* Dariusz RumiƄski * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled * with this source code in the file LICENSE. */ namespace PhpCsFixer\Tests\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\DocBlock; use PhpCsFixer\Tests\TestCase; /** * @author Graham Campbell * * @internal * * @covers \PhpCsFixer\DocBlock\DocBlock */ final class DocBlockTest extends TestCase { /** * This represents the content an entire docblock. */ private static string $sample = '/** * Test docblock. * * @param string $hello * @param bool $test Description * extends over many lines * * @param adkjbadjasbdand $asdnjkasd * * @throws \Exception asdnjkasd * asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd * kasdkasdkbasdasdasdjhbasdhbasjdbjasbdjhb * * @return void */'; public function testContent(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); self::assertSame(self::$sample, $doc->getContent()); self::assertSame(self::$sample, (string) $doc); } public function testEmptyContent(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(''); self::assertSame('', $doc->getContent()); } public function testGetLines(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $lines = $doc->getLines(); self::assertCount(15, $lines); foreach ($lines as $index => $line) { self::assertSame($doc->getLine($index), $line); } self::assertEmpty($doc->getLine(15)); } public function testGetAnnotations(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotations = $doc->getAnnotations(); self::assertCount(5, $annotations); foreach ($annotations as $index => $annotation) { self::assertSame($doc->getAnnotation($index), $annotation); } self::assertEmpty($doc->getAnnotation(5)); } public function testGetAnnotationsOfTypeParam(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotations = $doc->getAnnotationsOfType('param'); self::assertCount(3, $annotations); $first = ' * @param string $hello '; $second = ' * @param bool $test Description * extends over many lines '; $third = ' * @param adkjbadjasbdand $asdnjkasd '; self::assertSame($first, $annotations[0]->getContent()); self::assertSame($second, $annotations[1]->getContent()); self::assertSame($third, $annotations[2]->getContent()); } public function testGetAnnotationsOfTypeThrows(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotations = $doc->getAnnotationsOfType('throws'); self::assertCount(1, $annotations); $content = ' * @throws \Exception asdnjkasd * asdasdasdasdasdasdasdasd * kasdkasdkbasdasdasdjhbasdhbasjdbjasbdjhb '; self::assertSame($content, $annotations[0]->getContent()); } public function testGetAnnotationsOfTypeReturn(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotations = $doc->getAnnotationsOfType('return'); self::assertCount(1, $annotations); $content = ' * @return void '; self::assertSame($content, $annotations[0]->getContent()); } public function testGetAnnotationsOfTypeFoo(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); $annotations = $doc->getAnnotationsOfType('foo'); self::assertCount(0, $annotations); } public function testIsMultiLIne(): void { $doc = new DocBlock(self::$sample); self::assertTrue($doc->isMultiLine()); } /** * @dataProvider provideMakeMultiLIneCases */ public function testMakeMultiLIne(string $inputDocBlock, ?string $outputDocBlock = null, string $indent = '', string $newLine = "\n"): void { $doc = new DocBlock($inputDocBlock); $doc->makeMultiLine($indent, $newLine); if (null === $outputDocBlock) { $outputDocBlock = $inputDocBlock; } self::assertSame($outputDocBlock, $doc->getContent()); } /** * @return iterable */ public static function provideMakeMultiLIneCases(): iterable { yield 'It keeps a multi line doc block as is' => [ "/**\n * Hello\n */", ]; yield 'It keeps a multi line doc block as is with multiple annotations' => [ "/**\n * @foo\n *@bar\n */", ]; yield 'It keeps a multi line doc block with indentation' => [ "/**\n\t *@foo\n\t */", ]; yield 'It Converts a single line to multi line with no indentation' => [ '/** Hello */', "/**\n * Hello\n */", ]; yield 'It Converts a single line to multi line with correct indentation' => [ '/** Hello */', "/**\n * Hello\n */", ' ', ]; yield 'It Converts a single line to multi line with correct indentation and Line ending' => [ '/** Hello */', "/**\r\n * Hello\r\n */", ' ', "\r\n", ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideMakeSingleLineCases */ public function testMakeSingleLine(string $inputDocBlock, ?string $outputDocBlock = null): void { $doc = new DocBlock($inputDocBlock); $doc->makeSingleLine(); if (null === $outputDocBlock) { $outputDocBlock = $inputDocBlock; } self::assertSame($outputDocBlock, $doc->getContent()); } /** * @return iterable */ public static function provideMakeSingleLineCases(): iterable { yield 'It keeps a single line doc block as is' => [ '/** Hello */', ]; yield 'It converts a multi line doc block to a single line' => [ "/**\n * Hello\n */", '/** Hello */', ]; yield 'It converts a multi line doc block to a single line with annotation' => [ "/**\n * @foo\n */", '/** @foo */', ]; yield 'It converts a multi line doc block to a single line multiple empty lines' => [ "/**\n * @foo\n *\n *\n *\n * */", '/** @foo */', ]; yield 'It changes an empty doc block to single line' => [ "/**\n *\n */", '/** */', ]; yield 'It does not change a multi line doc block if it can\'t' => [ self::$sample, ]; } }