declarations but change array inside
                '<?php $x = [ 1,  "2","c" => function( $x ,$y) { return [$x, $y]; }, $y];',
                '<?php $x = [ 1 ,  "2","c" => function( $x ,$y) { return [$x , $y]; }, $y];',
            // associative array (old)
                '<?php $x = array( "a" => $a, "b" =>  "b",3=>$this->foo(), "d" => 30);',
                '<?php $x = array( "a" => $a , "b" =>  "b",3=>$this->foo()  , "d" => 30);',
            // associative array (short)
                '<?php $x = [  "a" => $a, "b"=>"b",3 => $this->foo(), "d" =>30  ];',
                '<?php $x = [  "a" => $a , "b"=>"b",3 => $this->foo()    , "d" =>30  ];',
            // nested arrays
                '<?php $x = ["a" => $a, "b" => "b", 3=> [5,6, 7], "d" => array(1, 2,3,4)];',
                '<?php $x = ["a" => $a , "b" => "b", 3=> [5 ,6, 7]  , "d" => array(1, 2,3 ,4)];',
            // multi line array
                '<?php $x = [  "a" =>$a,
                    3 => $this->foo(),
                    "d" => 30  ];',
                '<?php $x = [  "a" =>$a ,
                    3 => $this->foo()  ,
                    "d" => 30  ];',
            // multi line array
                '<?php $a = [
                '<?php $a = [
                            "foo" ,
            // nested multiline
                '<?php $a = array(array(
                                    array(T_VARIABLE, "$x"),
                        ), 1);',
                '<?php $a = array( // comment
                "<?php \$x = array(<<<'EOF'
<?php \$a = '\\foo\\bar\\\\';
                , <<<'EOF'
<?php \$a = \"\\foo\\bar\\\\\";

     * @dataProvider provideFix73Cases
     * @requires PHP 7.3
    public function testFix73(string $expected, ?string $input = null, array $config = []): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public function provideFix73Cases(): array
        return [
                "<?php \$x = array(<<<'EOF'
<?php \$a = '\\foo\\bar\\\\';
EOF, <<<'EOF'
<?php \$a = \"\\foo\\bar\\\\\";
                "<?php \$x = array(<<<'EOF'
<?php \$a = '\\foo\\bar\\\\';
                , <<<'EOF'
<?php \$a = \"\\foo\\bar\\\\\";
                ['after_heredoc' => true],

     * @dataProvider provideFixPhp74Cases
     * @requires PHP 7.4
    public function testFixPhp74(string $expected, ?string $input = null): void
        $this->doTest($expected, $input);

    public function provideFixPhp74Cases(): array
        return [
                '<?php $x = array(...$foo, ...$bar);',
                '<?php $x = array(...$foo , ...$bar);',
                '<?php $x = [...$foo, ...$bar];',
                '<?php $x = [...$foo , ...$bar];',