CHANGELOG for PHP CS Fixer ========================== This file contains changelogs for stable releases only. Changelog for v2.16.5 --------------------- * bug #4378 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - annotation in single line doc comment (kubawerlos) * bug #4936 HeaderCommentFixer - Fix unexpected removal of regular comments (julienfalque) * bug #5006 PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - fix for breaking PHP syntax for type having reserved name (kubawerlos) * bug #5016 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - fix for @return with @inheritDoc in description (kubawerlos) * bug #5017 PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer - must run after AlignMultilineCommentFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5032 SingleLineAfterImportsFixer - fix for line after import (and before another import) already added using CRLF (kubawerlos) * bug #5033 VoidReturnFixer - must run after NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5038 HelpCommandTest - toString nested array (SpacePossum) * bug #5040 LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixer - do not change code if linebreak already present (kubawerlos) * bug #5044 StandardizeIncrementFixer - fix handling static properties (kubawerlos) * bug #5045 BacktickToShellExecFixer - add priority relation to NativeFunctionInvocationFixer and SingleQuoteFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5054 PhpdocTypesFixer - fix for multidimensional array (kubawerlos) * bug #5065 TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer - fix for discovering ":" correctly (kubawerlos) * bug #5068 Fixed php-cs-fixer crashes on input file syntax error (GrahamCampbell) * bug #5087 NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer - add support for switch and declare (SpacePossum) * bug #5092 PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - remove not used option (SpacePossum) * bug #5105 ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - fix for fully qualified class (kubawerlos) * bug #5113 TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer - handle goto labels (SpacePossum) * bug #5124 Fix TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer when dealing with object properties (HypeMC) * bug #5137 DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer - fix for typed properties (kubawerlos) * bug #5180 Always lint test cases with the stricter process linter (GrahamCampbell) * bug #5190 PhpUnit*Fixers - Only fix in unit test class scope (SpacePossum) * bug #5195 YodaStyle - statements in braces should be treated as variables in strict … (SpacePossum) * bug #5220 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - do not fix private constructors (SpacePossum) * feature #3475 Rework documentation (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * feature #5166 PHP8 (SpacePossum) * minor #4878 ArrayIndentationFixer - refactor (julienfalque) * minor #5031 CI: skip_cleanup: true (keradus) * minor #5035 PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - Rename attribute (SpacePossum) * minor #5048 Allow composer/semver ^2.0 and ^3.0 (thomasvargiu) * minor #5050 DX: moving integration test for braces, indentation_type and no_break_comment into right place (kubawerlos) * minor #5051 DX: move all tests from AutoReview\FixerTest to Test\AbstractFixerTestCase (kubawerlos) * minor #5053 DX: cleanup FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #5056 DX: add missing priority test for indentation_type and phpdoc_indent (kubawerlos) * minor #5077 DX: add missing priority test between NoUnsetCastFixer and BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #5083 Update composer.json to prevent issue #5030 (mvorisek) * minor #5088 NoBreakCommentFixer - NoUselessElseFixer - priority test (SpacePossum) * minor #5100 Fixed invalid PHP 5.6 syntax (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5106 Symfony's finder already ignores vcs and dot files by default (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5112 DX: check file permissions (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * minor #5122 Show runtime PHP version (kubawerlos) * minor #5132 Do not allow assignments in if statements (SpacePossum) * minor #5133 RuleSetTest - Early return for boolean and detect more defaults (SpacePossum) * minor #5139 revert some unneeded exclusions (SpacePossum) * minor #5148 Upgrade Xcode (kubawerlos) * minor #5149 NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer - risky description tweaks (SpacePossum) * minor #5161 minors (SpacePossum) * minor #5170 Fix test on PHP8 (SpacePossum) * minor #5172 Remove accidentally inserted newlines (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5173 Fix PHP8 RuleSet inherit (SpacePossum) * minor #5174 Corrected linting error messages (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5177 PHP8 (SpacePossum) * minor #5178 Fix tests (SpacePossum) * minor #5184 [FinalStaticAccessFixer] Handle new static() in final class (localheinz) * minor #5188 DX: Update sibling debs to version supporting PHP8/PHPUnit9 (keradus) * minor #5189 Create temporary linting file in system temp dir (keradus) * minor #5191 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - support use/import of anonymous functions. (undefinedor) * minor #5193 DX: add AbstractPhpUnitFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #5204 DX: cleanup NullableTypeTransformerTest (kubawerlos) * minor #5207 Add © for logo (keradus) * minor #5208 DX: cleanup php-cs-fixer entry file (keradus) * minor #5210 CICD - temporarily disable problematic test (keradus) * minor #5211 CICD: fix file permissions (keradus) * minor #5213 DX: move report schemas to dedicated dir (keradus) * minor #5214 CICD: fix file permissions (keradus) * minor #5215 CICD: update checkbashisms (keradus) * minor #5217 CICD: use Composer v2 and drop hirak/prestissimo plugin (keradus) * minor #5218 DX: .gitignore - add .phpunit.result.cache (keradus) * minor #5222 Upgrade Xcode (kubawerlos) * minor #5223 Docs: regenerate docs on 2.16 line (keradus) Changelog for v2.16.4 --------------------- * bug #3893 Fix handling /** and */ on the same line as the first and/or last annotation (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4919 PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer - fix function starting with "test" and having lowercase letter after (kubawerlos) * bug #4929 YodaStyleFixer - handling equals empty array (kubawerlos) * bug #4934 YodaStyleFixer - fix for conditions weird are (kubawerlos) * bug #4958 OrderedImportsFixer - fix for trailing comma in group (kubawerlos) * bug #4959 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - handle comment case (SpacePossum) * bug #4962 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - must run after MethodChainingIndentationFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #4963 PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer - fix for breaking PHP syntax for type having reserved name (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * bug #4978 ArrayIndentationFixer - must run after MethodArgumentSpaceFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #4994 FinalInternalClassFixer - must run before ProtectedToPrivateFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #4996 NoEmptyCommentFixer - handle multiline comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4999 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - better comment handling (SpacePossum) * bug #5009 NoEmptyCommentFixer - better handle comments sequence (kubawerlos) * bug #5010 SimplifiedNullReturnFixer - must run before VoidReturnFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5011 SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer - must run before ClassAttributesSeparationFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5012 StrictParamFixer - must run before NativeFunctionInvocationFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5014 PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - fix for void as param (kubawerlos) * bug #5018 PhpdocScalarFixer - fix for comment with Windows line endings (kubawerlos) * bug #5029 SingleLineAfterImportsFixer - fix for line after import already added using CRLF (kubawerlos) * minor #4904 Increase PHPStan level to 8 with strict rules (julienfalque) * minor #4920 Enhancement: Use DocBlock itself to make it multi-line (localheinz) * minor #4930 DX: ensure PhpUnitNamespacedFixer handles all classes (kubawerlos) * minor #4931 DX: add test to ensure each target version in PhpUnitTargetVersion has its set in RuleSet (kubawerlos) * minor #4932 DX: Travis CI config - fix warnings and infos (kubawerlos) * minor #4940 Reject empty path (julienfalque) * minor #4944 Fix grammar (julienfalque) * minor #4946 Allow "const" option on PHP <7.1 (julienfalque) * minor #4948 Added describe command to readme (david, 8ctopus) * minor #4949 Fixed build readme on Windows fails if using Git Bash (Mintty) (8ctopus) * minor #4954 Config - Trim path (julienfalque) * minor #4957 DX: Check trailing spaces in project files only (ktomk) * minor #4961 Assert all project source files are monolithic. (SpacePossum) * minor #4964 Fix PHPStan baseline (julienfalque) * minor #4965 Fix PHPStan baseline (julienfalque) * minor #4973 DX: test "isRisky" method in fixer tests, not as auto review (kubawerlos) * minor #4974 Minor: Fix typo (ktomk) * minor #4975 Revert PHPStan level to 5 (julienfalque) * minor #4976 Add instructions for PHPStan (julienfalque) * minor #4980 Introduce new issue templates (julienfalque) * minor #4981 Prevent error in CTTest::testConstants (for PHP8) (guilliamxavier) * minor #4982 Remove PHIVE (kubawerlos) * minor #4985 Fix tests with Symfony 5.1 (julienfalque) * minor #4987 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - handle unicode characters using mb_* (SpacePossum) * minor #5008 Enhancement: Social justification applied (gbyrka-fingo) * minor #5023 Fix issue templates (kubawerlos) * minor #5024 DX: add missing non-default code samples (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.16.3 --------------------- * bug #4915 Fix handling property PHPDocs with unsupported type (julienfalque) * minor #4916 Fix AppVeyor build (julienfalque) * minor #4917 CircleCI - Bump xcode to 11.4 (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4918 DX: do not fix ".phpt" files by default (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.16.2 --------------------- * bug #3820 Braces - (re)indenting comment issues (SpacePossum) * bug #3911 PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer - fix for properties only (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4601 ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - Fix for namespace (yassine-ah, kubawerlos) * bug #4630 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - Ignore partial class names which look like FQCNs (localheinz, SpacePossum) * bug #4661 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - variables pair if one is already explicit (kubawerlos) * bug #4675 NonPrintableCharacterFixer - fix for backslash and quotes when changing to escape sequences (kubawerlos) * bug #4678 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for importing multiple classes with single "use" (kubawerlos) * bug #4682 Fix handling array type declaration in properties (julienfalque) * bug #4685 Improve Symfony 5 compatibility (keradus) * bug #4688 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - Fix detection for fully qualified return type (julienfalque) * bug #4689 DeclareStrictTypesFixer - fix for "strict_types" set to "0" (kubawerlos) * bug #4690 PhpdocVarAnnotationCorrectOrderFixer - fix for multiline `@var` without type (kubawerlos) * bug #4710 SingleTraitInsertPerStatement - fix formatting for multiline "use" (kubawerlos) * bug #4711 Ensure that files from "tests" directory in release are autoloaded (kubawerlos) * bug #4749 TokensAnalyze::isUnaryPredecessorOperator fix for CT::T_ARRAY_INDEX_C… (SpacePossum) * bug #4759 Add more priority cases (SpacePossum) * bug #4761 NoSuperfluousElseifFixer - handle single line (SpacePossum) * bug #4783 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - fix for really big PHPDoc (kubawerlos, mvorisek) * bug #4787 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - Mark as risky (SpacePossum) * bug #4795 OrderedClassElementsFixer - Fix (SpacePossum) * bug #4801 GlobalNamespaceImportFixer - fix docblock handling (gharlan) * bug #4804 TokensAnalyzer::isUnarySuccessorOperator fix for array curly braces (SpacePossum) * bug #4807 IncrementStyleFixer - handle after ")" (SpacePossum) * bug #4808 Modernize types casting fixer array curly (SpacePossum) * bug #4809 Fix "braces" and "method_argument_space" priority (julienfalque) * bug #4813 BracesFixer - fix invalid code generation on alternative syntax (SpacePossum) * bug #4822 fix 2 bugs in phpdoc_line_span (lmichelin) * bug #4823 ReturnAssignmentFixer - repeat fix (SpacePossum) * bug #4824 NoUnusedImportsFixer - SingleLineAfterImportsFixer - fix priority (SpacePossum) * bug #4825 GlobalNamespaceImportFixer - do not import global into global (SpacePossum) * bug #4829 YodaStyleFixer - fix precedence for T_MOD_EQUAL and T_COALESCE_EQUAL (SpacePossum) * bug #4830 TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer - handle yield from (SpacePossum) * bug #4835 Remove duplicate "function_to_constant" from RuleSet (SpacePossum) * bug #4840 LineEndingFixer - T_CLOSE_TAG support, StringLineEndingFixer - T_INLI… (SpacePossum) * bug #4846 FunctionsAnalyzer - better isGlobalFunctionCall detection (SpacePossum) * bug #4852 Priority issues (SpacePossum) * bug #4870 HeaderCommentFixer - do not remove class docs (gharlan) * bug #4871 NoExtraBlankLinesFixer - handle cases on same line (SpacePossum) * bug #4895 Fix conflict between header_comment and declare_strict_types (BackEndTea, julienfalque) * bug #4911 PhpdocSeparationFixer - fix regression with lack of next line (keradus) * feature #4742 FunctionToConstantFixer - get_class($this) support (SpacePossum) * minor #4377 CommentsAnalyzer - fix for declare before header comment (kubawerlos) * minor #4636 DX: do not check for PHPDBG when collecting coverage (kubawerlos) * minor #4644 Docs: add info about "-vv..." (voku) * minor #4691 Run Travis CI on stable PHP 7.4 (kubawerlos) * minor #4693 Increase Travis CI Git clone depth (julienfalque) * minor #4699 LineEndingFixer - handle "\r\r\n" (kubawerlos) * minor #4703 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer,PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - p… (SpacePossum) * minor #4707 Fix typos (TysonAndre) * minor #4712 NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer — Do not strip newline between docblock and use statements (mollierobbert) * minor #4715 Enhancement: Install ergebnis/composer-normalize via Phive (localheinz) * minor #4722 Fix Circle CI build (julienfalque) * minor #4724 DX: Simplify installing PCOV (kubawerlos) * minor #4736 NoUnusedImportsFixer - do not match variable name as import (SpacePossum) * minor #4746 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Remove for typed properties (PHP 7.4) (ruudk) * minor #4753 Do not apply any text/.git filters to fixtures (mvorisek) * minor #4757 Test $expected is used before $input (SpacePossum) * minor #4758 Autoreview the PHPDoc of *Fixer::getPriority based on the priority map (SpacePossum) * minor #4765 Add test on some return types (SpacePossum) * minor #4766 Remove false test skip (SpacePossum) * minor #4767 Remove useless priority comments (kubawerlos) * minor #4769 DX: add missing priority tests (kubawerlos) * minor #4772 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - update description (kubawerlos) * minor #4774 DX: simplify Utils::camelCaseToUnderscore (kubawerlos) * minor #4781 NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer - handle namespaces (SpacePossum) * minor #4784 Travis CI - Use multiple keyservers (ktomk) * minor #4785 Improve static analysis (enumag) * minor #4788 Configurable fixers code sample (SpacePossum) * minor #4791 Increase PHPStan level to 3 (julienfalque) * minor #4797 clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #4803 FinalClassFixer - Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM alias should not be required (localheinz) * minor #4839 2.15 - clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #4842 ReturnAssignmentFixer - Support more cases (julienfalque) * minor #4843 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - fix typo in option description (OndraM) * minor #4844 Same requirements for descriptions (SpacePossum) * minor #4849 Increase PHPStan level to 5 (julienfalque) * minor #4850 Fix phpstan (SpacePossum) * minor #4857 Fixed the unit tests (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4865 Use latest xcode image (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4892 CombineNestedDirnameFixer - Add space after comma (julienfalque) * minor #4894 DX: PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - improve typing (keradus) * minor #4898 FixerTest - yield the data in AutoReview (Nyholm) * minor #4899 Fix exception message format for (SpacePossum) * minor #4905 Support composer v2 installed.json files (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4906 CI: use Composer stable release for AppVeyor (kubawerlos) * minor #4909 DX: HeaderCommentFixer - use non-aliased version of option name in code (keradus) * minor #4912 CI: Fix AppVeyor integration (keradus) Changelog for v2.16.1 --------------------- * bug #4476 FunctionsAnalyzer - add "isTheSameClassCall" for correct verifying of function calls (kubawerlos) * bug #4605 PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - cover more cases (keradus, julienfalque) * bug #4626 FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer - Do not attempt to mark abstract public methods as final (localheinz) * bug #4632 NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer - fix for not lowercase "null" (kubawerlos) * bug #4638 Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 (julienfalque) * bug #4641 Add typed properties test to VisibilityRequiredFixerTest (GawainLynch, julienfalque) * bug #4654 ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix array indentation for multiline values (julienfalque) * bug #4660 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for extending multiple interfaces (kubawerlos) * bug #4668 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for interface method return type (kubawerlos) * minor #4608 Allow Symfony 5 components (l-vo) * minor #4622 Disallow PHP 7.4 failures on Travis CI (julienfalque) * minor #4623 README - Mark up as code (localheinz) * minor #4637 PHP 7.4 integration test (GawainLynch, julienfalque) * minor #4643 DX: Update .gitattributes and move to root of the project (kubawerlos, keradus) * minor #4645 Check PHP extensions on runtime (kubawerlos) * minor #4655 Improve docs - README (mvorisek) * minor #4662 DX: generate headers in README.rst (kubawerlos) * minor #4669 Enable execution under PHP 7.4 (keradus) * minor #4670 TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot (keradus) * minor #4671 TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot (keradus) Changelog for v2.16.0 --------------------- * feature #3810 PhpdocLineSpanFixer - Introduction (BackEndTea) * feature #3928 Add FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer (Slamdunk) * feature #4000 FinalStaticAccessFixer - Introduction (ntzm) * feature #4275 Issue #4274: Let lowercase_constants directive to be configurable. (drupol) * feature #4355 GlobalNamespaceImportFixer - Introduction (gharlan) * feature #4358 SelfStaticAccessorFixer - Introduction (SpacePossum) * feature #4385 CommentToPhpdocFixer - allow to ignore tags (kubawerlos) * feature #4401 Add NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer (HypeMC) * feature #4452 Add SingleLineThrowFixer (kubawerlos) * feature #4500 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTags - Add remove_inheritdoc option (julienfalque) * feature #4505 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - allow params that aren't on the signature (azjezz) * feature #4531 PhpdocAlignFixer - add "property-read" and "property-write" to allowed tags (kubawerlos) * feature #4583 Phpdoc to param type fixer rebase (jg-development) * minor #4033 Raise deprecation warnings on usage of deprecated aliases (ntzm) * minor #4423 DX: update branch alias (keradus) * minor #4537 SelfStaticAccessor - extend itests (keradus) * minor #4607 Configure no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags for Symfony (keradus) * minor #4618 DX: fix usage of deprecated options (0x450x6c) * minor #4619 Fix PHP 7.3 strict mode warnings (keradus) * minor #4621 Add single_line_throw to Symfony ruleset (keradus) Changelog for v2.15.9 --------------------- * bug #4378 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - annotation in single line doc comment (kubawerlos) * bug #4936 HeaderCommentFixer - Fix unexpected removal of regular comments (julienfalque) * bug #5017 PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer - must run after AlignMultilineCommentFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5033 VoidReturnFixer - must run after NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5038 HelpCommandTest - toString nested array (SpacePossum) * bug #5040 LinebreakAfterOpeningTagFixer - do not change code if linebreak already present (kubawerlos) * bug #5044 StandardizeIncrementFixer - fix handling static properties (kubawerlos) * bug #5045 BacktickToShellExecFixer - add priority relation to NativeFunctionInvocationFixer and SingleQuoteFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5054 PhpdocTypesFixer - fix for multidimensional array (kubawerlos) * bug #5065 TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer - fix for discovering ":" correctly (kubawerlos) * bug #5068 Fixed php-cs-fixer crashes on input file syntax error (GrahamCampbell) * bug #5087 NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer - add support for switch and declare (SpacePossum) * bug #5105 ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - fix for fully qualified class (kubawerlos) * bug #5113 TernaryOperatorSpacesFixer - handle goto labels (SpacePossum) * bug #5124 Fix TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer when dealing with object properties (HypeMC) * bug #5137 DoctrineAnnotationSpacesFixer - fix for typed properties (kubawerlos) * bug #5180 Always lint test cases with the stricter process linter (GrahamCampbell) * bug #5190 PhpUnit*Fixers - Only fix in unit test class scope (SpacePossum) * bug #5195 YodaStyle - statements in braces should be treated as variables in strict … (SpacePossum) * bug #5220 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - do not fix private constructors (SpacePossum) * feature #3475 Rework documentation (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * feature #5166 PHP8 (SpacePossum) * minor #4878 ArrayIndentationFixer - refactor (julienfalque) * minor #5031 CI: skip_cleanup: true (keradus) * minor #5048 Allow composer/semver ^2.0 and ^3.0 (thomasvargiu) * minor #5050 DX: moving integration test for braces, indentation_type and no_break_comment into right place (kubawerlos) * minor #5051 DX: move all tests from AutoReview\FixerTest to Test\AbstractFixerTestCase (kubawerlos) * minor #5053 DX: cleanup FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #5056 DX: add missing priority test for indentation_type and phpdoc_indent (kubawerlos) * minor #5077 DX: add missing priority test between NoUnsetCastFixer and BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #5083 Update composer.json to prevent issue #5030 (mvorisek) * minor #5088 NoBreakCommentFixer - NoUselessElseFixer - priority test (SpacePossum) * minor #5100 Fixed invalid PHP 5.6 syntax (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5106 Symfony's finder already ignores vcs and dot files by default (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5112 DX: check file permissions (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * minor #5122 Show runtime PHP version (kubawerlos) * minor #5132 Do not allow assignments in if statements (SpacePossum) * minor #5133 RuleSetTest - Early return for boolean and detect more defaults (SpacePossum) * minor #5139 revert some unneeded exclusions (SpacePossum) * minor #5148 Upgrade Xcode (kubawerlos) * minor #5149 NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer - risky description tweaks (SpacePossum) * minor #5161 minors (SpacePossum) * minor #5172 Remove accidentally inserted newlines (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5173 Fix PHP8 RuleSet inherit (SpacePossum) * minor #5174 Corrected linting error messages (GrahamCampbell) * minor #5177 PHP8 (SpacePossum) * minor #5188 DX: Update sibling debs to version supporting PHP8/PHPUnit9 (keradus) * minor #5189 Create temporary linting file in system temp dir (keradus) * minor #5191 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - support use/import of anonymous functions. (undefinedor) * minor #5193 DX: add AbstractPhpUnitFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #5204 DX: cleanup NullableTypeTransformerTest (kubawerlos) * minor #5207 Add © for logo (keradus) * minor #5208 DX: cleanup php-cs-fixer entry file (keradus) * minor #5210 CICD - temporarily disable problematic test (keradus) * minor #5211 CICD: fix file permissions (keradus) * minor #5213 DX: move report schemas to dedicated dir (keradus) * minor #5214 CICD: fix file permissions (keradus) * minor #5215 CICD: update checkbashisms (keradus) * minor #5217 CICD: use Composer v2 and drop hirak/prestissimo plugin (keradus) * minor #5218 DX: .gitignore - add .phpunit.result.cache (keradus) * minor #5222 Upgrade Xcode (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.15.8 --------------------- * bug #3893 Fix handling /** and */ on the same line as the first and/or last annotation (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4919 PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer - fix function starting with "test" and having lowercase letter after (kubawerlos) * bug #4929 YodaStyleFixer - handling equals empty array (kubawerlos) * bug #4934 YodaStyleFixer - fix for conditions weird are (kubawerlos) * bug #4958 OrderedImportsFixer - fix for trailing comma in group (kubawerlos) * bug #4959 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - handle comment case (SpacePossum) * bug #4962 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - must run after MethodChainingIndentationFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #4963 PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer - fix for breaking PHP syntax for type having reserved name (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * bug #4978 ArrayIndentationFixer - must run after MethodArgumentSpaceFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #4994 FinalInternalClassFixer - must run before ProtectedToPrivateFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #4996 NoEmptyCommentFixer - handle multiline comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4999 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - better comment handling (SpacePossum) * bug #5009 NoEmptyCommentFixer - better handle comments sequence (kubawerlos) * bug #5010 SimplifiedNullReturnFixer - must run before VoidReturnFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5011 SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer - must run before ClassAttributesSeparationFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5012 StrictParamFixer - must run before NativeFunctionInvocationFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #5029 SingleLineAfterImportsFixer - fix for line after import already added using CRLF (kubawerlos) * minor #4904 Increase PHPStan level to 8 with strict rules (julienfalque) * minor #4930 DX: ensure PhpUnitNamespacedFixer handles all classes (kubawerlos) * minor #4931 DX: add test to ensure each target version in PhpUnitTargetVersion has its set in RuleSet (kubawerlos) * minor #4932 DX: Travis CI config - fix warnings and infos (kubawerlos) * minor #4940 Reject empty path (julienfalque) * minor #4944 Fix grammar (julienfalque) * minor #4946 Allow "const" option on PHP <7.1 (julienfalque) * minor #4948 Added describe command to readme (david, 8ctopus) * minor #4949 Fixed build readme on Windows fails if using Git Bash (Mintty) (8ctopus) * minor #4954 Config - Trim path (julienfalque) * minor #4957 DX: Check trailing spaces in project files only (ktomk) * minor #4961 Assert all project source files are monolithic. (SpacePossum) * minor #4964 Fix PHPStan baseline (julienfalque) * minor #4973 DX: test "isRisky" method in fixer tests, not as auto review (kubawerlos) * minor #4974 Minor: Fix typo (ktomk) * minor #4975 Revert PHPStan level to 5 (julienfalque) * minor #4976 Add instructions for PHPStan (julienfalque) * minor #4980 Introduce new issue templates (julienfalque) * minor #4981 Prevent error in CTTest::testConstants (for PHP8) (guilliamxavier) * minor #4982 Remove PHIVE (kubawerlos) * minor #4985 Fix tests with Symfony 5.1 (julienfalque) * minor #4987 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - handle unicode characters using mb_* (SpacePossum) * minor #5008 Enhancement: Social justification applied (gbyrka-fingo) * minor #5023 Fix issue templates (kubawerlos) * minor #5024 DX: add missing non-default code samples (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.15.7 --------------------- * bug #4915 Fix handling property PHPDocs with unsupported type (julienfalque) * minor #4916 Fix AppVeyor build (julienfalque) * minor #4917 CircleCI - Bump xcode to 11.4 (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4918 DX: do not fix ".phpt" files by default (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.15.6 --------------------- * bug #3820 Braces - (re)indenting comment issues (SpacePossum) * bug #3911 PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer - fix for properties only (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4601 ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - Fix for namespace (yassine-ah, kubawerlos) * bug #4630 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - Ignore partial class names which look like FQCNs (localheinz, SpacePossum) * bug #4661 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - variables pair if one is already explicit (kubawerlos) * bug #4675 NonPrintableCharacterFixer - fix for backslash and quotes when changing to escape sequences (kubawerlos) * bug #4678 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for importing multiple classes with single "use" (kubawerlos) * bug #4682 Fix handling array type declaration in properties (julienfalque) * bug #4685 Improve Symfony 5 compatibility (keradus) * bug #4688 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - Fix detection for fully qualified return type (julienfalque) * bug #4689 DeclareStrictTypesFixer - fix for "strict_types" set to "0" (kubawerlos) * bug #4690 PhpdocVarAnnotationCorrectOrderFixer - fix for multiline `@var` without type (kubawerlos) * bug #4710 SingleTraitInsertPerStatement - fix formatting for multiline "use" (kubawerlos) * bug #4711 Ensure that files from "tests" directory in release are autoloaded (kubawerlos) * bug #4749 TokensAnalyze::isUnaryPredecessorOperator fix for CT::T_ARRAY_INDEX_C… (SpacePossum) * bug #4759 Add more priority cases (SpacePossum) * bug #4761 NoSuperfluousElseifFixer - handle single line (SpacePossum) * bug #4783 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - fix for really big PHPDoc (kubawerlos, mvorisek) * bug #4787 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - Mark as risky (SpacePossum) * bug #4795 OrderedClassElementsFixer - Fix (SpacePossum) * bug #4804 TokensAnalyzer::isUnarySuccessorOperator fix for array curly braces (SpacePossum) * bug #4807 IncrementStyleFixer - handle after ")" (SpacePossum) * bug #4808 Modernize types casting fixer array curly (SpacePossum) * bug #4809 Fix "braces" and "method_argument_space" priority (julienfalque) * bug #4813 BracesFixer - fix invalid code generation on alternative syntax (SpacePossum) * bug #4823 ReturnAssignmentFixer - repeat fix (SpacePossum) * bug #4824 NoUnusedImportsFixer - SingleLineAfterImportsFixer - fix priority (SpacePossum) * bug #4829 YodaStyleFixer - fix precedence for T_MOD_EQUAL and T_COALESCE_EQUAL (SpacePossum) * bug #4830 TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer - handle yield from (SpacePossum) * bug #4835 Remove duplicate "function_to_constant" from RuleSet (SpacePossum) * bug #4840 LineEndingFixer - T_CLOSE_TAG support, StringLineEndingFixer - T_INLI… (SpacePossum) * bug #4846 FunctionsAnalyzer - better isGlobalFunctionCall detection (SpacePossum) * bug #4852 Priority issues (SpacePossum) * bug #4870 HeaderCommentFixer - do not remove class docs (gharlan) * bug #4871 NoExtraBlankLinesFixer - handle cases on same line (SpacePossum) * bug #4895 Fix conflict between header_comment and declare_strict_types (BackEndTea, julienfalque) * bug #4911 PhpdocSeparationFixer - fix regression with lack of next line (keradus) * feature #4742 FunctionToConstantFixer - get_class($this) support (SpacePossum) * minor #4377 CommentsAnalyzer - fix for declare before header comment (kubawerlos) * minor #4636 DX: do not check for PHPDBG when collecting coverage (kubawerlos) * minor #4644 Docs: add info about "-vv..." (voku) * minor #4691 Run Travis CI on stable PHP 7.4 (kubawerlos) * minor #4693 Increase Travis CI Git clone depth (julienfalque) * minor #4699 LineEndingFixer - handle "\r\r\n" (kubawerlos) * minor #4703 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer,PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - p… (SpacePossum) * minor #4707 Fix typos (TysonAndre) * minor #4712 NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer — Do not strip newline between docblock and use statements (mollierobbert) * minor #4715 Enhancement: Install ergebnis/composer-normalize via Phive (localheinz) * minor #4722 Fix Circle CI build (julienfalque) * minor #4724 DX: Simplify installing PCOV (kubawerlos) * minor #4736 NoUnusedImportsFixer - do not match variable name as import (SpacePossum) * minor #4746 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Remove for typed properties (PHP 7.4) (ruudk) * minor #4753 Do not apply any text/.git filters to fixtures (mvorisek) * minor #4757 Test $expected is used before $input (SpacePossum) * minor #4758 Autoreview the PHPDoc of *Fixer::getPriority based on the priority map (SpacePossum) * minor #4765 Add test on some return types (SpacePossum) * minor #4766 Remove false test skip (SpacePossum) * minor #4767 Remove useless priority comments (kubawerlos) * minor #4769 DX: add missing priority tests (kubawerlos) * minor #4772 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - update description (kubawerlos) * minor #4774 DX: simplify Utils::camelCaseToUnderscore (kubawerlos) * minor #4781 NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer - handle namespaces (SpacePossum) * minor #4784 Travis CI - Use multiple keyservers (ktomk) * minor #4785 Improve static analysis (enumag) * minor #4788 Configurable fixers code sample (SpacePossum) * minor #4791 Increase PHPStan level to 3 (julienfalque) * minor #4797 clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #4803 FinalClassFixer - Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM alias should not be required (localheinz) * minor #4839 2.15 - clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #4842 ReturnAssignmentFixer - Support more cases (julienfalque) * minor #4844 Same requirements for descriptions (SpacePossum) * minor #4849 Increase PHPStan level to 5 (julienfalque) * minor #4857 Fixed the unit tests (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4865 Use latest xcode image (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4892 CombineNestedDirnameFixer - Add space after comma (julienfalque) * minor #4898 FixerTest - yield the data in AutoReview (Nyholm) * minor #4899 Fix exception message format for (SpacePossum) * minor #4905 Support composer v2 installed.json files (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4906 CI: use Composer stable release for AppVeyor (kubawerlos) * minor #4909 DX: HeaderCommentFixer - use non-aliased version of option name in code (keradus) * minor #4912 CI: Fix AppVeyor integration (keradus) Changelog for v2.15.5 --------------------- * bug #4476 FunctionsAnalyzer - add "isTheSameClassCall" for correct verifying of function calls (kubawerlos) * bug #4641 Add typed properties test to VisibilityRequiredFixerTest (GawainLynch, julienfalque) * bug #4654 ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix array indentation for multiline values (julienfalque) * bug #4660 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for extending multiple interfaces (kubawerlos) * bug #4668 TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for interface method return type (kubawerlos) * minor #4608 Allow Symfony 5 components (l-vo) * minor #4622 Disallow PHP 7.4 failures on Travis CI (julienfalque) * minor #4637 PHP 7.4 integration test (GawainLynch, julienfalque) * minor #4643 DX: Update .gitattributes and move to root of the project (kubawerlos, keradus) * minor #4645 Check PHP extensions on runtime (kubawerlos) * minor #4655 Improve docs - README (mvorisek) * minor #4662 DX: generate headers in README.rst (kubawerlos) * minor #4669 Enable execution under PHP 7.4 (keradus) * minor #4671 TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot (keradus) Changelog for v2.15.4 --------------------- * bug #4183 IndentationTypeFixer - fix handling 2 spaces indent (kubawerlos) * bug #4406 NoSuperfluousElseifFixer - fix invalid escape sequence in character class (remicollet, SpacePossum) * bug #4416 NoUnusedImports - Fix imports detected as used in namespaces (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * bug #4518 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix handling expect empty exception message (ktomk) * bug #4548 HeredocIndentationFixer - remove whitespace in empty lines (gharlan) * bug #4556 ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - fix for self,static and parent keywords (kubawerlos) * bug #4572 TokensAnalyzer - handle nested anonymous classes (SpacePossum) * bug #4573 CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer - fix stop based on precedence (SpacePossum) * bug #4577 Fix command exit code on lint error after fixing fix. (SpacePossum) * bug #4581 FunctionsAnalyzer: fix for comment in type (kubawerlos) * bug #4586 BracesFixer - handle dynamic static method call (SpacePossum) * bug #4594 Braces - fix both single line comment styles (SpacePossum) * bug #4609 PhpdocTypesOrderFixer - Prevent unexpected default value change (laurent35240) * minor #4458 Add PHPStan (julienfalque) * minor #4479 IncludeFixer - remove braces when the statement is wrapped in block (kubawerlos) * minor #4490 Allow running if installed as project specific (ticktackk) * minor #4517 Verify PCRE pattern before use (ktomk) * minor #4521 Remove superfluous leading backslash, closes 4520 (ktomk) * minor #4532 DX: ensure data providers are used (kubawerlos) * minor #4534 Redo PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping (keradus, Slamdunk) * minor #4536 DX: use PHIVE for dev tools (keradus) * minor #4538 Docs: update Cookbook (keradus) * minor #4541 Enhancement: Use default name property to configure command names (localheinz) * minor #4546 DX: removing unnecessary variable initialization (kubawerlos) * minor #4549 DX: use ::class whenever possible (keradus, kubawerlos) * minor #4550 DX: travis_retry for dev-tools install (ktomk, keradus) * minor #4559 Allow 7.4snapshot to fail due to a bug on it (kubawerlos) * minor #4563 GitlabReporter - fix report output (mjanser) * minor #4564 Move readme-update command to Section 3 (iwasherefirst2) * minor #4566 Update symfony ruleset (gharlan) * minor #4570 Command::execute() should always return an integer (derrabus) * minor #4580 Add suport for true/false return type hints. (SpacePossum) * minor #4584 Increase PHPStan level to 1 (julienfalque) * minor #4585 Fix deprecation notices (julienfalque) * minor #4587 Output details - Explain why a file was skipped (SpacePossum) * minor #4588 Fix STDIN test when path is one level deep (julienfalque) * minor #4589 PhpdocToReturnType - Add support for Foo[][] (SpacePossum) * minor #4593 Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 typed properties (julienfalque) * minor #4595 Import cannot be used after `::` so can be removed (SpacePossum) * minor #4596 Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 numeric literal separator (julienfalque) * minor #4597 Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation notices (julienfalque) * minor #4600 Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 arrow functions (julienfalque) * minor #4602 Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 spread operator in array expression (julienfalque) * minor #4603 Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 null coalescing assignment operator (julienfalque) * minor #4606 Configure no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags for Symfony (keradus) * minor #4610 Travis CI - Update known files list (julienfalque) * minor #4615 Remove workaround for dev-tools install reg. Phive (ktomk) Changelog for v2.15.3 --------------------- * bug #4533 Revert PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping (keradus) * minor #4264 DX: AutoReview - ensure Travis handle all needed PHP versions (keradus) * minor #4524 MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - make explicit configuration to prevent fail on configuration change (keradus) Changelog for v2.15.2 --------------------- * bug #4132 BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer - do not remove indent, handle comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4384 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix for on_multiline:ensure_fully_multiline with trailing comma in function call (kubawerlos) * bug #4404 FileLintingIterator - fix current value on end/invalid (SpacePossum) * bug #4421 FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer - Ensure single space between type declaration and parameter (localheinz) * bug #4436 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - handle misplaced ) (keradus) * bug #4439 NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Add space if needed (SpacePossum) * bug #4440 SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer - Fix $ bug (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4453 Fix preg_match error on 7.4snapshot (kubawerlos) * bug #4461 IsNullFixer - fix null coalescing operator handling (linniksa) * bug #4467 ToolInfo - fix access to reference without checking existence (black-silence) * bug #4472 Fix non-static closure unbinding this on PHP 7.4 (kelunik) * minor #3726 Use Box 3 to build the PHAR (theofidry, keradus) * minor #4412 PHP 7.4 - Tests for support (SpacePossum) * minor #4431 DX: test that default config is not passed in RuleSet (kubawerlos) * minor #4433 DX: test to ensure @PHPUnitMigration rule sets are correctly defined (kubawerlos) * minor #4445 DX: static call of markTestSkippedOrFail (kubawerlos) * minor #4463 Add apostrophe to possessive "team's" (ChandlerSwift) * minor #4471 ReadmeCommandTest - use CommandTester (kubawerlos) * minor #4477 DX: control names of public methods in test's classes (kubawerlos) * minor #4483 NewWithBracesFixer - Fix object operator and curly brace open cases (SpacePossum) * minor #4484 fix typos in README (Sven Ludwig) * minor #4494 DX: Fix shell script syntax in order to fix Travis builds (drupol) * minor #4516 DX: Lock binary SCA tools versions (keradus) Changelog for v2.15.1 --------------------- * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes which do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip anonymous classes and lambda (SpacePossum) * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in function calls (SpacePossum) * minor #4345 Travis: PHP 7.4 isn't allowed to fail anymore (Slamdunk) * minor #4403 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix invalid PHP version in example (HypeMC) * minor #4424 DX: cleanup of composer.json - no need for branch-alias (keradus) * minor #4425 DX: assertions are static, adjust custom assertions (keradus) * minor #4426 DX: handle deprecations of symfony/event-dispatcher:4.3 (keradus) * minor #4427 DX: stop using reserved T_FN in code samples (keradus) * minor #4428 DX: update dev-tools (keradus) * minor #4429 DX: MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - fix hidden merge conflict (keradus) Changelog for v2.15.0 --------------------- * feature #3927 Add FinalClassFixer (Slamdunk) * feature #3939 Add PhpUnitSizeClassFixer (Jefersson Nathan) * feature #3942 SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer - Introduction (dmvdbrugge, SpacePossum) * feature #4113 OrderedInterfacesFixer - Introduction (dmvdbrugge) * feature #4121 SingleTraitInsertPerStatementFixer - Introduction (SpacePossum) * feature #4126 NativeFunctionTypeDeclarationCasingFixer - Introduction (SpacePossum) * feature #4167 PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer - Introduction (michadam-pearson) * feature #4191 [7.3] NoWhitespaceBeforeCommaInArrayFixer - fix comma after heredoc-end (gharlan) * feature #4288 Add Gitlab Reporter (hco) * feature #4328 Add PhpUnitDedicateAssertInternalTypeFixer (Slamdunk) * feature #4341 [7.3] TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer - fix comma after heredoc-end (gharlan) * feature #4342 [7.3] MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix comma after heredoc-end (gharlan) * minor #4112 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Add missing code sample, groom tests (keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #4360 Add gitlab as output format in the README/help doc. (SpacePossum) * minor #4386 Add PhpUnitMockShortWillReturnFixer to @Symfony:risky rule set (kubawerlos) * minor #4398 New ruleset "@PHP73Migration" (gharlan) * minor #4399 Fix 2.15 line (keradus) Changelog for v2.14.6 --------------------- * bug #4533 Revert PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping (keradus) * minor #4264 DX: AutoReview - ensure Travis handle all needed PHP versions (keradus) * minor #4524 MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - make explicit configuration to prevent fail on configuration change (keradus) Changelog for v2.14.5 --------------------- * bug #4132 BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer - do not remove indent, handle comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4384 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix for on_multiline:ensure_fully_multiline with trailing comma in function call (kubawerlos) * bug #4404 FileLintingIterator - fix current value on end/invalid (SpacePossum) * bug #4421 FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer - Ensure single space between type declaration and parameter (localheinz) * bug #4436 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - handle misplaced ) (keradus) * bug #4439 NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Add space if needed (SpacePossum) * bug #4453 Fix preg_match error on 7.4snapshot (kubawerlos) * bug #4461 IsNullFixer - fix null coalescing operator handling (linniksa) * bug #4467 ToolInfo - fix access to reference without checking existence (black-silence) * bug #4472 Fix non-static closure unbinding this on PHP 7.4 (kelunik) * minor #3726 Use Box 3 to build the PHAR (theofidry, keradus) * minor #4412 PHP 7.4 - Tests for support (SpacePossum) * minor #4431 DX: test that default config is not passed in RuleSet (kubawerlos) * minor #4433 DX: test to ensure @PHPUnitMigration rule sets are correctly defined (kubawerlos) * minor #4445 DX: static call of markTestSkippedOrFail (kubawerlos) * minor #4463 Add apostrophe to possessive "team's" (ChandlerSwift) * minor #4471 ReadmeCommandTest - use CommandTester (kubawerlos) * minor #4477 DX: control names of public methods in test's classes (kubawerlos) * minor #4483 NewWithBracesFixer - Fix object operator and curly brace open cases (SpacePossum) * minor #4484 fix typos in README (Sven Ludwig) * minor #4494 DX: Fix shell script syntax in order to fix Travis builds (drupol) * minor #4516 DX: Lock binary SCA tools versions (keradus) Changelog for v2.14.4 --------------------- * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes which do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip anonymous classes and lambda (SpacePossum) * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in function calls (SpacePossum) * minor #4345 Travis: PHP 7.4 isn't allowed to fail anymore (Slamdunk) * minor #4403 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix invalid PHP version in example (HypeMC) * minor #4425 DX: assertions are static, adjust custom assertions (keradus) * minor #4426 DX: handle deprecations of symfony/event-dispatcher:4.3 (keradus) * minor #4427 DX: stop using reserved T_FN in code samples (keradus) * minor #4428 DX: update dev-tools (keradus) Changelog for v2.14.3 --------------------- * bug #4298 NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer - fix for non-Unix line separators (kubawerlos) * bug #4303 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - Fix the short type detection when a question mark (nullable) is prefixing it. (drupol) * bug #4313 SelfAccessorFixer - fix for part qualified class name (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #4314 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - fix for having property with name as method to update (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #4316 NoUnsetCastFixer - Test for higher-precedence operators (SpacePossum) * bug #4327 TokensAnalyzer - add concat operator to list of binary operators (SpacePossum) * bug #4335 Cache - add indent and line ending to cache signature (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4344 VoidReturnFixer - handle yield from (SpacePossum) * bug #4346 BracesFixer - Do not pull close tag onto same line as a comment (SpacePossum) * bug #4350 StrictParamFixer - Don't detect functions in use statements (bolmstedt) * bug #4357 Fix short list syntax detection. (SpacePossum) * bug #4365 Fix output escaping of diff for text format when line is not changed (SpacePossum) * bug #4370 PhpUnitConstructFixer - Fix handle different casing (SpacePossum) * bug #4379 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - add test case for variable as an array key (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * feature #4337 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - prepare for PHPUnit 8 (kubawerlos) * minor #3799 DX: php_unit_test_case_static_method_calls - use default config (keradus) * minor #4103 NoExtraBlankLinesFixer - fix candidate detection (SpacePossum) * minor #4245 LineEndingFixer - BracesFixer - Priority (dmvdbrugge) * minor #4325 Use lowercase mikey179/vfsStream in composer.json (lolli42) * minor #4336 Collect coverage with PCOV (kubawerlos) * minor #4338 Fix wording (kmvan, kubawerlos) * minor #4339 Change BracesFixer to avoid indenting PHP inline braces (alecgeatches) * minor #4340 Travis: build against 7.4snapshot instead of nightly (Slamdunk) * minor #4351 code grooming (SpacePossum) * minor #4353 Add more priority tests (SpacePossum) * minor #4364 DX: MethodChainingIndentationFixer - remove unneccesary loop (Sijun Zhu) * minor #4366 Unset the auxillary variable $a (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4368 Fixed TypeShortNameResolverTest::testResolver (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4380 PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping. (SpacePossum) * minor #4381 PHP7.4 - Add support for magic methods (un)serialize. (SpacePossum) * minor #4393 DX: add missing explicit return types (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.14.2 --------------------- * minor #4306 DX: Drop HHVM conflict on Composer level to help Composer with HHVM compatibility, we still prevent HHVM on runtime (keradus) Changelog for v2.14.1 --------------------- * bug #4240 ModernizeTypesCastingFixer - fix for operators with higher precedence (kubawerlos) * bug #4254 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - fix for count with additional operations (kubawerlos) * bug #4260 Psr0Fixer and Psr4Fixer - fix for multiple classes in file with anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #4262 FixCommand - fix help (keradus) * bug #4276 MethodChainingIndentationFixer, ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix priority issue (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4280 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - Fix method argument alignment (Billz95) * bug #4286 IncrementStyleFixer - fix for static statement (kubawerlos) * bug #4291 ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix indentation after trailing spaces (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #4292 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Make null only type not considered superfluous (julienfalque) * minor #4204 DX: Tokens - do not unregister/register found tokens when collection is not changing (kubawerlos) * minor #4235 DX: more specific @param types (kubawerlos) * minor #4263 DX: AppVeyor - bump PHP version (keradus) * minor #4293 Add official support for PHP 7.3 (keradus) * minor #4295 DX: MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - fix edge case for handling different line ending when only expected code is provided (keradus) * minor #4296 DX: cleanup testing with fixer config (keradus) * minor #4299 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add array_key_exists (deguif, keradus) * minor #4300 DX: cleanup testing with fixer config (keradus) Changelog for v2.14.0 --------------------- * bug #4220 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - namespaced strict to remove backslash (kubawerlos) * feature #3881 Add PhpdocVarAnnotationCorrectOrderFixer (kubawerlos) * feature #3915 Add HeredocIndentationFixer (gharlan) * feature #4002 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Allow `mixed` in superfluous PHPDoc by configuration (MortalFlesh) * feature #4030 Add get_required_files and user_error aliases (ntzm) * feature #4043 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add option to remove redundant backslashes (kubawerlos) * feature #4102 Add NoUnsetCastFixer (SpacePossum) * minor #4025 Add phpdoc_types_order rule to Symfony's ruleset (carusogabriel) * minor #4213 [7.3] PHP7.3 integration tests (SpacePossum) * minor #4233 Add official support for PHP 7.3 (keradus) Changelog for v2.13.3 --------------------- * bug #4216 Psr4Fixer - fix for multiple classy elements in file (keradus, kubawerlos) * bug #4217 Psr0Fixer - class with anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #4219 NativeFunctionCasingFixer - handle T_RETURN_REF (kubawerlos) * bug #4224 FunctionToConstantFixer - handle T_RETURN_REF (SpacePossum) * bug #4229 IsNullFixer - fix parenthesis not closed (guilliamxavier) * minor #4193 [7.3] CombineNestedDirnameFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4198 [7.3] PowToExponentiationFixer - adding to PHP7.3 integration test (kubawerlos) * minor #4199 [7.3] MethodChainingIndentationFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4200 [7.3] ModernizeTypesCastingFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4201 [7.3] MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4202 [7.3] ErrorSuppressionFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4205 DX: PhpdocAlignFixer - refactor to use DocBlock (kubawerlos) * minor #4206 DX: enable multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons (keradus) * minor #4207 [7.3] RandomApiMigrationFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4208 [7.3] NativeFunctionCasingFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4209 [7.3] PhpUnitStrictFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4210 [7.3] PhpUnitConstructFixer - add test for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4211 [7.3] PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4214 [7.3] NoUnsetOnPropertyFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4222 [7.3] PhpUnitExpectationFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4223 [7.3] PhpUnitMockFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4230 [7.3] IsNullFixer - fix trailing comma (guilliamxavier) * minor #4232 DX: remove Utils::splitLines (kubawerlos) * minor #4234 [7.3] Test that "LITERAL instanceof X" is valid (guilliamxavier) Changelog for v2.13.2 --------------------- * bug #3968 SelfAccessorFixer - support FQCN (kubawerlos) * bug #3974 Psr4Fixer - class with anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #3987 Run HeaderCommentFixer after NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer (StanAngeloff) * bug #4009 TypeAlternationTransformer - Fix pipes in function call with constants being classified incorrectly (ntzm, SpacePossum) * bug #4022 NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer - refactor and bugfixes (kubawerlos) * bug #4036 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - fixes for backticks and for 2 variables next to each other (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * bug #4038 CommentToPhpdocFixer - handling nested PHPDoc (kubawerlos) * bug #4064 Ignore invalid mode strings, add option to remove the "b" flag. (SpacePossum) * bug #4071 DX: do not insert Token when calling removeLeadingWhitespace/removeTrailingWhitespace from Tokens (kubawerlos) * bug #4073 IsNullFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos) * bug #4074 FileFilterIterator - do not filter out files that need fixing (SpacePossum) * bug #4076 EregToPregFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos) * bug #4084 MethodChainingIndentation - fix priority with Braces (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4099 HeaderCommentFixer - throw exception on invalid header configuration (SpacePossum) * bug #4100 PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - Handle variable number of arguments and pass by reference cases (SpacePossum) * bug #4101 ReturnAssignmentFixer - do not touch invalid code (SpacePossum) * bug #4104 Change transformers order, fixing untransformed T_USE (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4107 Preg::split - fix for non-UTF8 subject (ostrolucky, kubawerlos) * bug #4109 NoBlankLines*: fix removing lines consisting only of spaces (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #4114 VisibilityRequiredFixer - don't remove comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4116 OrderedImportsFixer - fix sorting without any grouping (SpacePossum) * bug #4119 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix extracting content from annotation (kubawerlos) * bug #4127 LowercaseConstantsFixer - Fix case with properties using constants as their name (srathbone) * bug #4134 [7.3] SquareBraceTransformer - nested array destructuring not handled correctly (SpacePossum) * bug #4153 PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer - handle only PhpUnit classes (kubawerlos) * bug #4169 DirConstantFixer - Fixes for PHP7.3 syntax (SpacePossum) * bug #4181 MultilineCommentOpeningClosingFixer - fix handling empty comment (kubawerlos) * bug #4186 Tokens - fix removal of leading/trailing whitespace with empty token in collection (kubawerlos) * minor #3436 Add a handful of integration tests (BackEndTea) * minor #3774 PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer - Remove unneeded loop and use phpunit indicator class (BackEndTea, SpacePossum) * minor #3778 DX: Throw an exception if FileReader::read fails (ntzm) * minor #3916 New ruleset "@PhpCsFixer" (gharlan) * minor #4007 Fixes cookbook for fixers (greeflas) * minor #4031 Correct FixerOptionBuilder::getOption return type (ntzm) * minor #4046 Token - Added fast isset() path to token->equals() (staabm) * minor #4047 Token - inline $other->getPrototype() to speedup equals() (staabm, keradus) * minor #4048 Tokens - inlined extractTokenKind() call on the hot path (staabm) * minor #4069 DX: Add dev-tools directory to gitattributes as export-ignore (alexmanno) * minor #4070 Docs: Add link to a VS Code extension in readme (jakebathman) * minor #4077 DX: cleanup - NoAliasFunctionsFixer - use FunctionsAnalyzer (kubawerlos) * minor #4088 Add Travis test with strict types (kubawerlos) * minor #4091 Adjust misleading sentence in (ostrolucky) * minor #4092 UseTransformer - simplify/optimize (SpacePossum) * minor #4095 DX: Use ::class (keradus) * minor #4096 DX: fixing typo (kubawerlos) * minor #4097 DX: namespace casing (kubawerlos) * minor #4110 Enhancement: Update localheinz/composer-normalize (localheinz) * minor #4115 Changes for upcoming Travis' infra migration (sergeyklay) * minor #4122 DX: AppVeyor - Update Composer download link (SpacePossum) * minor #4128 DX: cleanup - AbstractFunctionReferenceFixer - use FunctionsAnalyzer (SpacePossum, kubawerlos) * minor #4129 Fix: Symfony 4.2 deprecations (kubawerlos) * minor #4139 DX: Fix CircleCI (kubawerlos) * minor #4142 [7.3] NoAliasFunctionsFixer - mbregex_encoding' => 'mb_regex_encoding (SpacePossum) * minor #4143 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - Add PHPUnit 7.5 new assertions (Slamdunk) * minor #4149 [7.3] ArgumentsAnalyzer - PHP7.3 support (SpacePossum) * minor #4161 DX: CI - show packages installed via Composer (keradus) * minor #4162 DX: Drop symfony/lts (keradus) * minor #4166 DX: do not use AbstractFunctionReferenceFixer when no need to (kubawerlos) * minor #4168 DX: FopenFlagsFixer - remove useless proxy method (SpacePossum) * minor #4171 Fix CircleCI cache (kubawerlos) * minor #4173 [7.3] PowToExponentiationFixer - add support for PHP7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4175 Fixing typo (kubawerlos) * minor #4177 CI: Check that tag is matching version of PHP CS Fixer during deployment (keradus) * minor #4180 Fixing typo (kubawerlos) * minor #4182 DX: update php-cs-fixer file style (kubawerlos) * minor #4185 [7.3] ImplodeCallFixer - add tests for PHP7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4187 [7.3] IsNullFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4188 DX: cleanup (keradus) * minor #4189 Travis - add PHP 7.3 job (keradus) * minor #4190 Travis CI - fix config (kubawerlos) * minor #4192 [7.3] MagicMethodCasingFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4194 [7.3] NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4195 [7.3] SetTypeToCastFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4196 Update website (keradus) * minor #4197 [7.3] StrictParamFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.13.1 --------------------- * bug #3977 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Fix handling of description with variable (julienfalque) * bug #4027 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - add failing cases (keradus) * bug #4028 PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer - handle single line PHPDoc (kubawerlos) * bug #4034 PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator - handle anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #4037 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos) * feature #4019 PhpdocTypesFixer - allow for configuration (keradus) * minor #3980 Clarifies allow-risky usage (josephzidell) * minor #4016 Bump console component due to it's bug (keradus) * minor #4023 Enhancement: Update localheinz/composer-normalize (localheinz) * minor #4049 use parent::offset*() methods when moving items around in insertAt() (staabm) Changelog for v2.13.0 --------------------- * feature #3739 Add MagicMethodCasingFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #3812 Add FopenFlagOrderFixer & FopenFlagsFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #3826 Add CombineNestedDirnameFixer (gharlan) * feature #3833 BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - Add "no space" fix strategy (SpacePossum) * feature #3841 NoAliasFunctionsFixer - add opt in option for ext-mbstring aliasses (SpacePossum) * feature #3876 NativeConstantInvocationFixer - add the scope option (stof, keradus) * feature #3886 Add PhpUnitMethodCasingFixer (Slamdunk) * feature #3907 Add ImplodeCallFixer (kubawerlos) * feature #3914 NoUnreachableDefaultArgumentValueFixer - remove `null` for nullable typehints (gharlan, keradus) * minor #3813 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - fix "sizeOf" same as "count". (SpacePossum) * minor #3873 Add the native_function_invocation fixer in the Symfony:risky ruleset (stof) * minor #3979 DX: enable php_unit_method_casing (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.12 ---------------------- * bug #4533 Revert PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping (keradus) * minor #4264 DX: AutoReview - ensure Travis handle all needed PHP versions (keradus) * minor #4524 MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - make explicit configuration to prevent fail on configuration change (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.11 ---------------------- * bug #4132 BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer - do not remove indent, handle comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4384 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix for on_multiline:ensure_fully_multiline with trailing comma in function call (kubawerlos) * bug #4404 FileLintingIterator - fix current value on end/invalid (SpacePossum) * bug #4421 FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer - Ensure single space between type declaration and parameter (localheinz) * bug #4436 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - handle misplaced ) (keradus) * bug #4439 NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Add space if needed (SpacePossum) * bug #4453 Fix preg_match error on 7.4snapshot (kubawerlos) * bug #4461 IsNullFixer - fix null coalescing operator handling (linniksa) * bug #4467 ToolInfo - fix access to reference without checking existence (black-silence) * bug #4472 Fix non-static closure unbinding this on PHP 7.4 (kelunik) * minor #3726 Use Box 3 to build the PHAR (theofidry, keradus) * minor #4412 PHP 7.4 - Tests for support (SpacePossum) * minor #4431 DX: test that default config is not passed in RuleSet (kubawerlos) * minor #4433 DX: test to ensure @PHPUnitMigration rule sets are correctly defined (kubawerlos) * minor #4445 DX: static call of markTestSkippedOrFail (kubawerlos) * minor #4463 Add apostrophe to possessive "team's" (ChandlerSwift) * minor #4471 ReadmeCommandTest - use CommandTester (kubawerlos) * minor #4477 DX: control names of public methods in test's classes (kubawerlos) * minor #4483 NewWithBracesFixer - Fix object operator and curly brace open cases (SpacePossum) * minor #4484 fix typos in README (Sven Ludwig) * minor #4494 DX: Fix shell script syntax in order to fix Travis builds (drupol) * minor #4516 DX: Lock binary SCA tools versions (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.10 ---------------------- * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes which do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip anonymous classes and lambda (SpacePossum) * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in function calls (SpacePossum) * minor #4345 Travis: PHP 7.4 isn't allowed to fail anymore (Slamdunk) * minor #4403 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix invalid PHP version in example (HypeMC) * minor #4425 DX: assertions are static, adjust custom assertions (keradus) * minor #4426 DX: handle deprecations of symfony/event-dispatcher:4.3 (keradus) * minor #4427 DX: stop using reserved T_FN in code samples (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.9 --------------------- * bug #4298 NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer - fix for non-Unix line separators (kubawerlos) * bug #4303 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - Fix the short type detection when a question mark (nullable) is prefixing it. (drupol) * bug #4313 SelfAccessorFixer - fix for part qualified class name (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #4314 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - fix for having property with name as method to update (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #4327 TokensAnalyzer - add concat operator to list of binary operators (SpacePossum) * bug #4335 Cache - add indent and line ending to cache signature (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4344 VoidReturnFixer - handle yield from (SpacePossum) * bug #4346 BracesFixer - Do not pull close tag onto same line as a comment (SpacePossum) * bug #4350 StrictParamFixer - Don't detect functions in use statements (bolmstedt) * bug #4357 Fix short list syntax detection. (SpacePossum) * bug #4365 Fix output escaping of diff for text format when line is not changed (SpacePossum) * bug #4370 PhpUnitConstructFixer - Fix handle different casing (SpacePossum) * bug #4379 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - add test case for variable as an array key (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * feature #4337 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - prepare for PHPUnit 8 (kubawerlos) * minor #3799 DX: php_unit_test_case_static_method_calls - use default config (keradus) * minor #4103 NoExtraBlankLinesFixer - fix candidate detection (SpacePossum) * minor #4245 LineEndingFixer - BracesFixer - Priority (dmvdbrugge) * minor #4325 Use lowercase mikey179/vfsStream in composer.json (lolli42) * minor #4336 Collect coverage with PCOV (kubawerlos) * minor #4338 Fix wording (kmvan, kubawerlos) * minor #4339 Change BracesFixer to avoid indenting PHP inline braces (alecgeatches) * minor #4340 Travis: build against 7.4snapshot instead of nightly (Slamdunk) * minor #4351 code grooming (SpacePossum) * minor #4353 Add more priority tests (SpacePossum) * minor #4364 DX: MethodChainingIndentationFixer - remove unneccesary loop (Sijun Zhu) * minor #4366 Unset the auxillary variable $a (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4368 Fixed TypeShortNameResolverTest::testResolver (GrahamCampbell) * minor #4380 PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping. (SpacePossum) * minor #4393 DX: add missing explicit return types (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.12.8 --------------------- * minor #4306 DX: Drop HHVM conflict on Composer level to help Composer with HHVM compatibility, we still prevent HHVM on runtime (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.7 --------------------- * bug #4240 ModernizeTypesCastingFixer - fix for operators with higher precedence (kubawerlos) * bug #4254 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - fix for count with additional operations (kubawerlos) * bug #4260 Psr0Fixer and Psr4Fixer - fix for multiple classes in file with anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #4262 FixCommand - fix help (keradus) * bug #4276 MethodChainingIndentationFixer, ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix priority issue (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4280 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - Fix method argument alignment (Billz95) * bug #4286 IncrementStyleFixer - fix for static statement (kubawerlos) * bug #4291 ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix indentation after trailing spaces (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #4292 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Make null only type not considered superfluous (julienfalque) * minor #4204 DX: Tokens - do not unregister/register found tokens when collection is not changing (kubawerlos) * minor #4235 DX: more specific @param types (kubawerlos) * minor #4263 DX: AppVeyor - bump PHP version (keradus) * minor #4293 Add official support for PHP 7.3 (keradus) * minor #4295 DX: MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - fix edge case for handling different line ending when only expected code is provided (keradus) * minor #4296 DX: cleanup testing with fixer config (keradus) * minor #4299 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add array_key_exists (deguif, keradus) Changelog for v2.12.6 --------------------- * bug #4216 Psr4Fixer - fix for multiple classy elements in file (keradus, kubawerlos) * bug #4217 Psr0Fixer - class with anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #4219 NativeFunctionCasingFixer - handle T_RETURN_REF (kubawerlos) * bug #4224 FunctionToConstantFixer - handle T_RETURN_REF (SpacePossum) * bug #4229 IsNullFixer - fix parenthesis not closed (guilliamxavier) * minor #4198 [7.3] PowToExponentiationFixer - adding to PHP7.3 integration test (kubawerlos) * minor #4199 [7.3] MethodChainingIndentationFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4200 [7.3] ModernizeTypesCastingFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4201 [7.3] MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4202 [7.3] ErrorSuppressionFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4205 DX: PhpdocAlignFixer - refactor to use DocBlock (kubawerlos) * minor #4206 DX: enable multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons (keradus) * minor #4207 [7.3] RandomApiMigrationFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4208 [7.3] NativeFunctionCasingFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4209 [7.3] PhpUnitStrictFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4210 [7.3] PhpUnitConstructFixer - add test for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4211 [7.3] PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4214 [7.3] NoUnsetOnPropertyFixerTest - tests for 7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4222 [7.3] PhpUnitExpectationFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4223 [7.3] PhpUnitMockFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4230 [7.3] IsNullFixer - fix trailing comma (guilliamxavier) * minor #4232 DX: remove Utils::splitLines (kubawerlos) * minor #4234 [7.3] Test that "LITERAL instanceof X" is valid (guilliamxavier) Changelog for v2.12.5 --------------------- * bug #3968 SelfAccessorFixer - support FQCN (kubawerlos) * bug #3974 Psr4Fixer - class with anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #3987 Run HeaderCommentFixer after NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer (StanAngeloff) * bug #4009 TypeAlternationTransformer - Fix pipes in function call with constants being classified incorrectly (ntzm, SpacePossum) * bug #4022 NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer - refactor and bugfixes (kubawerlos) * bug #4036 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - fixes for backticks and for 2 variables next to each other (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) * bug #4038 CommentToPhpdocFixer - handling nested PHPDoc (kubawerlos) * bug #4071 DX: do not insert Token when calling removeLeadingWhitespace/removeTrailingWhitespace from Tokens (kubawerlos) * bug #4073 IsNullFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos) * bug #4074 FileFilterIterator - do not filter out files that need fixing (SpacePossum) * bug #4076 EregToPregFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos) * bug #4084 MethodChainingIndentation - fix priority with Braces (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4099 HeaderCommentFixer - throw exception on invalid header configuration (SpacePossum) * bug #4100 PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - Handle variable number of arguments and pass by reference cases (SpacePossum) * bug #4101 ReturnAssignmentFixer - do not touch invalid code (SpacePossum) * bug #4104 Change transformers order, fixing untransformed T_USE (dmvdbrugge) * bug #4107 Preg::split - fix for non-UTF8 subject (ostrolucky, kubawerlos) * bug #4109 NoBlankLines*: fix removing lines consisting only of spaces (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #4114 VisibilityRequiredFixer - don't remove comments (kubawerlos) * bug #4116 OrderedImportsFixer - fix sorting without any grouping (SpacePossum) * bug #4119 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix extracting content from annotation (kubawerlos) * bug #4127 LowercaseConstantsFixer - Fix case with properties using constants as their name (srathbone) * bug #4134 [7.3] SquareBraceTransformer - nested array destructuring not handled correctly (SpacePossum) * bug #4153 PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer - handle only PhpUnit classes (kubawerlos) * bug #4169 DirConstantFixer - Fixes for PHP7.3 syntax (SpacePossum) * bug #4181 MultilineCommentOpeningClosingFixer - fix handling empty comment (kubawerlos) * bug #4186 Tokens - fix removal of leading/trailing whitespace with empty token in collection (kubawerlos) * minor #3436 Add a handful of integration tests (BackEndTea) * minor #3774 PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer - Remove unneeded loop and use phpunit indicator class (BackEndTea, SpacePossum) * minor #3778 DX: Throw an exception if FileReader::read fails (ntzm) * minor #3916 New ruleset "@PhpCsFixer" (gharlan) * minor #4007 Fixes cookbook for fixers (greeflas) * minor #4031 Correct FixerOptionBuilder::getOption return type (ntzm) * minor #4046 Token - Added fast isset() path to token->equals() (staabm) * minor #4047 Token - inline $other->getPrototype() to speedup equals() (staabm, keradus) * minor #4048 Tokens - inlined extractTokenKind() call on the hot path (staabm) * minor #4069 DX: Add dev-tools directory to gitattributes as export-ignore (alexmanno) * minor #4070 Docs: Add link to a VS Code extension in readme (jakebathman) * minor #4077 DX: cleanup - NoAliasFunctionsFixer - use FunctionsAnalyzer (kubawerlos) * minor #4088 Add Travis test with strict types (kubawerlos) * minor #4091 Adjust misleading sentence in (ostrolucky) * minor #4092 UseTransformer - simplify/optimize (SpacePossum) * minor #4095 DX: Use ::class (keradus) * minor #4097 DX: namespace casing (kubawerlos) * minor #4110 Enhancement: Update localheinz/composer-normalize (localheinz) * minor #4115 Changes for upcoming Travis' infra migration (sergeyklay) * minor #4122 DX: AppVeyor - Update Composer download link (SpacePossum) * minor #4128 DX: cleanup - AbstractFunctionReferenceFixer - use FunctionsAnalyzer (SpacePossum, kubawerlos) * minor #4129 Fix: Symfony 4.2 deprecations (kubawerlos) * minor #4139 DX: Fix CircleCI (kubawerlos) * minor #4143 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - Add PHPUnit 7.5 new assertions (Slamdunk) * minor #4149 [7.3] ArgumentsAnalyzer - PHP7.3 support (SpacePossum) * minor #4161 DX: CI - show packages installed via Composer (keradus) * minor #4162 DX: Drop symfony/lts (keradus) * minor #4166 DX: do not use AbstractFunctionReferenceFixer when no need to (kubawerlos) * minor #4171 Fix CircleCI cache (kubawerlos) * minor #4173 [7.3] PowToExponentiationFixer - add support for PHP7.3 (SpacePossum) * minor #4175 Fixing typo (kubawerlos) * minor #4177 CI: Check that tag is matching version of PHP CS Fixer during deployment (keradus) * minor #4182 DX: update php-cs-fixer file style (kubawerlos) * minor #4187 [7.3] IsNullFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4188 DX: cleanup (keradus) * minor #4189 Travis - add PHP 7.3 job (keradus) * minor #4190 Travis CI - fix config (kubawerlos) * minor #4194 [7.3] NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add tests for PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4195 [7.3] SetTypeToCastFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) * minor #4196 Update website (keradus) * minor #4197 [7.3] StrictParamFixer - support PHP 7.3 (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.12.4 --------------------- * bug #3977 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Fix handling of description with variable (julienfalque) * bug #4027 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - add failing cases (keradus) * bug #4028 PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer - handle single line PHPDoc (kubawerlos) * bug #4034 PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator - handle anonymous class (kubawerlos) * bug #4037 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - fix function detection (kubawerlos) * feature #4019 PhpdocTypesFixer - allow for configuration (keradus) * minor #3980 Clarifies allow-risky usage (josephzidell) * minor #4016 Bump console component due to it's bug (keradus) * minor #4023 Enhancement: Update localheinz/composer-normalize (localheinz) * minor #4049 use parent::offset*() methods when moving items around in insertAt() (staabm) Changelog for v2.12.3 --------------------- * bug #3867 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - Handle trailing whitespaces (kubawerlos) * bug #3884 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - handle null in every position (dmvdbrugge, julienfalque) * bug #3885 AlignMultilineCommentFixer - ArrayIndentationFixer - Priority (dmvdbrugge) * bug #3887 ArrayIndentFixer - Don't indent empty lines (dmvdbrugge) * bug #3888 NoExtraBlankLinesFixer - remove blank lines after open tag (kubawerlos) * bug #3890 StrictParamFixer - make it case-insensitive (kubawerlos) * bug #3895 FunctionsAnalyzer - false positive for constant and function definition (kubawerlos) * bug #3908 StrictParamFixer - fix edge case (kubawerlos) * bug #3910 FunctionsAnalyzer - fix isGlobalFunctionCall (gharlan) * bug #3912 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - adjust priority (dmvdbrugge) * bug #3913 TokensAnalyzer - fix isConstantInvocation (gharlan, keradus) * bug #3921 TypeAnalysis - Fix iterable not being detected as a reserved type (ntzm) * bug #3924 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - space bug (dmvdbrugge) * bug #3937 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix "Parent" word in namespace (kubawerlos) * bug #3944 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - fix array handling (gharlan) * bug #3951 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - do not call strtolower with null (SpacePossum) * bug #3954 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - Index invalid or out of range (kubawerlos) * bug #3957 NoTrailingWhitespaceFixer - trim space after opening tag (kubawerlos) * minor #3798 DX: enable native_function_invocation (keradus) * minor #3882 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - Handle empty line in comment (kubawerlos) * minor #3889 DX: Cleanup - remove unused variables (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * minor #3891 PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer - account for null[] (dmvdbrugge) * minor #3892 PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer - fix docs (keradus) * minor #3897 DX: FunctionsAnalyzer - simplifying return expression (kubawerlos) * minor #3903 DX: cleanup - remove special treatment for PHP <5.6 (kubawerlos) * minor #3905 DX: Upgrade composer-require-checker to stable version (keradus) * minor #3919 Simplify single uses of Token::isGivenKind (ntzm) * minor #3920 Docs: Fix typo (ntzm) * minor #3940 DX: fix phpdoc parameter type (malukenho) * minor #3948 DX: cleanup - remove redundant @param annotations (kubawerlos) * minor #3950 Circle CI v2 yml (siad007) * minor #3952 DX: AbstractFixerTestCase - drop testing method already provided by trait (keradus) * minor #3973 Bump xdebug-handler (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.2 --------------------- * bug #3823 NativeConstantInvocationFixer - better constant detection (gharlan, SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3832 "yield from" as keyword (SpacePossum) * bug #3835 Fix priority between PHPDoc return type fixers (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3839 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - add empty line incorrectly (SpacePossum) * bug #3866 SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer - loop over all tokens (SpacePossum) * minor #3817 Update integrations tests (SpacePossum) * minor #3829 Fix typos in changelog (mnabialek) * minor #3848 Add install/update instructions for PHIVE to the README (SpacePossum) * minor #3877 NamespacesAnalyzer - Optimize performance (stof) * minor #3878 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - use the NamespacesAnalyzer to remove duplicated code (stof) Changelog for v2.12.1 --------------------- * bug #3808 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix constants handling (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #3815 NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - support array/callable type hints (gharlan) * minor #3824 DX: Support PHPUnit 7.2 (keradus) * minor #3825 UX: Provide full diff for code samples (keradus) Changelog for v2.12.0 --------------------- * feature #2577 Add LogicalOperatorsFixer (hkdobrev, keradus) * feature #3060 Add ErrorSuppressionFixer (kubawerlos) * feature #3127 Add NativeConstantInvocationFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #3223 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - add namespace scope and include sets (SpacePossum) * feature #3453 PhpdocAlignFixer - add align option (robert.ahmerov) * feature #3476 Add PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #3524 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - Add ensure_single_line option (julienfalque, keradus) * feature #3534 MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer - support static calls (ntzm) * feature #3585 Add ReturnAssignmentFixer (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3640 Add PhpdocToReturnTypeFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #3691 Add PhpdocTrimAfterDescriptionFixer (nobuf, keradus) * feature #3698 YodaStyleFixer - Add always_move_variable option (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * feature #3709 Add SetTypeToCastFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #3724 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - Add case and default as options (dmvdbrugge) * feature #3734 Add NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer (julienfalque) * feature #3735 Add LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * feature #3737 Add NoUnsetOnPropertyFixer (BackEndTea, SpacePossum) * feature #3745 Add PhpUnitInternalClassFixer (BackEndTea, SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3766 Add NoBinaryStringFixer (ntzm, SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3780 ShortScalarCastFixer - Change binary cast to string cast as well (ntzm) * feature #3785 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - fix to assertCount too (SpacePossum) * feature #3802 Convert PhpdocTrimAfterDescriptionFixer into PhpdocTrimConsecutiveBlankLineSeparationFixer (keradus) * minor #3738 ReturnAssignmentFixer description update (kubawerlos) * minor #3761 Application: when run with FUTURE_MODE, error_reporting(-1) is done in entry file instead (keradus) * minor #3772 DX: use PhpUnitTestCaseIndicator->isPhpUnitClass to discover PHPUnit classes (keradus) * minor #3783 CI: Split COLLECT_COVERAGE job (keradus) * minor #3789 DX: ProjectCodeTest.testThatDataProvidersAreCorrectlyNamed - performance optimization (keradus) * minor #3791 DX: Fix collecting code coverage (keradus) * minor #3792 DX: Upgrade DX deps (keradus) * minor #3797 DX: ProjectCodeTest - shall not depends on xdebug/phpdbg anymore (keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #3800 Symfony:risky ruleset: include set_type_to_cast rule (keradus) * minor #3801 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - fix buggy config validation (keradus, SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.11.2 --------------------- * bug #3233 PhpdocAlignFixer - Fix linebreak inconsistency (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3445 Rewrite NoUnusedImportsFixer (kubawerlos, julienfalque) * bug #3528 MethodChainingIndentationFixer - nested params bugfix (Slamdunk) * bug #3547 MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer - chained call for a return fix (egircys, keradus) * bug #3597 DeclareStrictTypesFixer - fix bug of removing line (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #3605 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - Fix indentation with mixed lines (julienfalque) * bug #3606 PhpdocToCommentFixer - allow multiple ( (SpacePossum) * bug #3614 Refactor PhpdocToCommentFixer - extract checking to CommentsAnalyzer (kubawerlos) * bug #3668 Rewrite NoUnusedImportsFixer (kubawerlos, julienfalque) * bug #3670 PhpdocTypesOrderFixer - Fix ordering of nested generics (julienfalque) * bug #3671 ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix indentation in HTML (julienfalque) * bug #3673 PhpdocScalarFixer - Add "types" option (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3674 YodaStyleFixer - Fix variable detection for multidimensional arrays (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * bug #3684 PhpUnitStrictFixer - Do not fix if not correct # of arguments are used (SpacePossum) * bug #3708 EspaceImplicitBackslashesFixer - Fix escaping multiple backslashes (julienfalque) * bug #3715 SingleImportPerStatementFixer - Fix handling whitespace before opening brace (julienfalque) * bug #3731 PhpdocIndentFixer - crash fix (SpacePossum) * bug #3755 YodaStyleFixer - handle space between var name and index (SpacePossum) * bug #3765 Fix binary-prefixed double-quoted strings to single quotes (ntzm) * bug #3770 Handle binary flags in heredoc_to_nowdoc (ntzm) * bug #3776 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - handle binary strings (ntzm) * bug #3777 EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer - handle binary strings (ntzm) * bug #3790 ProcessLinter - don't execute external process without timeout! It can freeze! (keradus) * minor #3188 AppVeyor - add PHP 7.x (keradus, julienfalque) * minor #3451 Update findPHPUnit functions (BackEndTea, SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3548 Make shell scripts POSIX-compatible (EvgenyOrekhov, keradus) * minor #3568 New Autoreview: Correct option casing (ntzm) * minor #3578 Add interface for deprecated options (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3590 Use XdebugHandler to avoid perormance penalty (AJenbo, keradus) * minor #3607 PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer - update sample with @ type (SpacePossum) * minor #3617 Tests stability patches (Tom Klingenberg, keradus) * minor #3622 Docs: Update descriptions (localheinz) * minor #3627 Fix tests execution under phpdbg (keradus) * minor #3629 ProjectFixerConfigurationTest - test rules are sorted (SpacePossum) * minor #3639 DX: use benefits of symfony/force-lowest (keradus) * minor #3641 Update check_trailing_spaces script with upstream (keradus) * minor #3646 Extract SameStringsConstraint and XmlMatchesXsdConstraint (keradus) * minor #3647 DX: Add CachingLinter for tests (keradus) * minor #3649 Update check_trailing_spaces script with upstream (keradus) * minor #3652 CiIntegrationTest - run tests with POSIX sh, not Bash (keradus) * minor #3656 DX: Clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #3657 update phpunitgoodpractices/traits (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3658 DX: Clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #3660 Fix do not rely on order of fixing in CiIntegrationTest (kubawerlos) * minor #3661 Fix: covers annotation for NoAlternativeSyntaxFixerTest (kubawerlos) * minor #3662 DX: Add Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest (keradus) * minor #3663 DX: During deployment, run all smoke tests and don't allow to skip phar-related ones (keradus) * minor #3665 CircleCI fix (kubawerlos) * minor #3666 Use "set -eu" in shell scripts (EvgenyOrekhov) * minor #3669 Document possible values for subset options (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3672 Remove SameStringsConstraint and XmlMatchesXsdConstraint (keradus) * minor #3676 RunnerTest - workaround for failing Symfony v2.8.37 (kubawerlos) * minor #3680 DX: Tokens - removeLeadingWhitespace and removeTrailingWhitespace must act in same way (SpacePossum) * minor #3686 README.rst - Format all code-like strings in fixer descriptions (ntzm, keradus) * minor #3692 DX: Optimize tests (julienfalque) * minor #3700 README.rst - Format all code-like strings in fixer description (ntzm) * minor #3701 Use correct casing for "PHPDoc" (ntzm) * minor #3703 DX: InstallViaComposerTest - groom naming (keradus) * minor #3704 DX: Tokens - fix naming (keradus) * minor #3706 Update homebrew installation instructions (ntzm) * minor #3713 Use HTTPS whenever possible (fabpot) * minor #3723 Extend tests coverage (ntzm) * minor #3733 Disable Composer optimized autoloader by default (julienfalque) * minor #3748 PhpUnitStrictFixer - extend risky note (jnvsor) * minor #3749 Make sure PHPUnit is cased correctly in fixers descriptions (kubawerlos) * minor #3768 Improve deprecation messages (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * minor #3773 AbstractFixerWithAliasedOptionsTestCase - don't export (keradus) * minor #3775 Add tests for binary strings in string_line_ending (ntzm) * minor #3779 Misc fixes (ntzm, keradus) * minor #3796 DX: StdinTest - do not assume name of folder, into which project was cloned (keradus) * minor #3803 NoEmptyPhpdocFixer/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - missing priority test (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3804 Cleanup: remove useless constructor comment (kubawerlos) * minor #3805 Cleanup: add missing @param type (kubawerlos, keradus) Changelog for v2.11.1 --------------------- * bug #3626 ArrayIndentationFixer: priority bug with BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer and MethodChainingIndentationFixer (Slamdunk) * bug #3632 DateTimeImmutableFixer bug with adding tokens while iterating over them (kubawerlos) * minor #3478 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer: handle static calls (Slamdunk) * minor #3618 DateTimeImmutableFixer - grooming (keradus) Changelog for v2.11.0 --------------------- * feature #3135 Add ArrayIndentationFixer (julienfalque) * feature #3235 Implement StandardizeIncrementFixer (ntzm, SpacePossum) * feature #3260 Add DateTimeImmutableFixer (kubawerlos) * feature #3276 Transform Fully Qualified parameters and return types to short version (veewee, keradus) * feature #3299 SingleQuoteFixer - fix single quote char (Slamdunk) * feature #3340 Verbose LintingException after fixing (Slamdunk) * feature #3423 FunctionToConstantFixer - add fix "get_called_class" option (SpacePossum) * feature #3434 Add PhpUnitSetUpTearDownVisibilityFixer (BackEndTea, SpacePossum) * feature #3442 Add CommentToPhpdocFixer (kubawerlos, keradus) * feature #3448 OrderedClassElementsFixer - added sortAlgorithm option (meridius) * feature #3454 Add StringLineEndingFixer (iluuu1994, SpacePossum, keradus, julienfalque) * feature #3477 PhpUnitStrictFixer: handle static calls (Slamdunk) * feature #3479 PhpUnitConstructFixer: handle static calls (Slamdunk) * feature #3507 Add PhpUnitOrderedCoversFixer (Slamdunk) * feature #3545 Add the 'none' sort algorithm to OrderedImportsFixer (EvgenyOrekhov) * feature #3588 Add NoAlternativeSyntaxFixer (eddmash, keradus) * minor #3414 DescribeCommand: add fixer class when verbose (Slamdunk) * minor #3432 ConfigurationDefinitionFixerInterface - fix deprecation notice (keradus) * minor #3527 Deprecate last param of Tokens::findBlockEnd (ntzm, keradus) * minor #3539 Update UnifiedDiffOutputBuilder from gecko-packages/gecko-diff-output-builder usage after it was incorporated into sebastian/diff (keradus) * minor #3549 DescribeCommand - use our Differ wrapper class, not external one directly (keradus) * minor #3592 Support PHPUnit 7 (keradus) * minor #3619 Travis - extend additional files list (keradus) Changelog for v2.10.5 --------------------- * bug #3344 Fix method chaining indentation in HTML (julienfalque) * bug #3594 ElseifFixer - Bug with alternative syntax (kubawerlos) * bug #3600 StrictParamFixer - Fix issue when functions are imported (ntzm, keradus) * minor #3589 FixerFactoryTest - add missing test (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3610 make phar extension optional (Tom Klingenberg, keradus) * minor #3612 Travis - allow for hhvm failures (keradus) * minor #3615 Detect (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3616 FixerFactoryTest - Don't rely on autovivification (keradus) * minor #3621 FixerFactoryTest - apply CS (keradus) Changelog for v2.10.4 --------------------- * bug #3446 Add PregWrapper (kubawerlos) * bug #3464 IncludeFixer - fix incorrect order of fixing (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #3496 Bug in Tokens::removeLeadingWhitespace (kubawerlos, SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3557 AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer: edge case bugfix (Slamdunk) * bug #3574 GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer - remove PHPDoc if no content is left (SpacePossum) * minor #3563 DX add missing covers annotations (keradus) * minor #3564 Use ::class keyword when possible (keradus) * minor #3565 Use EventDispatcherInterface instead of EventDispatcher when possible (keradus) * minor #3566 Update PHPUnitGoodPractices\Traits (keradus) * minor #3572 DX: allow for more phpunit-speedtrap versions to support more PHPUnit versions (keradus) * minor #3576 Fix Doctrine Annotation test cases merging (julienfalque) * minor #3577 DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixer - Add test case (julienfalque) Changelog for v2.10.3 --------------------- * bug #3504 NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer - allow blank line before declare statement (julienfalque) * bug #3522 Remove LOCK_EX (SpacePossum) * bug #3560 SelfAccessorFixer is risky (Slamdunk) * minor #3435 Add tests for general_phpdoc_annotation_remove (BackEndTea) * minor #3484 Create Tokens::findBlockStart (ntzm) * minor #3512 Add missing array typehints (ntzm) * minor #3513 Making AppVeyor happy (kubawerlos) * minor #3516 Use null|type instead of ?type in PHPDocs (ntzm) * minor #3518 FixerFactoryTest - Test each priority test file is listed as test (SpacePossum) * minor #3519 Fix typo (SpacePossum) * minor #3520 Fix typos: ran vs. run (SpacePossum) * minor #3521 Use HTTPS (carusogabriel) * minor #3526 Remove gecko dependency (SpacePossum, keradus, julienfalque) * minor #3531 Backport PHPMD to LTS version to ease maintainability (keradus) * minor #3532 Implement Tokens::findOppositeBlockEdge (ntzm) * minor #3533 DX: SCA - drop src/Resources exclusion (keradus) * minor #3538 Don't use third parameter of Tokens::findBlockStart (ntzm) * minor #3542 Enhancement: Run composer-normalize on Travis CI (localheinz, keradus) * minor #3550 AutoReview\FixerFactoryTest - fix missing priority test, mark not fully valid test as incomplete (keradus) * minor #3555 DX: composer.json - drop branch-alias, branch is already following the version (keradus) * minor #3556 DX: Add AutoReview/ComposerTest (keradus) * minor #3559 Don't expose new files under Test namespace (keradus) * minor #3561 PHPUnit5 - add in place missing compat layer for PHPUnit6 (keradus) Changelog for v2.10.2 --------------------- * bug #3502 Fix missing file in export (keradus) Changelog for v2.10.1 --------------------- * bug #3265 YodaFixer - fix problems of block statements followed by ternary statements (weareoutman, keradus, SpacePossum) * bug #3367 NoUnusedImportsFixer - fix comment handling (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3438 PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer: Do not prepend with test if method is test() (localheinz, SpacePossum) * bug #3455 NoEmptyCommentFixer - comment block detection for line ending different than LF (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #3458 SilencedDeprecationErrorFixer - fix edge cases (kubawerlos) * bug #3466 no_whitespace_in_blank_line and no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc fixers bug (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #3472 YodaStyleFixer - do not un-Yoda if right side is assignment (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3492 PhpdocScalarFixer - Add callback pesudo-type to callable type (carusogabriel) * minor #3354 Added missing types to the PhpdocTypesFixer (GrahamCampbell) * minor #3406 Fix for escaping in README (kubawerlos) * minor #3430 Fix integration test (SpacePossum) * minor #3431 Add missing tests (SpacePossum) * minor #3440 Add a handful of integration tests (BackEndTea) * minor #3443 ConfigurableFixerInterface - not deprecated but TODO (SpacePossum) * minor #3444 IntegrationTest - ensure tests in priority dir are priority tests indeed (keradus) * minor #3494 Add missing PHPDoc param type (ntzm) * minor #3495 Swap @var type and element (ntzm) * minor #3498 NoUnusedImportsFixer - fix deprecation (keradus) Changelog for v2.10.0 --------------------- * feature #3290 Add PhpdocOpeningClosingFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #3327 Add MultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer (egircys, keradus) * feature #3351 PhuUnit: migrate getMock to createPartialMock when arguments count is 2 (Slamdunk) * feature #3362 Add BacktickToShellExecFixer (Slamdunk) * minor #3285 PHPUnit - use protective traits (keradus) * minor #3329 ConfigurationResolver - detect deprecated fixers (keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #3343 Tokens - improve block end lookup (keradus) * minor #3360 Adjust Symfony ruleset (keradus) * minor #3361 no_extra_consecutive_blank_lines - rename to no_extra_blank_lines (with BC layer) (keradus) * minor #3363 progress-type - name main option value 'dots' (keradus) * minor #3404 Deprecate "use_yoda_style" in IsNullFixer (kubawerlos, keradus) * minor #3418 ConfigurableFixerInterface, ConfigurationDefinitionFixerInterface - update deprecations (keradus) * minor #3419 Dont use deprecated fixer in itest (keradus) Changelog for v2.9.3 -------------------- * bug #3502 Fix missing file in export (keradus) Changelog for v2.9.2 -------------------- * bug #3265 YodaFixer - fix problems of block statements followed by ternary statements (weareoutman, keradus, SpacePossum) * bug #3367 NoUnusedImportsFixer - fix comment handling (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3438 PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer: Do not prepend with test if method is test() (localheinz, SpacePossum) * bug #3455 NoEmptyCommentFixer - comment block detection for line ending different than LF (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #3458 SilencedDeprecationErrorFixer - fix edge cases (kubawerlos) * bug #3466 no_whitespace_in_blank_line and no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc fixers bug (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #3472 YodaStyleFixer - do not un-Yoda if right side is assignment (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3354 Added missing types to the PhpdocTypesFixer (GrahamCampbell) * minor #3406 Fix for escaping in README (kubawerlos) * minor #3430 Fix integration test (SpacePossum) * minor #3431 Add missing tests (SpacePossum) * minor #3440 Add a handful of integration tests (BackEndTea) * minor #3444 IntegrationTest - ensure tests in priority dir are priority tests indeed (keradus) * minor #3494 Add missing PHPDoc param type (ntzm) * minor #3495 Swap @var type and element (ntzm) * minor #3498 NoUnusedImportsFixer - fix deprecation (keradus) Changelog for v2.9.1 -------------------- * bug #3298 DiffConsoleFormatter - fix output escaping. (SpacePossum) * bug #3312 PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer: Only remove prefix if it really is a prefix (localheinz) * bug #3318 SingleLineCommentStyleFixer - fix closing tag inside comment causes an error (kubawerlos) * bug #3334 ExplicitStringVariableFixer: handle parsed array and object (Slamdunk) * bug #3337 BracesFixer: nowdoc bug on template files (Slamdunk) * bug #3349 Fix stdin handling and add tests for it (keradus) * bug #3350 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix handling of multiline expectedExceptionMessage annotation (Slamdunk) * bug #3352 FunctionToConstantFixer - bugfix for get_class with leading backslash (kubawerlos) * bug #3359 BracesFixer - handle comment for content outside of given block (keradus) * bug #3371 IsNullFixer must be run before YodaStyleFixer (kubawerlos) * bug #3373 PhpdocAlignFixer - Fix removing of everything after @ when there is a space after the @ (ntzm) * bug #3415 FileFilterIterator - input checks and utests (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3420 SingleLineCommentStyleFixer - fix 'strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, boolean given' (keradus, SpacePossum) * bug #3428 Fix archive analysing (keradus) * bug #3429 Fix archive analysing (keradus) * minor #3137 PHPUnit - use common base class (keradus) * minor #3311 FinalInternalClassFixer - fix typo (localheinz) * minor #3328 Remove duplicated space in exceptions (keradus) * minor #3342 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - Remove unexistent method is_boolean (carusogabriel) * minor #3345 StdinFileInfo - fix __toString (keradus) * minor #3346 StdinFileInfo - drop getContents (keradus) * minor #3347 DX: reapply newest CS (keradus) * minor #3365 - update to provide definition instead of description (keradus) * minor #3370 AbstractFixer - FQCN in in exceptions (Slamdunk) * minor #3372 ProjectCodeTest - fix comment (keradus) * minor #3393 Method call typos (Slamdunk, keradus) * minor #3402 Always provide delimiter to `preg_quote` calls (ntzm) * minor #3403 Remove unused import (ntzm) * minor #3405 Fix `fopen` mode (ntzm) * minor #3407 CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer - Improve description (kubawerlos) * minor #3408 Improving fixers descriptions (kubawerlos) * minor #3409 move itests from misc to priority (keradus) * minor #3411 Better type hinting for AbstractFixerTestCase::$fixer (kubawerlos) * minor #3412 Convert `strtolower` inside `strpos` to just `stripos` (ntzm) * minor #3421 DX: Use ::class (keradus) * minor #3424 AbstractFixerTest: fix expectException arguments (Slamdunk, keradus) * minor #3425 FixerFactoryTest - test that priority pair fixers have itest (keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #3427 ConfigurationResolver: fix @return annotation (Slamdunk) Changelog for v2.9.0 -------------------- * feature #3063 Method chaining indentation fixer (boliev, julienfalque) * feature #3076 Add ExplicitStringVariableFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #3098 MethodSeparationFixer - add class elements separation options (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3155 Add EscapeImplicitBackslashesFixer (Slamdunk) * feature #3164 Add ExplicitIndirectVariableFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #3183 FinalInternalClassFixer introduction (keradus, SpacePossum) * feature #3187 StaticLambdaFixer - introduction (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3209 PhpdocAlignFixer - Make @method alignable (ntzm) * feature #3275 Add PhpUnitTestAnnotationFixer (BackEndTea, keradus) Changelog for v2.8.4 -------------------- * bug #3281 SelfAccessorFixer - stop modifying traits (kubawerlos) * minor #3195 Add self-update command test (julienfalque) * minor #3287 FileCacheManagerTest - drop duplicated line (keradus) * minor #3292 PHPUnit - set memory limit (veewee) * minor #3306 Token - better input validation (keradus) * minor #3310 Upgrade PHP Coveralls (keradus) Changelog for v2.8.3 -------------------- * bug #3173 SimplifiedNullReturnFixer - handle nullable return types (Slamdunk) * bug #3268 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - add case with backslashes (keradus, Slamdunk) * bug #3272 PhpdocTrimFixer - unicode support (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.8.2 -------------------- * bug #3225 PhpdocTrimFixer - Fix handling of lines without leading asterisk (julienfalque) * bug #3241 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - do not crash on ^M LF only (SpacePossum) * bug #3242 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix ' handling (keradus) * bug #3243 PhpUnitExpectationFixer - don't create ->expectExceptionMessage(null) (keradus) * bug #3244 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - expectation extracted from annotation shall be separated from rest of code with one blank line (keradus) * bug #3259 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - fix isCandidate to not rely on class declaration (keradus) * bug #3261 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly fix next usage of already fixed class (keradus) * bug #3262 ToolInfo - support installation by branch as well (keradus) * bug #3263 NoBreakCommentFixer - Fix handling comment text with PCRE characters (julienfalque) * bug #3266 PhpUnitConstructFixer - multiple asserts bug (kubawerlos) * minor #3239 Improve contributing guide and issue template (julienfalque) * minor #3246 Make ToolInfo methods non-static (julienfalque) * minor #3249 PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixerTest - fix hidden conflict (keradus) * minor #3250 Travis: fail early, spare resources, save the Earth (Slamdunk, keradus) * minor #3251 Create Title for config file docs section (IanEdington) * minor #3254 AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest::testFixersPriority: verbose assertion message (Slamdunk) * minor #3255 IntegrationTest: output exception stack trace (Slamdunk) * minor #3257 README.rst - Fixed bullet list formatting (moebrowne) Changelog for v2.8.1 -------------------- * bug #3199 TokensAnalyzer - getClassyElements (SpacePossum) * bug #3208 BracesFixer - Fix for instantiation in control structures (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * bug #3215 BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - Fix spaces around multiple exception catching (|) (ntzm) * bug #3216 AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer - add min. and max. option, not only single target count (SpacePossum) * bug #3217 TokenizerLinter - fix lack of linting when code is cached (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3200 Skip slow test when Xdebug is loaded (julienfalque) * minor #3211 Use udiff format in CI (julienfalque) * minor #3212 Handle rulesets unknown to (julienfalque) * minor #3219 Normalise references to GitHub in docs (ntzm) * minor #3226 Remove unused imports (ntzm) * minor #3231 Fix typos (ntzm) * minor #3234 Simplify Cache\Signature::equals (ntzm) * minor #3237 UnconfigurableFixer - use only LF (keradus) * minor #3238 AbstractFixerTest - fix @cover annotation (keradus) Changelog for v2.8.0 -------------------- * feature #3065 Add IncrementStyleFixer (kubawerlos) * feature #3119 Feature checkstyle reporter (K-Phoen) * feature #3162 Add udiff as diff format (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3170 Add CompactNullableTypehintFixer (jfcherng) * feature #3189 Add PHP_CS_FIXER_FUTURE_MODE env (keradus) * feature #3201 Add PHPUnit Migration rulesets and fixers (keradus) * minor #3149 AbstractProxyFixer - Support multiple proxied fixers (julienfalque) * minor #3160 Add DeprecatedFixerInterface (kubawerlos) * minor #3185 IndentationTypeFixerTest - clean up (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3198 Cleanup: add test that there is no deprecated fixer in rule set (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.7.5 -------------------- * bug #3225 PhpdocTrimFixer - Fix handling of lines without leading asterisk (julienfalque) * bug #3241 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - do not crash on ^M LF only (SpacePossum) * bug #3262 ToolInfo - support installation by branch as well (keradus) * bug #3263 NoBreakCommentFixer - Fix handling comment text with PCRE characters (julienfalque) * bug #3266 PhpUnitConstructFixer - multiple asserts bug (kubawerlos) * minor #3239 Improve contributing guide and issue template (julienfalque) * minor #3246 Make ToolInfo methods non-static (julienfalque) * minor #3250 Travis: fail early, spare resources, save the Earth (Slamdunk, keradus) * minor #3251 Create Title for config file docs section (IanEdington) * minor #3254 AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest::testFixersPriority: verbose assertion message (Slamdunk) * minor #3255 IntegrationTest: output exception stack trace (Slamdunk) Changelog for v2.7.4 -------------------- * bug #3199 TokensAnalyzer - getClassyElements (SpacePossum) * bug #3208 BracesFixer - Fix for instantiation in control structures (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * bug #3215 BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - Fix spaces around multiple exception catching (|) (ntzm) * bug #3216 AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer - add min. and max. option, not only single target count (SpacePossum) * bug #3217 TokenizerLinter - fix lack of linting when code is cached (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3200 Skip slow test when Xdebug is loaded (julienfalque) * minor #3219 Normalise references to GitHub in docs (ntzm) * minor #3226 Remove unused imports (ntzm) * minor #3231 Fix typos (ntzm) * minor #3234 Simplify Cache\Signature::equals (ntzm) * minor #3237 UnconfigurableFixer - use only LF (keradus) * minor #3238 AbstractFixerTest - fix @cover annotation (keradus) Changelog for v2.7.3 -------------------- * bug #3114 SelfAccessorFixer - Fix type declarations replacement (julienfalque) Changelog for v2.7.2 -------------------- * bug #3062 BraceClassInstantiationTransformer - Fix instantiation inside method call braces case (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3083 SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixer - Fix handling namespace right after opening tag (mlocati) * bug #3109 SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer - Fix bug with nested constructs (SpacePossum) * bug #3117 Multibyte character in array key makes alignment incorect (kubawerlos) * bug #3123 Cache - File permissions (SpacePossum) * bug #3138 NoHomoglyphNamesFixer - fix crash on non-ascii but not mapped either (SpacePossum) * bug #3172 IndentationTypeFixer - do not touch whitespace that is not indentation (SpacePossum) * bug #3176 NoMultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer - SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer - priority fix (SpacePossum) * bug #3193 TokensAnalyzer::getClassyElements - sort result before returning (SpacePossum) * bug #3196 SelfUpdateCommand - fix exit status when can't determine newest version (julienfalque) * minor #3107 ConfigurationResolver - improve error message when rule is not found (SpacePossum) * minor #3113 Add WordMatcher (keradus) * minor #3128 README: remove deprecated rule from CLI examples (chteuchteu) * minor #3133 Unify Reporter tests (keradus) * minor #3134 Allow Symfony 4 (keradus, garak) * minor #3136 PHPUnit - call hooks from parent class as well (keradus) * minor #3141 Unify description of deprecated fixer (kubawerlos) * minor #3144 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - Sort map and array by function name (localheinz) * minor #3145 misc - Typo (localheinz) * minor #3150 Fix CircleCI (julienfalque) * minor #3151 Update gitattributes to ignore next file (keradus) * minor #3156 Update php-coveralls (keradus) * minor #3166 README - add link to new gitter channel. (SpacePossum) * minor #3174 Update (vitek-rostislav) * minor #3180 Fix usage of static variables (kubawerlos) * minor #3182 Add support for PHPUnit 6, drop PHPUnit 4 (keradus) * minor #3184 Code grooming - sort content of arrays (keradus) * minor #3191 Travis - add nightly build to allow_failures due to Travis issues (keradus) * minor #3197 DX groom CS (keradus) Changelog for v2.7.1 -------------------- * bug #3115 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - fix edge case (Slamdunk) Changelog for v2.7.0 -------------------- * feature #2573 BinaryOperatorSpaces reworked (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #3073 SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer - Add option to remove space in empty for expressions (julienfalque) * feature #3089 NoAliasFunctionsFixer - add imap aliases (Slamdunk) * feature #3093 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - Remove final keyword from private methods (localheinz, keradus) * minor #3068 Symfony:risky ruleset - add no_homoglyph_names (keradus) * minor #3074 [IO] Replace Diff with fork version (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.6.1 -------------------- * bug #3052 Fix false positive warning about paths overridden by provided as command arguments (kubawerlos) * bug #3053 CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer - fix priority (SpacePossum) * bug #3058 IsNullFixer - fix whitespace handling (roukmoute) * bug #3069 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - new test case (keradus) * bug #3072 IsNullFixer - fix non_yoda_style edge case (keradus) * bug #3088 Drop dedicated Phar stub (keradus) * bug #3100 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - Fix test if previous token is already namespace separator (SpacePossum) * bug #3104 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - Fix str_repeat() error (julienfalque) * minor #3038 Support PHP 7.2 (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3064 Fix couple of typos (KKSzymanowski) * minor #3070 YodaStyleFixer - Clarify configuration parameters (SteveJobzniak) * minor #3078 ConfigurationResolver - hide context while including config file (keradus) * minor #3080 Direct function call instead of by string (kubawerlos) * minor #3085 CiIntegrationTest - skip when no git is available (keradus) * minor #3087 phar-stub.php - allow PHP 7.2 (keradus) * minor #3092 .travis.yml - fix matrix for PHP 7.1 (keradus) * minor #3094 NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer - Add test cases (julienfalque) * minor #3111 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - Restore test case (julienfalque) Changelog for v2.6.0 -------------------- * bug #3039 YodaStyleFixer - Fix echo case (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #2446 Add YodaStyleFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #2940 Add NoHomoglyphNamesFixer (mcfedr, keradus) * feature #3012 Add CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer (SpacePossum) * minor #3037 Update SF rule set (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.5.1 -------------------- * bug #3002 Bugfix braces (mnabialek) * bug #3010 Fix handling of Github releases (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3015 Fix exception arguments (julienfalque) * bug #3016 Verify phar file (keradus) * bug #3021 Risky rules cleanup (kubawerlos) * bug #3023 RandomApiMigrationFixer - "rand();" to "random_int(0, getrandmax());" fixing (SpacePossum) * bug #3024 ConfigurationResolver - Handle empty "rules" value (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3031 IndentationTypeFixer - fix handling tabs in indented comments (keradus) * minor #2999 Notice when paths from config file are overridden by command arguments (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3007 Add PHP 7.2 to Travis build matrix (Jean85) * minor #3009 CiIntegrationTest - run local (SpacePossum) * minor #3013 Adjust phpunit configuration (localheinz) * minor #3017 Fix: Risky tests (localheinz) * minor #3018 Fix: Make sure that data providers are named correctly (localheinz, keradus) * minor #3032 .php_cs.dist - handling UnexpectedValueException (keradus) * minor #3033 Use ::class (keradus) * minor #3034 Follow newest CS (keradus) * minor #3036 Drop not existing Standalone group from PHPUnit configuration and duplicated internal tags (keradus) * minor #3042 Update gitter address (keradus) Changelog for v2.5.0 -------------------- * feature #2770 DoctrineAnnotationSpaces - split assignments options (julienfalque) * feature #2843 Add estimating-max progress output type (julienfalque) * feature #2885 Add NoSuperfluousElseifFixer (julienfalque) * feature #2929 Add NoUnneededCurlyBracesFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #2944 FunctionToConstantFixer - handle get_class() -> __CLASS__ as well (SpacePossum) * feature #2953 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - Add more statements (localheinz, keradus) * feature #2972 Add NoUnneededFinalMethodFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #2992 Add Doctrine Annotation ruleset (julienfalque) * minor #2926 Token::getNameForId (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.4.2 -------------------- * bug #3002 Bugfix braces (mnabialek) * bug #3010 Fix handling of Github releases (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3015 Fix exception arguments (julienfalque) * bug #3016 Verify phar file (keradus) * bug #3021 Risky rules cleanup (kubawerlos) * bug #3023 RandomApiMigrationFixer - "rand();" to "random_int(0, getrandmax());" fixing (SpacePossum) * bug #3024 ConfigurationResolver - Handle empty "rules" value (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3031 IndentationTypeFixer - fix handling tabs in indented comments (keradus) * minor #2999 Notice when paths from config file are overridden by command arguments (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3007 Add PHP 7.2 to Travis build matrix (Jean85) * minor #3009 CiIntegrationTest - run local (SpacePossum) * minor #3013 Adjust phpunit configuration (localheinz) * minor #3017 Fix: Risky tests (localheinz) * minor #3018 Fix: Make sure that data providers are named correctly (localheinz, keradus) * minor #3032 .php_cs.dist - handling UnexpectedValueException (keradus) * minor #3033 Use ::class (keradus) * minor #3034 Follow newest CS (keradus) * minor #3036 Drop not existing Standalone group from PHPUnit configuration and duplicated internal tags (keradus) * minor #3042 Update gitter address (keradus) Changelog for v2.4.1 -------------------- * bug #2925 Improve CI integration suggestion (julienfalque) * bug #2928 TokensAnalyzer::getClassyElements - Anonymous class support (SpacePossum) * bug #2931 Psr0Fixer, Psr4Fixer - ignore "new class" syntax (dg, keradus) * bug #2934 Config - fix handling rule without value (keradus, SpacePossum) * bug #2939 NoUnusedImportsFixer - Fix extra blank line (julienfalque) * bug #2941 PHP 7.2 - Group imports with trailing comma support (SpacePossum, julienfalque) * bug #2954 NoBreakCommentFixer - Disable case sensitivity (julienfalque) * bug #2959 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - Skip body of fixed function (greg0ire) * bug #2984 AlignMultilineCommentFixer - handle uni code (SpacePossum) * bug #2987 Fix incorrect indentation of comments in `braces` fixer (rob006) * minor #2924 Add missing Token deprecations (julienfalque) * minor #2927 WhiteSpaceConfig - update message copy and more strict tests (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2930 Trigger website build (keradus) * minor #2932 Integrate CircleCI (keradus, aidantwoods) * minor #2933 ProcessLinterTest - Ensure Windows test only runs on Windows, add a Mac test execution (aidantwoods) * minor #2935 special handling of service if it's using too old PHP CS Fixer version (keradus) * minor #2937 Travis: execute 5.3 job on precise (keradus) * minor #2938 Tests fix configuration of project (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2943 FunctionToConstantFixer - test with diff. arguments than fixable (SpacePossum) * minor #2945 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixerTest - Fix covered class (julienfalque) * minor #2946 Detect extra old installations (keradus) * minor #2947 Test suggested CI integration (keradus) * minor #2951 AccessibleObject - remove most of usage (keradus) * minor #2952 BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer - Reference fixer instead of test class (localheinz) * minor #2955 Travis - stop using old TASK_SCA residue (keradus) * minor #2968 AssertTokensTrait - don't use AccessibleObject (keradus) * minor #2969 Shrink down AccessibleObject usage (keradus) * minor #2982 TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer - simplify isMultilineArray condition (TomasVotruba) * minor #2989 CiIntegrationTest - fix min supported PHP versions (keradus) Changelog for v2.4.0 -------------------- * bug #2880 NoBreakCommentFixer - fix edge case (julienfalque) * bug #2900 VoidReturnFixer - handle functions containing anonymous functions/classes (bendavies, keradus) * bug #2902 Fix test classes constructor (julienfalque) * feature #2384 Add BlankLineBeforeStatementFixer (localheinz, keradus, SpacePossum) * feature #2440 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - add ensure_fully_multiline option (greg0ire) * feature #2649 PhpdocAlignFixer - make fixer configurable (ntzm) * feature #2664 Add DoctrineAnnotationArrayAssignmentFixer (julienfalque) * feature #2667 Add NoBreakCommentFixer (julienfalque) * feature #2684 BracesFixer - new options for braces position after control structures and anonymous constructs (aidantwoods, keradus) * feature #2701 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - Add more configuration options related to switch statements (SpacePossum) * feature #2740 Add VoidReturnFixer (mrmark) * feature #2765 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - add option to indent mixed lines (julienfalque) * feature #2815 NonPrintableCharacterFixer - Add option to replace with escape sequences (julienfalque, keradus) * feature #2822 Add NoNullPropertyInitializationFixer (ntzm, julienfalque, SpacePossum) * feature #2825 Add PhpdocTypesOrderFixer (julienfalque, keradus) * feature #2856 CastSpacesFixer - add space option (kubawerlos, keradus) * feature #2857 Add AlignMultilineCommentFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * feature #2866 Add SingleLineCommentStyleFixer, deprecate HashToSlashCommentFixer (Slamdunk, keradus) * minor #2773 Travis - use stages (keradus) * minor #2794 Drop HHVM support (keradus, julienfalque) * minor #2801 ProjectCodeTest - Fix typo in deprecation message (SpacePossum) * minor #2818 Token become immutable, performance optimizations (keradus) * minor #2877 Fix PHPMD report (julienfalque) * minor #2894 NonPrintableCharacterFixer - fix handling required PHP version on PHPUnit 4.x (keradus) * minor #2921 InvalidForEnvFixerConfigurationException - fix handling in tests on 2.4 line (keradus) Changelog for v2.3.3 -------------------- * bug #2807 NoUselessElseFixer - Fix detection of conditional block (SpacePossum) * bug #2809 Phar release - fix readme generation (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #2827 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - Always remove trailing spaces (julienfalque) * bug #2835 SelfAcessorFixer - class property fix (mnabialek) * bug #2848 PhpdocIndentFixer - fix edge case with inline phpdoc (keradus) * bug #2849 BracesFixer - Fix indentation issues with comments (julienfalque) * bug #2851 Tokens - ensureWhitespaceAtIndex (GrahamCampbell, SpacePossum) * bug #2854 NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Removing leading slash from import even when in global space (kubawerlos) * bug #2858 Support generic types (keradus) * bug #2869 Fix handling required configuration (keradus) * bug #2881 NoUnusedImportsFixer - Bug when trying to insert empty token (GrahamCampbell, keradus) * bug #2882 DocBlock\Annotation - Fix parsing of collections with multiple key types (julienfalque) * bug #2886 NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer - Do not remove whitespace if next token is comment (SpacePossum) * bug #2888 SingleImportPerStatementFixer - Add support for function and const (SpacePossum) * bug #2901 Add missing files to archive files (keradus) * bug #2914 HeredocToNowdocFixer - works with CRLF line ending (dg) * bug #2920 RuleSet - Update deprecated configuration of fixers (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1531 Update docs for few generic types (keradus) * minor #2793 - update to current version, fix links (keradus) * minor #2812 ProcessLinter - compatibility with Symfony 3.3 (keradus) * minor #2816 Tokenizer - better docs and validation (keradus) * minor #2817 Tokenizer - use future-compatible interface (keradus) * minor #2819 Fix benchmark (keradus) * minor #2820 MagicConstantCasingFixer - Remove defined check (SpacePossum) * minor #2823 Tokenizer - use future-compatible interface (keradus) * minor #2824 code grooming (keradus) * minor #2826 Exceptions - provide utests (localheinz) * minor #2828 Enhancement: Reference phpunit.xsd from phpunit.xml.dist (localheinz) * minor #2830 Differs - add tests (localheinz) * minor #2832 Fix: Use all the columns (localheinz) * minor #2833 Doctrine\Annotation\Token - provide utests (localheinz) * minor #2839 Use PHP 7.2 polyfill instead of xml one (keradus) * minor #2842 Move null to first position in PHPDoc types (julienfalque) * minor #2850 ReadmeCommandTest - Prevent diff output (julienfalque) * minor #2859 Fixed typo and dead code removal (GrahamCampbell) * minor #2863 FileSpecificCodeSample - add tests (localheinz) * minor #2864 WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface clean up (Slamdunk) * minor #2865 AutoReview\FixerTest - test configuration samples (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2867 VersionSpecification - Fix copy-paste typo (SpacePossum) * minor #2870 Tokens - ensureWhitespaceAtIndex - Clear tokens before compare. (SpacePossum) * minor #2874 LineTest - fix typo (keradus) * minor #2875 HelpCommand - recursive layout fix (SpacePossum) * minor #2883 DescribeCommand - Show which sample uses the default configuration (SpacePossum) * minor #2887 Housekeeping - Strict whitespace checks (SpacePossum) * minor #2895 ProjectCodeTest - check that classes in no-tests exception exist (keradus) * minor #2896 Move testing related classes from src to tests (keradus) * minor #2904 Reapply CS (keradus) * minor #2910 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - Restrict lowercasing (oschwald) * minor #2913 Tests - tweaks (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2916 FixerFactory - drop return in sortFixers(), never used (TomasVotruba) Changelog for v2.3.2 -------------------- * bug #2682 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - fix handling nested annotations (edhgoose, julienfalque) * bug #2700 Fix Doctrine Annotation end detection (julienfalque) * bug #2715 OrderedImportsFixer - handle indented groups (pilgerone) * bug #2732 HeaderCommentFixer - fix handling blank lines (s7b4) * bug #2745 Fix Doctrine Annotation newlines (julienfalque) * bug #2752 FixCommand - fix typo in warning message (mnapoli) * bug #2757 GeckoPHPUnit is not dev dependency (keradus) * bug #2759 Update gitattributes (SpacePossum) * bug #2763 Fix describe command with PSR-0 fixer (julienfalque) * bug #2768 Tokens::ensureWhitespaceAtIndex - clean up comment check, add check for T_OPEN (SpacePossum) * bug #2783 Tokens::ensureWhitespaceAtIndex - Fix handling line endings (SpacePossum) * minor #2304 DX: use PHPMD (keradus) * minor #2663 Use colors for keywords in commands output (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #2706 Update README (SpacePossum) * minor #2714 README.rst - fix wrong value in example (mleko) * minor #2718 Remove old Symfony exception message expectation (julienfalque) * minor #2721 Update phpstorm article link to a fresh blog post (valeryan) * minor #2725 Use method chaining for configuration definitions (julienfalque) * minor #2727 PHPUnit - use speedtrap (keradus) * minor #2728 SelfUpdateCommand - verify that it's possible to replace current file (keradus) * minor #2729 DescribeCommand - add decorated output test (julienfalque) * minor #2731 BracesFixer - properly pass config in utest dataProvider (keradus) * minor #2738 Upgrade tests to use new, namespaced PHPUnit TestCase class (keradus) * minor #2742 Code cleanup (GrahamCampbell, keradus) * minor #2743 Fixing example and description for GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #2744 AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase - split fixers test cases (julienfalque) * minor #2755 Fix compatibility with PHPUnit 5.4.x (keradus) * minor #2758 Readme - improve CI integration guidelines (keradus) * minor #2769 Psr0Fixer - remove duplicated example (julienfalque) * minor #2774 AssertTokens Trait (keradus) * minor #2775 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - remove duplicate code sample. (SpacePossum) * minor #2778 AutoReview - watch that code samples are unique (keradus) * minor #2787 Add warnings about missing dom ext and require json ext (keradus) * minor #2792 Use composer-require-checker (keradus) * minor #2796 Update .gitattributes (SpacePossum) * minor #2797 Update .gitattributes (SpacePossum) * minor #2800 PhpdocTypesFixerTest - Fix typo in covers annotation (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.3.1 -------------------- Port of v2.2.3. * bug #2724 Revert #2554 Add short diff. output format (keradus) Changelog for v2.3.0 -------------------- * feature #2450 Add ListSyntaxFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #2708 Add PhpUnitTestClassRequiresCoversFixer (keradus) * minor #2568 Require PHP 5.6+ (keradus) * minor #2672 Bump symfony/* deps (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.20 --------------------- * bug #3233 PhpdocAlignFixer - Fix linebreak inconsistency (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3445 Rewrite NoUnusedImportsFixer (kubawerlos, julienfalque) * bug #3597 DeclareStrictTypesFixer - fix bug of removing line (kubawerlos, keradus) * bug #3605 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - Fix indentation with mixed lines (julienfalque) * bug #3606 PhpdocToCommentFixer - allow multiple ( (SpacePossum) * bug #3684 PhpUnitStrictFixer - Do not fix if not correct # of arguments are used (SpacePossum) * bug #3715 SingleImportPerStatementFixer - Fix handling whitespace before opening brace (julienfalque) * bug #3731 PhpdocIndentFixer - crash fix (SpacePossum) * bug #3765 Fix binary-prefixed double-quoted strings to single quotes (ntzm) * bug #3770 Handle binary flags in heredoc_to_nowdoc (ntzm) * bug #3790 ProcessLinter - don't execute external process without timeout! It can freeze! (keradus) * minor #3548 Make shell scripts POSIX-compatible (EvgenyOrekhov, keradus) * minor #3568 New Autoreview: Correct option casing (ntzm) * minor #3590 Use XdebugHandler to avoid performance penalty (AJenbo, keradus) * minor #3607 PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer - update sample with @ type (SpacePossum) * minor #3617 Tests stability patches (Tom Klingenberg, keradus) * minor #3627 Fix tests execution under phpdbg (keradus) * minor #3629 ProjectFixerConfigurationTest - test rules are sorted (SpacePossum) * minor #3639 DX: use benefits of symfony/force-lowest (keradus) * minor #3641 Update check_trailing_spaces script with upstream (keradus) * minor #3646 Extract SameStringsConstraint and XmlMatchesXsdConstraint (keradus) * minor #3647 DX: Add CachingLinter for tests (keradus) * minor #3649 Update check_trailing_spaces script with upstream (keradus) * minor #3652 CiIntegrationTest - run tests with POSIX sh, not Bash (keradus) * minor #3656 DX: Clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #3660 Fix do not rely on order of fixing in CiIntegrationTest (kubawerlos) * minor #3662 DX: Add Smoke/InstallViaComposerTest (keradus) * minor #3663 DX: During deployment, run all smoke tests and don't allow to skip phar-related ones (keradus) * minor #3665 CircleCI fix (kubawerlos) * minor #3666 Use "set -eu" in shell scripts (EvgenyOrekhov) * minor #3669 Document possible values for subset options (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3676 RunnerTest - workaround for failing Symfony v2.8.37 (kubawerlos) * minor #3680 DX: Tokens - removeLeadingWhitespace and removeTrailingWhitespace must act in same way (SpacePossum) * minor #3686 README.rst - Format all code-like strings in fixer descriptions (ntzm, keradus) * minor #3692 DX: Optimize tests (julienfalque) * minor #3701 Use correct casing for "PHPDoc" (ntzm) * minor #3703 DX: InstallViaComposerTets - groom naming (keradus) * minor #3704 DX: Tokens - fix naming (keradus) * minor #3706 Update homebrew installation instructions (ntzm) * minor #3713 Use HTTPS whenever possible (fabpot) * minor #3723 Extend tests coverage (ntzm) * minor #3733 Disable Composer optimized autoloader by default (julienfalque) * minor #3748 PhpUnitStrictFixer - extend risky note (jnvsor) * minor #3749 Make sure PHPUnit is cased correctly in fixers descriptions (kubawerlos) * minor #3773 AbstractFixerWithAliasedOptionsTestCase - don't export (keradus) * minor #3796 DX: StdinTest - do not assume name of folder, into which project was cloned (keradus) * minor #3803 NoEmptyPhpdocFixer/PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer - missing priority test (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3804 Cleanup: remove useless constructor comment (kubawerlos) Changelog for v2.2.19 --------------------- * bug #3594 ElseifFixer - Bug with alternative syntax (kubawerlos) * bug #3600 StrictParamFixer - Fix issue when functions are imported (ntzm, keradus) * minor #3589 FixerFactoryTest - add missing test (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3610 make phar extension optional (Tom Klingenberg, keradus) * minor #3612 Travis - allow for hhvm failures (keradus) * minor #3615 Detect (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3616 FixerFactoryTest - Don't rely on autovivification (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.18 --------------------- * bug #3446 Add PregWrapper (kubawerlos) * bug #3464 IncludeFixer - fix incorrect order of fixing (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #3496 Bug in Tokens::removeLeadingWhitespace (kubawerlos, SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3557 AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixer: edge case bugfix (Slamdunk) * bug #3574 GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer - remove PHPDoc if no content is left (SpacePossum) * minor #3563 DX add missing covers annotations (keradus) * minor #3565 Use EventDispatcherInterface instead of EventDispatcher when possible (keradus) * minor #3572 DX: allow for more phpunit-speedtrap versions to support more PHPUnit versions (keradus) * minor #3576 Fix Doctrine Annotation test cases merging (julienfalque) Changelog for v2.2.17 --------------------- * bug #3504 NoBlankLinesAfterPhpdocFixer - allow blank line before declare statement (julienfalque) * bug #3522 Remove LOCK_EX (SpacePossum) * bug #3560 SelfAccessorFixer is risky (Slamdunk) * minor #3435 Add tests for general_phpdoc_annotation_remove (BackEndTea) * minor #3484 Create Tokens::findBlockStart (ntzm) * minor #3512 Add missing array typehints (ntzm) * minor #3516 Use null|type instead of ?type in PHPDocs (ntzm) * minor #3518 FixerFactoryTest - Test each priority test file is listed as test (SpacePossum) * minor #3520 Fix typos: ran vs. run (SpacePossum) * minor #3521 Use HTTPS (carusogabriel) * minor #3526 Remove gecko dependency (SpacePossum, keradus, julienfalque) * minor #3531 Backport PHPMD to LTS version to ease maintainability (keradus) * minor #3532 Implement Tokens::findOppositeBlockEdge (ntzm) * minor #3533 DX: SCA - drop src/Resources exclusion (keradus) * minor #3538 Don't use third parameter of Tokens::findBlockStart (ntzm) * minor #3542 Enhancement: Run composer-normalize on Travis CI (localheinz, keradus) * minor #3555 DX: composer.json - drop branch-alias, branch is already following the version (keradus) * minor #3556 DX: Add AutoReview/ComposerTest (keradus) * minor #3559 Don't expose new files under Test namespace (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.16 --------------------- * bug #3502 Fix missing file in export (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.15 --------------------- * bug #3367 NoUnusedImportsFixer - fix comment handling (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3455 NoEmptyCommentFixer - comment block detection for line ending different than LF (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) * bug #3458 SilencedDeprecationErrorFixer - fix edge cases (kubawerlos) * bug #3466 no_whitespace_in_blank_line and no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc fixers bug (kubawerlos, keradus) * minor #3354 Added missing types to the PhpdocTypesFixer (GrahamCampbell) * minor #3406 Fix for escaping in README (kubawerlos) * minor #3431 Add missing tests (SpacePossum) * minor #3440 Add a handful of integration tests (BackEndTea) * minor #3444 IntegrationTest - ensure tests in priority dir are priority tests indeed (keradus) * minor #3494 Add missing PHPDoc param type (ntzm) * minor #3495 Swap @var type and element (ntzm) * minor #3498 NoUnusedImportsFixer - fix deprecation (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.14 --------------------- * bug #3298 DiffConsoleFormatter - fix output escaping. (SpacePossum) * bug #3337 BracesFixer: nowdoc bug on template files (Slamdunk) * bug #3349 Fix stdin handling and add tests for it (keradus) * bug #3359 BracesFixer - handle comment for content outside of given block (keradus) * bug #3415 FileFilterIterator - input checks and utests (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3429 Fix archive analysing (keradus) * minor #3137 PHPUnit - use common base class (keradus) * minor #3342 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - Remove unexistent method is_boolean (carusogabriel) * minor #3345 StdinFileInfo - fix `__toString` (keradus) * minor #3346 StdinFileInfo - drop getContents (keradus) * minor #3347 DX: reapply newest CS (keradus) * minor #3365 - update to provide definition instead of description (keradus) * minor #3370 AbstractFixer - FQCN in in exceptions (Slamdunk) * minor #3372 ProjectCodeTest - fix comment (keradus) * minor #3402 Always provide delimiter to `preg_quote` calls (ntzm) * minor #3403 Remove unused import (ntzm) * minor #3405 Fix `fopen` mode (ntzm) * minor #3408 Improving fixers descriptions (kubawerlos) * minor #3409 move itests from misc to priority (keradus) * minor #3411 Better type hinting for AbstractFixerTestCase::$fixer (kubawerlos) * minor #3412 Convert `strtolower` inside `strpos` to just `stripos` (ntzm) * minor #3425 FixerFactoryTest - test that priority pair fixers have itest (keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #3427 ConfigurationResolver: fix @return annotation (Slamdunk) Changelog for v2.2.13 --------------------- * bug #3281 SelfAccessorFixer - stop modifying traits (kubawerlos) * minor #3195 Add self-update command test (julienfalque) * minor #3292 PHPUnit - set memory limit (veewee) * minor #3306 Token - better input validation (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.12 --------------------- * bug #3173 SimplifiedNullReturnFixer - handle nullable return types (Slamdunk) * bug #3272 PhpdocTrimFixer - unicode support (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.2.11 --------------------- * bug #3225 PhpdocTrimFixer - Fix handling of lines without leading asterisk (julienfalque) * bug #3262 ToolInfo - support installation by branch as well (keradus) * bug #3266 PhpUnitConstructFixer - multiple asserts bug (kubawerlos) * minor #3239 Improve contributing guide and issue template (julienfalque) * minor #3246 Make ToolInfo methods non-static (julienfalque) * minor #3250 Travis: fail early, spare resources, save the Earth (Slamdunk, keradus) * minor #3251 Create Title for config file docs section (IanEdington) * minor #3254 AutoReview/FixerFactoryTest::testFixersPriority: verbose assertion message (Slamdunk) Changelog for v2.2.10 --------------------- * bug #3199 TokensAnalyzer - getClassyElements (SpacePossum) * bug #3208 BracesFixer - Fix for instantiation in control structures (julienfalque, SpacePossum) * bug #3215 BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - Fix spaces around multiple exception catching (|) (ntzm) * bug #3216 AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer - add min. and max. option, not only single target count (SpacePossum) * bug #3217 TokenizerLinter - fix lack of linting when code is cached (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3200 Skip slow test when Xdebug is loaded (julienfalque) * minor #3219 Normalise references to GitHub in docs (ntzm) * minor #3226 Remove unused imports (ntzm) * minor #3231 Fix typos (ntzm) * minor #3234 Simplify Cache\Signature::equals (ntzm) * minor #3237 UnconfigurableFixer - use only LF (keradus) * minor #3238 AbstractFixerTest - fix @cover annotation (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.9 -------------------- * bug #3062 BraceClassInstantiationTransformer - Fix instantiation inside method call braces case (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3083 SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixer - Fix handling namespace right after opening tag (mlocati) * bug #3109 SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer - Fix bug with nested constructs (SpacePossum) * bug #3123 Cache - File permissions (SpacePossum) * bug #3172 IndentationTypeFixer - do not touch whitespace that is not indentation (SpacePossum) * bug #3176 NoMultilineWhitespaceBeforeSemicolonsFixer - SpaceAfterSemicolonFixer - priority fix (SpacePossum) * bug #3193 TokensAnalyzer::getClassyElements - sort result before returning (SpacePossum) * bug #3196 SelfUpdateCommand - fix exit status when can't determine newest version (julienfalque) * minor #3107 ConfigurationResolver - improve error message when rule is not found (SpacePossum) * minor #3113 Add WordMatcher (keradus) * minor #3133 Unify Reporter tests (keradus) * minor #3134 Allow Symfony 4 (keradus, garak) * minor #3136 PHPUnit - call hooks from parent class as well (keradus) * minor #3145 misc - Typo (localheinz) * minor #3150 Fix CircleCI (julienfalque) * minor #3151 Update gitattributes to ignore next file (keradus) * minor #3156 Update php-coveralls (keradus) * minor #3166 README - add link to new gitter channel. (SpacePossum) * minor #3174 Update (vitek-rostislav) * minor #3180 Fix usage of static variables (kubawerlos) * minor #3184 Code grooming - sort content of arrays (keradus) * minor #3191 Travis - add nightly build to allow_failures due to Travis issues (keradus) * minor #3197 DX groom CS (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.8 -------------------- * bug #3052 Fix false positive warning about paths overridden by provided as command arguments (kubawerlos) * bug #3058 IsNullFixer - fix whitespace handling (roukmoute) * bug #3072 IsNullFixer - fix non_yoda_style edge case (keradus) * bug #3088 Drop dedicated Phar stub (keradus) * bug #3100 NativeFunctionInvocationFixer - Fix test if previous token is already namespace separator (SpacePossum) * bug #3104 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - Fix str_repeat() error (julienfalque) * minor #3038 Support PHP 7.2 (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #3064 Fix couple of typos (KKSzymanowski) * minor #3078 ConfigurationResolver - hide context while including config file (keradus) * minor #3080 Direct function call instead of by string (kubawerlos) * minor #3085 CiIntegrationTest - skip when no git is available (keradus) * minor #3087 phar-stub.php - allow PHP 7.2 (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.7 -------------------- * bug #3002 Bugfix braces (mnabialek) * bug #3010 Fix handling of Github releases (julienfalque, keradus) * bug #3015 Fix exception arguments (julienfalque) * bug #3016 Verify phar file (keradus) * bug #3021 Risky rules cleanup (kubawerlos) * bug #3023 RandomApiMigrationFixer - "rand();" to "random_int(0, getrandmax());" fixing (SpacePossum) * bug #3024 ConfigurationResolver - Handle empty "rules" value (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #3031 IndentationTypeFixer - fix handling tabs in indented comments (keradus) * minor #2999 Notice when paths from config file are overridden by command arguments (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #3007 Add PHP 7.2 to Travis build matrix (Jean85) * minor #3009 CiIntegrationTest - run local (SpacePossum) * minor #3013 Adjust phpunit configuration (localheinz) * minor #3017 Fix: Risky tests (localheinz) * minor #3018 Fix: Make sure that data providers are named correctly (localheinz, keradus) * minor #3032 .php_cs.dist - handling UnexpectedValueException (keradus) * minor #3034 Follow newest CS (keradus) * minor #3036 Drop not existing Standalone group from PHPUnit configuration and duplicated internal tags (keradus) * minor #3042 Update gitter address (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.6 -------------------- * bug #2925 Improve CI integration suggestion (julienfalque) * bug #2928 TokensAnalyzer::getClassyElements - Anonymous class support (SpacePossum) * bug #2931 Psr0Fixer, Psr4Fixer - ignore "new class" syntax (dg, keradus) * bug #2934 Config - fix handling rule without value (keradus, SpacePossum) * bug #2939 NoUnusedImportsFixer - Fix extra blank line (julienfalque) * bug #2941 PHP 7.2 - Group imports with trailing comma support (SpacePossum, julienfalque) * bug #2987 Fix incorrect indentation of comments in `braces` fixer (rob006) * minor #2927 WhiteSpaceConfig - update message copy and more strict tests (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2930 Trigger website build (keradus) * minor #2932 Integrate CircleCI (keradus, aidantwoods) * minor #2933 ProcessLinterTest - Ensure Windows test only runs on Windows, add a Mac test execution (aidantwoods) * minor #2935 special handling of service if it's using too old PHP CS Fixer version (keradus) * minor #2937 Travis: execute 5.3 job on precise (keradus) * minor #2938 Tests fix configuration of project (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2943 FunctionToConstantFixer - test with diff. arguments than fixable (SpacePossum) * minor #2946 Detect extra old installations (keradus) * minor #2947 Test suggested CI integration (keradus) * minor #2951 AccessibleObject - remove most of usage (keradus) * minor #2969 Shrink down AccessibleObject usage (keradus) * minor #2982 TrailingCommaInMultilineArrayFixer - simplify isMultilineArray condition (TomasVotruba) Changelog for v2.2.5 -------------------- * bug #2807 NoUselessElseFixer - Fix detection of conditional block (SpacePossum) * bug #2809 Phar release - fix readme generation (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #2827 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - Always remove trailing spaces (julienfalque) * bug #2835 SelfAcessorFixer - class property fix (mnabialek) * bug #2848 PhpdocIndentFixer - fix edge case with inline phpdoc (keradus) * bug #2849 BracesFixer - Fix indentation issues with comments (julienfalque) * bug #2851 Tokens - ensureWhitespaceAtIndex (GrahamCampbell, SpacePossum) * bug #2854 NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Removing leading slash from import even when in global space (kubawerlos) * bug #2858 Support generic types (keradus) * bug #2869 Fix handling required configuration (keradus) * bug #2881 NoUnusedImportsFixer - Bug when trying to insert empty token (GrahamCampbell, keradus) * bug #2882 DocBlock\Annotation - Fix parsing of collections with multiple key types (julienfalque) * bug #2886 NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer - Do not remove whitespace if next token is comment (SpacePossum) * bug #2888 SingleImportPerStatementFixer - Add support for function and const (SpacePossum) * bug #2901 Add missing files to archive files (keradus) * bug #2914 HeredocToNowdocFixer - works with CRLF line ending (dg) * bug #2920 RuleSet - Update deprecated configuration of fixers (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1531 Update docs for few generic types (keradus) * minor #2793 - update to current version, fix links (keradus) * minor #2812 ProcessLinter - compatibility with Symfony 3.3 (keradus) * minor #2816 Tokenizer - better docs and validation (keradus) * minor #2817 Tokenizer - use future-compatible interface (keradus) * minor #2819 Fix benchmark (keradus) * minor #2824 code grooming (keradus) * minor #2826 Exceptions - provide utests (localheinz) * minor #2828 Enhancement: Reference phpunit.xsd from phpunit.xml.dist (localheinz) * minor #2830 Differs - add tests (localheinz) * minor #2832 Fix: Use all the columns (localheinz) * minor #2833 Doctrine\Annotation\Token - provide utests (localheinz) * minor #2839 Use PHP 7.2 polyfill instead of xml one (keradus) * minor #2842 Move null to first position in PHPDoc types (julienfalque) * minor #2850 ReadmeCommandTest - Prevent diff output (julienfalque) * minor #2859 Fixed typo and dead code removal (GrahamCampbell) * minor #2863 FileSpecificCodeSample - add tests (localheinz) * minor #2864 WhitespacesAwareFixerInterface clean up (Slamdunk) * minor #2865 AutoReview\FixerTest - test configuration samples (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2867 VersionSpecification - Fix copy-paste typo (SpacePossum) * minor #2874 LineTest - fix typo (keradus) * minor #2875 HelpCommand - recursive layout fix (SpacePossum) * minor #2883 DescribeCommand - Show which sample uses the default configuration (SpacePossum) * minor #2887 Housekeeping - Strict whitespace checks (SpacePossum) * minor #2895 ProjectCodeTest - check that classes in no-tests exception exist (keradus) * minor #2896 Move testing related classes from src to tests (keradus) * minor #2904 Reapply CS (keradus) * minor #2910 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - Restrict lowercasing (oschwald) * minor #2913 Tests - tweaks (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2916 FixerFactory - drop return in sortFixers(), never used (TomasVotruba) Changelog for v2.2.4 -------------------- * bug #2682 DoctrineAnnotationIndentationFixer - fix handling nested annotations (edhgoose, julienfalque) * bug #2700 Fix Doctrine Annotation end detection (julienfalque) * bug #2715 OrderedImportsFixer - handle indented groups (pilgerone) * bug #2732 HeaderCommentFixer - fix handling blank lines (s7b4) * bug #2745 Fix Doctrine Annotation newlines (julienfalque) * bug #2752 FixCommand - fix typo in warning message (mnapoli) * bug #2757 GeckoPHPUnit is not dev dependency (keradus) * bug #2759 Update gitattributes (SpacePossum) * bug #2763 Fix describe command with PSR-0 fixer (julienfalque) * bug #2768 Tokens::ensureWhitespaceAtIndex - clean up comment check, add check for T_OPEN (SpacePossum) * bug #2783 Tokens::ensureWhitespaceAtIndex - Fix handling line endings (SpacePossum) * minor #2663 Use colors for keywords in commands output (julienfalque, keradus) * minor #2706 Update README (SpacePossum) * minor #2714 README.rst - fix wrong value in example (mleko) * minor #2721 Update phpstorm article link to a fresh blog post (valeryan) * minor #2727 PHPUnit - use speedtrap (keradus) * minor #2728 SelfUpdateCommand - verify that it's possible to replace current file (keradus) * minor #2729 DescribeCommand - add decorated output test (julienfalque) * minor #2731 BracesFixer - properly pass config in utest dataProvider (keradus) * minor #2738 Upgrade tests to use new, namespaced PHPUnit TestCase class (keradus) * minor #2743 Fixing example and description for GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer (kubawerlos) * minor #2744 AbstractDoctrineAnnotationFixerTestCase - split fixers test cases (julienfalque) * minor #2755 Fix compatibility with PHPUnit 5.4.x (keradus) * minor #2758 Readme - improve CI integration guidelines (keradus) * minor #2769 Psr0Fixer - remove duplicated example (julienfalque) * minor #2775 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - remove duplicate code sample. (SpacePossum) * minor #2778 AutoReview - watch that code samples are unique (keradus) * minor #2787 Add warnings about missing dom ext and require json ext (keradus) * minor #2792 Use composer-require-checker (keradus) * minor #2796 Update .gitattributes (SpacePossum) * minor #2800 PhpdocTypesFixerTest - Fix typo in covers annotation (SpacePossum) Changelog for v2.2.3 -------------------- * bug #2724 Revert #2554 Add short diff. output format (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.2 -------------------- Warning, this release breaks BC due to introduction of: * minor #2554 Add short diff. output format (SpacePossum, keradus) That PR was reverted in v2.2.3, which should be used instead of v2.2.2. * bug #2545 RuleSet - change resolvement (SpacePossum) * bug #2686 Commands readme and describe - fix rare casing when not displaying some possible options of configuration (keradus) * bug #2711 FixCommand - fix diff optional value handling (keradus) * minor #2688 AppVeyor - Remove github oauth (keradus) * minor #2703 Clean ups - No mixed annotations (SpacePossum) * minor #2704 Create PHP70Migration:risky ruleset (keradus) * minor #2707 Deprecate other than "yes" or "no" for input options (SpacePossum) * minor #2709 code grooming (keradus) * minor #2710 Travis - run more rules on TASK_SCA (keradus) Changelog for v2.2.1 -------------------- * bug #2621 Tokenizer - fix edge cases with empty code, registered found tokens and code hash (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #2674 SemicolonAfterInstructionFixer - Fix case where block ends with an opening curly brace (ntzm) * bug #2675 ProcessOutputTest - update tests to pass on newest Symfony components under Windows (keradus) * minor #2651 Fix table syntax so it works in GitHub (ntzm, keradus) * minor #2665 Travis - Improve trailing spaces detection (julienfalque) * minor #2666 TransformersTest - move test to auto-review group (keradus) * minor #2668 add covers annotation (keradus) * minor #2669 TokensTest - grooming (SpacePossum) * minor #2670 AbstractFixer: use applyFix instead of fix (Slamdunk) * minor #2677 README: Correct progressbar option support (Laurens St�tzel) Changelog for v2.2.0 -------------------- * bug #2640 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - Fix single indent characters not working (ntzm) * feature #2220 Doctrine annotation fixers (julienfalque) * feature #2431 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer: allow to retain multiple spaces after comma (Slamdunk) * feature #2459 BracesFixer - Add option for keeping opening brackets on the same line (jtojnar, SpacePossum) * feature #2486 Add FunctionToConstantFixer (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #2505 FunctionDeclarationFixer - Make space after anonymous function configurable (jtojnar, keradus) * feature #2509 FullOpeningTagFixer - Ensure opening PHP tag is lowercase (jtojnar) * feature #2532 FixCommand - add stop-on-violation option (keradus) * feature #2591 Improve process output (julienfalque) * feature #2603 Add InvisibleSymbols Fixer (ivan1986, keradus) * feature #2642 Add MagicConstantCasingFixer (ntzm) * feature #2657 PhpdocToCommentFixer - Allow phpdoc for language constructs (ceeram, SpacePossum) * minor #2500 Configuration resolver (julienfalque, SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2566 Show more details on errors and exceptions. (SpacePossum, julienfalque) * minor #2597 HHVM - bump required version to 3.18 (keradus) * minor #2606 FixCommand - fix missing comment close tag (keradus) * minor #2623 OrderedClassElementsFixer - remove dead code (SpacePossum) * minor #2625 Update Symfony and Symfony:risky rulesets (keradus) * minor #2626 TernaryToNullCoalescingFixer - adjust ruleset membership and description (keradus) * minor #2635 ProjectCodeTest - watch that all classes have dedicated tests (keradus) * minor #2647 DescribeCommandTest - remove deprecated code usage (julienfalque) * minor #2648 Move non-code covering tests to AutoReview subnamespace (keradus) * minor #2652 NoSpacesAroundOffsetFixerTest - fix deprecation (keradus) * minor #2656 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #2659 Travis - speed up preparation for phar building (keradus) * minor #2660 Fixed typo in suggest for ext-mbstring (pascal-hofmann) * minor #2661 NonPrintableCharacterFixer - include into Symfony:risky ruleset (keradus) Changelog for v2.1.3 -------------------- * bug #2358 Cache - Deal with signature encoding (keradus, GrahamCampbell) * bug #2475 Add shorthand array destructing support (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #2595 NoUnusedImportsFixer - Fix import usage detection with properties (julienfalque) * bug #2605 PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer, PhpdocOrderFixer - fix priority issue (SpacePossum) * bug #2607 Fixers - better comments handling (SpacePossum) * bug #2612 BracesFixer - Fix early bracket close for do-while loop inside an if without brackets (felixgomez) * bug #2614 Ensure that '*Fixer::fix()' won't crash when running on non-candidate collection (keradus) * bug #2630 HeaderCommentFixer - Fix trailing whitespace not removed after AliasFunctionsFixer (kalessil) * feature #1275 Added PhpdocInlineTagFixer (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #1292 Added MethodSeparationFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1383 Introduce rules and sets (keradus) * feature #1416 Mark fixers as risky (keradus) * feature #1440 Made AbstractFixerTestCase and AbstractIntegrationTestCase public (keradus) * feature #1489 Added Psr4Fixer (GrahamCampbell) * feature #1497 ExtraEmptyLinesFixer - allow to remove empty blank lines after configured tags (SpacePossum) * feature #1529 Added PhpdocPropertyFixer, refactored Tag and Annotation (GrahamCampbell) * feature #1628 Added OrderedClassElementsFixer (gharlan) * feature #1742 path argument is used to create an intersection with existing finder (keradus, gharlan) * feature #1779 Added GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRemoveFixer, GeneralPhpdocAnnotationRenameFixer (keradus) * feature #1811 Added NoSpacesInsideOfssetFixer (phansys) * feature #1819 Added DirConstantFixer, ModernizeTypesCastingFixer, RandomApiMigrationFixer (kalessil, SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #1825 Added junit format (ekho) * feature #1862 FixerFactory - Do not allow conflicting fixers (SpacePossum) * feature #1888 Cache refactoring, better cache handling in dry-run mode (localheinz) * feature #1889 Added SingleClassElementPerStatementFixer (phansys, SpacePossum) * feature #1903 FixCommand - allow to pass multiple path argument (keradus) * feature #1913 Introduce path-mode CLI option (keradus) * feature #1949 Added DeclareStrictTypesFixer, introduce options for HeaderCommentFixer (Seldaek, SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #1955 Introduce CT_ARRAY_INDEX_CURLY_BRACE_OPEN and CT_ARRAY_INDEX_CURLY_BRACE_CLOSE (keradus) * feature #1958 Added NormalizeIndexBraceFixer (keradus) * feature #2069 Add semicolon after instruction fixer (SpacePossum) * feature #2089 Add `no_spaces_around_offset` fixer (phansys) * feature #2179 BinaryOperatorSpacesFixer - add (un)align configuration options (SpacePossum) * feature #2192 Add PowToExponentiationFixer (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #2207 Added ReturnTypeDeclarationFixer (keradus) * feature #2213 VisibilityRequiredFixer - Add support for class const visibility added in PHP7.1. (SpacePossum) * feature #2221 Add support for user-defined whitespaces (keradus) * feature #2244 Config cleanup (keradus, SpacePossum) * feature #2247 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - support more cases (keradus) * feature #2289 Add PhpdocAddMissingParamAnnotationFixer (keradus) * feature #2331 Add DescribeCommand (keradus, SpacePossum) * feature #2332 New colours of diff on console (keradus) * feature #829 add support for .php_cs.dist file (keradus) * feature #998 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - enhance, now only one space after comma (trilopin, keradus) * minor #1007 Simplify Transformers (keradus) * minor #1050 Make Config's setDir() fluent like the rest of methods (gonzaloserrano) * minor #1062 Added NamespaceOperatorTransformer (gharlan) * minor #1078 Exit status should be 0 if there are no errors (gharlan) * minor #1101 CS: fix project itself (localheinz) * minor #1102 Enhancement: List errors occurred before, during and after fixing (localheinz) * minor #1105 Token::isStructureAlternativeEnd - remove unused method (keradus) * minor #1106 readme grooming (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1115 Fixer - simplify flow (keradus) * minor #1118 Process output refactor (SpacePossum) * minor #1132 Linter - public methods should be first (keradus) * minor #1134 Token::isWhitespace - simplify interface (keradus) * minor #1140 FixerInterface - check if fixer should be applied by isCandidate method (keradus) * minor #1146 Linter - detect executable (keradus) * minor #1156 deleted old ConfigurationResolver class (keradus) * minor #1160 Grammar fix to README (Falkirks) * minor #1174 DefaultFinder - boost performance by not filtering when files array is empty (keradus) * minor #1179 Exit with non-zero if invalid files were detected prior to fixing (localheinz) * minor #1186 Finder - do not search for .xml and .yml files (keradus) * minor #1206 BracesFixer::getClassyTokens - remove duplicated method (keradus) * minor #1222 Made fixers final (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1229 Tokens - Fix PHPDoc (SpacePossum) * minor #1241 More details on exceptions. (SpacePossum) * minor #1263 Made internal classes final (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1272 Readme - Add spaces around PHP-CS-Fixer headers (Soullivaneuh) * minor #1283 Error - Fixed type phpdoc (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1284 Token - Fix PHPDoc (SpacePossum) * minor #1314 Added missing internal annotations (keradus) * minor #1329 Psr0Fixer - move to contrib level (gharlan) * minor #1340 Clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #1341 Linter - throw exception when write fails (SpacePossum) * minor #1348 Linter - Prefer error output when throwing a linting exception (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1350 Add "phpt" as a valid extension (henriquemoody) * minor #1376 Add time and memory to XML report (junichi11) * minor #1387 Made all test classes final (keradus) * minor #1388 Made all tests internal (keradus) * minor #1390 Added ProjectCodeTest that tests if all classes inside tests are internal and final or abstract (keradus) * minor #1391 Fixer::getLevelAsString is no longer static (keradus) * minor #1392 Add report to XML report as the root node (junichi11) * minor #1394 Stop mixing level from config file and fixers from CLI arg when one of fixers has dash (keradus) * minor #1426 MethodSeparationFixer - Fix spacing around comments (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1432 Fixer check on factory (Soullivaneuh) * minor #1434 Add Test\AccessibleObject class (keradus) * minor #1442 FixerFactory - disallow to register multiple fixers with same name (keradus) * minor #1477 rename PhpdocShortDescriptionFixer into PhpdocSummaryFixer (keradus) * minor #1481 Fix running the tests (keradus) * minor #1482 move AbstractTransformerTestBase class outside Tests dir (keradus) * minor #1530 Added missing internal annotation (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1534 Clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #1536 Typo fix (fabpot) * minor #1555 Fixed indentation in composer.json (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1558 [2.0] Cleanup the tags property in the abstract phpdoc types fixer (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1567 PrintToEchoFixer - add to symfony rule set (gharlan) * minor #1607 performance improvement (gharlan) * minor #1621 Switch to PSR-4 (keradus) * minor #1631 Configuration exceptions exception cases on master. (SpacePossum) * minor #1646 Remove non-default Config/Finder classes (keradus) * minor #1648 Fixer - avoid extra calls to getFileRelativePathname (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1649 Consider the php version when caching (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1652 Rename namespace "Symfony\CS" to "PhpCsFixer" (gharlan) * minor #1666 new Runner, ProcessOutputInterface, DifferInterface and ResultInterface (keradus) * minor #1674 Config - add addCustomFixers method (PedroTroller) * minor #1677 Enhance tests (keradus) * minor #1695 Rename Fixers (keradus) * minor #1702 Upgrade guide (keradus) * minor #1707 ExtraEmptyLinesFixer - fix configure docs (keradus) * minor #1712 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - Remove blankline after curly brace open (SpacePossum) * minor #1718 CLI: rename --config-file argument (keradus) * minor #1722 Renamed not_operators_with_space to not_operator_with_space (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1728 PhpdocNoSimplifiedNullReturnFixer - rename back to PhpdocNoEmptyReturnFixer (keradus) * minor #1729 Renamed whitespacy_lines to no_whitespace_in_blank_lines (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1731 FixCommand - value for config option is required (keradus) * minor #1732 move fixer classes from level subdirs to thematic subdirs (gharlan, keradus) * minor #1733 ConfigurationResolver - look for .php_cs file in cwd as well (keradus) * minor #1737 RuleSet/FixerFactory - sort arrays content (keradus) * minor #1751 FixerInterface::configure - method should always override configuration, not patch it (keradus) * minor #1752 Remove unused code (keradus) * minor #1756 Finder - clean up code (keradus) * minor #1757 Psr0Fixer - change way of configuring the fixer (keradus) * minor #1762 Remove ConfigInterface::getDir, ConfigInterface::setDir, Finder::setDir and whole FinderInterface (keradus) * minor #1764 Remove ConfigAwareInterface (keradus) * minor #1780 AbstractFixer - throw error on configuring non-configurable Fixer (keradus) * minor #1782 rename fixers (gharlan) * minor #1815 NoSpacesInsideParenthesisFixer - simplify implementation (keradus) * minor #1821 Ensure that PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer runs after NoAliasFunctionsFixer, clean up NoEmptyCommentFixer (SpacePossum) * minor #1824 Reporting extracted to separate classes (ekho, keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #1826 Fixer - remove measuring fixing time per file (keradus) * minor #1843 FileFilterIterator - add missing import (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1845 FileCacheManager - Allow linting to determine the cache state too (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1846 FileFilterIterator - Corrected an iterator typehint (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1848 DocBlock - Remove some old unused phpdoc tags (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1856 NoDuplicateSemicolonsFixer - Remove overcomplete fixer (SpacePossum) * minor #1861 Fix: Ofsset should be Offset (localheinz) * minor #1867 Print non-report output to stdErr (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1873 Enhancement: Show path to cache file if it exists (localheinz) * minor #1875 renamed Composer package (fabpot) * minor #1882 Runner - Handle throwables too (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1886 PhpdocScalarFixer - Fix lowercase str to string too (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1940 README.rst - update CI example (keradus) * minor #1947 SCA, CS, add more tests (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1954 tests - stop using deprecated method (sebastianbergmann) * minor #1962 TextDiffTest - tests should not produce cache file (keradus) * minor #1973 Introduce fast PHP7 based linter (keradus) * minor #1999 Runner - No need to determine relative file name twice (localheinz) * minor #2002 FileCacheManagerTest - Adjust name of test and variable (localheinz) * minor #2010 NoExtraConsecutiveBlankLinesFixer - SF rule set, add 'extra' (SpacePossum) * minor #2013 no_whitespace_in_blank_lines -> no_whitespace_in_blank_line (SpacePossum) * minor #2024 AbstractFixerTestCase - check if there is no duplicated Token instance inside Tokens collection (keradus) * minor #2031 - update calling doTest method (keradus) * minor #2032 code grooming (keradus) * minor #2068 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #2073 DeclareStrictTypesFixer - Remove fix CS fix logic from fixer. (SpacePossum) * minor #2088 TokenizerLintingResult - expose line number of parsing error (keradus) * minor #2093 Tokens - add block type BLOCK_TYPE_ARRAY_INDEX_CURLY_BRACE (SpacePossum) * minor #2095 Transformers - add required PHP version (keradus) * minor #2096 Introduce CT for PHP7 (keradus) * minor #2119 Create @Symfony:risky ruleset (keradus) * minor #2163 ClassKeywordRemoveFixerTest - Fix tests (SpacePossum) * minor #2180 FixCommand - don't refer to renamed rules (keradus) * minor #2181 Disallow to disable linter (keradus) * minor #2194 semicolon_after_instruction,no_unneeded_control_parentheses prio issue (SpacePossum) * minor #2199 make fixers less risky (SpacePossum) * minor #2206 Add PHP70Migration ruleset (keradus) * minor #2217 SelfUpdateCommand - Print version of update fixer (SpacePossum) * minor #2223 update integration test format (keradus) * minor #2227 Stop polluting global namespace with CT (keradus) * minor #2237 DX: extend integration tests for PSR2 and Symfony rulesets (keradus) * minor #2240 Make some objects immutable (keradus) * minor #2251 ProtectedToPrivateFixer - fix priority, fix comments with new fixer names (SpacePossum) * minor #2252 ClassDefinitionFixer - Set configuration of the fixer in the RuleSet of SF. (SpacePossum) * minor #2257 extend Symfony_whitespaces itest (keradus) * minor #2258 README.rst - indicate configurable rules (keradus) * minor #2267 RuleSet - validate set (keradus) * minor #2268 Use strict parameters for PHP functions (keradus) * minor #2273 fixed typo (fabpot) * minor #2274 ShortArraySyntaxFixer/LongArraySyntaxFixer - Merge conflicting fixers (SpacePossum) * minor #2275 Clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #2278 Concat*Fixer - unify concat fixers (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2279 Use Prophecy (keradus) * minor #2284 Code grooming (SpacePossum) * minor #2285 IntegrationCase is now aware about RuleSet but not Fixers (keradus, SpacePossum) * minor #2286 Phpdoc*Fixer - unify rename fixers (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2288 FixerInterface::configure(null) reset fixer to use default configuration (keradus) * minor #2291 Make fixers ready to use directly after creation (keradus) * minor #2295 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #2296 ProjectCodeTest - make test part of regular testsuite, not standalone one (keradus) * minor #2298 ConfigurationResolver - grooming (SpacePossum) * minor #2300 Simplify rule set (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2306 DeclareStrictTypesFixer - do not move tokens (SpacePossum) * minor #2312 RuleSet - sort rules (localheinz) * minor #2313 DX: provide doctyping for tests (keradus) * minor #2317 Add utests (keradus) * minor #2318 *TestCase - Reduce visibility of setUp() (localheinz) * minor #2319 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #2322 DX: use whitemessy aware assertion (keradus) * minor #2324 Echo|Print*Fixer - unify printing fixers (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2337 Normalize rule naming (keradus) * minor #2338 Drop hacks for unsupported HHVM (keradus) * minor #2339 Add some Fixer descriptions (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #2343 PowToExponentiationFixer - allow to run on 5.6.0 as well (keradus) * minor #767 Add @internal tag (keradus) * minor #807 Tokens::isMethodNameIsMagic - remove unused method (keradus) * minor #809 Split Tokens into Tokens and TokensAnalyzer (keradus) * minor #844 Renamed phpdoc_params to phpdoc_align (GrahamCampbell) * minor #854 Change default level to PSR2 (keradus) * minor #873 Config - using cache by default (keradus) * minor #902 change FixerInterface (keradus) * minor #911 remove Token::$line (keradus) * minor #914 All Transformer classes should be named with Transformer as suffix (keradus) * minor #915 add UseTransformer (keradus) * minor #916 add ArraySquareBraceTransformer (keradus) * minor #917 clean up Transformer tests (keradus) * minor #919 CurlyBraceTransformer - one transformer to handle all curly braces transformations (keradus) * minor #928 remove Token::getLine (keradus) * minor #929 add WhitespacyCommentTransformer (keradus) * minor #937 fix docs/typehinting in few classes (keradus) * minor #958 FileCacheManager - remove code for BC support (keradus) * minor #979 Improve Tokens::clearEmptyTokens performance (keradus) * minor #981 Tokens - code grooming (keradus) * minor #988 Fixers - no need to search for tokens of given kind in extra loop (keradus) * minor #989 No need for loop in Token::equals (keradus) Changelog for v1.13.3 --------------------- * minor #3042 Update gitter address (keradus) Changelog for v1.13.2 --------------------- * minor #2946 Detect extra old installations (keradus) Changelog for v1.13.1 --------------------- * minor #2342 Application - adjust test to not depend on symfony/console version (keradus) * minor #2344 AppVeyor: enforce PHP version (keradus) Changelog for v1.13.0 --------------------- * bug #2303 ClassDefinitionFixer - Anonymous classes fixing (SpacePossum) * feature #2208 Added fixer for PHPUnit's @expectedException annotation (ro0NL) * feature #2249 Added ProtectedToPrivateFixer (Slamdunk, SpacePossum) * feature #2264 SelfUpdateCommand - Do not update to next major version by default (SpacePossum) * feature #2328 ClassDefinitionFixer - Anonymous classes format by PSR12 (SpacePossum) * feature #2333 PhpUnitFqcnAnnotationFixer - support more annotations (keradus) * minor #2256 EmptyReturnFixer - it's now risky fixer due to null vs void (keradus) * minor #2281 Add issue template (SpacePossum) * minor #2307 Update .editorconfig (SpacePossum) * minor #2310 CI: update AppVeyor to use newest PHP, silence the composer (keradus) * minor #2315 Token - Deprecate getLine() (SpacePossum) * minor #2320 Clear up status code on 1.x (SpacePossum) Changelog for v1.12.4 --------------------- * bug #2235 OrderedImportsFixer - PHP 7 group imports support (SpacePossum) * minor #2276 Tokens cleanup (keradus) * minor #2277 Remove trailing spaces (keradus) * minor #2294 Improve Travis configuration (keradus) * minor #2297 Use phpdbg instead of xdebug (keradus) * minor #2299 Travis: proper xdebug disabling (keradus) * minor #2301 Travis: update platform adjusting (keradus) Changelog for v1.12.3 --------------------- * bug #2155 ClassDefinitionFixer - overhaul (SpacePossum) * bug #2187 MultipleUseFixer - Fix handling comments (SpacePossum) * bug #2209 LinefeedFixer - Fix in a safe way (SpacePossum) * bug #2228 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocs, SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespace - Fix priority (SpacePossum) * bug #2230 FunctionDeclarationFixer - Fix T_USE case (SpacePossum) * bug #2232 Add a test for style of varaible decalration : var (daiglej) * bug #2246 Fix itest requirements (keradus) * minor #2238 .gitattributes - specified line endings (keradus) * minor #2239 IntegrationCase - no longer internal (keradus) Changelog for v1.12.2 --------------------- * bug #2191 PhpdocToCommentFixer - fix false positive for docblock of variable (keradus) * bug #2193 UnneededControlParenthesesFixer - Fix more return cases. (SpacePossum) * bug #2198 FileCacheManager - fix exception message and undefined property (j0k3r) * minor #2170 Add dollar sign prefix for consistency (bcremer) * minor #2190 .travis.yml - improve Travis speed for tags (keradus) * minor #2196 PhpdocTypesFixer - support iterable type (GrahamCampbell) * minor #2197 Update cookbook and readme (g105b, SpacePossum) * minor #2203 README.rst - change formatting (ro0NL) * minor #2204 FixCommand - clean unused var (keradus) * minor #2205 Add integration test for iterable type (keradus) Changelog for v1.12.1 --------------------- * bug #2144 Remove temporary files not deleted by destructor on failure (adawolfa) * bug #2150 SelfUpdateCommand: resolve symlink (julienfalque) * bug #2162 Fix issue where an exception is thrown if the cache file exists but is empty. (ikari7789) * bug #2164 OperatorsSpacesFixer - Do not unalign double arrow and equals operators (SpacePossum) * bug #2167 Rewrite file removal (keradus) * minor #2152 Code cleanup (keradus) * minor #2154 ShutdownFileRemoval - Fixed file header (GrahamCampbell) Changelog for v1.12.0 --------------------- * feature #1493 Added MethodArgumentDefaultValueFixer (lmanzke) * feature #1495 BracesFixer - added support for declare (EspadaV8) * feature #1518 Added ClassDefinitionFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1543 [PSR-2] Switch case space fixer (Soullivaneuh) * feature #1577 Added SpacesAfterSemicolonFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1580 Added HeredocToNowdocFixer (gharlan) * feature #1581 UnneededControlParenthesesFixer - add "break" and "continue" support (gharlan) * feature #1610 HashToSlashCommentFixer - Add (SpacePossum) * feature #1613 ScalarCastFixer - LowerCaseCastFixer - Add (SpacePossum) * feature #1659 NativeFunctionCasingFixer - Add (SpacePossum) * feature #1661 SwitchCaseSemicolonToColonFixer - Add (SpacePossum) * feature #1662 Added CombineConsecutiveUnsetsFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1671 Added NoEmptyStatementFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1705 Added NoUselessReturnFixer (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #1735 Added NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer (keradus) * feature #1750 Add PhpdocSingleLineVarSpacingFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1765 Added NoEmptyPhpdocFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1773 Add NoUselessElseFixer (gharlan, SpacePossum) * feature #1786 Added NoEmptyCommentFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1792 Add PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer. (SpacePossum) * feature #1894 BracesFixer - correctly fix indents of anonymous functions/classes (gharlan) * feature #1985 Added ClassKeywordRemoveFixer (Soullivaneuh) * feature #2020 Added PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer (keradus) * feature #2067 Added DeclareEqualNormalizeFixer (keradus) * feature #2078 Added SilencedDeprecationErrorFixer (HeahDude) * feature #2082 Added MbStrFunctionsFixer (Slamdunk) * bug #1657 SwitchCaseSpaceFixer - Fix spacing between 'case' and semicolon (SpacePossum) * bug #1684 SpacesAfterSemicolonFixer - fix loops handling (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #1700 Fixer - resolve import conflict (keradus) * bug #1836 NoUselessReturnFixer - Do not remove return if last statement in short if statement (SpacePossum) * bug #1879 HeredocToNowdocFixer - Handle space in heredoc token (SpacePossum) * bug #1896 FixCommand - Fix escaping of diff output (SpacePossum) * bug #2034 IncludeFixer - fix support for close tag (SpacePossum) * bug #2040 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - fix crash on odd character (keradus) * bug #2041 DefaultFinder should implement FinderInterface (keradus) * bug #2050 PhpdocAnnotationWithoutDotFixer - handle ellipsis (keradus) * bug #2051 NativeFunctionCasingFixer - call to constructor with default NS of class with name matching native function name fix (SpacePossum) * minor #1538 Added possibility to lint tests (gharlan) * minor #1569 Add sample to get a specific version of the fixer (Soullivaneuh) * minor #1571 Enhance integration tests (keradus) * minor #1578 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #1583 Travis - update matrix (keradus) * minor #1585 Code grooming - Improve utests code coverage (SpacePossum) * minor #1586 Add configuration exception classes and exit codes (SpacePossum) * minor #1594 Fix invalid PHP code samples in utests (SpacePossum) * minor #1597 MethodArgumentDefaultValueFixer - refactoring and fix closures with "use" clause (gharlan) * minor #1600 Added more integration tests (SpacePossum, keradus) * minor #1605 integration tests - swap EXPECT and INPUT (optional INPUT) (gharlan) * minor #1608 Travis - change matrix order for faster results (gharlan) * minor #1609 - Don't rebase always on master (SpacePossum) * minor #1616 IncludeFixer - fix and test more cases (SpacePossum) * minor #1622 AbstractIntegratationTest - fix linting test cases (gharlan) * minor #1624 fix invalid code in test cases (gharlan) * minor #1625 Travis - switch to trusty (keradus) * minor #1627 FixCommand - fix output (keradus) * minor #1630 Pass along the exception code. (SpacePossum) * minor #1632 Php Inspections (EA Extended): SCA for 1.12 (kalessil) * minor #1633 Fix CS for project itself (keradus) * minor #1634 Backport some minor changes from 2.x line (keradus) * minor #1637 update PHP Coveralls (keradus) * minor #1639 Revert "Travis - set dist to trusty" (keradus) * minor #1641 AppVeyor/Travis - use GITHUB_OAUTH_TOKEN (keradus) * minor #1642 AppVeyor - install dev deps as well (keradus) * minor #1647 Deprecate non-default Configs and Finders (keradus) * minor #1654 Split output to stderr and stdout (SpacePossum) * minor #1660 update phpunit version (gharlan) * minor #1663 DuplicateSemicolonFixer - Remove duplicate semicolons even if there are comments between those (SpacePossum) * minor #1664 IncludeFixer - Add missing test case (SpacePossum) * minor #1668 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #1669 NativeFunctionCasingFixer - move to Symfony level (keradus) * minor #1670 Backport Finder and Config classes from 2.x line (keradus) * minor #1682 ElseifFixer - handle comments (SpacePossum) * minor #1689 AbstractIntegrationTest - no need for single-char group and docs grooming (keradus) * minor #1690 Integration tests - allow to not check priority, introduce IntegrationCase (keradus) * minor #1701 Fixer - Renamed import alias (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1708 Update composer.json requirements (keradus) * minor #1734 Travis: Turn on linting (keradus) * minor #1736 Integration tests - don't check priority for tests using short_tag fixer (keradus) * minor #1739 NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer - move to PSR2 level (keradus) * minor #1763 Deprecate ConfigInterface::getDir, ConfigInterface::setDir, Finder::setDir (keradus) * minor #1777 NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer - fix parent class (keradus) * minor #1816 PhpUnitDedicateAssertFixer - configuration is not required anymore (keradus) * minor #1849 DocBlock - The category tag should be together with package (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1870 Update README.rst (glensc) * minor #1880 FixCommand - fix stdErr detection (SpacePossum) * minor #1881 NoEmptyStatementFixer - handle anonymous classes correctly (gharlan) * minor #1906 .php_cs - use no_useless_else rule (keradus) * minor #1915 NoEmptyComment - move to Symfony level (SpacePossum) * minor #1917 BracesFixer - fixed comment handling (gharlan) * minor #1919 EmptyReturnFixer - move fixer outside of Symfony level (keradus) * minor #2036 OrderedUseFixer - adjust tests (keradus) * minor #2056 Travis - run nightly PHP (keradus) * minor #2061 UnusedUseFixer and LineAfterNamespace - add new integration test (keradus) * minor #2097 Add lambda tests for 7.0 and 7.1 (SpacePossum) * minor #2111 .travis.yml - rename PHP 7.1 env (keradus) * minor #2112 Fix 1.12 line (keradus) * minor #2118 SilencedDeprecationErrorFixer - adjust level (keradus) * minor #2132 composer.json - rename package name (keradus) * minor #2133 Apply ordered_class_elements rule (keradus) * minor #2138 composer.json - disallow to run on PHP 7.2+ (keradus) Changelog for v1.11.8 --------------------- * bug #2143 ReadmeCommand - fix running command on phar file (keradus) * minor #2129 Add .gitattributes to remove unneeded files (Slamdunk) * minor #2141 Move phar building to PHP 5.6 job as newest box.phar is no longer working on 5.3 (keradus) Changelog for v1.11.7 --------------------- * bug #2108 ShortArraySyntaxFixer, TernarySpacesFixer, UnalignEqualsFixer - fix priority bug (SpacePossum) * bug #2092 ConcatWithoutSpacesFixer, OperatorsSpacesFixer - fix too many spaces, fix incorrect fixing of lines with comments (SpacePossum) Changelog for v1.11.6 --------------------- * bug #2086 Braces - fix bug with comment in method prototype (keradus) * bug #2077 SingleLineAfterImportsFixer - Do not remove lines between use cases (SpacePossum) * bug #2079 TernarySpacesFixer - Remove multiple spaces (SpacePossum) * bug #2087 Fixer - handle PHP7 Errors as well (keradus) * bug #2072 LowercaseKeywordsFixer - handle CT_CLASS_CONSTANT (tgabi333) * bug #2066 LineAfterNamespaceFixer - Handle close tag (SpacePossum) * bug #2057 LineAfterNamespaceFixer - adding too much extra lines where namespace is last statement (keradus) * bug #2059 OperatorsSpacesFixer - handle declare statement (keradus) * bug #2060 UnusedUseFixer - fix handling whitespaces around removed import (keradus) * minor #2071 ShortEchoTagFixer - allow to run tests on PHP 5.3 (keradus) Changelog for v1.11.5 --------------------- * bug #2012 Properly build phar file for lowest supported PHP version (keradus) * bug #2037 BracesFixer - add support for anonymous classes (keradus) * bug #1989 Add support for PHP 7 namespaces (SpacePossum) * bug #2019 Fixing newlines added after curly brace string index access (jaydiablo) * bug #1840 [Bug] BracesFixer - Do add a line before close tag (SpacePossum) * bug #1994 EchoToPrintFixer - Fix T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO on hhvm (keradus) * bug #1970 Tokens - handle semi-reserved PHP 7 keywords (keradus) * minor #2017 PHP7 integration tests (keradus) * minor #1465 Bump supported HHVM version, improve ShortEchoTagFixer on HHVM (keradus) * minor #1995 Rely on own phpunit, not one from CI service (keradus) Changelog for v1.11.4 --------------------- * bug #1956 SelfUpdateCommand - don't update to non-stable version (keradus) * bug #1963 Fix not wanted unneeded_control_parentheses fixer for clone (Soullivaneuh) * bug #1960 Fix invalid test cases (keradus) * bug #1939 BracesFixer - fix handling comment around control token (keradus) * minor #1927 NewWithBracesFixer - remove invalid testcase (keradus) Changelog for v1.11.3 --------------------- * bug #1868 NewWithBracesFixer - fix handling more neighbor tokens (keradus) * bug #1893 BracesFixer - handle comments inside lambda function prototype (keradus) * bug #1806 SelfAccessorFixer - skip anonymous classes (gharlan) * bug #1813 BlanklineAfterOpenTagFixer, NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer - fix priority (SpacePossum) * minor #1807 Tokens - simplify isLambda() (gharlan) Changelog for v1.11.2 --------------------- * bug #1776 EofEndingFixer - new line on end line comment is allowed (Slamdunk) * bug #1775 FileCacheManager - ignore corrupted serialized data (keradus) * bug #1769 FunctionDeclarationFixer - fix more cases (keradus) * bug #1747 Fixer - Fix ordering of fixer when both level and custom fixers are used (SpacePossum) * bug #1744 Fixer - fix rare situation when file was visited twice (keradus) * bug #1710 LowercaseConstantFixer - Fix comment cases. (SpacePossum) * bug #1711 FunctioncallSpaceFixer - do not touch function declarations. (SpacePossum) * minor #1798 LintManager - meaningful tempnam (Slamdunk) * minor #1759 UniqueFileIterator - performance improvement (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1745 appveyor - fix build (keradus) Changelog for v1.11.1 --------------------- * bug #1680 NewWithBracesFixer - End tags (SpacePossum) * bug #1685 EmptyReturnFixer - Make independent of LowercaseConstantsFixer (SpacePossum) * bug #1640 IntegrationTest - fix directory separator (keradus) * bug #1595 ShortTagFixer - fix priority (keradus) * bug #1576 SpacesBeforeSemicolonFixer - do not remove space before semicolon if that space is after a semicolon (SpacePossum) * bug #1570 UnneededControlParenthesesFixer - fix test samples (keradus) * minor #1653 Update license year (gharlan) Changelog for v1.11 ------------------- * feature #1550 Added UnneededControlParenthesesFixer (Soullivaneuh, keradus) * feature #1532 Added ShortBoolCastFixer (SpacePossum) * feature #1523 Added EchoToPrintFixer and PrintToEchoFixer (Soullivaneuh) * feature #1552 Warn when running with xdebug extension (SpacePossum) * feature #1484 Added ArrayElementNoSpaceBeforeCommaFixer and ArrayElementWhiteSpaceAfterCommaFixer (amarczuk) * feature #1449 PhpUnitConstructFixer - Fix more use cases (SpacePossum) * feature #1382 Added PhpdocTypesFixer (GrahamCampbell) * feature #1384 Add integration tests (SpacePossum) * feature #1349 Added FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer (keradus) * minor #1562 Fix invalid PHP code samples in utests (SpacePossum) * minor #1560 Fixed project name in xdebug warning (gharlan) * minor #1545 Fix invalid PHP code samples in utests (SpacePossum) * minor #1554 Alphabetically sort entries in .gitignore (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1527 Refactor the way types work on annotations (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1546 Update coding guide in cookbook (keradus) * minor #1526 Support more annotations when fixing types in phpdoc (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1535 clean ups (SpacePossum) * minor #1510 Added Symfony 3.0 support (Ener-Getick) * minor #1520 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #1515 Support property, property-read and property-write tags (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1488 Added more inline phpdoc tests (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1496 Add docblock to AbstractFixerTestBase::makeTest (lmanzke) * minor #1467 PhpdocShortDescriptionFixer - add support for Japanese sentence-ending characters (fritz-c) * minor #1453 remove calling array_keys in foreach loops (keradus) * minor #1448 Code grooming (keradus) * minor #1437 Added import fixers integration test (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1433 phpunit.xml.dist - disable gc (keradus) * minor #1427 Change arounded to surrounded in README.rst (36degrees) * minor #1420 AlignDoubleArrowFixer, AlignEqualsFixer - add integration tests (keradus) * minor #1423 appveyor.yml - do not cache C:\tools, its internal forAppVeyor (keradus) * minor #1400 appveyor.yml - add file (keradus) * minor #1396 AbstractPhpdocTypesFixer - instance method should be called on instance (keradus) * minor #1395 code grooming (keradus) * minor #1393 boost .travis.yml file (keradus) * minor #1372 Don't allow PHP 7 to fail (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1332 PhpUnitConstructFixer - fix more functions (keradus) * minor #1339 - add link to PSR-5 (keradus) * minor #1346 Core grooming (SpacePossum) * minor #1328 Tokens: added typehint for Iterator elements (gharlan) Changelog for v1.10.3 --------------------- * bug #1559 WhitespacyLinesFixer - fix bug cases (SpacePossum, keradus) * bug #1541 Psr0Fixer - Ignore filenames that are a reserved keyword or predefined constant (SpacePossum) * bug #1537 Psr0Fixer - ignore file without name or with name started by digit (keradus) * bug #1516 FixCommand - fix wrong message for dry-run (SpacePossum) * bug #1486 ExtraEmptyLinesFixer - Remove extra lines after comment lines too (SpacePossum) * bug #1503 Psr0Fixer - fix case with comments lying around (GrahamCampbell) * bug #1474 PhpdocToCommentFixer - fix not properly fixing for block right after namespace (GrahamCampbell) * bug #1478 BracesFixer - do not remove empty lines after class opening (keradus) * bug #1468 Add missing ConfigInterface::getHideProgress() (Eugene Leonovich, rybakit) * bug #1466 Fix bad indent on align double arrow fixer (Soullivaneuh, keradus) * bug #1479 Tokens - fix detection of short array (keradus) Changelog for v1.10.2 --------------------- * bug #1461 PhpUnitConstructFixer - fix case when first argument is an expression (keradus) * bug #1460 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix handling of nested arrays (Soullivaneuh, keradus) Changelog for v1.10.1 --------------------- * bug #1424 Fixed the import fixer priorities (GrahamCampbell) * bug #1444 OrderedUseFixer - fix next case (keradus) * bug #1441 BracesFixer - fix next case (keradus) * bug #1422 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix handling of nested array (SpacePossum) * bug #1425 PhpdocInlineTagFixerTest - fix case when met inalid PHPDoc (keradus) * bug #1419 AlignDoubleArrowFixer, AlignEqualsFixer - fix priorities (keradus) * bug #1415 BlanklineAfterOpenTagFixer - Do not add a line break if there is one already. (SpacePossum) * bug #1410 PhpdocIndentFixer - Fix for open tag (SpacePossum) * bug #1401 PhpdocVarWithoutNameFixer - Fixed the var without name fixer for inline docs (keradus, GrahamCampbell) * bug #1369 Fix not well-formed XML output (junichi11) * bug #1356 Psr0Fixer - disallow run on StdinFileInfo (keradus) Changelog for v1.10 ------------------- * feature #1306 Added LogicalNotOperatorsWithSuccessorSpaceFixer (phansys) * feature #1286 Added PhpUnitConstructFixer (keradus) * feature #1316 Added PhpdocInlineTagFixer (SpacePossum, keradus) * feature #1303 Added LogicalNotOperatorsWithSpacesFixer (phansys) * feature #1279 Added PhpUnitStrictFixer (keradus) * feature #1267 SingleQuoteFixer fix more use cases (SpacePossum) * minor #1319 PhpUnitConstructFixer - fix performance and add to local .php_cs (keradus) * minor #1280 Fix non-utf characters in docs (keradus) * minor #1274 Cookbook - No change auto-test note (Soullivaneuh) Changelog for v1.9.3 -------------------- * bug #1327 DocBlock\Tag - keep the case of tags (GrahamCampbell) Changelog for v1.9.2 -------------------- * bug #1313 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix aligning after UTF8 chars (keradus) * bug #1296 PhpdocScalarFixer - fix property annotation too (GrahamCampbell) * bug #1299 WhitespacyLinesFixer - spaces on next valid line must not be fixed (Slamdunk) Changelog for v1.9.1 -------------------- * bug #1288 TrimArraySpacesFixer - fix moving first comment (keradus) * bug #1287 PhpdocParamsFixer - now works on any indentation level (keradus) * bug #1278 Travis - fix PHP7 build (keradus) * bug #1277 WhitespacyLinesFixer - stop changing non-whitespacy tokens (SpacePossum, SamBurns-awin, keradus) * bug #1224 TrailingSpacesFixer - stop changing non-whitespacy tokens (SpacePossum, SamBurns-awin, keradus) * bug #1266 FunctionCallSpaceFixer - better detection of function call (funivan) * bug #1255 make sure some phpdoc fixers are run in right order (SpacePossum) Changelog for v1.9 ------------------ * feature #1097 Added ShortEchoTagFixer (vinkla) * minor #1238 Fixed error handler to respect current error_reporting (JanJakes) * minor #1234 Add class to exception message, use sprintf for exceptions (SpacePossum) * minor #1210 set custom error handler for application run (keradus) * minor #1214 Tokens::isMonolithicPhp - enhance performance (keradus) * minor #1207 Update code documentation (keradus) * minor #1202 Update IDE tool urls (keradus) * minor #1195 PreIncrementFixer - move to Symfony level (gharlan) Changelog for v1.8.1 -------------------- * bug #1193 EofEndingFixer - do not add an empty line at EOF if the PHP tags have been closed (SpacePossum) * bug #1209 PhpdocParamsFixer - fix corrupting following custom annotation (keradus) * bug #1205 BracesFixer - fix missing indentation fixes for class level (keradus) * bug #1204 Tag - fix treating complex tag as simple PhpDoc tag (keradus) * bug #1198 Tokens - fixed unary/binary operator check for type-hinted reference arguments (gharlan) * bug #1201 Php4ConstructorFixer - fix invalid handling of subnamespaces (gharlan) * minor #1221 Add more tests (SpacePossum) * minor #1216 Tokens - Add unit test for array detection (SpacePossum) Changelog for v1.8 ------------------ * feature #1168 Added UnalignEqualsFixer (keradus) * feature #1167 Added UnalignDoubleArrowFixer (keradus) * bug #1169 ToolInfo - Fix way to find script dir (sp-ian-monge) * minor #1181 composer.json - Update description (SpacePossum) * minor #1180 create Tokens::overrideAt method (keradus) Changelog for v1.7.1 -------------------- * bug #1165 BracesFixer - fix bug when comment is a first statement in control structure without braces (keradus) Changelog for v1.7 ------------------ * feature #1113 Added PreIncrementFixer (gharlan) * feature #1144 Added PhpdocNoAccessFixer (GrahamCampbell) * feature #1116 Added SelfAccessorFixer (gharlan) * feature #1064 OperatorsSpacesFixer enhancements (gharlan) * bug #1151 Prevent token collection corruption by fixers (stof, keradus) * bug #1152 LintManager - fix handling of temporary file (keradus) * bug #1139 NamespaceNoLeadingWhitespaceFixer - remove need for ctype extension (keradus) * bug #1117 Tokens - fix iterator used with foreach by reference (keradus) * minor #1148 code grooming (keradus) * minor #1142 We are actually PSR-4, not PSR-0 (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1131 Phpdocs and typos (SpacePossum) * minor #1069 state min HHVM version (keradus) * minor #1129 [DX] Help developers choose the right branch (SpacePossum) * minor #1138 PhpClosingTagFixer - simplify flow, no need for loop (keradus) * minor #1123 Reference mismatches fixed, SCA (kalessil) * minor #1109 SingleQuoteFixer - made fixer more accurate (gharlan) * minor #1110 code grooming (kalessil) Changelog for v1.6.2 -------------------- * bug #1149 UnusedUseFixer - must be run before LineAfterNamespaceFixer, fix token collection corruption (keradus) * minor #1145 AbstractLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer - fix docs for fixLinesBeforeNamespace (GrahamCampbell) Changelog for v1.6.1 -------------------- * bug #1108 UnusedUseFixer - fix false positive when name is used as part of another namespace (gharlan) * bug #1114 Fixed PhpdocParamsFixer with malformed doc block (gharlan) * minor #1135 PhpdocTrimFixer - fix doc typo (localheinz) * minor #1093 Travis - test lowest dependencies (boekkooi) Changelog for v1.6 ------------------ * feature #1089 Added NewlineAfterOpenTagFixer and BlanklineAfterOpenTagFixer (ceeram, keradus) * feature #1090 Added TrimArraySpacesFixer (jaredh159, keradus) * feature #1058 Added SingleQuoteFixer (gharlan) * feature #1059 Added LongArraySyntaxFixer (gharlan) * feature #1037 Added PhpdocScalarFixer (GrahamCampbell, keradus) * feature #1028 Add ListCommasFixer (keradus) * bug #1047 Utils::camelCaseToUnderscore - fix regexp (odin-delrio) * minor #1073 ShortTagFixer enhancement (gharlan) * minor #1079 Use LongArraySyntaxFixer for this repo (gharlan) * minor #1070 Tokens::isMonolithicPhp - remove unused T_CLOSE_TAG search (keradus) * minor #1049 OrderedUseFixer - grooming (keradus) Changelog for v1.5.2 -------------------- * bug #1025 Fixer - ignore symlinks (kix) * bug #1071 Psr0Fixer - fix bug for fixing file with long extension like .class.php (keradus) * bug #1080 ShortTagFixer - fix false positive (gharlan) * bug #1066 Php4ConstructorFixer - fix causing infinite recursion (mbeccati) * bug #1056 VisibilityFixer - fix T_VAR with multiple props (localheinz, keradus) * bug #1065 Php4ConstructorFixer - fix detection of a PHP4 parent constructor variant (mbeccati) * bug #1060 Tokens::isShortArray: tests and bugfixes (gharlan) * bug #1057 unused_use: fix false positive when name is only used as variable name (gharlan) Changelog for v1.5.1 -------------------- * bug #1054 VisibilityFixer - fix var with array value assigned (localheinz, keradus) * bug #1048 MultilineArrayTrailingCommaFixer, SingleArrayNoTrailingCommaFixer - using heredoc inside array not cousing to treat it as multiline array (keradus) * bug #1043 PhpdocToCommentFixer - also check other control structures, besides foreach (ceeram) * bug #1045 OrderedUseFixer - fix namespace order for trailing digits (rusitschka) * bug #1035 PhpdocToCommentFixer - Add static as valid keyword for structural element (ceeram) * bug #1020 BracesFixer - fix missing braces for nested if elseif else (malengrin) * minor #1036 Added php7 to travis build (fonsecas72) * minor #1026 Fix typo in ShortArraySyntaxFixer (tommygnr) * minor #1024 code grooming (keradus) Changelog for v1.5 ------------------ * feature #887 Added More Phpdoc Fixers (GrahamCampbell, keradus) * feature #1002 Add HeaderCommentFixer (ajgarlag) * feature #974 Add EregToPregFixer (mbeccati) * feature #970 Added Php4ConstructorFixer (mbeccati) * feature #997 Add PhpdocToCommentFixer (ceeram, keradus) * feature #932 Add NoBlankLinesAfterClassOpeningFixer (ceeram) * feature #879 Add SingleBlankLineBeforeNamespaceFixer and NoBlankLinesBeforeNamespaceFixer (GrahamCampbell) * feature #860 Add single_line_after_imports fixer (ceeram) * minor #1014 Fixed a few file headers (GrahamCampbell) * minor #1011 Fix HHVM as it works different than PHP (keradus) * minor #1010 Fix invalid UTF-8 char in docs (ajgarlag) * minor #1003 Fix header comment in php files (ajgarlag) * minor #1005 Add Utils::calculateBitmask method (keradus) * minor #973 Add Tokens::findSequence (mbeccati) * minor #991 Longer explanation of how to use blacklist (bmitch, networkscraper) * minor #972 Add case sensitive option to the tokenizer (mbeccati) * minor #986 Add benchmark script (dericofilho) * minor #985 Fix typo in (mattleff) * minor #978 Token - fix docs (keradus) * minor #957 Fix Fixers methods order (GrahamCampbell) * minor #944 Enable caching of composer downloads on Travis (stof) * minor #941 EncodingFixer - enhance tests (keradus) * minor #938 Psr0Fixer - remove unneded assignment (keradus) * minor #936 FixerTest - test description consistency (keradus) * minor #933 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer - remove unneeded code, clarify description (ceeram) * minor #934 StdinFileInfo::getFilename - Replace phpdoc with normal comment and add back empty line before return (ceeram) * minor #927 Exclude the resources folder from coverage reports (GrahamCampbell) * minor #926 Update Token::isGivenKind phpdoc (GrahamCampbell) * minor #925 Improved AbstractFixerTestBase (GrahamCampbell) * minor #922 AbstractFixerTestBase::makeTest - test if input is different than expected (keradus) * minor #904 Refactoring Utils (GrahamCampbell) * minor #901 Improved Readme Formatting (GrahamCampbell) * minor #898 Tokens::getImportUseIndexes - simplify function (keradus) * minor #897 phpunit.xml.dist - split testsuite (keradus) Changelog for v1.4.2 -------------------- * bug #994 Fix detecting of short arrays (keradus) * bug #995 DuplicateSemicolonFixer - ignore duplicated semicolons inside T_FOR (keradus) Changelog for v1.4.1 -------------------- * bug #990 MultilineArrayTrailingCommaFixer - fix case with short array on return (keradus) * bug #975 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer - fix only when documentation documents sth (keradus) * bug #976 PhpdocIndentFixer - fix error when there is a comment between docblock and next meaningful token (keradus, ceeram) Changelog for v1.4 ------------------ * feature #841 PhpdocParamsFixer: added aligning var/type annotations (GrahamCampbell) * bug #965 Fix detection of lambda function that returns a reference (keradus) * bug #962 PhpdocIndentFixer - fix bug when documentation is on the end of braces block (keradus) * bug #961 Fixer - fix handling of empty file (keradus) * bug #960 IncludeFixer - fix bug when include is part of condition statement (keradus) * bug #954 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - fix new buggy case (keradus) * bug #955 ParenthesisFixer - fix case with list call with trailing comma (keradus) * bug #950 Tokens::isLambda - fix detection near comments (keradus) * bug #951 Tokens::getImportUseIndexes - fix detection near comments (keradus) * bug #949 Tokens::isShortArray - fix detection near comments (keradus) * bug #948 NewWithBracesFixer - fix case with multidimensional array (keradus) * bug #945 Skip files containing __halt_compiler() on PHP 5.3 (stof) * bug #946 BracesFixer - fix typo in exception name (keradus) * bug #940 Tokens::setCode - apply missing transformation (keradus) * bug #908 BracesFixer - fix invalide inserting brace for control structure without brace and lambda inside of it (keradus) * bug #903 NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer - fix bug with Windows style lines (GrahamCampbell) * bug #895 [PSR-2] Preserve blank line after control structure opening brace (marcaube) * bug #892 Fixed the double arrow multiline whitespace fixer (GrahamCampbell) * bug #874 BracesFixer - fix bug of removing empty lines after class' opening { (ceeram) * bug #868 BracesFixer - fix missing braces when statement is not followed by ; (keradus) * bug #861 Updated PhpdocParamsFixer not to change line endings (keradus, GrahamCampbell) * bug #837 FixCommand - stop corrupting xml/json format (keradus) * bug #846 Made phpdoc_params run after phpdoc_indent (GrahamCampbell) * bug #834 Correctly handle tab indentation (ceeram) * bug #822 PhpdocIndentFixer - Ignore inline docblocks (ceeram) * bug #813 MultilineArrayTrailingCommaFixer - do not move array end to new line (keradus) * bug #817 LowercaseConstantsFixer - ignore class' constants TRUE/FALSE/NULL (keradus) * bug #821 JoinFunctionFixer - stop changing declaration method name (ceeram) * minor #963 State the minimum version of PHPUnit in (SpacePossum) * minor #943 Improve the cookbook to use relative links (stof) * minor #921 Add changelog file (keradus) * minor #909 BracesFixerTest - no \n line in \r\n test (keradus) * minor #864 Added NoEmptyLinesAfterPhpdocsFixer (GrahamCampbell) * minor #871 Added missing author (GrahamCampbell) * minor #852 Fixed the coveralls version constraint (GrahamCampbell) * minor #863 Tweaked testRetainsNewLineCharacters (GrahamCampbell) * minor #849 Removed old alias (GrahamCampbell) * minor #843 integer should be int (GrahamCampbell) * minor #830 Remove whitespace before opening tag (ceeram) * minor #835 code grooming (keradus) * minor #828 PhpdocIndentFixerTest - code grooming (keradus) * minor #827 UnusedUseFixer - code grooming (keradus) * minor #825 improve code coverage (keradus) * minor #810 improve code coverage (keradus) * minor #811 ShortArraySyntaxFixer - remove not needed if statement (keradus) Changelog for v1.3 ------------------ * feature #790 Add docblock indent fixer (ceeram) * feature #771 Add JoinFunctionFixer (keradus) * bug #798 Add DynamicVarBrace Transformer for properly handling ${$foo} syntax (keradus) * bug #796 LowercaseConstantsFixer - rewrite to handle new test cases (keradus) * bug #789 T_CASE is not succeeded by parentheses (dericofilho) * minor #814 Minor improvements to the phpdoc_params fixer (GrahamCampbell) * minor #815 Minor fixes (GrahamCampbell) * minor #782 Cookbook on how to make a new fixer (dericofilho) * minor #806 Fix Tokens::detectBlockType call (keradus) * minor #758 travis - disable sudo (keradus) * minor #808 Tokens - remove commented code (keradus) * minor #802 Address Sensiolabs Insight's warning of code cloning. (dericofilho) * minor #803 README.rst - fix \` into \`\` (keradus) Changelog for v1.2 ------------------ * feature #706 Remove lead slash (dericofilho) * feature #740 Add EmptyReturnFixer (GrahamCampbell) * bug #775 PhpClosingTagFixer - fix case with T_OPEN_TAG_WITH_ECHO (keradus) * bug #756 Fix broken cases for AlignDoubleArrowFixer (dericofilho) * bug #763 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix receiving data in list context with omitted values (keradus) * bug #759 Fix Tokens::isArrayMultiLine (stof, keradus) * bug #754 LowercaseKeywordsFixer - __HALT_COMPILER must not be lowercased (keradus) * bug #753 Fix for double arrow misalignment in deeply nested arrays. (dericofilho) * bug #752 OrderedUseFixer should be case-insensitive (rusitschka) * minor #779 Fixed a docblock type (GrahamCampbell) * minor #765 Typehinting in FileCacheManager, remove unused variable in Tokens (keradus) * minor #764 SelfUpdateCommand - get local version only if remote version was successfully obtained (keradus) * minor #761 aling => (keradus) * minor #757 Some minor code simplify and extra test (keradus) * minor #713 Download php-cs-fixer.phar without sudo (michaelsauter) * minor #742 Various Minor Improvements (GrahamCampbell) Changelog for v1.1 ------------------ * feature #749 remove the --no-progress option (replaced by the standard -v) (fabpot, keradus) * feature #728 AlignDoubleArrowFixer - standardize whitespace after => (keradus) * feature #647 Add DoubleArrowMultilineWhitespacesFixer (dericofilho, keradus) * bug #746 SpacesBeforeSemicolonFixerTest - fix bug with semicolon after comment (keradus) * bug #741 Fix caching when composer is installed in custom path (cmodijk) * bug #725 DuplicateSemicolonFixer - fix clearing whitespace after duplicated semicolon (keradus) * bug #730 Cache busting when fixers list changes (Seldaek) * bug #722 Fix lint for STDIN-files (ossinkine) * bug #715 TrailingSpacesFixer - fix bug with french UTF-8 chars (keradus) * bug #718 Fix package name for composer cache (Seldaek) * bug #711 correct vendor name (keradus) * minor #745 Show progress by default and allow to disable it (keradus) * minor #731 Add a way to disable all default filters and really provide a whitelist (Seldaek) * minor #737 Extract tool info into new class, self-update command works now only for PHAR version (keradus) * minor #739 fix fabbot issues (keradus) * minor #726 update for installing dependencies (keradus) * minor #736 Fix fabbot issues (GrahamCampbell) * minor #727 Fixed typos (pborreli) * minor #719 Add update instructions for composer and caching docs (Seldaek) Changelog for v1.0 ------------------ First stable release.